pafp KETCHUP — apprentice gossip

Apr 30, 2023
Camp comes alive once more with the return of the journeying cats. It feels like a grand exhale to Thriftpaw — he's felt their absence as an ache in his heart. The lungwort will treat the remaining ill, and despite the encroaching chill of the world, things were going to be okay now. After moons (and moons and moons — how long has he been in WIndClan now?) of stress, Thriftpaw can allow himself this small amount of relief.

It is always his curiosity or his fear that bids him to act. Today he feels it like a tittering bird in his ear. Thriftpaw had told himself he would ask less questions, he'd told himself that he'd stop pestering his peers with his every little idle thought, but then he sees Scorchpaw pass and Thriftpaw cannot help himself. He steps into stride with her, needs to know.

"Scorchpaw!" Thriftpaw's own nervous paws work into the sand, "I was wondering — I was just wondering what happened with Milkpaw?" He frowns, corrects himself, "Milkthorn now. And — and Periwinklebreeze," His voice drops into a whisper around the name as if he doesn't want to be caught being concerned about him, "I heard something about a dog?"

Scorchpaw tries to feel the relief that Thriftpaw does. She's spent a moon and a half on one of the most difficult ventures she'd ever undertake; before that, she'd been slapped in the face by the betrayal of her father and mentor. She is still mentorless now, in fact, and the thought weighs on her greatly. For even though she ought to allow herself to relax, to rest after a job well done, she is far too antsy to try. If she's not working, she's sitting and thinking, and frankly, working sounded like the much better alternative. The lungwort's here, but there's strangeness in camp, and the strangeness makes her antsy, and being antsy makes her want to work, and–

there's a break in the turmoil. Thriftpaw steps into stride with her and begins pitching questions, and though Scorchpaw is surprised by his approach, the surprise is not unpleasant. She hadn't been too close with the golden tabby tom when she'd left, but there is a sort of gladness that caresses the fluttering wings in her chest and eases them to a halt. She'd be happy to entertain his queries for a while.

His first question, though, makes the fresh scar on her face sting with memory. A mist-red glint flashes through her citrine eyes; there is thunder behind her, and the wet-earth smell of slobber, and so many teeth. "There was a whole pack of them," Scorchpaw corrects gravely, the edge of her tone honed by ice, though she is not angry at him for asking. "Milkthorn and Periwinklebreeze and I– all of us –had to run them away from the rest of the journey cats." And she can feel the reaction in her chest; the pumping of hot blood through her veins, the adrenaline of the earth flying away from beneath her. The knowledge that it could have been so much worse; that she could have been in Stormpaw's place or worse. Her pause grows cold with age. She doesn't realize she'd been staring away until she re-focuses on Thriftpaw, severity in each sharp line of her face. "I'm lucky I just got this scar. I–" Scorchpaw takes a breath and holds it, unsure of what else she meant to say. All she can see is the gnashing of teeth, the pink flesh of the throat that had nearly swallowed her. All she can feel is the bubble of laughter borne of terror, and a small amount of it slips from her lips now. "Hah. It was..." exhilarating. "a lot."

But now that she's begun talking, she finds it hard to stop. There had been so much that had happened, so much that she could barely contain it all within herself. Now that Thriftpaw has opened the floodgates, he ought to be ready for a torrent.

"What else do you want to know?"

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    scorchkit . scorchpaw
    — she/they ; apprentice of windclan
    — short-haired tortoiseshell she-cat with low white and orange/yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — signature by giinya, template art by ska-i
    — penned by meghan
Sedgepounce isn't sure relief is the right word. Relief to sleep in his own nest, maybe. Relief that the cure has been delivered and no one else has to get sick anymore. But the simple reality of being home and seeing how much things have changed isn't as easy as relief, or even the opposite—his pelt itches with the stares of countless hidden watchers, a scrutiny unfitting anything he'd known before, and the weight of all the things that he'd been blind to before. Things have changed. He can feel it.

He finds Thrift and Scorch somewhere in the fringes of camp, slowed to a stop by their chatting. Their conversation prickles at his ears as he peruses the freshkill pile; he glances up and catches the ruddy mosaic of Scorchpaw's wild fur. At once, Cherrypaw's parting words chime through the back of his head. Say hi to Scorchpaw for me, will you?

Sedgepounce hadn't the time. He gets it now. And he so does not want to get caught up in some pre-teen puppy crush drama.

He carries over a meadow-lark from the pile, settling with it at his paws. There's a lot they can say about the journey. The ups, the downs, the friendships. The deaths. Not much of it has a place here, and it feels wrong even trying to put it all into words. Those things can't be contained in WindClan's stuffy old camp; they live out on the travel-path, just memories now.

"How about you tell him about the bridge?" Sedgepounce offers pleasantly, dipping his head to take a bite of his lunch. No one died there, at least, but it was pretty crazy.​
Being back home is - well, it's a relief, and it's almost just as troubling all the same. So many faces he'd missed, cats he worried he'd never see again, and yet now that he's among his clanmates again, he can't help but think of those that he wouldn't see again - at least, not on the same terms as before. It just feels...different, now, as if he's fallen out of rhythm in the time that they'd been gone. Waking up in his own nest again feels wonderful, more than anything, but it also feels wrong in a way he can't quite put into words - as though sleeping on whatever could be scavenged for the night is what he should be used to, and not the other way around. Worst of all, it's like he's seeing ghosts, in a way; a flash of color out of the corner of his eye, a dark pelt, and it's Nightbird there, or Duskpool, or even Little Wolf, and it feels as natural as breathing. He wonders if any of the others are having trouble adjusting like he is, but if it's anything more than the same out-of-placeness they all seem to share, he wouldn't know.

It happens again, like some sort of cosmic trick - there's Scorchpaw, and even as he feels himself instinctively gravitating towards her, she's already talking with Lightstrike - with Thriftpaw, he corrects, and he almost wants to drift away at that slip-up, even if it had only been for him to know. Luckypaw had known the journeying cats for a moon and a half; he's known his clanmates far longer than that. An adjustment period is only natural, what with everything they went through to retrieve the lungwort, but even he can tell this is starting to get ridiculous. And yet, he's not sure how to fix it - other than waiting it out, of course, learning how to be a WindClanner again (is that something he'd forgotten, up on that mountaintop?). Amidst his own thoughts and his late approach, part of the conversation is already lost to the wind, but he catches enough context to know they're talking about the dogs.

Even now, the chase makes him shudder, the memories of the burning of his muscles and the awful howls of the beasts engrained somewhere deep inside him. At the time, he'd hardly known what was going on, only enough to lead a dog away, and to keep running until he couldn't anymore; it had been agonizing, not knowing what had happened to those left behind, but now he's glad he didn't know. If he had been able to glance back, to see some of his companions ravaged by dogs...well, he's not sure what he would have done. Or, perhaps more aptly, what he wouldn't have done. Would he still have been able to run with the same fervor, knowing he might be leaving friends behind? Would he have run that much harder? Luckily, he'll never have to know - and all of his clanmates are here, alive and safe, at the very least, though Stormpaw's fate is still a mystery to him. They'd gotten her back, he knows, but not much more than that - perhaps at the next gathering, he'd be able to find out more, or at least somebody would be able to find out more.

Sedgepounce appears, and thankfully, he is just Sedgepounce - just as familiar as he's always been, as he's been this last moon and a half, and his suggestion of telling the story of the Twoleg bridge next settles his heart more than the story of the dogs ever could. It's strange, to think back on their first setback - how divisive they had all been, how uncertain and untrusting of one another, especially in comparison to where they'd all left off on the journey. It had been terrifying at the time, and though he'd be more than happy to never do something like that again, knowing the RiverClanners were there to catch anybody who slipped would weigh much less heavy on him now than it had over a moon ago. "It was pretty crazy, really. I mean, we'd only just set off, and we came across this huge river - way too fast to think about crossing, or anything like that. We were trying to figure out how to get across, like if we should follow it until we found a shallow end, and honestly, I think most of the RiverClanners were ready to just leave the rest of us behind until Fernpaw thought of - well, of something else." Even now, it's as if he can see the RiverClanners slipping into the water and swimming out to the bridge, as though it were happening all over again.

"There was this - uh, it was like...kinda like the Twoleg bridge by RiverClan, only this one was made different, and it was all broken up. The RiverClanners - you've never seen anything like it! They just - just swam out there, like it was nothing, and they held the broken bits of the bridge in place." How uncertain they had all been, in those moments - it's almost silly, looking back on how terrified he had been that the RiverClanners would drop them all into the rushing river and continue on without them. "The whole time we were crossing, they all held it in place - except, when Stormywing fell in," he adds, giving a pause for dramatic effect. "She wasn't the only one, either, but you know what happened? The RiverClanners worked together to fish them all out, and everybody made it across, one way or another." Now that it's over, it feels much easier to paint the experience into a more positive light - after all, they really had all made it to the other side, even if some were more sopping wet than others. "I think the cliff was one of the craziest things, though," he tacks on after a moment of consideration. How they'd all managed that, he'll never know; instead, he's just grateful nobody had been seriously injured there of all places.​
  • OOC: --​
  • VGVREdC.png
  • 69355684_l8Wl3AJb3zHJeza.png
    - Luckykit Luckypaw
    - He/him (AFAB)
    - 7 moons (Ages on the 1st)
    - Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Small blue tortoiseshell with white spotting & green eyes
    - Art by myself & meghan respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​

It's a strange feeling, struggling with needing to adjust to having a full camp once again. Any other time, Rattleheart wouldn't have thought twice about the familiar faces all around, weaving their way in and out of camp like they had never even left. Or, in some cases, traversing camp as if it was a new, foreign destination to them. The tunneler had spent so many moons in Windclan surrounded by his family, and yet now it felt odd to have them around again, just a few pawsteps away if he needed to talk to them or turn to them for comfort. He had forcibly gotten used to their absence, and now he needed to remember that they were nearby, within reach. No longer did he have to worry about any of them succumbing to the threats that the journey had truly presented.

Only now he felt himself needing to worry about whether they would all survive Sootstar's reign.

The thought was enough to make his stomach jump unpleasantly, forcing him away from the last bits of rabbit that he had been enjoying. His appetite was suddenly gone, and hearing Scorchpaw and Luckypaw's chatter only made his stomach twist further into knots. Rattleheart was undeniably proud of the both of them - proud of all the cats that had gone on the journey - but part of him was also upset. Upset and furious at the world for forcing them to need to go on such a perilous journey. To risk their lives for the sake of everyone else's, including his own. He could only pray to Starclan that he'd be able to make it up to them all, and somehow be able to express just how grateful he was to still have his life in his own paws.

He swallowed through the uneasy nausea, brushing his side against Scorchpaw's in a silent greeting as he listened to Luckypaw recollection of what they'd gone through with the bridge. It was admittedly still pretty hard to comprehend how every clan had actually worked together during the journey, but it was a relief that they had. If Riverclan hadn't stepped in with the bridge, would his niece and nephew still be standing here? Would Sedgepounce? A shiver ran down his spine, his jaw briefly clenching before he forced a smile onto his face. "It sounds like the Riverclanners are more daring than I ever truly gave them credit for... would've been quite the disappointment if they couldn't take to the water so naturally, with all the fish that they eat." His tone was intentionally teasing, no true hostility towards Riverclan present. Even if he couldn't imagine surviving off of so much seafood, he doubted Riverclan could imagine living with Windclan's prey, either.

Pressing himself lightly into Scorchpaw's side, his words then took on a certain note of softness as he looked between both Scorchpaw and her brother. "It sounds like the both of you were incredibly brave... you as well, Sedgepounce. I'm very proud, and I'm sure Scorchstreak was as well." It was hard to push through the anxiety in his chest to question Luckypaw, his tail twitching frantically behind him. "What happened with the cliff...?" Even Rattleheart could admit he was curious, though he was sure the story would involve even more danger that his family had put themselves in.
Cottonpaw's curious nature would always beg for a good story or two to feel as if the day was worth it. Prior to the return of journeying cats, she would make do with the sickly ramblings of some of their own, or catch on to what was being said in ShadowClan territory - but now, now she has real tales to look forward to, at least until they become background noise too.

She is slow to join the group, a wad of soaked moss clamped in her jaws as she passes them. The she-cat hears clippings of a tale - something about dogs, and then a river - and she gauges quickly how soon her moss may be needed. Her tail twitches as she detours and decides that the needy cat can be cross with her. It'll only be a moment, after all.

Cottonpaw holds her tongue with the talk of RiverClan cats, thinking of how many of them reacted to seeing their leader's disheveled corpse. Children collapsed over him and all she could think of was, Good. The remorse had yet to come, feeling as if the situation was only fair, in a way. She neatly tucks herself next to Sedgepounce as a cliff is brought up, and her jaw slacks, "You guys - don't tell me, you had to climb a cliff?" it seems like the obvious answer, given the other trials they've gone through. "What, was there no way around it? I just - I can't imagine cats like us going so... vertical..." she supposes that's the best way she can put it.​
Thriftpaw listens as conversation bounces around him—grows as it is passed from Scorchpaw to Sedgepounce to Luckypaw. At once, Thriftpaw is struck with the differences in their experiences. He cannot help himself; his nose crinkles as the story is woven between them. He knows that RiverClanners swim easily, Gravelsnap had told him such. Gravelsnap had also been quick to warn Thriftpaw as to just how dangerous that makes them.

"You trusted them?" Thriftpaw doesn't mean it like a question, despite the way his words tilt at the end.

He tries his best to imagine himself in their situation, being so far from home and being so surrounded by the enemy, but then he remembers abruptly that his experience had been a little like that, hadn't it? He'd been driven from WindClan's camp and into ThunderClan, and then again to ShadowClan—and he'd never made the foolish mistake of assuming the other clans were his friends because of a shared goal or—worse yet—proximity.

Rattleheart and Cottonpaw allow themselves to be drawn into the story. They wonder about the wrong things, or Thriftpaw wonders about the wrong things, and he doesn't have the time needed to sort it out.

"Did a—a—a SkyClanner show you how to climb?" It shouldn't be so unbelievable to Thriftpaw. The curl in his voice isn't derisive, but it edges on disbelief. His nose wrinkle becomes more severe, squishing one of his eyes into an asymmetrical narrow, "I know you needed to—I know everyone was together but it sounds like it was uh—it sounds very friendly."​