private let it all be done ࿐࿔ council


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • "Get in here."

    She has done more than the bare minimum in making sure Pikesplash's wayward daughter has been sent off to bed... has had the patience with which to hide just how furious she is to have been approached by a child with such a serious secret. She'd expected better of her friend... Had expected enough respect to be told directly rather than stood to face his living, breathing mistake and confront it herself. Today, he makes a fool of her... Makes a mess of the politics she now has to play part in without Smokestar to sit as a barrier.

    It is her that will ultimately face Chilledstar's ire for her unwillingness to force Snowypaw back to a clan she feels doesn't love her... and it is her that will have to grit her teeth and apologize on his behalf.

    "You'll notice... a new resident... of the apprentice's den," she starts, turning to look at the lead warriors she has summoned, at Moonbeam who sits beside them. "Her former name... doesn't matter- I'll... be changing it." And her eyes narrow to slits as they hone back on gray striped fur, "What does matter... is that... the code has been broken." Her head swings from side to side as if to shake the reality away, that she might open her eyes again and he will not have committed such a ridiculous crime as this. Lichenstar is not stupid... she can count back the moons enough to know how this foolish relationship started... but how it has persisted eludes her.

    "Pikesplash... has sired kits... in ShadowClan," she states- does not give him the chance to admit it now, not after he's withheld it for this many moons and would've continued to. "Broken a law... we all agreed to!" Indignation floods her, makes her claws itch to sink into something to have some sort of physical release. "I should... exile you..." And she lifts her head with a confidence fed by anger before ultimately sighing, "But I refuse... to punish her... for your horrible... decision."

    The blue star takes a seat, kneading the ground under-paw as she offers the floor to the rest of those present, "Well...? Have anything... to say for yourself?"

    "What are we... meant to do... with this?"

    She doesn't feel the need to justify her decision to invite Snowypaw into RiverClan but knows that question will come anyways. It is far less important to her than this- and her justifications are plenty in comparison.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶ @FERNGILL @Mosspool @Petalnose @Snakeblink @Moonbeam @PIKESPLASH (and if marq wants, @iciclefang is welcome too)
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  

Moonbeam had noticed the extra set of paws as they had walked the path back to camp and though she wanted to ask why they were taking in a ShadowClan apprentice - for though she didn't know Snowypaw she knew the scent of the marshes that they had stayed in while rogues took over the camps of every other clan - she decided against it. There was no doubt in the medicine cat's mind that answers would be given, that once they were done traveling that something would be said, Lichenstar wasn't the type to simply allow a cat into the clan without reason, without explanation.

Though this was not an explanation that she had expected.

Gathering as she had been called the white-furred feline's eyes widened and maw dropped in shock before it quickly snapped shut and she turned to look at the warrior. She didn't expect any of the warriors to break the code, but especially not Pikesplash. The codes were agreed to by all the clans, by StarClan, and every code made had horrible circumstances that led up to them being put in place. She was no warrior, but the warrior code was still something she had engraved in her head, and if Lichenstar had decided to state exile as the only option Moonbeam would have agreed with her - and yet there had been more.

"Could always make him an apprentice again, in name or just rank, learning the code beside his kit." It's the first thought she had, the first thing to come from her maw. If not exile then shame, shame for laughing in the face of the ancestors that had agreed to the code, for ignoring the death of one so young to make the code be implemented in the first place, and once it was out of her maw she grew silent, ready to listen to the words of the others around her. If her idea was shot down then let it be, she wasn't usually a large talker in these types of meetings anyway - besides, she was partially lost in her own thoughts, wondering if Pikesplash was capable of doing this right under their noses who else would be next.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
It is quickly apparent that he should remain silent. Lichenstar was furious when she dragged him to the leader's den. What he doesn't expect is members of the council to be there as well. I don't know whether or not I should be glad they're here. Green eyes drift to his friend. Maybe I should be glad. Nevertheless, he remains still. He's no better than a carp surrounded by the leopards of legends often spoken from the maws of elders.

Her questioning is met with silence. Not because he has nothing to say, but he is clueless about the reason why his daughter is here. Ferndance didn't tell him anything about their daughter wanting to leave the clan she was born into to join his. Does she know? The thought of his mate fretting over their daughter aches, but he has no power here. Lichenstar may have not chased him off and exiled him yet, but he knows he must tread carefully. Pikesplash himself is a horrid liar and while he never mentioned anything about his children, he has lied to her for moons by omission.

Moonbeam speaks first. Suggests he becomes an apprentice, while he's uncertain if Lichenstar would go through with it the message is clear. Moonbeam wishes to shame him for his crimes. It doesn't sting. He doesn't snap his fangs towards her, merely looks in her direction with a raised brow. He dares not retort or answer her, after all, her words are meant for Lichenstar. A leader who has been met with silent for far too long, which he must rectify. The silver tom faces her.

"Thank you," he begins. "For not punishing her because of me." Truly he is grateful. He had never met his children. He's only heard stories of them. All he had was descriptions and names. A twisted part of him was happy. Not because he was caught and punished, but he could finally see her. See one of his kits. Oh, how he longed to see them with his own eyes and yet they eluded him until now. Even if Lichenstar would exile him, he would accept it. What mattered to him in this moment was his child and her safety above all. At least, I was able to finally see you and know your true name before Lichen changes it.

As for what is Riverclan supposed to do with this... "Is she the only one? I can... With someone else try and speak to her mother and tell her what is going on." Once again he knows nothing of the situation in Shadowclan. Has no idea if anymore of his children would come to Riverclan. If they all of them decided to join Riverclan then that would be even worse, worse than how things already are. Ferndance however, his mate wouldn't come storming after Riverclan and demand her children. The silver tom shakes his head "I don't know what my daughter told you. I've never spoken or seen her before now." Perhaps his friend would consider those words as an excuse, but if she tried to ask him about his kits it would be barebones. All she would get are their names and what they looked like.

Pikesplash, as if sensing her frustration from his lack of resolve, gazes upon the leader without faltering. "I will prove myself Lichenstar. If you decide to make me an apprentice again, then I won't argue. I will do anything you or the council decide on as long as my daughter is safe."
𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool had glanced between Pikesplash and Lichenstar with a raised eyebrow as the warrior had joined the council meeting that their leader had called for. She had never seen any rank and file warriors in these meetings before. Settling into her place, she waited for an explaination.

"The code has been broken."

At those words she turned on Pikesplash with sudden, alarmed understanding. Her fur bristled. Mosspool shared fully in Lichenstar's indignation, to break the code was one of the most serious offenses in all the clans. Each of those rules had been written in blood. When Lichenstar brought up exile, she was fully ready to support that decision. Her ear flicked when her leader did not proceed with that option, even if the reasoning for not doing so was sound.

With narrowed eyes she turned toward Pikesplash as Lichenstar asked him if he had anything to say for himself.

As it turned out, he did not have much to say in his defense. He offered no explanations or excuses, everything he said had to do with his daughter. Pikesplash agreed to submit to the councils wishes, so long as his daughter was safe. That was a noble sentiment, even if an unnecessary one. "Your daughter will be safe, make no mistake about that. We take care of our own, and she is a Riverclanner." If she truely was his daughter, than Mosspool would welcome her as readily as any other Riverclanner. Her eyes narrowed. "More of one than you are, perhaps." The child's parentage was no fault of her own, meanwhile Pikesplash had decided of his own free will to betray Riverclan.

"It is only for her sake that I hesitate to call for your exile, and I only hesitate. I am still not altogether against the idea." She looked Pikesplash up and down derisively. "For you to have an apprentice aged daughter, this had to be moons of..." Her nose scrunched as she struggled to find the right word before finally spitting it out. "Correspondence with a Shadowclanner under all our noses. At best this is a breach of the code and of our trust, at worst this is outright treason."

