camp JUST TAKE MY HAND // bringing kit back

// this is timeline wise the second kit to be found!
@ThePotato @COPPERFANG. @skyclaw @antlerpaw! @FRECKLEFLAME tagging patrol members! and queens @ROEFLAME . @Moonwhisper @Flamewhisker

Howlingstar never thought she'd guide not one, but two kits into this camp only a day apart. Sparrowkit rests in the nursery, warm and fed and loved, thanks to Flamewhisker and the other queens. But now, she is about to give them yet another little one to nurture. Upon entering camp, she will give any nearby curious clanmates a tired look, one that says, yes, another one. She looks down at the kitten, then to her patrol-mates. "Would one of you be able to bring this little one something to eat from the fresh-kill pile?" She asks softly, brows knitting together. With her attention drawing back to the kit, she gestures with her head towards the nursery. "This way, little one. I want to introduce you to some cats."

She pads over to the bramble den and pokes her head inside, immediately scanning the three queens inside. "We have another one," She whispers lowly to them and gestures for them to come outside. As soon as they're out, she looks back to the kit and mews, "These three she-cats will take good care of you. They'll even help you find a comfy place to sleep, okay?"

howlingstar is a warm, educational presence as they walk, but freckleflame can tell exasperation in the thin lines of her eyes, a weary glance about as they push past the gorse tunnel and into the light of camp. heads lift, but murmurs do not erupt until out of earshot ; a small mercy, for the young kit. despite the vague pull of exhaustion pulling at her bones ( leafbare has not quite left her yet ), she felt just awful for the little she - cat. the other two, too. the way she was raised, she couldn’t fathom the pain of abandonment. not from her family — her family meant the world to her, but this molly would never know the mother that had left her. she wonders if it was the wolves. she bets it’s been the wolves.

her stomach churns and she decides to not be the one retrieving freshkill, but the tortoiseshell forces an encouraging purr as the tabby continues, meadowgreen eyes squinting down at the youth, ” and don’t you worry, they’re real sweet ; my best friend in th’ whole world lives in here.. my dad’s, too, now that i think ‘bout it. “ she hums after howlingstar, flicking the tail she’d been using to guide the kitten along against her tiny nose, smiling something she hoped was calm and easy as she makes to settle outside the nursery. the smell of heat and milk wafts from the bramble with each sway of its fern curtain ; absently, she wonders what this one would be named.. assuming her mother didn’t show back up.

  • i.

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    she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

In a fit of deja vu, Softpaw finds herself scurrying over to the fresh-kill pile to find an appropriately-sized piece of fresh-kill for the new, strange kitten that had been brought back to camp. Two kits in a row, found on ThunderClan territory without anything to their name - or lack thereof, as it was in Sparrowkit's case. She wondered if this kitten had a name at least. Even young as she was, Softpaw couldn't imagine leaving kits to the elements without a name.

"I hope you don't mind the intrusion," Softpaw said as she sat down the mouse she'd picked out - she knew that Howlingstar hadn't asked her, but she thought it might be helpful if she was the one to retrieve food rather than making one of the older warriors do it. "Here's a little something for you, if you're hungry." She murmured to the kitten, nodding towards the mouse.

✧˖*°࿐ Worried as he is, Copperfang pads alongside Freckleflame and the young kit as they walk back to the camp, trying to be a positive presence despite the way that the thought of multiple kits having been abandoned in ThunderClan territory as of late lingering at the back of his mind. There must've been a reason, and what that reason was, they would never know. Perhaps for the better. But from now on, ThunderClan would look after them, and they would be raised to eventually become brilliant warriors someday. Both kits, at the very least, hopefully had long, fulfilling lives ahead of them among the clan cats, and they would be well-taken care of.

As they approach the nursery, the rusty-colored tom smiles gently, "You'll be very warm in there with the queens. There are other kits, as well and others coming soon. I'm sure you'll make fast friends," he purrs, nodding gratefully at Softpaw.


nameless & 02 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan kit

For most of the long, arduous journey to thunderclans camp, the child clings to Freckleflame - reluctant to leave the warmth she offers, even now. Green eyes flutter tiredly despite having napped already - as the sun lowers itself to sleep, so does she... at least, usually. Leaning heavily against the warrior, she only blinks dumbly at those who fuss about - words going in one ear and out the other. There are far to many cats here - strangers sights and sounds and scents quickly overwhelming her senses. Someone mentions food, and it's enough to draw a growl from her tummy - drool puddling in her mouth. A tap on her nose pulls her from her idle thoughts at last and with hesitant pawsteps she toddles forwards - tangled curls bouncing as she moves. " mm... hungry, " she agrees with sweetpaws words - not really saying much else. Howlingstar promises sleep, Freckleflame sweetness, and Copperfang warmth and friends - and so she decides that maybe, it'll be okay. mother had sad to wait... but she'd never really said anything about what to do if she hadn't come back. " Okay, " she agrees again - surely, she can wait here just as well? Mother will come find her eventually.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


