JEEP WRANGLER GRILL [ introduction to camp ]

Jun 11, 2023
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
// set a couple days after this!

The first few nights spent in the nursery went.. okay. Falconkit felt trapped, considering the normal range of freedom he had. But that was okay. He knew things would change, he considered, but it was hard. He longed to see his dad again, the sewer cats that he had considered family. But he knew that wasn't possible, not yet. Skyclan. That's where he was. His two sisters had come with him, and food was easy to come by here. I hope Da' is eating okay. He thought to himself, and bit on his tongue to keep from tears welling up.

Falconkit pushed to his paws, pushing his way out of the nursery- he didn't look back to see if Yukio or his sisters would follow- and winced at the sunlight that filtered in. Cats moved and spoke around camp, and he followed each of their moments in a moment of awe. He shook himself out of it, picking up his pace to settle himself where the sunlight brushed in camp. It was warm the nursery, and warm outside- Greenleaf was here- but you couldn't beat sunlight. Falconkit sat, tilting his head back and closing his eyes as he leaned into it.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
Seeing Vermilionsun has spurned Blazestar's mind to a thousand dark places. The kits cannot know the last time their father was in camp was as a prisoner—but part of him wonders if they can feel that energy still from the corner where the flame point had been kept. Centipedepaw weighs on his mind, and then Kuiper, executed to bits in the middle of camp for crimes Vermilionsun had been wrongly accused of.

The Ragdoll has kept half an eye on the nursery since he'd brought the three of them to Yukio. He sees a small striped face poke from the entrance of the holly-wrapped den, blinking blue eyes into vast sunlight. With bated breath, Blazestar approaches him, trying for a smile. "Falconkit," he greets the young tomkit. "What do you think of your new home so far?"

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Falconkit, Zapkit, Mothkit. Three new kits, even bigger and older than Cherrykit, and they smelled awful. Like damp, moldy air with no wind; like greasy stone and plagued waters. Yukio's flowery scent had drowned it out a little, but Cherrykit almost threw a tantrum when she was still expected to sleep in the crowded, stinky nursery that night. They've gotten a little better after they've aired out in camp for a few days, but she considers Mothkit's and Zapkit's attitudes beyond repair. Falconkit is tolerable, as long as he doesn't get too close to her. He reminds her of a stinkier Lupinekit.

Curiosity drags her out of the nursery today, and she immediately spots the dandelion behemoth of Blazestar's form cruising towards one of SkyClan's newest. Wanting to see what he had done to warrant the leader's attention, she, too, trots over to join them. Preemptively and very obviously, she covers her nose with a paw. "SkyClan's great, isn't it?" she purrs nasally.​
It was safe to say that he didn't like the new kits that joined them. Not because he personally hated them more so the fact that they stunk and the nursery was getting more cramped. The reality is that he was very much growing and soon he would be an apprentice, which was something he didn't want to unpack yet. Fun fact, he actually threw a tantrum when one of Falconkit's siblings drew near his mother and siblings. This had happened after a good few times of the new kits moving around their new home. His mother had trouble calming him down that day because he was tired of the stench Falconkit. In a way he voiced Cherrykit's displeasure in sharing a den with their new friends? Yukio did help in some way but there was something called too much. The only way his mother had calmed him was bringing extra flowers into their nest to make the stench bearable. Funny enough he bolted out of the den as soon as he could to spare his nostrils anymore suffering.

Blazestar is still suspicious in his eyes. Their leader was friends with his mother. Supposedly. He couldn't quite believe the leader fully, so he would be keeping an eye on him. He watches as Cherrykit bounds over to the pair and decides to follow along. Falconkit's scent has gotten better but he can't help but scrunch his face in discomfort from their lingering moldy scent. He offers no further words, deciding that Cherrykit has done the speaking for both of them. All that he offers is a flick of his puffy tail in greeting.
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
The scent hit him first- Blazestar. He had become familiar with the ragdoll's smell first. It was offensive to his nose, likely as offended as Cherry and Crow were at Falconkit's, but he had slowly adjusted. He hadn't a choice, after all. He pried his eyes open- after all, he was almost dozing in the sunlight- and stiffened up a bit at the Leader's presence. He smiled at him, ears lowering a bit. Nervous. That's what Falconkit felt most after arriving, terrified of his new surroundings. But he didn't have an option, so he puffed out his chest and wore a smile, hoping that it covered it all up.

What did he think? "It.. isn't home. But it's not bad." He replied quietly, but he grew distracted as the others joined in. Two of the kits that had whined and complained at him and his sisters. Keeping Zapkit from starting a fight was already hard enough. Cherrykit covering his nose caused his ears to flatten far enough, but as Crowkit joined in with his nose scrunching and no word of inspiration, his eyes drifted away from the pair of them. And as he spoke, he fought hard to keep his tone even. He wanted to rage and scream all of a sudden, but he was better then that, right? "Skyclan is Skyclan." Yeah, that was totally a descriptive statement. "Food and Shelter. It makes living possible, right?" He shrugged his shoulders, that interest he had shown to Blazestar diminished at Cherrykit and Crowkit.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK