camp LET ME TAKE YOU FOR A JOYRIDE // hunting competition...?

// hiii we went ahead and decided to use Foxfang's little hunting competition idea...
Foxfang's team: @FOXFANG. @skyclaw @Sleekserpent. Redflower, Ravenstrike and Darkthistle
Stormywing's team: Stormywing, @freckleflame @PALEFIRE @THUNDERGLEAM Ploverhop, Roaringpaw
Roll 0-3 (1d4-1) to determine how many pieces of prey your character caught to win the contest! Feel free to toss in a + or - 1 modifier depending on if they are a highly skilled or not very skilled hunter.
Stormywing rolled a 3 (two pieces of prey)
No need to wait for anyone!

After Thundergleam and Palefire told her about what the others had been saying, Stormywing had been acting as if flames spit from under her paws. She thought she'd moved past all of this. The sneered insults thrown at her behind her back in her apprenticeship no longer happened, ever. She'd worked hard all her life here to prove them wrong, prove everyone wrong. She, the legendary Stormywing, climbed to the top of the Great Sycamore when she was only an apprentice. She, the courageous Stormywing, ventured to the mountains and back on a mission to save the clans. How is it possible that all these moons later, she must relive the torment of her youth?

Well, no longer! Because they are totally winning this competition.

The tabby bursts through the camp entrance, fur bristling with excitement from the successful hunt. In her maw she carries her catches: two shrews. Surely not the best she could've done, but it's still pretty good! Golden eyes cast upward - Sunhigh is when everyone was supposed to meet back here. And as if on cue, cats from both teams stream in not far behind her. Stormywing can't help but beam with pride as she drops the shrews at her paws and scans the clearing. "Well, well, well, shall we see who won?" The she-cat taunts, a cocky grin on her face as she stares down Foxfang. The sight of her team's haul is sure to impress. But as she looks to her teammates, she blinks in confusion when she only sees Palefire and Thundergleam. "Hey, where are the others?" Roaringpaw had begged to be on her team despite being an apprentice - she expected him to be one of the first ones back. And Ploverhop is gone, too. Blinking towards the other team, she realizes she can't see Darkthistle, Ravenstrike, and Redflower, either. Only half the teams are here! Her ears flick forward as she looks around, whiskers twitching with confusion.
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despite her obvious heritage, freckleflame had emerged from her apprentice days relatively unscathed. sunfreckle had been a lead warrior by the time she and her littermates were toddling around, and regardless of his size or missing limb, he’d proved himself again and again. he’d died for thunderclan, died before them all — gave up his own family for it, something the tortoiseshell had yet to forgive him for, herself. always a hero, off into the maw of a hound without a word to his family. thunderclan had been his true family.

she tries to conceal how much that hurts still.

the fact that he’d been a kittypet hardly crossed her mind, not since tumultuous youth. not since she ducked and hid her face in embarrassment when he ran beneath the hand of a twoleg, saving a clanmate but shaming himself in the process. the stories, the softness, the giggling of stories passed in youthful murmurs whenever howlingstar would mention his past — surprise painting her voice with each further push of heroicism her father attempted. she’d only wished for him to go away, back then. she’d wished he’d never come to the forest at all, because if he didn’t, she wouldn’t have been there in his kitten paws tucking her tail in abject humiliation.

now, as she skitters through a mound of leaves and misses yet another starling, she ( dramatically ) finds herself wishing the same again. maybe she wouldn’t be out here, thicket and leaves sticking raggedly from wild fur, making a plain fool out of herself if he’d never ventured from his twoleg nest. stormywing’d wrangled her up with no room to refuse, and so she hadn’t, and so she stands to dig up her only, measly catch from the root of an oak with a frown deep enough to crease her brow and a dark feeling coiling in her chest. inferiority. it brings a gloom over her head that follows her as she walks home, shoving broad shoulders through the gorse tunnel just as stormywing asks a simple question :

where was everyone?

freckleflame approaches, shaking of thoughts of her father and thoughts of palefire as she comes close enough to her — the lilac tabby may as well be honey - stuck to skyclaw’s side recently, and that alone twists her away from any kindling of forgiveness she may have had, ” yeah, what gives? “ she mumbles hotly around her single squirrel, approaching thundergleam’s side with a cut - eyed glance at and away from alabaster features. her ears flick back, offering a huffed, ” that ain’t very fair. if it was, she’d still be out there herself, trying to come back with anything other than one squirrel.

  • i.

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    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. she is fire - forged, smoldering ; something bright and voracious, radiant as the blazes that once raged through her homeland. shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over her hulking form. a heft of roundness settles comfortably upon her form in adulthood, padding muscle hardened by her life in the forest and yet still partially concealed beneath a tangled thicket of undergrowth - laden pelt. warriorhood had brought her to full height ; kittypet lineage showing itself in glimpses of rotund paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. she is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a mirrors image of her late father, sunfreckle, and just as warm.
    A LARGE, ATHLETIC MAINE COON MOGGY. somewhat brutish in the wake of her family's staggering loss, bull - headed and hardy with something to prove, freckleflame will often find herself in border disputes as an unsurprisingly formidable opponent. a slow but hard & heavy hitter.