Abandoning a kitten was simply unfathomable. As terrible as the alternative was to think about, part of Palefire truly hoped that death had befallen these poor kits' parents, giving them an actual excuse for leaving them behind. Growing up knowing that your own mother didn't want you had to be a harder burden to bear than knowing they had died loving you. She had enough experience in that arena to understand the difference. With heavy paws, the young warrior trotted over to the group as they lingered near the nursery, allowing space for Softpaw to slip through and offer the young child a scrap of food to fill their stomach.

Her gaze flickered curiously between Howlingstar and Freckleflame, trying to gauge the older she-cats' reactions to the situation. They were all handling the sudden influx in abandoned kits rather calmly, but she felt a certain tension in the air that belied the stoicism she saw on her leader's face. Palefire wasn't sure herself yet whether or not she wanted a litter of her own someday, or whether she would even make a good mother, but she did know that whatever happened in her life she would never leave a child behind. Perhaps that was what her elder clanmates were thinking themselves right now. Either way, she watched the scene unfold quietly, not wanting to overwhelm the poor thing but offering her a kind smile nonetheless.
As Freckleflame and Copperfang help to talk to the kitten and make her comfortable, Howlingstar looks to Softpaw as she brings by some fresh-kill. "Thank you," She murmurs to the apprentice, gaze clouding with sympathy for the orphan. She flicks her attention to Palefire who stands nearby, a lot of silent curiosity on the young she-cat's face, before she returns her somber gaze to the kit again.

"If you're going to stay here, I suppose you'll need a name," She finally mews, sighing at the weight of the situation. How many more orphans would she have to bestow names on rather than their own mothers? She forces her stoic composure back to full capacity, unwilling to let this moment be squandered by sadness. She looks over the kit, noting her striped brown fur and exceptionally small size. Finally, she mews, "You will be called Quailkit." It's a good name, she thinks. She looks an awful lot like the little brown bird, after all.

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
We have another one.
With Sparrowkit there had been shock, sadness. Deerkit’s arrival had only added heat to underlying rage. As Roeflame nods in reply to Howlingstar and glances towards Moonwhisper and Flamewhisker, the queen only has the energy for a somber shake of her head.
Despite the tragedy of this influx in motherless kittens, Roeflame wipes the bitterness from her expression with an exasperated forepaw, exhaling.
Now, she was ready to meet their newest addition.
When the silvery she-cat finally emerges from the brambles, the sight of a meager scrap of fur clinging to her friends leg is enough to spark a ghostly smile upon fatigued features.
”Gone and found yourself a new friend, Frecks? Roeflame hums, ”Hope you don’t plan on replacing me.” giving the kitten a light-hearted wink, the ticked tabby is suppressing every instinct to betray her true feelings on the situation, on the sad reality.
Howlingstar deems her Quailkit, and Roeflame aims to touch a forepaw against her leaders, only for a heartbeat. A fleeting gesture of understanding before rounded optics settle once more on Quailkit.
”Hi Quailkit, my name is Roeflame. Do you want to come in and rest for a bit? You can have your very own nest, and we’ll get you something to eat.” Practicing the soft tone the young queen had seen Flamewhisker use on Sparrowkit, Roeflame moves herself to the side, allowing space for Quailkit to come in and rest weary paws.
If there was any bright side, at least the tabby was getting better at navigating her social cues in these situations.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


quailkit & 02 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan kit

Teeth sink into prey with glee as conversation continues, only half-caring for whatever else goes on around her. Quailkit they call her - and while it's strange, she doesn't think its bad. She's never had a name before - though there was never really a need for one. Mother was mother, and she was... her, she supposes. But... many things had names. Birds, ants, moths, trees - and now she has one too. 'Quailkit' her sleepy mind echoes, only to be tasked now with memorizing even more. 'Frecks... roeflame' she tries to remember, but really their such strange words and she's already tired, belly full and round with food. Head nod anyways, following roeflame absently - she seems nice enough, something about soothing tone reminding her of mother. Surely, if she goes to sleep here, surrounded by nice cats, mother will find her. It's very hard to miss so many strange smelling cats after all.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'