Mosspool turned her attention back to Lichenstar; she could not stand looking at Pikesplash anymore. "In light of that, I must say that making him an apprentice is too light a sentence in my eyes. There is little but exile that feels like a fitting punishment." Though she had already agreed that exiling him would be an undue punishment on his daughter, she struggled to think of any other recourse. The punishment for code-breaking should be exile in her eyes. Anything less than that felt like he was getting off too easy.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

Divided loyalties is not something Snakeblink has experience with. He has always been fiercely, perhaps even blindly, loyal to his family, his colony, his clan; he could no more doubt Riverclan’s leader than leave and join the ranks of Windclan under Sootstar’s reign.

Now, standing at Lichenstar’s side, staring at Pikesplash -- two cats he considers dear friends, one who is his leader, the other a codebreaker… As little as he thinks about the rules the clans have established as their code in his day-to-day life, he understands there is a need to follow them; for the sake of the clan, in the case of feeding the kits and elders first, and for the sake of peace in the forest, in the case of those rules that touch on their borders.

Snakeblink is a coward: there are few things he values over peace at their borders. But he likes Pikesplash, he knows the tom is a good father, a good warrior, a good friend; and he understands, though he has no first-paw experience, the desire to have and keep a family of his own. And he trusts Lichenstar and their judgment. So he listens, quietly, as she accuses and Pikesplash offers no defense, as Moonbeam suggests a demotion back to apprentice and Mosspool argues for exile.

”What is done is done,” he hums, though he does not dismiss the younger lead outright. ”Exile would have protected us from being discovered to house a code-breaker, had it been done before the grown daughter came to us -- but now that she is here to meet her father, it seems to me rather unproductive.”

He scratches the ground, pensive. What would be a sufficient punishment for a cat like Pikesplash? Obligatory celibacy until the end of his life? No, that would be near impossible to enforce, and only encourage further dalliances anyway. Demotion seems rather light, and there are no duties that would be so humiliating as to be a punishment. Send him back to his kittypet roots, to join Skyclan as a daytime warrior and only see his daughter on border patrols? It’s doubtful that Orangestar would agree to that scheme. A constant guard, perhaps, like Buckgait and Lightningstone? ”Perhaps a trial period, as a compromise -- a demotion and ban from Gatherings until she is made a warrior, and then Lichenstar could review whether you have proven yourself well enough to remain in Riverclan.”

He gives Pikesplash an apologetic look, but does not speak up in his defense, or try to mitigate the facts. In truth, his suggestion alone is a defense, as much as he could make it: he truly believes Pikesplash would not be found wanting at the end of his second apprenticeship. And it would give him time to spend with his daughter.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

“Get in here,” is Lichenstar’s unceremonious rasp as her inherited council streams toward her den. Iciclefang touches her nose to each of her children’s ear with a solemn pink nose before following suit. Pikesplash is in attendance—the silver tabby looks at his paws, clearly overwhelmed by all that has transpired. Every word Lichenstar speaks sends rivulets of electricity racing down her spine. Pikesplash has fathered StarClan knows how many ShadowClan kits, and one of those wayward seeds took hold and blossomed into a marsh-dweller.

Iciclefang’s eyes narrow as Lichenstar glosses over the subject. For what reason should they allow this cat to stay? A ShadowClan apprentice has come to their border to seek shelter—but from what? Their own Clan, their kin, their life? To seek whom—a father she has never seen but in passing?

And suppose, one day, one of her kits looked longingly over a certain border, at a certain tabby-printed pelt? Suppose Crabkit seeks Stormywing, claiming to have been unloved in the Clan of his birth. Her heart is heavy, imagining the parent who remains behind the ShadowClan apprentice, a parent who had no doubt raised her children to be everything she’d hoped a ShadowClan warrior could be.

