A leap of faith made the world much brighter. He had always believed he would be alone or any relationships he would have wouldn't cross the line of duties. After all, he kept to himself and threw himself in training for moons. He had been proven wrong when he had been approached by Oddpaw asking, no, demanding to be friends. There was simply no way he would reject it. How could he? As for Owlpaw? It was unexpected but welcomed. They've known each other forever, yet it wasn't until recently that they spoke. It was their love of birds that brought them together. Together... We're together now. Realization starts to sink in, despite being sandwiched by the pair, fur brushing against each other. And when it does, oh... Oh how giddy it makes him. None of them are sure how this works, but they did settle on one thing together. The three of them would share a nest. It seemed fair. No one would feel left out.

Their relationship was quite new and thankfully they would all learn together. However, there was one problem. He had forgotten about everyone else. Forgotten that Owlpaw's siblings would see them share a nest. Forgotten that Lupinepaw and Drowsypaw would see him with two other cats in the same nest. And he would continue to forget that fact as he entered the apprentice den, not paying any mind to the others already within. He has one mission after all. The hulking black tom walks over to his nest and freezes. Wait how are we doing this? Hazel eyes slowly blink before black paws return to his partners. "I know we said share a nest, but... How? Whose spot are we taking? My spot is over there if you both like it, then we can move there? I don't mind either way. All that matters to me is us being together." We do need a big enough space though... We might have to move somewhere else entirely. Hmmm...
  • please wait for @ODDPAW and @Owlpaw!
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlpaw
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
  • Wow
Reactions: Orangestar
Oddpaw walks alongside Crowpaw, brushing his pelt lightly against his partner’s dark one. With a silent bounce to his step and a soft smile placed on his maw. Together, together. We're together. Owlpaw, Crowpaw and me. He hums a little tone, as he trailed his half-lidded gaze towards his partners.. His partners! He feels growing infatuation wiggle its way into his beating heart. With graceful paws, and a carefree expression on his face he saunters his way into the apprentice's den. The pale patched calico took a glance at the other apprentices occupying the den with a tail twitch. He eventually ignores them in favor of a task at hand.

Oddpaw went over to his nest that was near the back, observing it with a hum. He was excited about building a very big nest with his partners, he couldn’t wait. Thoughts were swirling in his head, copper hued eyes sparkled with potential ideas. Snapping out of his thoughts, swiveling his silver cream ears towards Crowpaw's voice, he lifts his head up and turns to his dark pelted partner. He walks up to Crowpaw, opening his maw to answer the older apprentice's question. "Hmm, How about we use mine instead? Mine’s near the back of the den. Buuut," His head tilted to the side as his tail pointed to his nest, which was settled in the back of the den. ”Mine is a tad bit small to use as a nest base..I think hmm..” voice trailing off into soft mumbles, his mind already working out on how to combine their nests together.


  • no ref yet </3
  • ( ah.. a gift! how kind ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / polyamorous / padding after crowpaw & owlpaw
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone


The logistics of nest sharing hadn't been a big stress for Owlpaw which was a rarity. When making her own nest upon entering the apprentices den for the first time she had planned everything to the smallest details, the size of it, what she was using, where she wanted it, what she would do if she couldn't get the first, second or third placement that she wanted. That Owlpaw would have had a heart attack if she knew that herself in the current day went into this without thinking it through, especially that she was happy without thinking it through.

“I think your nest could work as a base Oddpaw, we can always try right? If it doesn't work then we'll try a different method” She didn't really think her place in the den had enough room to introduce a bigger nest. So if Oddpaw wanted to try with his then she would happily follow along. Besides, they could always try out using Crowpaws if it didn't work, if they started early enough then it wouldn't matter so much if it didn't work out. She fell silent for a moment as she started to consider the logistics of building a nest using Oddpaw's as a starter. Sure it was small, but they could build upon it though right? Crowpaw’s nest was larger so it could be a better starter but if Oddpaw was in a better location then it would be better to start there. Could they just drag Crowpaw’s nest over to where Oddpaw's nest is? They would need to be mindful of the other apprentices when doing this, she would hate to intrude on their spaces with this.

