camp keep playing telephone | patrols

Lately, the task of being a SkyClanner has become a humiliating, dreary one. Only a moon ago ThunderClan gained the audacity to take prey from the pines, with no consequences but full bellies following their thieving tails back to camp. Now rogues and foxes and twolegs picked off clanmates one by one, as though SkyClanners were the prey made abundant by Greenleaf prosperity, to be feasted upon by numerous enemies for not necessity but cruel fun. Sickness too, if Edenberry's imprisonment was to be believed to have no twoleg involvement at all.

The calico positions herself beneath the Tallbranch on a same-y summer morning. Afterdawn light leaves a soft pink tint to alabaster fur, a glowing canvas upon which flame and night are dashed upon. There’s a subtle weariness to her that wasn’t present a moon ago, the fiery drive to prove her naysayers wrong slowly worn into a grim determination to prove it to herself at least, if in the clan's eyes she couldn’t live up to what Twitchbolt and Orangeblossom and Daisyflight built before her.

Patrols, at least, hardly changed. Despite the jeering faces lurking at their forested border, and the mounting dangers skulking at their other ends, SkyClan remains. These things have always been there, she knows, but never has she felt it so acutely. As though it’s her own flank the twolegs encroach upon, her own whiskers fox teeth breathe down. ”SkyClan, it’s time for patrols!” she sings, plumy tail flagging.

”I’ll take Drowsynose and..." Lemon eyes blink around the gathering crowd, searching for something she doesn't know until she finds it. Or her, rather. "Florabreeze-" A show of good faith, as it were. "-for the dawn patrol. Let's go to, mmm, the unclaimed border," she decides, almost whimsically despite the certainty of its threats. Drowsynose might not be the physical wall Flora was, but his nose was sure to warn them of anything impending.

Her tongue pokes out, swirls around her lips before speaking: "Going to the claimed border on dawn patrol will be-" She meows too lackadaisically to be really uncaring, with several flourishes of her tail. "-Greeneyes, Ekat, aaand Sorrelsong." The deputy doesn't look at any one of them particularly closely, her gaze a soft yellow butterfly flitting among their colorful faces like scentless flowers beneath its notice. No one could claim she wasn't settling in her role.

"Beetleback, you can take Eggbounce and Oddgleam to that border too, for, like, the dusk patrol," she meows, finding the warrior's umber eyes amid the throng of cats. His status as Mottledove's infamous ex-widow forgotten, she trusts him to keep her brother safe from pesky ThunderClan taunts at least. Her sister's not-quite-mate could fend for himself, for all she cares. (Well, she'd care a little bit, but not for his sake.)

Taking a breath, she flicks her eyes over camp again. The beginnings of an impish smile shadow her jaw. "Johnnyflame and... Silversmoke! Dusk patrol to the other side. Bring, mmm, Crowsight with you." Cherryblossom allows the smile to pool on her face now, a brilliant leaking of saccharine. "Fun family outing!" is what she would say if she wasn't the one who announced it. Too bad he has Lionpaw's holding him back from his new family... she thinks with a twinge of dark amusement.

"Duskpool and Orangestar will lead the hunting patrols," she says briskly, an easy hop away from that train of thought. Citrine eyes touch on them as lightly as feathers, fluttering off as soon as they're acknowledged. "Coyotecrest, I'm gonna let you do a training session today." Surely the tom was all-rested up by now from the journey to find Wolfpaw; she tries not to pity him still.

That was it, then. Dawn, dawn, dusk, dusk... She mentally unspools the list of patrols, a mild sense of paranoia enunciating each one. "Dismissed," she meows, the finality in her tone harsher than it needs to be.

ooc: the first character listed in each patrol will be the patrol leader!

dawn patrol #1 (riverclan board): @Cherryblossom , @Florabreeze , @DROWSYNOSE
dawn patrol #2 (loner lands board): @GREENEYES (+ @FLUFFYPAW ), @Ekat , @Sorrelsong (+ @weedpaw )
dusk patrol #1 (thunderclan board): @BEETLEBACK (+ @Bluepaw ), @Eggbounce. , @ODDGLEAM
dusk patrol #2 (twolegplace board): @Johnnyflame , @SILVERSMOKE , @CROWSIGHT (+ @LIONKIT )

hunting patrol #1: @Orangestar
optional prompt: it's soooooo hot today. the sun's beating down on you, the flies are droning, and you're overheating out of your fur. do you attempt to power through, or do you just give up and find some water?
hunting patrol #2: @DUSKPOOL
optional prompt: it's getting pretty dark. far away, you hear an eerie howl. do you hightail it back to camp, or do you investigate?
training: @Coyotecrest

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags

he is used to being able to skip out on harder patrols. he flies just enough under the radar to make it easier for him to not go on anything too hard or scary. he knows that's not very warrior like of him but his strong suit was to be a tracker. he can track better than most, sensitive nose picking up things before others could. following a scent was lightwork to him– so easy and calming. but right now, he could not fathom why cherryblossom would want him of all cats to go with her and florabreeze on the first dawn patrol near the unclaimed boarder. his body wracked up in a shiver and he found himself staring at the deputy before just shaking his head, as if trying to get the bad thoughts already creeping up away from him.