Why should we take this apprentice? She has RiverClan blood, yes,” she mews, casting Mosspool and Snakeblink looks, “but she was born, raised, and trained in ShadowClan. Her kin is in ShadowClan, as is a life she has just suddenly decided to abandon in favor of… of this.” She shakes her head, imagining observing Pinekit or Cragkit from across the river, imagining her wasted love, her wasted training, wasted pride. And to think nothing of… “And Chilledstar likely isn’t going to just let one of their apprentices abandon ShadowClan without a fight.

Sapphire gaze snaps like cracking ice toward the tom in question. The other propose punishments, and her mouth goes dry, her tongue stuck as if stiffened into place by dried sand. Who is she to cast judgment upon Pikesplash?—And yet, she must. She must, for her kits’ sakes. “Perhaps if the mate you love and the children you covet reside in ShadowClan, that’s where you should be, too. How can we trust him now at all? We don’t even share a border with ShadowClan, and somehow he’s muddied his paws with the marsh.” She stares at him, wondering when he’d managed to sneak away for so long—and how, with no one noticing. It mattered not, now—she curls her tail around her paws and waits for her fellow councilmates to speak.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 23 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Lichenstar's summoning was direct- that, at least, informed Ferngill that this was a serious matter. Dutifully, he filed in after the rest of the council- and as their leader explained the situation to her council, the fiery tom found himself stilling more and more with every word. Sired kits... in ShadowClan. It took every ounce of Ferngill's effort to keep his breathing steady... and he dared not spare Iciclefang a single look. His sister was purged from his periphery.

Within him, Ferngill felt the unfamiliar coiling of anger. Iciclefang had given up her mate, her happiness, the moment things had gone too far. Cragkit, Crabkit and Pinekit knew nothing of their ThunderClan heritage, and Ferngill hoped they never would. It spoke quite oddly of this ShadowClan mate of Pikesplash's, to so openly tell her children that they had a father in RiverClan. To idealise another Clan so heavily that eventually, one of them would want to defect.

"This whole situation doesn't speak well of anyone's loyalty." Ferngill shook his head as he spoke, agreeing with Iciclefang. It wasn't fair. "I feel like we'd just be rewarding you, to make you an apprentice... extra time with your daughter and all." Sympathy raked against justice in Ferngill's belly. He knew that to love a cat in another Clan was a difficult thing to sever- but his sister had done it. She had moved on despite the agony. Pikesplash was sacrificing nothing.

"Is this Shadowclanner your mate?" Ferngill asked, an apologeticness in his expression. He didn't... the last thing he wanted was to make an enemy of a Clanmate, to be too harsh, but... if this Shadowclanner was still Pikesplash's lover, it would tell Ferngill all he needed to know- that Pikesplash thought he could get away with having it all. A lineage, a lover in another Clan, wearing the mask of a RiverClan warrior. "Would you- or your daughter- be able to face them in battle? Because... if Chilledstar kicks off about this, you will probably have to."
penned by pin


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • It's hard to keep the fire stoked when Pikesplash is so exceedingly good at taking a beating like it is a blessing. He thanks her for a minimal amount of generosity, to not crucify his child for his mistakes and she bubbles with frustration. He doesn't excuse anything... doesn't bother to explain or try to justify. He just takes it, even under threat of exile. The suggestion he seek out this nebulous molly to try to talk to her is met with an immediate and sharp, "Absolutely not." What in star's name did he think the answer was going to be? Sure Pikesplash, go fraternize with your illegal milk-maid one more time because it's only now gotten out of paw!

    Incredulous, she turns to look at those gathered, searches their equally fury-darkened gazes and knows she is not wrong to suggest to outcast him. At least she can feel vindicated in her judgement, even if it is whip-quick and equally painful and welting on tender skin.