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame had watched the hunting party leave that morning, bidding Stormywing and Freckleflame good luck and a whisper-toned kick their ass.
The sun is blazing from the highest point in the sky when Stormywing finally crashes through the entrance with two pieces of prey in her jaws. Roeflame rises to her paws from where she was sitting near the nursery, and begins to make her way over as Foxfang, Freckleflame, Palefire, and Thundergleam come into sight on her friends heels. Brow bones scrunch, puzzled. Half their patrol was missing. As the thought crossed her mind, Stormywing and Freckleflame echo her thoughts, and she comes to stand beside the latter, flicking a silvered tail against her mottled flank. Distrust blazed hot in her sage gaze, Redflower and Ravenstrike were amongst those missing, and it caused an itch down the queens spine. Why didn’t she believe that cheating a competition was all those two were doing, alone in the forest with Roaringpaw and Ploverhop? Because they were probably bullying them into giving up their catches, or something pathetically similar. Roeflame knows her paranoia is based on bias, her feelings about that still pressed a white-hot nerve, so she holds the thought back. “Who’s all missing?” The benched lead warrior inquires instead, not bothering to hide the suspicious glance she spares Foxfang.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

〕The hunting competition hadn't been her idea, but when she had caught wind of the idea she had been all for it. The recent accusations and bickering amongst some of their clanmates hadn't gone unnoticed, but she wasn't sure what exactly had started everything. It was ridiculous if you asked her. The rumors about kittypets not being able to hunt as well, laying around being lazy, not helping out the clan was all just a load of badger droppings! Perhaps this competition would help settle things once and for all. She had full faith in Stormywing's team to return with plenty of prey to shut the other team's traps for awhile.

The patrols return at sun high. She had been watching over the camp for Howlingstar when Stormywing triumphantly returned to the camp, shortly followed by Freckleflame. The opposing team lead by Foxfang had already returned, and it seemed they were missing three of their members. Flamewhisker trotted over, her gaze resting on Foxfang for a brief moment. She wanted to believe that perhaps the others had just lost track of time, or perhaps helping each other carry back their catches...but something felt off. "Hopefully they didn't run into trouble.." the deputy began, shifting her gaze to rest on Stormywing. There had been an increase in rogue activity lately after all, but that many missing cats should be able to handle a rogue or two. "Lets wait a few more moments in case they are just running behind, and if they don't we will go look for them."

  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 34 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
leafhusk wanted to believe that this childish hunting competition would fix things, but she prefers cynicism over tooth-rotting optimism. at best, this will make the instigators shut their maws for a few more days, giving every thunderclanner with a brain some time to breathe. young warriors were such brats, their know it all attitude over clanmates that have been in the clan longer than they’ve been alive. who hunted for the fresh-kill their mothers feasted upon, kept their home safe when their paws were soft? whatever. she’s coping just fine.

today, she feels merciful– when stormywing audibly wonders where everyone has gone, she doesn’t assume the worst. no, instead she tilts her chin, a stress induced headache thudding rhythmically in beat to her thoughts. "i’ll help look for them." an impulsive decision, but five is quite the hoard of cats to lose. her eyes flick towards her post-nursery deputy, showing that she'll stay put for now with a quick nod. roaringpaw and ploverhop are both enthusiastic, and leafhusk wouldn’t be surprised if the pair simply lost track of time. as for the other three, well… nothing was wrong. it would be alright.​

It was one catch, but one impressively plump squirrel, Thundergleam would say- pride rolled from her, ebbing and flowing like the tide beneath the moon's allure. Her maw twisted with a smile, though Freckleflame seemed a little dejected at the same amount ... a couple of times, she had attempted to capture the fire-branded molly's attention once or twice, just to let a glimmer of enthusiasm dance in pink eyes.

A pale mouth fell ajar a little at Stormywing's question- no, surely ... scrutiny narrowed her gaze, and she searched for those wandered faced among the gathered... but she knew her former mentor to be a loyal type, someone not prone to glossing over team-members in such a way. Worry glinted within pale-pink, and moonlight fur bristled with invisible discomfort. "Surely they could not get lost within their own territory..." Thundergleam's voice began quiet, but her gaze hardened a little as worry seeped into the voices of Leafhusk and Roeflame, despite Flamewhisker's attempt at mediation ... and, as Freckleflame deemed the extra time unfair. Thundergleam's tongue clicked quietly against the roof of her mouth, a thought brewing ... the memory of an abandoned snake skin, an enemy's tracks, staining her mind. "I worry something has befallen them." The split between kittypet and warrior birthright did not much occur to her.
penned by pin ☾
A friendly hunting competition - that's all this is, as Badgerstripe tells herself. But with two friends on both sides of the recent bickering, she cannot help the nervousness that plagues her mind as she waits near the camp's entrance for the teams to return. Just as she said, she'd pick no sides: but she'd be happy to welcome home the hunters, and await their results. If only she knew, with certainty, that another explosive argument would not break out if the 'wrong' team won.

