private just an evening - cedar


i've found catharsis in every wave
Oct 17, 2022
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Day was sweeping itself across the sky, settling to vibrant oranges and pinks. Summer had shown them more pink and purple sunsets - those were her favorite. Winter was too cruel for enjoyment. It was the season of reaping - plucking squirrels from sleeping hollows, or digging through trash for rats. They took what they needed to soothe the ache of their bellies. All was fair in the name of survival.

One of the most eerie occurrences of leaf-bare to them was the stillness of the forest. It dripped silence, when there should be the buzzing of cicadas. Wintertime was the absence of life. The earth slept. So did they - evenings were filled with sharing tongues, as most were familiar with the bitter chill brought with dusk. Resting spared them from being hungry; less energy exerted meant one could spare a meal.

Bounceheart averted her gaze from the sky. They sighed, and watched their breath condensate before them. So cold. A brief glance around camp revealed piles of cats around camp - twos and threes gathered around to share warmth. Apprentices chattered, flocking between groups to gossip or tantalize each other.
Then, there was Cedarblaze across the camp. She wondered why she would sit by herself. It was hypocritical - though, Bounce was accustomed to isolation so it was easy to overlook.

Too quickly, she weaved her way around groups. Bits of conversation were picked up on the way (something about an old apprentice, that sickly Shellkit, and other more outlandish rumors) but she would only roll blue eyes in passing. Sharing tongues meant grooming and gossiping, you could hardly get one without the other.

As they approached, they figured they should say something to not scare her. "Aren't you cold, Cedar?" White paws halted before the aforementioned warrior.

Leaf-bare brought back some memories of her time in the Ripple Colony. She had been born and raised as a colony member, so she was still unused to Riverclan. Even though she was taught the rules of the clan and the boundaries she now had to follow, it was still very much unusual. After all, the colony never stood in one place after all. Home was not a place it was the cats within the colony themselves. She could remember the time they stood on a mountain and made a camp there for awhile before heading down into the forest. The cold was harsh and the winds pierced her bones. The only reason why she managed was because of her colonymates. Or if things really got tough she would dig out a hole and sleep in it. Eventually she became accustomed to the cold.

There were warriors, apprentices, and kits mucking about. Amber eyes would gaze in longing. These cats were not her colonymates. Even though now she was part of them she didn't quite feel like she was with them. She was just an outsider who they kept around because she took duties seriously and provided meals on the table. I kinda miss the elders nagging at me. Wonder if they're doing okay. Feeling no connection towards the Riverclanners she remains alone. Dawnstorm had decided to go hunting and Thornmask... We don't even want to talk about him.

It's safe to say amber eyes harden as she's approached by a Riverclanner. To Bounceheart, Cedarblaze screams unfriendly with the glare she gives. It's very much intentional. Why are they coming here? If they don't turn around in the next second... Scaring Cedarblaze was difficult. To be honest she quite hated when cats were trying to toe around the issue or what they wanted to say. Cedarblaze was just about ready to bare her fangs and hiss, but is left puzzled when she is asked a question. Her head tilts, "Cedar? Whose th-, oh riiight. Forgot that's my name now. Still sounds weird to hear. Ugh, what was wrong with Sasha anyway?

"A little, but it's not too bad. Any worse I'd dig a hole or ask somecat to share a nest with me." There's no use in lying. It is chilly, but it's not to the point where she curses the world for not having long fur. "Whaddya want? You came to talk to me, you've never done that. If you want to share a nest, then that's fine. I don't mind." Dunno why'd you ask me instead of your clanmates though. It was perfectly reasonable for Cedarblaze to assume that Bounceheart was cold and was trying to ask someone to cuddle up with to beat the cold. What didn't make sense is why Bounceheart would ask a stranger.

  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 24 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

RiverClan was littered with oafish and hard-hearted cats. They knew plenty of them. At this point, Bounceheart let it roll off her shoulders. Plus, she could not decipher brutishness and genuine rudeness. Many times she had been told to buzz off, when she was just trying to make someone feel better.
Usually her stubbornness would not allow her to leave them alone.

The other's confusion caused her to tilt her head to the side. That was when they recalled the circumstances of Cedarblaze joining their clan. It was less a choice, and likely more out of necessity. Maybe she is alone, because she wants to be. No matter, as she had already extended an invitation that the blue tabby took without hesitation. "Wellll.. since you offered," she nestled down at her side. "Just remember, it was your idea." Teasing was one of their forms of affection. With all the best intentions, pestering it may seem.
She shuffled a bit, curling her tail over white paws to fight off chilly toes. "I came over here because you looked lonely." It was really that simple. She had never been one to conceal ulterior motives. Maybe emotions, but she never had ill-intentions for her clan-mates.
Considering Cedarblaze's status as a former ripple colony member, the endless slew of questions began to bubble over in her mind.
"Are you enjoying RiverClan..?" It seemed not, but she wanted to ask directly.
The reaction was immediate. A roll of her eyes and a shake of her head because of the way Bounceheart had said it. You're a snake. Twistin' my words like that. Hehe, I like it. She can't help but smile as Bounceheart nestles down at her side, "Just remember... You could've said no. Just sayin'." It appears that teasing was the correct move considering Cedarblaze has softened up a bit and is even reciprocating some banter. The usual bite laced with her words is replaced with a nip. Despite her cold demeanor she is quite the hidden softie as her friend Frondfeather once said.

