pafp just keep swimming — weird dreams

So far, his hunt is going great! He feels pretty impressed with himself; in one go he's caught a catfish, salmon, and a trout! These will feed RiverClan for days, for sure! He smiles warmly at the thought, this is enough for today. He crouches down to pick up the caught fish, but before his mouth reaches one, water splashes onto him. He lets out a gasp of surprise, and quickly whirls around to face the river, a tailfin splashing the water. "What in StarClan is that?! I've never seen a tailfin that big before!" He mews loudly, as this mysterious fish taunts him with another slap of a tailfin against the water. "Oh, you're on!" Without a thought of hesitation, the long furred warrior plunges into the river. He swims like he is a natural born swimmer, locking his eyes on the mysterious silhouette before him. StarClan, he thought catfish were huge, but they look quite tiny when compared to... this!

Without a second to lose, his claws quickly latch onto the fish. He sinks his fangs into the flesh and bites down, trying to hold on as hard as he can as it struggles beneath his grip. He seems to pay no mind to the fact that he hasn't gone up to breathe in a good minute or two, and focuses the rest of his attention onto this gigantic fish. ....It's nearly as long as a twoleg! If he catches it, RiverClan won't have to hunt for days! As he continues to fight the fish, the long blue fish begins to grow weak. Triumph flashes in his olive green eyes as the beast goes limp, breaking the surface of the river with the steel blue fish in his jaws. He trudges back onto shore and drags the behemoth onto the grass, his fur sopping wet. For a second, he takes a look at the catch he just made. The fish is quite large, in both size & weight, and has irregular vertical bars on it's side. It's like no fish he has ever seen before, and pride swells in his chest. Now, he's just going to drag this all the way back to camp.... He lifts the fish by it's tail and begins to trudge his way to camp with it, and everything starts to fade away.....

"Get up, Foxtail! You're on the morning hunting patrol!"

He blinks tiredly, and rises to his paws. He yawns as he stretches his paws out, trying to process everything. So, he didn't catch a fish as big as a twoleg and drag it to camp? He steps out of the warriors den, and makes a glance towards the freshkill pile. Nope, no steel blue fish on that pile. It would be too hard to miss it! Well, he has to tell someone about this crazy dream before he starts to forget it! He trots over to the patrol, his olive green eyes landing on Robinheart. Ah yes, Robinheart! He's sure that she would love to hear about this dream of his, right? They've always seemed to get along; he was glad she was on the patrol with him! "G-good morning Robinheart!" He tries to stop himself from yawning as he mews, padding over. "I just had the craziest dream!"

The patrol makes it's way into RiverClan territory, but at the moment the young warrior seems.... a tad distracted. "...I-I dreamt that I was fishing at the main river," He recalls his dream, as he tastes the air for any land prey that might be lurking prey. "And I caught this huge fish! It was as long as an adult twoleg!" He tells his younger clanmate, "It was blue, and had irregular vertical bars on it's side. ...N-Nothing like I've seen before." It's crazy what the mind can make up when they sleep, huh? Just imagine Foxtail swimming with ease, ha!

  • first two paragraphs are a dream sequence! he doesn't actually catch a wahoo ahaha + please wait for @robinheart to post!
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the mini & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    17 moons


Robinheart fears dreams - she fears her inward mind creating stories of softness and tenderness borne between lovers; stories of domestic life with the very one who had severed their bond and abandoned her in a time of need. The tortoiseshell cannot relive that heartbreak. She won’t. So sleep comes in short burst, just enough to fend off fabrications of the mind.

There is a sprig of jealousy festering in bleeding heart as she waits for Foxtail to wake and join their morning hunt. He must be ankle deep in a wonderful dream to need to be roused and reminded of his duties. Robinheart will not let that jealousy show, not while the patchwork tom approaches with good tidings on his tongue and excitement alighting earthy eyes. “Good morning Foxtail,” the young warrior greets in return, finding a soft smile to etch across her weary features. Despite how she may feel, he is still her friend and deserves the best version of herself she can offer.

The patrol wastes no time heading out into the territory. Robinheart flicks an ear, angling it towards her patrol mate, as he recounts his dream. A wondrous tale indeed. “A fish as long as a twoleg? That is massive!” The tortoiseshell remarks as she looks directly at Foxtail with nonexistent brows raised. She has spent more than enough time around adult twolegs, she knows just how large they are. To imagine a fish that size is near impossible - she supposes that is why it was only possible in a dream. “Too bad there are no actual fish that large in the river,” she continues. Riverclan would be so well fed if there were Foxtail dream sized fish in the river to be caught.
[ penned by kerms ]

