pafp little bunnies // babysitting



Unbeknownst to Rosemarykit, but her mere existence (alongside that of her siblings) exhausts that of her parents. Not in a dastardly way, no - such is life of raising helpless little beasts. Sleep is lost, selfcare is forgotten, and everything is confusing. Those new to parenthood never know what they're getting into, and those who've experienced it once still are unsure if they've done it right.

Nonetheless, the sepia kitten lifts her wobbly head and looks out into the sunlit camp. She's not left the nursery yet - her siblings may tempt to escape on unsteady, weak paws, but not she - however she recognizes that the plush fur she leans into is not that of Swiftdawn's. It's her grandmother, Magnoliasong, who holds her and her siblings close whilst their parents get a well deserved break. As said before, child rearing is no easy task, and it seems her grandmothers (as surely, Tigerfang is not far from her partner,) are more than eager to help out.

Rosemarykit blows a raspberry, squinting as she tries to further burrow herself into Magnoliasong's mottled pelt.

[ pls wait for @magnoliasong !! ]​

Childrearing had been all the elder had known at one point. She was never gifted in hunting or fighting, never skilled at using claws and fangs. Magnoliasong was as soft and delicate as her namesake - a priestess of far off lands to dictate the wills of the sun; a prized flower of her home, sheltered by a protective mate. In the aftermath of disaster, losing the only home they had known and finding ThunderClan, came new life and a love for raising kits.

It’s her niche and one she proudly fits herself back into for her son and his partner.

Magnoliasong curls plush tail protectively around the quadruplets, stunning golden eyes fixed upon the kittens. She hums a gentle lullaby to them, meticulously grooming each head as it pops up to peer around with newfound sight. “Just you wait until you can go explore - the world is a beautiful and fascinating place,” she coos sweetly, noticing Rosemarykit scoot closer to her fluff, hiding herself in elder pelt. “Or you can stay here for as long as you like. Every litter needs a watcher. An observer. Your uncle Wavemoon was always keen on hanging back and watching his siblings explore.”
[ penned by kerms ]
BUT I'M JUST SO OUT OF MY DEPTH — In a way, Coalkit's childhood so far had felt a bit like a game of hot potato. Burnstorm and Roeflame cared for he and his brother perfectly well, of course, but there were also cats like Gentlestorm, and their older siblings. Not to mention the numerous cats around Thunderclan that saw fit to throw their own support in the ring for the unexpectedly orphaned pair. In a way it was inspiring, but it was also slightly unnerving for the young tom. To constantly feel surrounded, like he couldn't just exist without the input of someone else.

Suffocating in a way that Rosemarykit and her siblings didn't have to worry about, with their own pair of parents and grandmother to take care of them.

He wasn't jealous, but it was difficult to tell that he wasn't if one went off just the sour looking expression on his face. Looking towards Rosemarykit and her grandmother like they were the enemy wasn't exactly helping his case, nor did the words that eventually left his muzzle. "What's the point in staying when you've got the chance to explore? As long as... as long as you're following the rules, it's best to see things for yourself. Isn't it?" Coalkit hadn't meant to sound so challenging towards an elder - no doubt a cat who possessed far more knowledge than he did - but he failed to see the point in constantly staying behind to watch while everyone moved on without you. Not being careless was important, sure, but he didn't believe in being always stuck in one place. He was sure Hopekit wouldn't either.

  • 81641257_cc6OVDHQigHNM4a.png
    shorthaired black smoke with forest green eyes
    amab; goes by he/him pronouns
    3 moons old; ages the 5th every month
    homosexual; not yet interested in romance
    son of leopardtongue and batwing
    brother to bravepaw, cougarpaw, hazepaw, foxpaw, and hopekit
    extremely difficult to befriend; cold and blunt
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic

Merlinkit mewled loudly, for the little kitten recognized Magnoliasong's satin fur to not be of their parent but of a different yet similar comfort, and the little blue tortoiseshell gleaned solace in the fields of lavenders and plush. Surrounded by solace, she knew naught but the luxury of youth. Her eyes pressed shut, for the racket grew too great for her hummingbird heart, and perhaps cloying away her sight would remedy it. Pressing her face against her grandmother's belly, she bathed in the warmth of love, like she were a dandelion in a plain of idyll, lying recumbent and reposed. Merlin knew that her parents were not here, though hadn't much of a clue why. They would return, she was assured of it. They always did. Her keen ears shot upwards at Coalkit's words, though she could hardly untangle what he had said from the rumbling din of the world, and so there was no response from the meek kit. Only a whimper escaped round maw, muffled by the velvet drapes she closed herself into.

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Fadingkit knew there had been a time where she too had been just as small as Rosemarykit and Merlinkit. Wobbly and on unsteady paws yet they had lots of time to grow and become strong just as Fadingkit has and her siblings even when their parents had tossed them aside to allow the other queens to deal with the five, and as far as Fadingkit thinks. She had grown to be a well-behaved kit and not one that cause more stress to the queens around her. Besides Fadingkit made it her own duty to watch over her own kin so they didn't cause any more problems for the older cats.

Mangoliasong was here taking care of the new tiny brood while Coalkit questioned what point was there to be staying within the safe encampment of the nursery while Merlin mewed and whimpered. Stubby tail wiggled softly and she hummer a bit. "The nursery is nice and cozy! I wouldn't mind staying in here myself if my friends beyond the nursery didn't require my attention!" she said lightly before looking over at the tiny kits, wondering when they too could play kit games.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The elders gentle presence was always a welcome one- when the nursery wasn’t filled to the brim, anyhow. When the senior she-cat had first slipped into their woven abode, Roeflame had been on her way out on the heels of her adventurers- the ones who wanted to be out so early in the day, anyways.
By mid-morning, Coalkits presence is missed during a head count, and Roeflame decides it may be time to check-in on the tom kit, and stop by the nursery.
Ducking in, sage hues blink rapidly against the abrupt dim light, ears perking as the beginnings of a conversation caught the tabby queens attention. Only catching the tail-end of Rosemarykit’s question, Roeflame comes to stand near Coalkit with a curious blink in Magnoliasong’s direction. Unsurprisingly, the elder’s response is wise, and gentle. Coalkit and Fadingkit are quick to make their opinions known, and Roeflame settles down, deciding it would be rude to leave Magnoliasong by her lonesome, at the mercy of a child’s curiosity. “When you’re ready, yes.” Roeflame hums towards Coalkit, “The world is big and bright! You can’t enjoy it until you’re ready to embrace the new and unfamiliar.” Roeflame’s own response is kept vague, not wanting to confuse her kit with too much rambling. “Everyone is different.”

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.