If Bounceheart was expecting to be rejected, then she would be in for a surprise while Cedarblaze let her get into a more comfortable position. Amber eyes noticed that a tail was curled around white paws and without thinking about it, she would curl her tail around Bounceheart's own and place a paw over a white one. Is this better? You're cold. If she had done something wrong or crossed a line, then she wouldn't have known or even apologize for it if she was yelled at. Before she can ask Bounceheart if she feels warm enough, the Riverclan warrior states that she looked lonely. A few moments of silence pass before she answers, "Do you... Are you worried?" Frondfeather said to be gentle.

Cedarblaze loathes being vulnerable. She masks it with jokes or snaps at other's, but this is not the same. Bounceheart is a Riverclan warrior. Meaning, that if she snapped and slapped Bounceheart across the face the consequences would be more dire. She was no longer under the protection of the elders. They would shake their heads and tell her to think about her actions before making stay up all night in silence. She's tense and with gritted teeth she mews, "Not really, but I don't hate Riverclan. It's just not home. It's... Different."

  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

The remark brought a faint chortle from her and a slight smirk to her maw. Bounceheart, too, enjoyed banter. It was affectionate, light-hearted. Like a little boy on the playground. Plus, it was no fun dishing without taking some back. In her experience, when the other stopped making comebacks, it was a sign a joke had gone amiss.

In lieu of pulling away, Cedarblaze surprised them with a display of comfort instead. Maybe she isn't as bitter as she seems. Warmth was replaced by the nipping chill on her cheeks, and she pushed down a purr rising in her throat. Winter's temperatures brought them all closer together, the air just beckoned them to get cozy with each other.

When her fretting came to question, she dipped her head in a silent and solemn 'yes'. Most of the Ripple Colony had found ways to isolate themselves from the clan they had joined. Hence her query of how Cedarblaze was feeling about it. They had expected the colony members to stick together even after joining, but simultaneously wondered what it would take for them to feel at home. They slept in the same dens, shared food if they could, invited them to patrols and even the gatherings. After Bounceheart had joined RiverClan, it took them several moons to assimilate. In a way, she understood. With a family of rogues, they had no real home until RiverClan. Even then, it had not felt like home at first.
"I know the feeling.." she admits, "but one day, I don't even know what happened, it just clicked. Now, I can't imagine leaving these cats." Another glance around at the mellow camp full of RiverClanners. "I'm wishing that for you guys, too." It was somewhere between Smokethroat teaching her to fish, and the StarClan thing. Then, there was last winter with the river - even though they were fighting the waves, an undeniable peace had washed over her. As if she were to have drowned then, it was exactly where she was meant to be. ​
Bounceheart is proving herself to be someone she can trust. Although, it's bold of her to assume that she knows what Cedarblaze herself is thinking. Arrogant. Her whiskers twitches in irritation. Bounceheart means well she knows that, but it rubs her the wrong way. She does allow Bounceheart to finish without interruption. "You don't know the feeling. You will never feel what I'm feeling or even know it." It sounds harsh and it is. However, Cedarblaze doesn't pull away and leave her stranded like a fool. Had anyone else pass by they would've labeled her an asshole. Not that she cares. She doesn't see why telling Bounceheart this is bad. It is correct. Just as Cedarblaze herself will never know what Bounceheart is feeling or experience it the same way.

"What if I'm not wishing for that? What if all I want to do is repay Riverclan and leave? Would you wish for that too?" Deacon, known as Thornmask comes to mind. He has never been happy here and in fact told the lot of them he refuses to be called anything other than Deacon. It's good. He makes it easier. She doesn't have to force herself to call him Thornmask. How much longer before you leave this place? She doesn't care if Bounceheart would find this treasonous and it doesn't occur to her that she could find herself in deep trouble for saying this. Considering she was lying in the first place. Even though she doesn't love this place as much as the colony, she has no plans of leaving it.

Then, she scoffs. "I'm kiddin'. I decided I wouldn't be leaving this place. Even if you're all weirdos, I'll stick with you lot till I'm dead. I'll miss movin' around though. The colony doesn't stick in one place for too long, so it'll be a pain for awhile to be trapped here." Uhm. It's very unclear whether she loves or she hates this place. Although, she is honest when she says that she'll stay. Maybe Bounceheart would find some relief in that.

  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Be it anyone else, they may have winced and fumbled on some apology trying to say oh no, I didn't mean it like that but her world was more black-and-white. Bounceheart meant what she had said - when she joined RiverClan, she could not fish and was clumsy in the water. Clumsy with her words.. it took moons to learn to mask. Somethings about how she acted unnerved other cats; recently, the river had frozen and she grew unreasonably upset to the notice of a particular apprentice and his mentor. Then, there were times she roused to ecstatic bouncing at the sight of a calmer river.

Taking her words literally, she nodded her head and considered that Cedarblaze had it much differently. Joined with other group mates, but into a much fuller RiverClan and not on their own terms. There was no warrior code when Ash became Bounceheart but Cedarblaze had to dedicate her life to a purpose she did not know. Grace was given to Bounceheart, she had time to learn, be foolish, and grow with the clans around her.

Though blue eyes had floated off and she seemed to zone out (ear flicking idly) this only meant she was truly listening. Rhetorical question flew over her head and she snaps her head back to look at Cedarblaze with wide eyes and a slightly ajar mouth. "I mean- if that's what you really want." They don't move when she says it was only a joke. Only scowls a bit - their face is practically a window to their mind in vulnerable moments. And again, it's wiped by a toothy grin. "Oh- no- you had me for a second there. If you lot were gonna go, you would miss us too much! Fish would never be the same." Nor would they have homelessickness. "Hypothetically, where would you go? Live on the farm?" It was as much a joke as genuine question - where was home to a traveler? ​