pafp KEEP SMALL BIRDS ☆ a gift

Finally, after what felt like far, far too long, he's been freed from the grasp of their makeshift medicine den. Moonbeam had sent him off with a freshly healed head wound and a strict warning not to hit his head on anything else. Not that he'd be planning on that, anyways, with the way his temples still ache ... though he supposes he hadn't planned on it the first time, either. Regardless, freedom has its benefits, and among them includes carefully towing fish out of the swollen waters of the river. It's playing a dangerous game, probably, and he can't imagine Moonbeam (or his sister, for that matter) would be pleased, but he has a greater imperative here.

One he's finally achieved. Winding his way back to the familiarity of the Beech Copse's silvery trunks amidst a light fog doubtlessly born of the high-foaming river, he's pleased. Mostly because of the prize in his jaws—a plump young barbel, smaller than its predecessors. Some of them could get so large he'd have no chance at catching them, but this one is firmly dead with its slimy whiskers knocking against his scruffy chin. Cicadaflight moves with a rarely seen purpose as he crosses camp to a pelt like the mist shrouding the trees, depositing the fish before @herondawn with an unceremonious thump.

" It's for you, " he says unhelpfully, and then immediately curses himself for saying it. You sound like an idiot, he chides himself as he nudges the fish awkwardly foreward with one paw. Less concussed and out here in the openness of not-camp, where he swears he can feel eyes boring into his skull, he's robbed of the ease he'd displayed in the medicine den. He almost does want to go whack his head again, so he can talk to Herondawn in the relative privacy of the medicine den. Maybe head injuries put him at ease, or something.

" Uh, thanks for visiting me in the medicine den. " Cicadaflight shifts on his heavy forepaws, crooked tail curling about his haunches awkwardly. He wishes he could throw a black cloud over the two of them to keep out the prying eyes he can feel on his back. Herondawn's so easy to talk to when it's just the two of them, after all. " It was nice of you. " It meant a lot to me, he can't quite bring himself to say.

OOC : Please wait for Herondawn to post!
NIGHT ENDED THE FIGHT ✧°.☀ ————————————
The beech copse used to be a quiet, peaceful place for Herondawn. It wasn't uncommon to see the warrior resting here on patrols or sneaking away from camp for a nap in the lowest branches of the trees here. It was his happy place. Now, though, it felt heavy and wrong. The atmosphere had changed from a light, airy location away from camp to a camp wrought with worry.

He hated to recount what happened that night. The warrior had left camp for an evening stroll, and returned to a river swallowed camp. There had been a chill that ran through his bones when he couldn't immediately find Swirldance or Ciciadaflight that he still felt deep down while they slept in the copse.

The slap of a fish at his feet dragged Herondawn from his thoughts. The barbel gaped up at him with a cold, wet eye. The voice that accompanied the fish caused the tom to jump. His yellow eyes flicked up to meet the mismatched ones of Cicadaflight. A smile jumped to his face. "All for me?" He reached a foggy paw to drag the fish closer and an uncontrolled purr rose in his chest. It increased in volume as the other tom announced his appreciation.

"Any time! Well, I hope I don't have to visit you in the medicine den again. Ideally, I can visit you in other places." Herondawn cut himself off with a laugh. He wasn't prone to rambling, but the nerves he felt around Cicadaflight seemed to drum up a new habit. His eyes flitted around camp at the other cats milling around. "Do you want to share it with me?" Hot thrill ran into his face at his own daring question.

[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BUT THE SONG REMAINED