camp LIFT YOUR EYES UP FROM THE DUST ☀ on high-alert

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Camp had been a place of unease as of recent to say the least, and Roeflame’s latest scolding of Redflower and Ravenstrike had done nothing but raise hackles even further. The queen had no regrets on her decision to confront the two, if anything their response had shown their true, cold colors. While Roeflame had never been much of an observer, Coltkit’s incident had put the brassed molly on high-alert. Sat on the edge of the camps clearing, the prey a warrior had been kind enough to offer her remained untouched, celadon optics remaining upward and ever-moving. The lead warrior didn’t look too out of place as her pupils followed the busy forms of tussling kits, but if anyone knew Roeflame, this silent-guard demeanor was anything but ordinary. The soft sound of lush grass rustling prompts one cinnamon ear to flick in the direction of whoever was approaching, the voice not clicking to a name as they ask if she was going to eat the robin at her paws. “You can have it, if you want.” Roeflame finally breaks her steady surveillance with a shake of her head, lightly pushing the meal in her clanmates direction, “I ate this morning.” A mumbled white lie, but the tabby queen wasn’t keen on revealing why she was too busy to indulge.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


the tall grass is still swaying at her side when roeflame speaks — you can have it, if you want, she says, and the molly harrumphs a quiet chuckle. she hopes it hides the worry that sparks from seeing that robin untouched, ” dad’d strike me down from starclan himself, takin’ prey from a queen. “ she replies as she takes the empty spot aside her best friend, lowering down from bulky limbs into a black - red loaf that brushes the ends of roeflame’s silvery coat in teasing affection. she can tell something is wrong, despite a halfhearted attempt to lighten her mood ; part intuition, part knowing. the tension in thunderclan is taut, thick enough to slice a claw through, and freckleflame is settled neatly at the forefront of its scrutiny. she knows. still, she does not poke.

instead, she merely gazes at the tabby’s profile as dragonflies hum by overhead, watching the way gentle green eyes have grown hard and alert in days past.. a small, sad smile curls her maw, chest heaving on a little sigh, ” i can see squirrels runnin’ circles in your head, roe. “ she purrs, though it’s rickety and quiet with recent disuse ; the lead warrior is lost in troubled thought, and even if she couldn’t stop the arguing, the taunting.. she could listen. she’d always been a better listener than talker, anyway. a single paw comes to brush red - brown feathers, pulling at the thick plumage to make way towards the meat underneath, ” i’m only takin’ a bite if you do.. and why dontcha tell me what’s on your mind, while you’re at it? “

  • i.

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    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. she is fire - forged, smoldering ; something bright and voracious, radiant as the blazes that once raged through her homeland. shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over her hulking form. a heft of roundness settles comfortably upon her form in adulthood, padding muscle hardened by her life in the forest and yet still partially concealed beneath a tangled thicket of undergrowth - laden pelt. warriorhood had brought her to full height ; kittypet lineage showing itself in glimpses of rotund paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. she is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a mirrors image of her late father, sunfreckle, and just as warm.
    A LARGE, ATHLETIC MAINE COON MOGGY. somewhat brutish in the wake of her family's staggering loss, bull - headed and hardy with something to prove, freckleflame will often find herself in border disputes as an unsurprisingly formidable opponent. a slow but hard & heavy hitter.

  • Love
Reactions: ROEFLAME .

Stormkit was too low to the ground to feel the ThunderClan tension ... yeah, he'd heard the word kittypet thrown around a bunch, but there wasn't much else to glean. Wasn't a bad word, Ivorykit had said, or something like that. nd that was what mattered, wasn't it? That it wasn't something awful and cruel, because that wasn't how anyone was supposed to behave, he thought. Well, if cats were meant to behave like leaders, or like role models.

Too caught up in chattering to take much notice of his surroundings, it took Freckleflame approaching for Stormkit to recognise that Roeflame was there at all- overactive ears twitched, and a scrappy head swivelled to the sound, copper gaze rounding as Freckleflame kept talking. Running 'round her head ..."Squirrels!?" he repeated, tone pitching with croaky disbelief. Really? Well- he guessed there was a whold bunch he didn't really know about the world. Could running squirrels put you in that bad of a mood? They were food, right? Shouldn't that be a good thing?

An inky nose pointed skyward, trying to get a whiff of them. There was prey here, and Freckleflame was talking about eating, but it sure didn't smell like squirrel.
penned by pin ༄
Twilightkit lounges nearby, cleaning her lone paw of debris that's cropped up from her latest excursion - shredding old nests. She can't recall which kit started the activity in truth, but her claws do feel sharper, even if they're now laden with dry bits of moss. Her eyes are closed, feeling safe within the reaches of the nursery with queens like her mother and Roeflame watching out for them. She hardly notices the shift in demeanor of the latter - even when Freckleflame rests with them, the child doesn't move to listen or join them...

... Until Stormkit does. Twilightkit peeks open a single eye, looking towards her brother and his wide, confused expression. Something about a squirrel, or a lot of them at that. She glances around shortly thereafter, attempting to see if any warriors or apprentices brought some to gnaw on. The only prey she can find is the robin now settled between Freckleflame and Roeflame. She exhales a breath, pushing herself to stand though she doesn't press to stand beside her brother so quickly.

"That's a bird, Stormkit," she says, mistaking the tom's incredulous exclaimation for a misunderstanding. Maybe his nose wasn't as good as he claimed.