Rare are the moments that his mate can slip away from the ever growing population of kits in the nursery, and even rarer are the fleeting seconds that they both can separate from their duties at the same time. He tried whenever he could to give her a break, but it meant taking over the duty of kit-sitting himself so that Roeflame could get some ever-needed rest. Today though, his sister had agreed to help out and to her he was eternally grateful. While their kits nap, he sits with his tail curled around her frame, dark intertwining with light, and his head tilts upwards to look at the sky as the sun begins its descent.

Soon, the day would give way to night and the moon would rise, but right now it was that perfect in between. Hues of dark pink, purple and orange streak across the sky painting it in colors he swears can’t be real because of how pretty they are. And between the clouds he can spot the first glimmer of stars, warriors come out early he thinks. Too excited at the prospect of seeing their loved ones again to wait. His whiskers twitch as he recalls a story his mother once told him " Do you see that star there?" he asks, lifting one paw to point at the brightest of the dusk stars. "My mother once told me that it never moves. It’s always there. I didn’t believe her, she was always telling stories you know. But she was right" a soft but sad chuckle escapes past his lips as he recalls how he had called her out on it, challenged her words, and how she had then told him to go and see for himself. Stubborn as he was, he did. Every night for a week he had gone outside and looked up at that star and always it was in the same spot, shining brightly even before the sun had fully gone down. "She told me it’s a StarClan warrior up there, one who lost his way once but now guides cats home when they’ve lost theirs…" he wonders if that’s how she had found her way back after the journey, if that cat had come to guide her home and for a second he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. ”She was always better at telling stories than I am" he admits with a shrug of his shoulders and an amused twitch of his whiskers.

// please wait for @ROEFLAME . to post!

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The gentle echo of a stirring owl breaks the steady rhythm of her mates breathing, ribs tucked against hers under a thick pelt of night that her own brass melts into.
Roeflame had known that her time alone with Burnstorm would take a hit once the kits had been born, but in a blink four moons had passed, with only a pawful of nights like this in between. There’s no regret in that realization, the distance only made her heart grow fonder for the sweet, saccharine moments such as this- here, now. Her eyelids flutter, in an out of a daze as the dulcet sound of crickets and a winding bird chirp lull her into a state of complete relaxation. She feels Burnstorm move, and sage hues blink awareness back into disc-round pupils. He points a star, and Roeflames curious gaze follows with a soft “Hm?” The story her mate dives into brings a charmed smile to Roeflames' tempered features. From what she can remember of the kind warrior, Little Wolf’s story-telling was quite legendary. Roeflame looks away again, this time to focus on the stars themselves. The Queen wonders with a subconscious tilt of her head if Little Wolf, Flycatcher, Berryheart, or Dewfrost are among the stars tonight, if Batwing and Leopardtongue are watching their kits give Moonwhisper a run for her tail from the lavender sky.
“Her story telling skills were admirable, for sure.” Roeflame hums, letting a forepaw move to envelope over Burnstorms, “My favorite was hearing about the Great Clans, Tigerclan… Leopardclan, Lionclan- do you remember?” Roeflame pauses, eyes dancing to the nursery, “I should ask Howlingstar how it goes, I’m sure the kits would love it.” When Roeflame turns doe-round eyes to Burnstorm, there’s an idea shimmering behind them. “Or, perhaps we could tell it together, one day.”

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Thundergleam never grew tired of watching the sky. It faded between colours so effortlessly, the skilful paws of StarClan whipping up wonders for the cats below to have the pleasure to see, every day.

Thundergleam had learned enough by now to know that Roeflame and Burnstorm were mates, currently raising a litter in the nursery... wonderful, just wonderful. It was thanks to them Thundergleam was having her first experience meeting kittens... getting to know how much personality they already had, at such young ages! Smile feather-soft, she drifted nearby, ear angled to Burnstorm's story of an eternal StarClan warrior, sparkles in her eyes. Of course, she gave the couple space... but she could not resist wanting to know more. Father had never disclosed this particular tale.

