camp leave nothing in your wake; chewing on bones


➥ warrior
Sep 18, 2022
Prey was lacking. Cats were going hungry and some had gotten desperate enough to eat crow food. Truly disgusting. Ratshadow had been through many terrible leaf-bares. She had eaten gross things to stay alive. When nothing was around and her stomach ached, she found something to ease the hunger pains. Picking the bones of a finished meal the kits and queens got. Ratshadow settled down in a quiet spot and began to naw on the bones. There was a faint taste of whatever the animal used to be. Crunching on the thinner side causing the bone to break. She would spit out the shards before going back to chewing. ""

Cinderkit had gotten a meal today, she was a kitten, so she was served close to first. Hunger was an unknown feeling and she is clueless to the starvation her clan-mates feel. They were all scrawny and skinny to the bone, but she just believed it must just be what adult cats looked like!

She stumbles upon Ratshadow, one of the clans older warriors, gnawing at a bone. Cinderkit thinks she must be doing this for fun or something- because bones couldn't actually be filling. It's evident she is naive to the warriors desperation when she asks, "Can I try?" As if it was a game.


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 3 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ shadowclan kit . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ carries 100% kittypet & Persian blood

· PERSIAN, smells like murky water and mildew , status — 100%
╰ ‣ black-furred . flat-faced, knotted fur . orange eyes

[size=2╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

╰ ‣ lesbian.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . reluctant to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​

With nothing but failure after failure to show for their efforts, one thing has been made clear over the past moon: nothing can be done to improve ShadowClan's condition, save for waiting out the season and hoping for the best.

With this in mind, the dark-striped tabby cannot fault his clanmate for her last-ditch behaviour. Crunching on bones and sucking out the marrow was better than completely wasting away. It doesn't look like a pleasant pastime at all, as Ratshadow has to hack up skeletal splinters to make it manageable. But the decrepit she-cat's methods of coping were none of his concern. She isn't hurting anyone.

And then that little puff-ball of a kit dawdles on over. Children were stupid and impressionable, and to little surprise at all, Cinderkit gawked at those bones with an enthused glimmer in her eye. She'll choke on those things if given the chance to.

"Uh-uh," voices Smogmaw, jogging over on stubborn limbs. "You had your food already," he says through a frown, "so let the grown-up have hers." His gaze then flicks from the little tyke onto Ratshadow herself. The woman wore her desperation on her sleeve. "Enjoying yourself?"

Dogfur recognized the hunger and desperation in Ratshadow's movements. In both recent and earlier memory he had seen what starvation looked like. How blessed would they be if there was no need to eat. Dogfur wondered there were surely some sort of creature out there that could live without eating. It might be a bug—probably even lower than a bug.

"Sleeping is a good way to fight it." Dogfur slunk over, their patchy muzzle twitching as a dry tongue swept over their lips. "But then, there is the fear of not waking up—troubling—" He pattered, stopping himself suddenly when Cinderkit trotted over, her naivety detestable to any grown cat.

Dogfur grinned toothily. "Take a stick, any stick, and try it yourself." They purred. "It'll do just as fine—but careful of splint-ers!"


Like Cinderkit he had also had his share of a nice meal prior to this, something with more substance than meager bones and he wonders if they were good to chew on since all he really did with them was hoard them in a pile in the nursery. He's followed his flatfaced kitten companion over to investigate the sound of gnawing and crunching, curious over the idea of chewing a bone but unwilling to go digging in his treasures of them to make a meal of one. Cinderkit is far more bold than he, voicing her interest only to be shut down and he glances at Smogmaw as the tom attempts to deflect them. He looked like he could use a chew bone too. A lot of the older cats did. Maybe he would be nice and share his bits and baubles later, but right now he was more interested in Dogfur's addition to the discussion. Sleeping? A good way to fight it? Fight what? What was everyone fighting?

"Sticks don't taste good." Magpiekit adds helpfully, before pausing and glancing at his paws, "...not that I know."
Ratshadow is... busy.

He doesn't wanna bother her. Imagine if you were eating, and then a bunch of cats gathered to talk about how you were eating. It's... weird. Sticks weren't for eating, though. He knew that, now. And its good that the topic strays– even if Dogfar doesn't many any sense... it's good, cause then it wouldnt be weird for Ratshadow... She and Smogmaw could keep their bones...

"If you– if you chew all the bark..." Ghostpaw paws at something invisible, like there was a great big stick right in front of him and he was peeling off all the bark... "I mean peel... I mean– If you... get rid of it... You– it'll be all wei-rd... and smooth. But if you leave themall over the place.. they'll get mad it you..." He shuffles his paws in the dirt. "...Not that I know..."

maggotkit | 03 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
Unlike the other kits, maggotkit has not had her share - snailcurl is more focused on her real kits after all, and though she'll never admit it her own avoidance and spitefulness probably hadn't helped. For all she knew, she'd tried to get her to join in and Maggie had been busy ignoring her without paying any mind to why she'd been called over. Or maybe the rest of her foster brood where just as hungry - still awaiting the queens return from patrol. It hardly matters, not to Maggotkit. She hates them anyway.

Slipping over on graceful limbs, the sleek she-cat comes to a halt by magpiekit, the only one of her many denmates she finds tolerable. Jaded teal gaze narrow in on the bone clasped within ratshadows jaws, the splinters spat out carelessly. ".... Someone's going to step on that and get a splinter," she says coldly, ignoring the way her stomach writhes and groans beneath her silky locks. She's only had ice and bugs today - should that bone be abandoned for even a moment it'll be stolen away to her own nest.


She was surrounded by nosy kits.

Ratshadow takes a break in her bone chewing meal. Looking around at the cats that had gathered. The older warrior had no idea that she was so popular. Her tail flickers side to side for a moment as she thinks. Moving her paw under an already chewed up bone but still having a little marrow left, she tosses it in the direction of Cinderkit. The small black cat was a sucker for kits.

"It's not a game. Give thanks to the meals you are given. For one day, you may end up chewing on bones." Starclan forbid. She isn't sure if the kit will understand their message but maybe moons later they'll remember this and put it to use. Her normally expressionless face briefly looks irritated. Were they comparing her survival skills to chewing on sticks?

The warrior gives up on her meal for now. Licking her paw then running it over her heavily scarred face. "New-leaf will be here soon. Then the prey will be richer." And then they wouldn't have to depend on Thunderclan territory. "And less stick chewing." her chocolate hues look over the cats. Had most of them chewed on sticks?