"r...right... of course..."

he didn't have a choice. he would be alright, even if he did not feel that way at all.


Cherryblossom as the acting Deputy still wasn’t something Johnnyflame was sold on. He’d watched her grow from a small kit into a promising young warrior, but her lack of experience with life left him cautious. In all though, he wasn’t hoping to see her fail. Quite the opposite in fact. It would do no good for her or for Skyclan to go wishing for the failure of the Deputy, but it did keep him vigilant where he otherwise might not be.

The calico shecat would have to earn his trust as the new Deputy

That being said, there was no ill will in him against the younger feline. Hell, had he been in her position he wasn’t sure he would say no either. A young, eager-to-prove-himself Johnny, offered the rank of second in command? He would have told anyone who doubted him to go choke on a pinecone and then worked his ass off to prove them wrong out of spite alone. Who's to say Cherryblossom wouldn’t do the same?

A part of him hoped she did.

He didn’t miss the look she gave him when she called for him to head the twoleg patrol- alongside Silversmoke and Crowsight- but he failed to decipher what it meant. Just what was she up to.

Oh well. He wasn’t going to complain about the patrol that’d been drawn for him.

”Leavin’ it to the professionals.” he mused quietly to Sangriapaw with a smirk, knowing the two of them would be quite at home along the twolegplace border.



The new hierarchy, unexplored by Orangestar and putting a child in charge of the future of SkyClan, had not gone over well with the spotted tom. In a world guided by sensible Deputies, Cherryblossom was a deviation that tested what it meant to be a guardian of SkyClan and, though compliant with her ruling, the incredulous feeling he got whenever the calico acted her age made him realise his yearning for a more mature heir. Unsurprisingly, the abrupt tom may not have been as subtle as he liked, and, today, Cherryblossom decided to get her revenge. Hearing his name next to Johnny's, Silversmoke's tufted ears twitched into attention, Crowsight's inclusion giving him pause. There was a moment where he thought he was being paranoid, as if discomfort surrounding the Twolegplace was enough for him to find spite where it did not exist, then, he spotted Cherryblossom's face, equally smug as it had been the night the gathering ended. Of course the gossiping Deputy would figure out that Johnnyflame made his heart race, but instead of humiliation, he felt annoyance, his fur bristling.

As patrols were dismissed, instead of heading to Johnnyflame's side, he moved towards the Tallbranch. "This is unprofessional and you know it," he hissed under his breath as he passed her, his lashing tail narrowly avoiding touching the calico. Silversmoke had an apprentice, he had a son, and he had a crush. Three things, one good eye, and a landscape so dangerous that all of them would need to be watched over. Even if two of the three could handle themselves, a protective instinct still settled somewhere in his rattled thoughts, an instinct tested as he caught a glimpse of Johnnyflame's significantly more composed form. Silversmoke paused, head shrunk between his shoulders like a sulking teenager, wondering if, somewhere below the surface, the chimera felt the same way. About him, about this patrol, about anything, really, but, emotional insight as sporadic as snow, all he could do was presume that the other was fine. Relenting, the spotted tabby doubled back on himself, offering a hasty nod towards Johnnyflame before retreating to the camp's entrance. Despite his protests, he knew he couldn't ask for a different patrol, for doing so would be admitting that love was a valid enough distraction from duty.
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
He still couldn’t understand why Orangestar elected a youngster ( her daughter no less ) and days like these made him question what she saw in the young molly. She had qualities, Duskpool wouldn’t deny it but she was childish and explosive.

The only question remained: would she be willin’ to improve or bring the entirety of SkyClan to its knees?

Nostrils flared in contemplation, rufflin’ wooly, tangled fur already swelterin’ under the new leaf sun. “Noted.” He voiced deadpan, molten honey hues trackin’ his apprentice down. Not long before, Duskpool swirled a wooly plume, beckonin’ the apprentice to his side.

His gaze lingered on Drowsynose, helm dippin’ in silent encouragement, marred lips curlin’ upward subtly. Ain’t got nothin’ to worry, kiddo. Sure you’ll do just fine. His thoughts driftin’ close, Duskpool squared burly shoulders, helm raisin’ with a muffled grunt. “I ain’t gonna wait, so best be hurryin’ up if yer wantin’ to join, otherwise join another huntin’ patrol.” He announced to any willin’ participants, wooly tail sweepin’ against the well-treaded crowd.

thought speech
Her name isn’t called, but Johnnyflame’s is, and so Sangriapaw trots over to stand beside her mentor as Cherryblossom announces the clan’s patrol assignments. It’s kinda weird that the deputy is so young, but the torbie apprentice doesn’t really mind as long as Cherryblossom can do it right. Twitchbolt couldn’t do it right, so he’s not the deputy anymore, but Sangriapaw thinks the calico she-cat can definitely do it right. She’s Orangestar’s daughter, and she’s tough—she even went on the journey with Orangestar and Figfeather! So she has to be good at being SkyClan’s deputy, right? And as she says that Johnyflame and her will be going to the twolegplace border, Sangriapaw turns to smile brightly up at her mentor.