As the teams stream into camp, equally cocky and proud, her gaze flicks first to Palefire - and then to Sleekserpent - and finally to Thundergleam, offering them all a wary, yet encouraging, smile. " Well done, " she mews quietly to the three, to all. The kits and their youngest apprentices will eat well tonight, regardless of the true purpose of this competition.

She awaits the arrival of the rest of the teams, but as Stormywing is quick to observe, there are some yet not present. It is all the worries that plagued her moments before; what if they ran into something? What if an argument broke out while on their hunt? Lost is not really an option that she thinks of, unlike Thundergleam; even Roaringpaw should be comfortable enough with their own territory to not get lost.

The molly, who now wears a worry-creased frown, shuffles over to Sleekserpent. " Did you see anyone on your way back? " she murmurs, as un-accusingly as she can muster.. but it is Redflower, Ravenstrike and Darkthistle that concerns her the most. Not out of worry for their well-being, but . . she couldn't help but notice that, for weeks, they have been rather.. aggressive.

Then, to the rest, she dips her head. " I'll help too, " she offers. Hopefully, they are simply lagging behind or taking the long way home. But for so many of them to be late, she can't help but wonder if they really did run into something threatening..

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) text

sleekserpent & 17 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

Truthfully, Sleekserpent would rather be elsewhere - he'd gotten inadvertantly roped up in this... mes, though it's his stubborn sense of pride that keeps him from withdrawing. Sleekserpent takes pride in her skills - her abilities. Surely, they'll far outshine any kittypet - it's a sure thing. And the thought that his actions might be perceived as weakness, as admitting he is less? well, it's certainly enough to put some energy into the usually calm tom, baby blue gaze burning with ill concealed hatred.

Sun touches the top of the sky, beating down on pale fur with blistering intensity, but sleekserpent all but struts into camp, not one but two plump pigeons and a mouse in his jaws. She blames the fact she didn't catch more on the fact she is a single cat - surely, overflowing jaws is more then enough for a single trip, no matter how much her inner perfectionist knows she could've caught more. Better to keep what they could carry, then to be forced to leave some behind.

They're unimpressed by what they find waiting for them - surely, if their teammates had done even half as well as they had they've won, right? But time passes, tail flicking irritably, and no one arrives. Badgerstripes congratulations warms cold figure for a moment, a small but genuine smile flickering onto the boys maw at his friends words - even if she had directed at all of them. " Lost? Hah- maybe kittypets are unable to remember their own territory, but I doubt the others would have gotten lost, "

By now, nerves have managed to creep into Sleekserpents face too - he knows, of course, that Redflower and the others he's begun hanging about aren't the nicest of cats - but surely, they wouldn't have done something to get themselves into torule. Sabotage and baiting the soft-hearted kittypets of the clan into danger is one thing... Still, she supposes she would be the last to know if they did, for all that she still tends to mind her own business more often then not.

They glance at Badgerstripe, expression softening as they shake their hed - " No - I prefer to hunt solo, so I am afraid I have not seen the others since we first left.... I hope they have not run into any danger, " he rass, paws twitching. Perhaps they really should go look for the others...

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O

// rolled a 4-1 for total of 3
The initial idea for this hunting challenge had been thrown at her and Thundergleam in an attempt to put them down for defending the kittypet members of the clan, and had she been less worried about maintaining her reputation, she would’ve scoffed the challenge away. But she had her pride to keep her motivated, and even without the honorable act of defending her clanmates, she couldn’t allow those mousebrains to believe they were better hunters than she was. It was her greatest strength, and something she took great satisfaction in; she would not allow them to ruin that for her.

The lynx-point trailed into camp hot on Thundergleam’s heels, having done her best to keep her distance from Freckleflame for the majority of the day. She still felt as if she were walking on eggshells around the tortoiseshell warrior, and knew that there was nothing she could do to make up for what she’d cost her. The best she could do now was staying out of her way. And yet, in spite of the discomfort, she managed to do quite well for herself. Palefire had brought down a rather fat squirrel and a large sparrow, which is just about all she could carry back on her own anyways. She was, to say the least, glowing with arrogance as her patrol returned to camp, loaded up with hearty prey. Surely, they had to have won.

Her smug satisfaction was short lived, however. The delicious high of feeling victorious over her opponents faded quickly when she wandered up to the group to overhear that several members of their competition had yet to return. It was concerning, certainly, since they had been out for quite a while now and there wasn’t any good reason for them not to have returned. Her icy gaze narrowed on Sleekserpent at their callous remark about the kittypets getting lost. “Really, you think that’s what happened? They couldn’t find their way back? All five of them?” The notion was ridiculous, and her fur bristled at the idea of what those foxhearts might be doing to Roaringpaw and Ploverhop right now.

“I’ll come check as well,” she offered to Flamewhisker at the suggestion they go looking for them. She wanted to make sure that her teammates were alright, of course, but she couldn’t deny the anticipation of catching Redflower in the act was just as great. Seeing the irritating molly scolded would be the highlight of her day; even better than winning the contest. She quickly dropped her two catches onto the fresh kill pile and followed her clanmates back out into the forest to figure out what exactly was going on.

  • [ so sorry for the late reply on this as well </3 pale rolled a 3! ]
  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to meadowpaw and Ivorypaw / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.