- Jan 26, 2024
- 294
- 117
- 43
Marblepaw decides to make herself useful; her futile attempt at hunting had gone seriously awry, her prey snatched by WindClan's thieving jaws. She still fumes as she picks her way through the marshland, tasting the air for anything, anything useful... the nursery is so crowded, and though so far their Clan seems to remain on steady paws, she fears the results of their incoming assault on ThunderClan territory. She knows that even with their seemingly assured victory, blood will be shed on both sides, and she wants to make sure she and Starlingheart have plenty of herbs to spare when her Clanmates return, wounded but victorious.
The pale tabby scents through the marshgrass, her eyes like slivers of dried moss in her narrow face. She is a little too close to the Carrionplace for her liking, and the scent of Twoleg garbage is throwing her senses off, but she knows this is the best place to collect chervil and some other herbs, so she is determined to push through it.
And — there, by the silver netting that covers the inside of the Carrionplace! A thick, ferny plant grows, struggling against the frozen earth. Marblepaw's breath puffs with excited laughter as she rushes to harvest the chervil. "Look! See if you can find anymore! It's good for infection," she explains to her Clanmates breathlessly.
The pale tabby scents through the marshgrass, her eyes like slivers of dried moss in her narrow face. She is a little too close to the Carrionplace for her liking, and the scent of Twoleg garbage is throwing her senses off, but she knows this is the best place to collect chervil and some other herbs, so she is determined to push through it.
And — there, by the silver netting that covers the inside of the Carrionplace! A thick, ferny plant grows, struggling against the frozen earth. Marblepaw's breath puffs with excited laughter as she rushes to harvest the chervil. "Look! See if you can find anymore! It's good for infection," she explains to her Clanmates breathlessly.
- ooc: rolled a 14 (2 points) so found some chervil :3 please note they are just outside the carrionplace! this takes place in some nebulous time before the assault on thunderclan
Marblekit. Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
— "speech", thoughts, attack
— 10 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
— mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
— shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue.siltcloudx lilacfur, gen 3.
— currently mated to n/a.
— penned by Marquette.
sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.