    Snakeblink is a temperate rainfall over sun-burnt skin, gentle where it meets sizzling coals and coaxes the roaring inferno towards a simmering flicker instead. Her stare fixates on him, hard, with a tension in the planes of her face that makes her look far more sharp and gaunt than normal. He seeks a compromise and she knows in part he holds the same abysmal bias she does- that they are sitting here casting judgement on a friend... that they should choose mercy for that fact alone. Her jaw shifts where teeth grind against each other, struggling to swallow down the bile of distrust threatening to spill over.

    "A heart shattered by countless pains and betrayals."

    It burns....

    And she wishes for his comfort and resolve here to fix this mess instead.

    Ferngill at the very least presses for more than just a pathetic display of underbelly, demands answers that were not willingly given as part of confessional- she is content in that approach but becomes far more bristly at the sound of Iciclefang's questioning of her decision to allow Snowypaw here at all.

    Lichenstar squares her jaw, honing in on the calico queen with the same indignation she'd felt when Shellpaw had dared to spit and argue with her behind the medicine cat's den. Like a mother tired of her child's backtalk. "Just because... her father... was too cowardly... to claim her," she hisses, "Does not mean... RiverClan should suffer... the loss of a perfectly... competent and loyal warrior." A crooked-boned tail shakes alike a rattlesnake, a symbol of waning patience. "If the roles... were swapped... my judgement would be... no different. Do not... split loyalties... and you do not risk... losing your blood."

    It should be simple enough to understand. To not reciprocate the same ideal should one of their neighbors came calling would make her a hypocrite... and a fool. She owed traitors nothing and certainly would not waste her breath keeping their half-clan kits hostage. The only true justice would've been found before tiny lives were left dangling at the whims of their filmsy-faithed parents. "She is staying. That is not... up for debate."

    "Trust, however... is still up for question," she digresses, rolling back her shoulders to force the fur along her spine to lie flat. "Which is why... he will not leave... not without hawk-sharp eyes... on him at all times." Her attention flits between her cabinet of advisors then, "Snakeblink... since you beseech mercy... he's your problem now."

    He should be familiar enough with dealing with troublemakers... for trying (and perhaps failing) to integrate those who choose to ignore the warrior code and its teachings. This was a chance to redeem himself in repairing his shatter-brained friend or to finally prove his worthlessness as a 'diplomat' of any kind.

    "If Chilledstar asks... you are to say nothing. Fetch me... immediately. I'll deal with ShadowClan... myself."
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦ Pikesplash is hereby sentenced to the following (I did not want to type out Lichen struggling to talk for four paragraphs):
    - Camp bound for a month. All apprentice chores are redirected to him.
    - Banned from future Gatherings until further notice.
    - Banned from border patrols until deemed fit by Snakeblink.
    - Required not to leave camp without supervision once his house arrest is up.

    The council has been advised:
    - Do not speak to Chilledstar or ShadowClan delegates.
    - The new apprentice will be staying, whether they like it or not.
    - The new apprentice's old name will remain intentionally unknown, it is to be changed the following day (to Splashpaw, you're welcome Pikesplash)
    - Foreshadowing that half-clan kits born in RiverClan will be treated the same- she will not make a hypocrite of herself by not allowing other clans to stake claims on their half-clan kin ;)
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  

Lichenstar’s words are harsh, but Snakeblink cannot, and will not, find any fault in them. Pikesplash strayed from the path, and now he gets to discover what lies at the end of the road: it’s a great chance already that his daughter would be so readily welcomed, and his life not immediately forfeit. He inclines his head at their order, recognizing mercy when he sees it. ”It will be done.” In spite of the Colony’s… difficulties, he knows he can do this better than most: he is attentive to the point of becoming stalker-ish, and although he could be more rigid in his application of rules, he is certainly intense enough in his loyalties to make up for Pikesplash’s divided affections. And besides, Turtlepaw will appreciate the company, and he will be glad for the time spent with a friend, although he doubts the other tom will be able to say the same.

”Lichenstar, if you will allow me to ask… What do you plan to say to Chilledstar? Or do, were they to ask for her to return to Shadowclan?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Lichenstar’s pelt bristles at Iciclefang’s questioning, but the calico queen does not waver. She meets her leader’s blue gaze steadily. “Do not split loyalties and you do not risk losing your blood.” A threat. Smokestar had never threatened her, had seen the good sense she brought to the council. Iciclefang struggles to keep her lips stiff and in place, struggles to keep her teeth behind them. She mews, “As you wish. But do not expect me to welcome a ShadowClanner with open paws.” She forces the fur on her shoulders to remain flat, casting Ferngill an irritated look, but then says nothing.

Lichenstar’s ruling is one of mercy. Perhaps she should be comforted by that, but she does not know where she stands. Snakeblink, incompetent once already with the rogues who’d infiltrated their ranks, is given Pikesplash as a new burden. The tortoiseshell’s eyes flick toward the tabby lead warrior, but she says nothing more on the matter, lest she enrage their leader further.

Now, would you show me that same mercy, Lichenstar? She thinks, sweeping her pale blue gaze over the pointed warrior once more. She listens to Snakeblink’s question and tilts her head forward, an agreement. What was their fearless leader’s plan, then, once Chilledstar came knocking on their door, demanding a strong and capable apprentice back to their Clan?

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


The tone in demand wasn't what Petalnose had expected, watching as her friend sulked in behind. Gaze questioning, burning in what might have happened. Twolegs was all that came to mind when Pikesplash settled in front of them, hearing how he still spoke of his former twoleg in the past. It was all she could guess.. All she truly knew is if he was being dragged in front of the council, something awful was done and it was up to their vote and the leaders discretion. The lead warrior curled her tail over her paws neatly, eyeing the tabby as if he were to spout his own story. Stepped foot into twoleg territory.. Going back to the comfortable life. But instead, he stayed silent, she should've expected that if he seems to have done something so serious..

Petalnose didn't expect claws into her back when the truth was spilled, rage filling her and everything in her telling her to fight back. But she was silent.. she couldn't speak. Gaze stood burning and unblinking as she listened to the other's opinions. Apprenticeship.. ban from gatherings.. That seemed too soft in her eyes. Exile was only suitable in her view, swiveling an ear towards Iciclefang in agreement.

Why keep his daughter? This was a reward to Pikesplash it seemed.

Her maw opened to speak her opinion but Lichenstar shot it down before her words formed.

"She is staying. That is not... up for debate."

Claws dug into the grainy soil, clenching her tongue between her fangs as of not to voice her emotions.

"Which is why... he will not leave... not without hawk-sharp eyes... on him at all times."

The only... fairness I see is exile. Paws shall not lie in two places. He won't die for this clan, he already chose against it for selfish desires... This will become a bigger problem someday." Her voice dripped of venom despite the uncharacteristic quietness, narrowing her eyes towards Pikesplash, "I'm not going to forgive you for this." Petalnose hoped that stung as much as she had felt it. It felt as if she had just lost him, but truthfully.. she didn't want him back.

What friend would do this? Shouldn't have trusted a kittypet.

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Reactions: lichenstar
When Lichenstar meets his suggestion with a resounding no, he can't help but flinch. He had suggested someone else to come with him, so they could see that the meeting was purely to figure out what to do about the situation. He doubted she would've sent Snakeblink, perhaps Iciclefang to ensure no funny business went on, but who was he to disobey her orders? Had this been Cicadastar, he's certain the tom would have done much worse? As for Smokestar? I doubt he'd be as merciful as Lichenstar.... He awaits the voices of the council, all of them voicing their disapproval, some more than others. What remains is his gratitude towards Snakeblink. The tom while not defending him in front of the council, doesn't spit in his face. Doesn't curse him. I've disappointed you, haven't I? Oh, how he wishes he could speak (not that the council is telling he can't), but it is daunting and too many voices are overlapping.

