camp Little sins of ours // eating


Do Me The Honour
Dec 20, 2023
Temptation could be a hard thing to ignore. A pink tongue rolled across his dark lips as he stood at the freshkill pile, eyeing the catches sitting upon it. In comparison to prior seasons he was surprised to see so much. Usually by now they would be facing an empty pile and painfully empty bellies. Not only that but they had also gained territory from ThunderClan, opening up a whole new stretch of ground to hunt on. Sure, poor Needledrift had died for it, but how many more had been spared from starvation as a result of the efforts? It was hard for Willowburn to not feel smug about it all.

"The efforts of everyone has been worth every bit thus far. May StarClan continue to watch over us as leaf-bare continues." Willowburn purred as he selected a mouse from the pile to enjoy. The fluffy tom nestled himself down near the nursery in order to savour his meal, humming a tune merrily. The clan might have been mourning, but Willowburn was celebrating.

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starclan this, starclan that. the stars don't like to be so easily discarded for those that say they're above all, for starclan. starcaln is nothing. the stars insist it. the stars know better. the stars... are watching. buzzardkit makes her way to the feast, pinning her ears as she stares with slight disinterest. a lot of talking and not a lot of eating. she's grown a lot more into her paws, so her gait is steady when she stands near willowburn.

"h...ungry. can i eat, too? or is this for the w....arriors?"

he doesn't really care if it is or not. he is hungry, too. his crooked tail twitches and he steps closer tilting his head off to the side.

"why... are you humming? what is making you happy? isn't e...everyone else"

Efforts were needed, of course, but they unfortunately meant nothing without results. Grimacing, Pinefang watched Willowburn eat and hum. StarClan gave them food, for what, a sacrifice? Was that what others were? Simple sacrifices? Like the one he loved? He tried to shake the dark thoughts from his head.

However, it was Buzzardkit's comment that caught Pinefang off guard. He turned towards the kitten. "Of course you can eat,"
The warrior sounded slightly surprised. "The fresh-kill pile is for everyone." He lowered his head to explain. And honestly, he much rather not answer the other question but it was partially needed.

"Uh, people have to be happy, it helps us get through hard times." He tried to explain, smiling as best as he could.
Willowburn looks... comfortable, off to the side, chowing down by himself. His joy could almost be contagious, if Mapletuft had been in a better mood perhaps her smile could meet her eyes, too. It's worth an effort, though, to continue having high spirits in times where you feel like it has no end, and so she makes her way over as more cats gather around him. More specifically, a kit teeters over to join, and she grinds her teeth together, partially to force herself to collect her mind.

"Hello, Buzzardkit!" she coos as she arrives on scene as well, right behind Pinefang, who she shoots a glance to. He's right, she flicks her ears with a heavy heart. Cats do have to be happy to get through hard times. Her mouth parts, and she thinks of the words she wants to say, but nothing comes out; sadness is a temporary emotion, but it's really not. Sadness and grief follow Mapletuft through each pawstep of her day, even when she doesn't notice it. She's sure it drags at other Warriors as well, shes sure that it drags at Mirestar, drags at Scalejaw, drags at the council, drags at Ferndance. Her right eye twitches ever so slightly and she tilts her head up, opting to stay quiet. She lacks an appetite as of right now, she'll just sit here and enjoy her clanmates company.

  • mapletuft ʚ♡ɞ cider
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 54 months
    shadowclan deputy ʚ♡ɞ mentoring lavenderpaw
    long-furred chocolate torbie/cinnamon tabby chimera ʚ♡ɞ elegant & flowy
    "speech, F17E23" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    widowed ʚ♡ɞ bisexual
    smells like spice & cool night air ʚ♡ɞ warm & crisp
    penned by chuff
ternfrost 24 moons female she/her shadowclan queen
" Of course - kits and queens are supposed to eat first, " comes lilting voice as Ternfrost pads over, large frame hoving over the child as she squits at Willowburn. There is a moment where she wonders if the tm has overlooked this fact - something that her fellow warriors have drilled into her time and time again, no matter how well she may actually listen - before she decides that there's plenty enough that it doesn't matter. " Is there anything you want to try? "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I - S H O U L D- H A V E- B E E N- B O R N- W I T H-
A -W A R N I N G- L A B E L
With how diligently ShadowClan has been working through the early-onset of Leaf-Bare, Moltface would blame them none for succumbing to their greed for a split moment... They look on, keeping Buzzardkit within their sights as she trails toward a quite-content Willowburn, alongside Pinefang and Mapletuft.. The simplicity of kits would neve cease to entertain her... There were many problems that they seemed to have, and a great many of them could be summed up with hungry at any time, it seems.

Moltface is content to let Pineclaw and Ternfrost's chirps of agreement be her answer. Though, Pinefang's following reply isn't his favorite... He understands him, of course, but it's a bit watered down, isn't it? Simple, but only in the way that makes you ask more questions, rather than feel illuminated by the answer. Buzzardkit is in need of no such coddling, in his opinion. " Willowburn is happy to be alive, dear, " A smile settles easily upon his maw. " He might not be so lucky next time, you know. "

The pale tuft of their tail would flick against her kit's flank. " You can go pick something out yourself, can't you? "
  • Love
Reactions: BUZZARDPAW.
× He approached the group with a sideway look, ears swiveling to focus in on the question the kit asked. "You can be happy about one thing, and sad about another," the long-furred apprentice decided to add, despite being a tad bit late to the discussion. Milkpaw paused as he stood over the pile, using a claw to carefully pick through the pile for anything that remotely looked appetizing. The lanky cat groaned before tossing another kill to the side, before ultimately leaving the pile empty-handed. Their stomach grumbled but it was no surprise that they didn't really have an appetite following the death of one of their own. Milkpaw wasn't even there to help, and the guilt ate them up inside.

Instead of continuing to wallow in his thoughts, Milkpaw turned his attention to Moltface, and then to the kit before planting his rump down next to no one in particular. "There are quite a few tasty looking meals in there, kid." It wasn't said convincingly, but if he was able to swallow down some food, he might have a hard time deciding on what was the best looking piece of prey. Honestly, Milkpaw was curious to know what the younger cat would settle on.​
The single few soon turned into a tide of bodies that filtered in close. Willowburn licked his lips clean of the evidence of his meal, which he hadn't finished quite yet. Besides, Buzzardkit was being so adorable by asking to eat as well, how could he deny such a tiny scrap of fur? "Of course you can eat, it's important that you do otherwise we'll be short a future warrior!" He explained in his usual extravagant manner.

"There's much to be happy about, and sometimes sadness and joy can go paw in paw. I live, so I shall celebrate. I still have a home, I still have all of you, and I have food in my belly. I shall express my joy for it all." Willowburn explained with a gesture of his paw as he made a show of pointing at all of those who were around him. Though the bitter truth of it all was that they could all die tomorrow, but as long as he was alive then he would continue smiling all the same.

"Pick yourself something nice, Buzzardkit." Willowburn concluded before he returned to his own piece of prey as he focused on finally finishing it.

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