- Aug 9, 2022
- 689
- 327
- 63

The dark warrior was not here to make friends with this apprentice, he was here to teach her valuable life lessons, did he really need her to respect him? No. He didn't and honestly he couldn't care less if she did, but it was certainly aggravating in its own way.
Smokethroat's fire and brimstone gaze glanced back in the direction of the river with a neutral expression, vaguely wondering how the other mentors were managing. He was sure Mudpelt was doing very well, training his own son who was charming if not a little off. Willowroot enjoyed the company of younger cats, she was probably enjoying herself training her little duo who thought she was just the coolest cat alive (so he had heard them gossiping about at least and was inclined to mostly agree.) Cicadastar himself was mentoring Foxpaw, who was a sensible apprentice at least from what he had seen.
Then there was him and Iciclepaw. "If you keep scowling your face is going to get stuck that way and then you'll look like me." Which, as far as threats went, was right up there with 'I'm going to tell your mother you're being a little shit.' He'd been tempted several times to trip her for her general demeanor but she WAS performing well with her hunting and listening to him so he really could not find fault or reason to be petty. Despite wanting to.
Dropping to a crouch and gesturing to her to do so as well, he raised his tail in a point at a bird that was standing in front of a small bush and pecking lightly at the ground. "Try that one."
The wind wasn't exactly right but if they moved to position better they'd make too much of a disturbance. Sometimes knowing when to risk it was the best move.
Had he known what was in that bush he would have not encouraged the apprentice to make the leap of faith.