Quickjaw wasn't a big dreamer, aside from the occasional swim in a deep river or conversation with a long-lost cat, there was an emptiness to the flame point's sleep that he felt perfectly aloof to. Kicking the pebbles near his paws in boredom, the young warrior's tail lashed with an impatient fury waiting for the last member of the morning's hunting patrol to rise out of bed. A "Finally," escaped his maw when Foxtail finally emerged, but, it was a transgression shortly forgiven by the passage of time. Red ears twitched at the gossip behind him, something about a dream, and inclined his head slightly to eavesdrop. The exclamation made his mouth water, StarClan what he wouldn't give to be able to gorge on a fish that huge. Licking his lips, Quickjaw could picture the giant piscine, its scales shimmering in the river, the absolute challenge it would be to get it out on the bank. How many RiverClanners would it even take to kill a thing like that? Robinheart spoke up and a scoff left his maw involuntarily, licking his lips as if the information he was about to share was just that juicy.

"Hah, that's not true!" He smirked at Robinheart. "One of the warriors told me about a fish with a mouth like a duck and a buncha fins that is bigger than a Twoleg! And it's real." Did he have proof? Not necessarily, but it was a rumour he'd been dying to share on his clanmate's behalf since the moment he heard it all them moons ago. A name had been attached to the mystery fish, but in his excitement, Quickjaw couldn't remember it. "Oooor, maybe they're the same fish..." he reasoned with Foxtail, as if trying not to overshadow his dream. They weren't the same fish, but the flame point had no real way of knowing that until he saw the fish that the older warriors had been talking about. "...and you're just getting prophecies of a good hunt. I hope so, I'm starving."

Dreams came easily to the sleepy-eyed swimmer. Whisking him away on a grand though sometimes strange adventures. Mind creating stories of softness and tenderness of the moonlit skies. A bit of disappointment when he wakes up from a conversation of a long-lost relative or a random cat he never knew.

A bit of disappointment wove it's way into his stomach, as he woke up with a yawn splitting his mouth. Roused from a wnoderful dream on getting ganged up on by rowdy kittens, from his past of friends he had on his travels. He twitches an ear, as he sleepily gazed up at his clanmates from his nest. He suppose it's time for a hunting party, with a brief huff he gets up onto his paws slinking out of his nest. The chimera approaches his three denmates with a soft smile curling on his face. "Good morning you three." He emerges from the warriors den, sweeping his plumed tail behind him.

He sauntered behind the patrol, glancing around the territory with half squinted eyes. He angled his head to eavesdrop, on the conversation ahead of him. Blue ears twitched at the gossip about a dream Foxtail had. He was amused at the aspect of a fish as long as a Twoleg. He has spent some time around adult Twolegs, he knows how large and lumbering they are. "Wished there was a fish as big as a Twoleg, It'll be incredible to see." voicing out his own input. He could imagine what a grand prize the mystery fish would be, its scales shimmering under the water it'll be quite a challenge. Hearing Quickjaw reason on how maybe they're the same fish was interesting. He turns his head over at the flame point with a nod. "Maybe so." He agrees with the young warrior. If the fish was real, it'll feed Riverclan for a moon He muses to himself.


  • no ref yet </3
  • ( well, that was.. interesting ) FOGSHORE : warrior of riverclan
    𓇼 non-binary ; HE / HIM ; currently 33 moons
    𓇼 bisexual / single / sort of looking / open to crushes
    𓇼 LH blue smoke & SH white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
    𓇼 action , thoughts , "Speech, 9EB8D9"
    𓇼 smells of freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
    ic notes: has light sensitive eyes.
    squints in the sunlight.

    - tags / @ on discord for plot
    - penned by calzone


Tigersplash is a morning-bird always up and at it before the sun even parted the horizon, often he'd just spend the morning grooming his fur or relaxing in the sunlight until he was called on patrol. Sure beauty sleep was nice but his fur often got tangled in his bedding or matted, he was a very messy sleeper always tossing and turning he can't say why. He didn't have any nightmares none that he remembered anyway as of late, it was just a habit he had since he was a kit. Finally the call he waits for comes and he eagerly runs towards the forming patrol, tail swung high and a smile resting on his face. As he approaches he lightly bumps Foxtail affectionately with his shoulder to greet him as he settles close to him. He's talking about a dream he had about a giant fish and he's envious - he wants dreams like that, that'd be sick! However he finds it surprising that he'd dream of something of the sort, it's promising though if he's thinking about swimming in such a positive light. Maybe one day he'd find that massive fish a silly prophecy but one that's shared in sentiment by Quickjaw and Fogshore.

"It'll take all of us to take a bugger like that down" she remarks "I know we could do it but a fish that big might try to eat us as well" the idea is comical to her, it felt unreal. So did the idea of Hawkcloud getting bitten by a turtle though... The thought is uncomfortable she brushes past it as much as she can "Can you imagine that, our dinner making us dinner? Unbelievable right?" she jests