lapis philosophorum : ̗̀➛ raccoonstripe


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    RACCOON RACCOONSTRIPE ; ambivalent about his name
    Charming, manipulative, and ambitious, Raccoonstripe is the son of ThunderClan's current leader with plans to someday lead in her pawsteps. He wants ThunderClan to have comfort—but also, he wants glory for both himself and his Clan. Womanizing and sometimes even sleazy, Raccoonstripe can be a polarizing character.
    raccoon by his mother for his tabby fur; stripe by Emberstar for the same reason
    — amab; he/him, masculine terms; heteroflexible, monogamous
    — lead warrior of thunderclan, loyal to thunderclan; formerly of the marsh colony
    — created 12.17.2022 at 24 moons / currently 51 moons / ages realistically every 5th
    — penned by Marquette; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    Raccoonstripe is striking in a nondescript way. Tall and broad-shouldered, the young warrior carries himself confidently. He has long dark brown fur with rippling black stripes crosshatching their way down his back and flanks. His robust and powerful jaw is white, the paleness spilling like milk down his chest and underbelly. One forepaw is the same ivory while the others match his dark tabby pelt. Raccoonstripe has a thick, tapered tail with banded stripes, similar to his namesake's. His eyes are narrow, a dark but rich brown. Raccoonstripe has two thick horizontal scars across his chest. They were inflicted during the Great Battle by the two pine cats he killed.
    ⤷ gen 2 / lh black tabby with low white / carrying dilute, solid
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    On the surface level, Raccoonstripe is a smug, overconfident tomcat who thinks he's 'too good' for menial labor. He uses charm, wits, and a silver tongue to get his way with others, though he makes himself an easy target for competition and for cats who are his equals to find him infuriating. He's confident of his position in his Clan as Howling Wind's son and Berryheart's littermate and truly believes he's destined for greater things.

    Flirtatious and winsome, Racoonstripe has never met a pretty cat he doesn't want to trail after, but his sense of romantic commitment is next to nothing. His goals and dreams are of power, of change, and it leaves little room for mates or kits in his mind. Additionally, to certain types of cats, he can come off too strongly or almost sleazy.

    Beneath this borderline sleazy, infuriatingly condescending exterior, Racoonstripe is calculating and judgmental. Like his mother, he believes kittypets to be inferior and the other Clans to lack something integral that ThunderClan is working to build. Raccoonstripe holds no illusions about friendship with any of the other four Clans, even SkyClan, the home of his sister's mate. To him, there is a reason StarClan dictated they split into five groups, and boundaries should be maintained. If Raccoonstripe were to consider alliances, it'd be strictly political.

    Skilled in battle with a barbaric fighting style, Raccoonstripe earned his scars in the Great Battle -- and paid the blood price for his victories. An apprentice-aged cat from the pine group had attacked him to attempt to discourage him from attacking a queen, presumably his mother. In blind fury, consumed by war, Raccoonstripe fought and killed them both. He does not speak of this to anyone, not his mother, not his littermates, and never to a tom or she-cat he courts.

    But sometimes, they walk in his dreams. They stare at him from the shadows with unblinking eyes. When Raccoonstripe faces young enemies on future battlefields, his victims' faces will peer back at him, and there is a possibility he will freeze.

    suffers from frequent nightmares and some psychosomatic trauma symptoms stemming from the Great Battle
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    Flirts with anyone; difficult to form genuine romantic connections with.
    SOUNDS LIKE: deep, commanding voice; voiceclaim is Roy Mustang
    SMELLS LIKE: bramble thickets, wet oak leaves, woodsmoke
    speech is #C96D2C

    GRAY WOLF xx HOWLINGSTAR FAMILY TREE | mentoring Scarletpaw and Stormpaw , previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    Mate to Nightbird | Parent to Bayingpaw, Twilightpaw, Tigerpaw, Stormpaw, Berrypaw
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Nightbird, Flamewhisker, Wolfwind, Leopardtongue
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: Killdeercry
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    ► KINGDOM OF CARDS - Bad Omens
    UNKNOWN SOLDIER - Breaking Benjamin

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    ●●●●●●○○○○ HUNTING: Adequate. Can hold his own, but is not especially skilled. Well-versed in forest hunting with lots of undergrowth. Most likely to be successful hunting mice, squirrels, shrews, and voles. Less likely to be successful with lizards, frogs, birds, and rabbits. Does not know how to fish.
    ●●●●●●●○○○ CLAN SKILL: Proficient. ThunderClan is a jack-of-all-trades Clan, but he is especially bulky and strong-bodied. Can climb, though is not an expert. Decent builder and reinforcer for camp defense.

    ●●●●●●○○○○ TRACKING: Adequate. He is not especially known for his tracking skills, but he can hold his own. Can follow scents in fair weather well, but is likely to lose them in rainy or otherwise unfavorable conditions.
    ●●●●●●●●●○ COMBAT: Expert. Brutal, barbaric, and surprisingly quick on his feet for his build, Raccoonstripe is a hard-hitter and a skilled tactician. He is not especially swift, and he's more likely to take blows than he is to dodge them, his broad shoulders and chest make an easy target, though his thick fur deflects flesh wounds that could be deeper.
  • Code:
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    margin:-10px 0; font-size:40px; font-weight:bold; text-align:right; color:white; text-shadow: 0 0 2px black, 0 0 2px black, 0 0 2px black, 0 0 2px black]RACCOONSTRIPE[/box][box=100%;
    text-align:right; color:white; text-shadow: 0 0 1px black, 0 0 1px black, 0 0 1px black, 0 0 1px black; word-spacing:3; letter-spacing:1.2;]HE / HIM ◆ THUNDERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR[/box][/box][/box]
    [box=100%; text-align:justify; line-height:1.1; scrollbar-width:none; <! ---------------------------------- POST BODY -----------------------------------> ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean mollis quam elementum malesuada rutrum. Sed ut finibus lacus. Praesent odio elit, convallis a dictum eget, pellentesque ut mi. Curabitur porttitor suscipit elit. Proin ut gravida metus. Sed pellentesque, odio quis consectetur dignissim, ante nunc pretium ex, vel tristique libero magna ut enim. Quisque ultricies, justo sed finibus accumsan, lectus justo euismod metus, eget porta magna lorem et quam. Phasellus in purus id turpis rhoncus malesuada ac ac elit. Proin in nunc lobortis, porta urna a, fringilla lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Integer massa orci, interdum rhoncus euismod vel, scelerisque ut lacus. Suspendisse potenti.
    Pellentesque lacinia, nisl sed varius ornare, magna mi tristique risus, non tincidunt libero mi eu nisl. Nunc dapibus purus non nulla viverra feugiat. Praesent ut lobortis nulla. Nam et erat vitae nibh finibus tincidunt eu quis mi. Sed lorem nibh, viverra et placerat fringilla, ultrices eget dolor. Fusce sodales urna sed felis maximus facilisis. Suspendisse tempor justo cursus erat laoreet, a vehicula odio rutrum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed a felis justo. Maecenas viverra egestas mi hendrerit iaculis. Donec hendrerit urna et eros ultricies pellentesque. [color=#C96D2C][b]" Maecenas sed porttitor ligula. Sed aliquet at lorem vel placerat. "[/b][/color][/box]
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    text-align:justify; line-height:1.1; scrollbar-width:none; <--- RESIZE IMAGE TO YOUR LIKING --->][fleft][img width=180px][/img][/fleft][b]Raccoonstripe[/b] is a lead warrior of ThunderClan. He has thick, silken black tabby fur interrupted by a stark white chin, chest, and belly. One ear is ripped to shreds; the paired eye is missing and scarred over. The other eye blazes golden-brown in direct sunlight. Two near-vertical scars slash across a milky chest. One forepaw is ivory; the rest are dark.
    [s]Gray Wolf[/s] x [s]Howlingstar[/s] / sibling to [s]Hollow Tree[/s], [s]Little Wolf[/s], [s]Cobwebtail[/s], Lily Pad, [s]Graystorm[/s], [s]Jackdawflight[/s], and [s]Berryheart[/s] / mate to Nightbird / father to Bayingpaw, Twilightpaw, Tigerpaw, Stormpaw, and Berrypaw
    mentored by none / previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper, Scarletdust / mentoring Stormpaw
    51 moons old as of 03/05/2025[fright]penned by Marquette[/fright][/box][/box][/slide][/accordion]
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