It hadn't really crossed Owlpaw's mind until now that this would be perceived by the other apprentices. She had been so stressed about merely talking with Crowpaw and Oddpaw that she was blindsided to the concept of public perception. Her mother knew about her feelings for Crowpaw after she had come in and rambled about her confusion about said feelings. That was the extent of it though, she hadn't told anyone else about her feelings and she hadn't said anything to anyone about Oddpaw at all. Realising she liked the calico in that way had been a recent development, but it was one that she for once felt like she could handle so she didn't feel the need to confide in anyone about it beforehand.

No matter, she refused to let her realisation take over this moment. At this moment she was happy and talking to her partners. They hadn't really labelled what they all were but it felt like the appropriate word to use, after all, her mother said that she was too young to be using the label of mates and she trusted her on that. “I really don't have a preference on who's spot we take, we'll figure it out. I'm just happy to be doing this with you both” it was weird, reassuring instead of stressing out but the change felt nice.

Ears perking up at the sound of the three apprentices' voices, Puddlemist stirred from where she lay dozing in a patch of sunlight. A yawn widening her jaws, the young warrior quickly slammed them shut once more and got to her paws, shaking away any excess grass or heather that had been caught in her fur. The SkyClanner blinked a few times so her eyes could adjust to the sunlight, and Puddlemist made her way over to the trio.

''Would you three like some help?'' She offered politely with a wave of her plumed, feathery tail. The blue-point tipped her head to the side curiously. ''What about Crowpaw's spot, hm? It's more shady, though it still has rays of sunlight flitting through. It'd keep you three comfortable, that's for sure,'' Puddlemist purred warmly, but her eyes widened with realization. ''Oh! I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Puddlemist.''
It's always nice to see his step brother getting along with other apprentices instead of being by himself, ears pricked as he listens from outside of the apprentice den. He's been keeping an eye on Crowpaw lately after their therapy session a while ago, making sure he doesn't get himself into anything bad. His eyes close shut as he listens to the conversations about nest making, the three friends suggesting using Crowpaw or Oddpaw's nest- Fi hums to himself.

He will never know what it's like to share his nest anymore, for he had forsaken the idea of a mate. He could always ask someone to rest with him just as friends, but it just didn't seem right to invade the high priest and his mate's space with a cat they aren't close with. Fireflypaw had been doing this job for too long now, losing his position wasn't an option at this point.

"Why don't you all just get some more moss and make one big nest?" He suggests aloud to the apprentices in the den, face turned away from the mouth of the den. He spoke loud enough for them to hear, but not loud enough to wake anyone from a nap. "Or you could combine your nests together."
Teasing words leave his maw, directed towards Oddpaw. "Are you really that small?" He hadn't thought about it much before. Oddpaw's size never mattered to him before. Why should it? The only reason why he noticed it now was because he thought about how nicely the calico would fit curled up against him or Owlpaw. Speaking of Owlpaw he can't help himself, "Are you sure? I wouldn't be able to fit in it, but I guess trying wouldn't hurt..." The more he looks at Oddpaw's nest in the corner he can't help wondering how much of himself would be able to fit in it. Maybe when I was moons younger I would've fit. He shakes his head, not wanting to be distracted. It is reassuring to no end that Owlpaw shares the sentiment of it not being super important where they put their nest or how they figure it out, but that the three of them will be together.

''Would you three like some help?"

A warrior interrupts them. She offers assistance if they need it and normally he'd tell her to buzz off for interrupting them, however, the presence of his partners soothes him enough not to hiss. At the sound of his name, hazel eyes narrow apprehensively. What about it? "Normally you're supposed to introduce yourself first then ask a question." Alright. Maybe he still had some bite after all. "Anyway. Hello Puddlemist." The boy glances towards Owlpaw and Oddpaw, the urge to press himself against them strong. "You're right. My spot is shady and has a little sun. It's in a corner too. Thank you for your input. I don't mind if you help. If Oddpaw and Owlpaw say no, then I do mind." For an apprentice he can be quite bold with his choice of words. Although the reality is that he's always spoke his mind. He didn't know how deep his words could cut. When he did, it was always too late. You're here!