"Is he the first StarClan warrior?" Thundergleam asked softly, voice steeped in fascination. The ancient Clans, yes... Roeflame spoke, and she remembered that tale well. All kits should know it! A tufted tail flicked with approval. "A selfless duty... to wait as a sentinel, and guide others to salvation." That was not much different from her own destiny! Ferrying ThunderClan to an existence without pain, taking on troubles herself along the way.
penned by pin ☾

"The stories of Starclan have always been so interesting to me." Came the flippant trill of Campionsong, from the man who worshipped the fixture of the ever-bright and molten sun, for who could not give praise to the brightest thing in the sky? He had come from a place that had revered it, and thus did he find himself indebted to it even as his kin turned their eyes to the twilight. After all, the sunlight gave them everything - the ability to see, the sustenance for the green, and the light to illuminate all. As the tomcat settled into the colonies and the clans, he found a greater appreciation of the motes of gleaming gems beset upon the night, and he understood how they sought solace among the glimmers above. It was hard not to see each pair of stars as a set of staring eyes, always watching and ever-present. Silverpelt, in all its streaking glory, could not be described with any adjective but beautiful. "Being a Starclan guide seems so fun. I'd totally send the cats I didn't like the wrong direction." The silver tabby chuckled, intonation bubbly and unbecoming of the eiderdown of the setting sun, though he could often be counted on to play the fool. It was, perhaps, inappropriate for him to be saying such things, but he rarely took many matters too seriously. Life was too short to be caught up in the past, he often reasoned.

"Lionclan, Tigerclan, and Leopardclan are great stories to tell kits. I should tell them to my own someday." The older tom mused, and the heat of his previous statement had simmered down, as though the temperature of his verses had lowered to a balmy throb rather than that of a empassioned poet. He often wondered if they had truly existed, if there were even felines with statures bigger than dogs and with fangs sharper than badgers. It seemed too outlandish to be true, but who ever claimed he hated the outlandish? Fern-green eyes settled upon the sundown, as the great light in the azure rested its legs upon the roosts beyond the mountains and the treelines, the hearth closing its eyes and allowing its breath to murmur and whisper gentle. How beautiful it is to be alive to witness it every day, and to know you will do so again and again. If there was one thing about Campion, he hardly took nature for granted. In this moment, he allowed the tangerine hues to bathe over moonlight silvers, for the tides of vesper's cry came quiet and transient as the beat of a silent heart.
Rosethorn doesn't mean to eavesdrop into the couple's conversation, but she does have the good sense of remaining quiet, which is quickly thrown out when other clanmates begin chatting about the great clans. She knew about Lionclan, Tigerclan, and Leopardclan. It did strike her odd that there were three clans and how three became five. I could ask why there's only three. An elder should know? Or give me some type of answer. Ears flick when hearing Campionsong stating he would misguide cats he dislikes and at that she frowned. "I don't think they'd send you to guide anyone if you did that."She simply can't imagine all of Starclan sending a cat to misguide you. How terrible would it be? Expecting to be led to friends and family that have passed only to be led astray? It's not like my mom and dad will be in Starclan... They died as kittypets and didn't know about Starclan. Who would guide me? I hope it's someone nice.

A metaphorical record scratches.

"Don't... Don't you have kits already Campionsong?" Or did I make that up? It puzzles her because she swears the older warrior has a family, but the manner in which he words his statement is as if he has no kits to tell. Or maybe she is completely not understanding and what he meant to say was that he'll tell his existing (do they exist?) eventually. I don't see why he can't just tell them tonight though. On the topic of kits... Her mind wanders to the numerous bundles in the nursery wailing, definitely not. Starting a family is nice and all, but it isn't her focus right now. Her focus remains on making sure the influx of kits of the clan are fed and helping the other warriors manage to get some food in their bellies. One day when things weren't hectic, and with someone she loved and loved her as well she would consider. That wouldn't be for a long time though. Anyhow, she still needed to become a noble warrior and figure out what happened to her savior all those moons ago. I want to thank you.