From what he gathers... They think it's a reward for him to be with his daughter. It feels disgusting to hear Ferngill call her as such. She is not an object. He has half the nerve to tell the younger warrior off, yet refrains, knowing that he's always under hot waters. You asked me if I would fight my mate and kits Ferngill, but she knows. If I were to die from a shadowclanner, I would want to be her. We would fight each other, not letting our kits kill me. He sees no reason to hide this fact, and thus answers, "I can't speak for my daughter. I can only speak for myself. Make no mistake I'll face them in battle. Their mother knows this. She's fully prepared to kill me in order to protect her kits." Was that peculiar? Would Ferngill be unnerved that despite having a lover in another clan, they were more than willingly to fight each other? Or would that ease him? Reassured that he wouldn't struggle to face his mate and her clan if the time came? The question of whether or not they were still mates is purposely unanswered.

Iciclefang's voice booms over Ferngill's, questioning Lichenstar's decision. He expected insults, but for her to bring a child into this? His fur bristles. All his daughter wanted to do was see him and become a riverclanner. Who was Iciclefang to drag his daughter out? He is placated when Lichenstar puts Iciclefang in her place. Even if she calls him cowardly to claim his children. In a way she was correct. He has four kits, and three of them reside in Shadowclan with their mother. They carry the blood of a Riverclan warrior, which means he has robbed Riverclan of three other apprentices. And from what he has heard, they are skilled. Taking after their mother. Ferndance, Lichenstar says our daughter will stay. She already has enemies, but I'll take care of her as best as I can. Lichenstar has allowed me to stay, but I'll be watched over by Snakeblink. That won't be too bad. I hope he doesn't get sick of me though. I've been wanting to chat with him more, not like this, but for our daughter I'll accept this punishment.

The meeting is coming to a close. If Lichenstar wanted an answer he would nod in agreement to the terms she has decided. It's not like he had any room to argue with her. He was not deputy. He was not even a member of her council. He was just a warrior. A warrior who broke the code and was granted mercy. He wouldn't make her reconsider her decision. However, before they are dismissed it is Petalnose who speaks up. When green eyes meet dark amber, there is venom. He is rendered speechless, maw agape from her hate. "P-petalnose you..." Want me gone that much? Sadness overtakes him, seeing her this way. It's as if he was talking to a Petalnose who loathed him all those moons ago, for assuming he was gossiping about her. The cat who he considered his sister was no longer there. Not a single trace was left.


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • Snakeblink is probably the only one that can ask a question here and not be met with a pair of teeth around their throat. They glance towards him, unamused by his quandary but at the very least, understanding of his hesitation to leave Lichenstar to doing all the talking. It was diffcult enough to speak at all, much less when it came to diplomacy, something she was not particularly fond of or skilled with. "The truth." There's nothing else to be shared.

    Lichenstar was not a liar.

    "It will be... up to them... to decide what to... do with their... codebreaker. But the girl... will not... be leaving." Iciclefang's seething insistence that she will not be welcoming is met by a smile dipped in mirth, the corners of her eyes squinting in an insincere, mocking grin, "It's a... good thing then," she muses, "That I'm telling you... to welcome... a RiverClanner."

    She rises to her paws, listens to Petalnose in her fury- this was the reaction she'd expected. Outrage at the culprit, not the child, who is but a victim of circumstance. It was unfair to spit maliciously at a kit hardly old enough to be an apprentice... not when her parents who knew better were sat there with their tails tucked under them.

    "It's not.. entirely.. out of the question," she adds, giving Pikesplash a warning side-eye, "There will be... no more chances..." Her tail lashes, flicking to dismiss those present so they might go about their day and hopefully not be stupid enough to share information that shouldn't be spread. "Go... You've been... advised."

    "Don't make this... any worse... than it has to be..."
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    penned by tieirlys
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  • Angry
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