Johnnyflame says that the deputy is leavin’ it to the professionals, and the girl nods in agreement. "Yeah, the professionals," she repeats, head tipped high in the air. She’s totally a twolegplace expert, and she’s excited to go patrol the border of it with him. Maybe she’ll see some of her friends who live there while they’re at it!

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Hazel eyes are staring, the bridge between delicately creased with feeling. Cherryblossom examines one of her childhood companions with a cool yellow gaze and softly flicking tail. She wouldn’t know why Drowsynose was so anxious, or was he… confused? They’re warriors now and have been for moons: did he think because they didn’t really talk anymore, she’d forgotten all about him? (Well, she had, but he shouldn’t be thinking he was forgotten.) ”I’ll wake you up,” she says helpfully. His ex-mentor was right there too. If she had to choose anyone in the clan, she'd choose Duskpool to wake her up, mostly because she can't recall if she's ever seen him sleep.

Johnnyflame’s golds are guileless when they meet hers, but Silversmoke is a different story. The hefty silver cat prowls towards her, heterochromatic eyes flashing with clear annoyance, cleverly hidden from a chimera’s adoring sight. ”Can I help you, Silversmoke?” Cherryblossom regards him with mounting amusement as he draws close enough to hiss out his rebuke. She carefully cocks her head as she meows, ”How so?” The smile creeping across her face is perfectly pleasant, bordering on saccharine. Lowering her voice, she adds, ”Don’t tell me you hate Johnnyflame. If you do, I’d have no choice but to, like, warn everyone in the clan! Cats have a right to know if they’re gonna witness you two, you know, fighting.

Moon-yellows shift towards the smaller tortie at Johnnyflame’s side, her smile white and pearly. Sangriapaw surely would’ve suffered witness to whatever the two got up to when they crossed paths–likely nothing more than some stammering and averted gazes, but still ammunition. She turns back to Silversmoke, infuriatingly thoughtful. ”Don’t you have, like, responsibilities too?” Cherryblossom lightly flicks her tail again, the universal sign for ”shoo now.”

ooc: sorry for forgetting to tag sangriapaw and emberpaw!

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags

✧ . With how her last patrol assignments went, Greeneyes can only hope Cherryblossom — now more settled into her role as deputy — does better this time around. The tom knows the young molly as a quick learner, he can’t help but to expect some improvements as her days in Twitchbolt’s place continue forth.

But as he awaits his assignment, as he sifts through her orders, he finds his mind faltering, getting lost in just how she assigns them. Unclaimed, claimed, this border, that border. The lead warrior thinks he knows what she means (And he should, right? As lead warrior? That’s what he’s here for?), but still, it’s not… right. It’s not the same as it’s been for moons, for seasons — under Twitchbolt’s guidance, under Orangestar’s prior.

Got it, “ Greeneyes still says, a tight smile on his face as uncertainty bubbles beneath his words. Maybe next time, patrol assignments will feel like patrol assignments again. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Mentor to Fluffypaw, formerly Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
He doesn't understand Orangestar's choice on naming her own daughter as deputy. Was it just favoritism? Sharp-copper eyes shift to the longhaired molly, as a slight frown twisted onto his maw as he heard the patrols get called out. His tail twitches, at how Cherryblossom chooses the cats to go on patrols. Messy choosing… This border, that border? It isn't right.

Oddgleam waits for his assignment, as he ignores the ones he isn't on. He hears his name get called to go on a patrol with Beetleback, Owlheart's brother… Eggbounce. He hasn't interacted much with his partner's siblings much. Doesn't really have an opinion on them. They're fine. Well, some of them.

An ear flicks as Crowsight's name is called forth to go on a different patrol. Oh, well. He flicks an ear, towards the other felines making their own comments on the matter. Some agreeing to go. The ex-rouge could feel the waves of smugness around the gossiping deputy, he glances at the other Skyclanners.

He steps forward atop of long pale limbs, letting half - lidded eyes examine the deputy like a boring task. He still doesn't want to take others from another teenager like him. "Alright." He chirps out without a problem. Pairing his agreement with a fake, forced smile twisting on his maw. The pale pale - patched tom turns around so he could find his patrol leader, who he hasn't interacted with. Uncertainty bubbles beneath his pelt, wondering if patrols will feel like patrols again hopefully soon.

  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ( bad attitude, actin real goofy ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    non-binary ; HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 14 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / padding after crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone