Hi everybody! Things have been a little chaotic with recent happenings, so to help get things rolling back to our normal, I got the okay to host a little OOC prompts thing! These will mostly be given out by me and Marq as lead warriors, but there may be a few cameos from the others on the HP team as well! :3c

These will mostly be based around actions, things that inspire open threads and interactions between multiple people, maybe even asking that you approach someone to fulfill the prompt with. But if you'd like, I will also add a development question / prompt alongside it!

Just drop a reply if you're interested!
@Wolf_Morgue In the aftermath of the blizzard's melt, prey has begun to temporarily emerge from dripping tunnels. And with this came sightings of a massive hare, nearly beyond all belief. Grab a hunting patrol, and tell the story of catching it!

@icepaw You find something frightening in the tunnels beneath WindClan's territory. Make a tunnelers-only thread to explore the encounter itself, and what sort of effects it has on Icepaw.

@SNAILPAW You've found a delightful spot to nap, even despite all of the rain! Your mentor does not find this so delightful. Make a thread sharing your nap spot with a friend, or friends! Or, if you'd prefer, share how your mentor reacts.

@WOLFSONG You stumble across a memory in the moors. Maybe it's the way your paw print looks in the mud, or a specific scent carried on the breeze. What is it? How does it make you feel?

@Blobl Everyone has things in their life that they should pass on to the next generation. Share one of those realizations, either through action or a story. Maybe your character saves someone with their knowledge, or maybe they just express a pet peeve. Pass on some knowledge, whatever it may be!

@Kitty-Kat- A noise breaks the silence in WindClan's camp, loud enough to pull you and others from their sleep. What happened?

@ava In all the chaos of things going on lately, someone has been looking after Soot by offering prey, herbs, or simply a comforting word or smile. Plot out this role with someone OOC, and write about Soot's reaction! How does she feel? Does she return the favor?

@Rai Juniper has become an intimidating figure throughout WindClan. What if something silly were to happen to him? Would he be embarrassed, enraged, or would he take it in stride? Write about a small public stumble of some sort, and how he manages from there.
@SMOKEPAW Something goes wrong in the tunnels. It isn't disastrous, thank StarClan, but it scares you, and forces you to confront the difficulty of your job. How do you feel? Does this change your thoughts on a life in these tunnels?

@Sheogorath Tiger finally gets a break from watching Dandy! Yay! ....kind of. He gets a small injury that would warrant him returning to the medicine den, if only for a small checkup. Does he go?

@bunnywhisker You didn't get all the way through your tunneler training, but you must have some memories of it. A skill that you learned comes back to bite you, or maybe save you, as a moor runner. What happened? Does it make you feel anything in particular?

@cobatic Your family is in shambles. One of your clanmates takes their distrust of Dandy out on you. Though nothing physical, the biting words are enough to sting most any soul. Is there anyone that you reach out to for comfort?