Lingering on the undertone ❧ Smoke sighting

Paws carry Florabreeze beyond the bounds of camp and among the pine trees of the forest. There was a smell of algae carried in the air from the river nearby, the sound of rushing water blending in with the birdsong and scurrying prey. They were in the direction of the RiverClan border, while it's not a border patrol she is inclined to keep an eye out for any neighbours in the distance. Even if it's near impossible to really see anyone from the distance that the patrol was currently at, the thought kept her socially motivated mind active. A tail flicks in the air as she tries to pinpoint any particular scent, maybe if she's lucky she'd find a vole today.

A squawk of a particularly shrill sparrow whips her head up to the treeline. Glancing at the branches of the pine trees for a glimpse of brown feathers amongst a sea of deep green needles. The thought of finding a vole today is momentarily abandoned in favour of something slightly more challenging to catch.

As her lime gaze holds onto those thin branches she squints, was that a trick of the light? A storm has been haunting this rather gloomy day but this dark tuft of billowing wisps didn't seem to belong to any cloud. With a thoughtful expression she looks back over at the patrol, meowing to the nearest cat. "Hey- Is that smoke?" Her voice still carries that chipper tone but underlined with concern. Trying to keep the peace without undermining whatever is going on with their neighbours. It may just be a cloud though, or some kind of smog.

  • Spotting smoke over at RiverClan! Open to anyone to be on the patrol (keep in mind SkyClan is not being affected by the fire!)
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Copia pads forward after the lead warrior, and his nose wrinkles at the scent of algae along the river. For once, the former rogue feels some relief for being away from the twolegplace border. The algae and fish don't smell any better— but at least the strange scent of RiverClan doesn't make him miss a life he once had. His ears twitch at the peaceful ambience of the flowing water, and he finds himself crouching at the river bank. He laps up water with his tongue, feeling parched, but the black smoke pauses, mismatched eyes staring at the river. It would look like his mismatched gaze was staring down some poor, helpless fish; but he knew better than to steal from the river. Is that smoke reflecting onto the river? Copia thinks as he sits up, and his gaze lands onto Florabreeze.

"Er, that looks like smoke to me." Copia comments with a slight frown, as birds paint the sky along the smoke, flying away from the darkening smoke clouds. His mismatched eyes land on the smoke that continues to darken, and his nose twitches. "I can't even smell the algae or fish anymore, eh." This could be good for RiverClan. Well, maybe not right this second; but fires aren't just destruction. But even with that considered, he silently hopes no stray embers make their way across the river.

  • 89763132_S5MU9f3ZeHFl3mu.png

    artwork by llumisky (via TH) for the artwork<3
  • Copia
    37 moons
    experience: shadowing
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    pixel by nopeita <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & white
    pelt: black smoke with low white
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)

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// Emberfall treaded behind Florabreeze as she kept a steady pace with the rest on the patrol, her orange gaze flicking towards @noodle to ensure he kept up with them. "Do you sense anything? Don't rely too much on your eyes, learn to use all your senses while you hunt," she rumbles towards the red and white tom-cat, watching his facial expression and body language to see how he reacted for a second before catching Florabreeze glancing back at them. A fictional eyebrow raises at the lead warrior's question as she glances to the skies and notices the puffs of smoke. Copia states that it does indeed seem to be smoke as she nods her head in agreement, her whiskers twitching as her nose scrunches at the very faint scent of smog in the distant.

"It seems so. Let's hope that the damage isn't too severe." The cinnamon smoke would murmur as her tail flicks while watching the smoke before glancing to the branches in search of the stray sparrow that Florabreeze caught sight of earlier. What had caused the fire and what if they fire somehow managed to get across to their territory? The thought of flames burning everything ablaze in Skyclan made her inwardly cringe, there was too much wildlife and nature that would easily light up like a match.


Howlfire trailed behind the rest of the patrol, eyes watchful for any nearby prey. They hadn't caught anything just yet but Howlfire was itching to bring something good home. She had caught a few good squirrels the past few days but was eager for more of a challenge.

When they approach the river border, Howlfire is a little taken back by the strong algae smell, but is gladdened to see the river running a bit smoother, at least on their side. Like Copia, she stops to lap up some of the cold water, and had just lifted her head back up when she hears Florabreeze's question. Smoke? Howlfire's gaze follows the rest of the patrol, and sure enough, she sees the telltale signs of smoke clouds rising into the air. "Definitely looks like it to me too," Howlfire nodded in agreement. Emberfall makes a comment about hoping the damage isn't too severe and Howlfire hummed a little in agreement. "Let's hope it doesn't spread either," She mewed softly.
I BUILT A LITTLE EMPIRE ฅ^._.^ฅ ————————————
Noodle was really fitting in! Everyday he was learning new ways to smell, to see, and to move! Plus, everyone seemed to be (kind of) warming up to him. He'd be deputy in no time at this rate! Plus, the gorgeous she-cat who had greeted him at the border was assigned to be his "mentor". Noodle felt like he couldn't lose! Sure, his muscles ached every morning he ventured to rejoin SkyClan, and his housefo-... twolegs fussed over his now dirty coat. Extra brushings and the threat of baths loomed over the horizon.

Speaking of Emberfall, Noodle did his best to keep up with her. She was fast! Most of the SkyClan cats had an affinity for moving through their territory like birds through air, and he was getting better at keeping pace. "I can smell the smoke... kind of. Where is it at? Is that RiverClan's territory?" He was learning a lot, but not everything was sticking as well as he hoped. The other clans especially. Apparently he had missed the "gathering" and a chance to look at cats other than his clanmates.

[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ฅ^._.^ฅ OUT OF SOME CRAZY GARBAGE
Slatesnarl, for the first time in a long time, feels relatively at ease on this patrol. His hip isn't giving him a ton of grief today, thankfully, and his kits are safe and sound back in camp. It was peaceful, getting away from the hustle and bustle of the main clearing and strolling down the avenue of the pines. The patrol he's with is accompanied by Florabreeze and Howlfire, two newer lead warriors. It's strange, considering them his superiors after being theirs for so long, but Slatesnarl truthfully doesn't think about the change too much. He was too bullheaded to bow his head and obey every authority-given command; he was his own boss at the end of the day. Orangestar was the one cat who Slatesnarl would lend his ears to, but even then, she may not be fully exempt from his stubbornness.

Florabreeze speaks up, calling the patrol's attention to what appeared to be smoke in the distance. It was dark and hazy, billowing from RiverClan's direction. The smell hits the Maine Coon soon after, prompting his dark nose to scrunch up in response. His clanmates' concerns about the fire spreading were valid, but Slatesnarl figures that SkyClan hasn't anything to worry about. "Thankfully the river separates us from them." The idea of flames growing so powerful that they leaped across water was foreign to him. He has only witnessed small blazes in his lifetime, nothing that hasn't been extinguished within a day.

This was not a pleasant smell, not like the one that accompanied hot dogs cooking on a grill in a twoleg's yard. Slatesnarl suspects the culprit behind the seemingly random occurrence, grumbling, "The work of twolegs, I bet. All they do is destroy." Twolegs had started the fire that gutted WindClan's territory, did they not?

  • 75375484_vL7mDl6wNERV2mI.png
    — slatesnarl / 44 moons / he/him
    — skyclan warrior & former lead warrior
    — mate to orangestar / father to lambkit & fangkit(?)
    — lh solid black maine coon w/ rusting, amber eyes. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
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