The moment a familiar voice reaches his ears, he drops his nest immediately and rushes to its source."Firefly!" The apprentice doesn't think as he throws himself towards his older step brother, hugging him. It only lasts for a moment before he pulls away, beaming. "Are you free today?" It would appear as if the suggestions went through one ear and out the other, but you see... You're so busy, it's hard sometimes to talk to you. I know you say it's okay Firefly, but being a medicine cat is stressful. He recalls times he's delivered food to his step brother wanting to chat with him, yet unable to. There was always something to do or someone to attend to. As much as he wanted to converse with his brother, he couldn't. Fireflypaw had an important job in this clan. A job that he couldn't understand. All those plants, nasty smells, and so many cats to talk to... I think I'd lose it if I were a medicine cat apprentice. No one would want Crowpaw as a medicine cat apprentice for the simple fact that he would be frustrated enough to prolong treating a patient out of pettiness.

Anyhow, his happiness hasn't diminished from such woe. "I think in the end we're gonna combine our nests and add moss if it feels too small? Not sure. What we're really struggling with is where to put our nest." Last thing we want is someone to get upset 'cause we pushed them against the wall. I wouldn't like to be in the center of the den if we can help it. He shudders at the thought of being smack in the middle within the apprentices den. Not only is it a sheer lack of privacy to be the first nest anyone lays eyes on, but he wasn't keen on being surrounded by the other apprentices. He preferred the back of the den for that reason. Not to mention he wasn't exactly the smallest cat, so he naturally took up a lot of space.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlpaw
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
He snaps out of his mumbling stir as he hears his other partner's voice. He thinks for a moment, before agreeing with Owlpaw’s words on making his nest a base. "Ooo, yes! I agree." He nods and settles on his haunches, his usual serene smile resting on his face. Ears flicking back slightly, he let out a soft gasp as he blinked wide-eyed at Crowpaw's teasing words. ”Why, you..!” clamped his maw shut, pushing out his cheeks in a pout up at Crowpaw. Hmph! Meanie. The pale patched tom heard pawsteps approaching the three apprentice’s, he turned his head over his shoulder to spot a warrior. He raises a brow at the chattering Skyclanner, he twitches his tail slightly at the molly's voice. Though he doesn't care for the newcomer, he greets her with a small polite smile gracing his features. An sliver-cream ear flicked at the molly's words, finally getting a name out of the Skyclanner. "Hmm, You're.. right about how shady Crowpaw's spot is. I don’t mind..” He turns his head back to stare at said partner’s nest, it was big but they could make it much bigger.

A scent wafted near the entrance of the den, he angled his ears back to hear the pawsteps of one medicine cat apprentice. He hums in response to the star-touched feline's suggestion that they’d gather additional moss to form a large nest. He quite likes the idea. Chirping out a "Hello, Fireflypaw!" as he observed the blind longhaired point from his spot. Copper eyes blink as he watches Crowpaw almost bawl the poor cat over. He agrees with the dark apprentice's words on Where to put our nest. The pastel splashed calico peers at the nest of Crowpaw's, Owlpaw’s and his.

He tilted his head to think on where to put their big new nest. He doesn't want to be smack dab in the middle of the apprentice's den, he at least likes his privacy. ”This is troublesome.” He clicks his tongue, as his brows knitted together in a small pout more or less. It really is hard to pick a new spot.


  • no ref yet </3

  • ( beware of the silliness!! ) ODDPAW HE / THEY ; fine with gendered terms. bi-pan / single / polyamorous / padding after crowpaw & owlpaw ; TEN MOONS OLD. apprentice of skyclan. ages every 7th on each month. ╱ PENNED BY CALZONE ----------------------------------------
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes. his medium lengthed fur gives him an illusion of a smaller size, thought it's quickly dispersed by his long legs given to him by his windclanner mother. — oddpaw is a strange creature, with a smile always settled on his face showing off his sharp pearly whites. not really showing his darker side to his... skyclanner clanmates. deep in the dark, muddy depths of his heart he holds a great loathing towards this so-called starclan these clanners praise the sun and stars with all their beings... he doesn't get it! who cares for a bunch of dead cats beyond the grave? not him thats for sure. maybe he'll change his mind, but it'll take a while to believe in the cryptic ghosts.
    ʬʬ MIKA xx CREEPER, little brother to an unknown big brother. —— KNOWS OF HIS HERITAGE TO WINDCLAN, BUT DOESN'T WANT TO CAUSE TROUBLE