How peculiar it is to care for Cherryblossom in his spare time. He would bring her food, water, or ask if she needed new bedding and if she required it, he would provide. They weren't close. In the past they were joined at the hip, or maybe it is better to say that he clung to her. Memories in which they would play together and laugh resurfaced each time he visited her, yet he never commented on it. What would it even do? It's not like talking about the past will change anything. It'll just hurt. He can't say that reminiscing will hurt her, but for him? It is agonizing. Agonizing to think fondly of those simpler times, knowing they're never come back. Knowing that the Cherryblossom who once cared about him is gone, or worse, never existed.

Sometimes there are days in which he thinks of different fate. Where they're both friends. Talking about anything, whether it's dissing Slate for the hundredth time, commenting on something funny another warrior did on patrol, share their troubles, or share a meal. Most of all, laughing together. And there are times he swears he can hear her laughter in the wind, haunting him.

Anyhow, whatever they are is put aside as he enters the medicine cat den with a plump squirrel in tow. The black smoke places it in front of her, "Is this good? Or do you want a bird to eat?" Time can change a multitude of things, yet it couldn't change his to the point nature. Perhaps it's reassuring in a way. Hazel eyes look down at the other warrior, unblinking, awaiting her answer. Some time passes before he adds, "Do you want water instead? Or new bedding?" Do you hate me? Or do you just want me to leave you alone Cherryblossom? I don't know what to say anymore. We haven't spoken in a long time...

"Your name. Cherryblossom. I like it. It comes from Orangeblossom, right? It suits you." A small smile curls from his lips. A memory of their younger selves makes itself known in his mind. Of a Cherrykit climbing a tree stump and excelling in it. The stump is such a pathetic thing to them now, yet he remembers the pride in her he had that day as well as Orangeblossom's that day. And then when she became an apprentice, he saw her train sometimes. She had always been skilled and had a fire in her eyes that couldn't be extinguished. Oh, how he looked up to her as a kit. She made it as easy to after all. Even though their relationship was confusing he could never deny her passion and ferocity. Before he can stop himself, a damming inquiry leaves his maw in a moment of weakness, "How are you?"
  • @Cherryblossom plops thread gently
  • — crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 12 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlheart
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
If she ever caught wind of Crowsight's thoughts, the only thing she'd think to do is laugh. Cherryblossom rarely thinks of Crowsight. Ponderous she is not; thoughts of her past, mostly its mistakes, are confined to involuntary blips of waking and the vague dark remnants of nightmares. Every so often their paths cross, and the warm touch of nutmeg startles her back into kithood. Back to the tinkling of holly berries in the periphery, milk-scent billowing through the salt sting of tears, the endless battering of thirteen sets of paws in one den.

Perhaps that's all Crowsight is to her: a walking memory. When a dark figure pushes aside the hazel boughs, spilling midday sunlight onto the well-trodden floor, Cherryblossom heart sings the name of his sister. But the space between chin and chest where her ears slot and their chests brush is not the downy white she knows, but a void plain of gray. Dangling from too-wide jaws is a squirrel and stilted words, and she drags pale gold eyes up towards stark hazel.

The calico found it a bit funny at first, how just being infirm made others wait on her paw and tongue, and she delighted in it where she could. It's gone stale as days passed and her thigh no longer needed the salve of humor, kept prisoner by Fireflypaw's insistence on never being too careful. "It's fine." Her head tilts at his insistence on helping. Has she really been that demanding? Well, one could never say she didn't fulfill her duties, and thus didn't deserve it... "Mmm, not now," she hums, flicking the plume of her tail.

"Your name. Cherryblossom." That's right, they haven't really spoken since their warrior ceremony. Maybe even for a few moons before then, too. A smile glimmers rough in his maw, the cut of lip glittering in the dappled light like a stray hair. She doesn't smile back. "It does, doesn't it? I asked Orangestar myself for it," she purrs. After a beat, she adds, "I guess yours suits you too." Sight. For forsight, or his unsettling stare?

Citrine eyes study Crowsight for another moment━mostly waiting for him to leave. Abruptly, like many of things he does. Instead, he blurts, "How are you?" Cherryblossom blinks, like it's something significant. "What do you think?" she sighs, gesturing to her poutice-coated limb and, vaguely, the circumstances of the past quarter-moon. "Fine, really." The warrior shrugs.

"How are you?" She stares up at him, scrying the stone of his face for any cracks, anything. Even now, she doesn't quite know why he's so awkward around her, or what's become of them. He's as hard to read as she is to please. "Your thing with my sister and Oddpaw's really making the rounds," she meows offhandedly. Her loss, if she could even call his absence a loss after so long, is Owlheart's gain. She should be happy that the most awkward cat in the clan found the most neurotic and the most freakish to love, and so easily.

skyclan warrior | "speech." | tags
Crowsight nods, not paying any mind to her gaze. He expected her to stare. However, it was still bizarre. Then again, things are bound to be weird when an estranged friend? Someone you once knew well took care of you while you were in the infirmary. Don't think too hard about it. She's probably confused or wondering why we're even here. Oh, she's speaking. You don't need it? "Okay." Owlheart or someone else would probably come by later and give her water. Or, knowing Firefly he'd ask and fetch some water or new bedding for her. Cherryblossom will be fine. Firefly said she'll be out soon.
Hearing that Cherryblossom asked her mother personally for the name doesn't surprise him. It makes complete sense. "Yes it does suit you and I figured you asked. I don't think Orangestar would've named you Cherryblossom if you didn't ask. The name carries a lot of weight." Personally, he wouldn't ask to carry the suffix of someone important such as Silversmoke in the clan. Crowsmoke didn't sound nice for one, but he didn't want to live under his father's shadow either. He refused to be chained by his mentor's legacy, though gives Cherryblossom a puzzled tilt of his head. "Guess? So yes?" Why'd you say guess? It's either yes or no. "I think it's a cool name."

The sarcasm that drips from her words doesn't go unnoticed, frustration beginning to boil. Hazel eyes narrow slightly as she gestured to her poultice-coated limb and answers the question (if one would call it that) for him. Were you always like this? Whiskers twitch in annoyance and through gritted fangs he answers, "I think besides being hurt you're doing okay. Your mom gave you then name you wanted, you don't have to deal with Slate anymore, You're very close with Lupinesong and Edenberry. In all things have been looking up and soon you'll be out of this den, catching up with Lupinesong and Edenberry. Only bad things I can think of is being trapped in the medicine cat den and... Thinking about what happened to your mom." Red fur comes to mind, and the frustration he had felt for Cherryblossom dissipates into sorrow. While Cherryblossom and Owlheart were two entirely different cats, he can't help but think Orangestar's death has effected her in some way. Ashenclaw as well, but he never asked. After all, they weren't close anymore and he wasn't equipped to speak about it. Would it even go well? She's snappy now. Is it because of what happened? I don't even know if she'd want to talk to me about feelings. Lupinesong is her best friend, makes more sense for Cherryblossom to go talk to Lupinesong about it.

In any case, he is pulled from his thoughts, an inquiry is asked about his own well being. He doesn't answer. Not immediately. She's looking at him and yet it feels distant. Let's see what happens... His stony demeanor softens. "Not so good, but things could be worse." It's not much, but it's enough for Cherryblossom to comment on. Will you ask me what's wrong or say nothing? I need to know if you even care.

"Your thing with my sister and Oddpaw's really making the rounds."

Rage flares, fur bristles, ears flatten, and fangs are bared. "It's not a thing Cherryblossom. We're dating." He cares not that the news of the three of them being together is making rounds. What he couldn't stand was it being called a thing. It's insulting. Not only to him but his partners. Especially Owlheart who is Cherryblossom's younger sister. Had Owlheart been here he would've been a better cat, not letting his emotions get the best of him. However, she is not here. Telling Cherryblossom about the status of his relationship was never under his radar and if he had to tell her, it wouldn't be like this at all!

"Listen, I don't care if you insult me, but I won't let you insult the two cats that I love. Would you tell Owlheart what you told me? That we're just things?! That we're so Insignificant that we're no better than crowfood? Owlheart isn't a thing and neither is Oddpaw." He really shouldn't be having a spat with someone who is recovering, yet here he is anyway making a fool out of himself and Cherryblossom. "You want me to consider your relationship with Edenberry to be a thing? Something you'll toss aside when you're bored or doesn't benefit you in anyway?" Someone should drag him out of the den right about now. Fighting fire with fire was not the way to go. However, the black smoke is too far gone. A side in which only so few have seen is now on display. An ugly side that bites and yowls at anything and everything, with the intent to hurt, to destroy.

A large fluffy tail lashes behind him wildly. "Why are you like this?! I don't remember you being such a jerk! What are we anyway?! Friends? Strangers? Enemies? Just tell me! I'm tired of stressing endlessly about whether or not we're still friends or were even friends in the first place! You talk to me like you want me to go away sometimes and other times you're just okay about me breathing next to you. Do you know how confusing that is?" Hazel eyes tear themselves away from her own citrine eyes to the crow feathers she had gifted him long ago, a sign of their friendship. "You know what's dumb?" The black tom draws closer, "That I was still holding on."

"Even though you stopped talking to me without an explanation, I still waited for you. Waited for you to tell me why. You never did though. Never told me what I did wrong or if you were just bored. Yeah, it would have stung if that was the reason, but at least I would've given up on you a long time ago. Didn't let me watch you run off with my sister and forget about me. I was sick too. And every time you went straight to Lupinesong. It's like I never existed. I'm not stupid. I know if you had to pick, it would be Lupinesong every time. After all, you've always liked her."
Everyone always did. A black paw hovers above the crow feathers on his neck. I bet you don't even remember that you gave me this. You were my first friend. My best friend.

Desolation overtakes anger. "Was anything real between us?"
  • Wow
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