hollykit was ready as ever to have her name announced for the whole clan to hear, to have the attention of her leader undivided for a few moments. her fur was finally beginning to obey her rasped tongue, but she did not protest when spiderbloom helped her groom to achieve a coat so pristine that it would appear as if the wind had never ruffled it.

she waits, the perfect picture of a future windclan warrior. sat tall, chest puffed with pride, hollykit didn't dare to move an inch before she was beckoned to the front. there was a glimmer in verdant eyes, the only hint to everyone else about the excitement she felt within. the new warriors were called first, each received their name gratefully. the kit studied how they each strode to meet sootstar, received their new names chanted throughout camp. it only readied her more to hear her own.

ebony ears twitched in recognition as her and her siblings were beckoned. she rose quickly, keeping carefully in step as everyone moved. much to her dismay, juniperkit and littlekit were announced first. she was only slightly bitter about being third in line to get her name. littlepaw had been granted an experienced tunneler to teach him, juniperpaw a lead warrior. she blinked, offering them both a small congratulatory smile before it was her turn.

hollypaw, she grinned as she received a mentor of her own. weaselclaw, a white tipped tail twitched happily as she moved to meet him in a motion her brothers had completed only moments ago. he was respected by all, she had heard a share of stories on his accolades in the battlefield. sootstar would not regret this placement, the apprentice would make sure of it.

by the time she had rejoined her mother, scorpionpaw had been named too, assigned to redrumble. she beams at spiderbloom's affection, gives an understanding nod to her light-hearted warning. still riding the high of her new name, she lets out a small laugh at her sister's comment. it was sad they were to be broken up like this, half destined for a life below the earth and the other above, but above all hollypaw was hopeful for this new chapter. the possibilities to make her father in the stars proud were now endless, she would seize every opportunity to do so.
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Most of the meeting is boring, uninteresting to her. New warriors are named, sniveling apprentices that in most clans would be deemed to be too young to hold such a title but in WindClan it was normal. She doesn't even bat an eye at their ages but instead she is focused on the fact that yet another kittypet would be joining the ranks. Azaleapaw had been her sister's apprentice, however, and if she couldn't train the softness out then no one could. For Mintshade's sake, she cheers for the newly named warrior along with the others, calling out each name with the rest of her clan.

The chanting dies down and her sister resumes her meeting, calling Spiderbloom's kits forward. She casts a glance at the lot of them, golden eyes falling on that little scrap of gray, the one that resembled their father. When her name is called first, her black-tipped ears flick in momentary surprise. She had not expected to be a mentor so soon after her last apprentice but she supposed it only made sense. Periwinklebreeze had been her first apprentice and she had not taught him for very long. It would be nice to mold a cat with her own paws, especially one that had so much potential for greatness.

She steps forward at her sister's command and leans in to touch noses with her newly named charge. "Welcome to apprenticeship kiddo, we start at dawn tomorrow" she says, a warm smile plastered on her maw. This would be fun!

Spiderbloom groomed him as best as she could, but nothing could keep his fur down today! He kept fluffing up with excitement as soon as his fur was flattened by her tongue.

He bumbled over to the meeting and listened as new warriors were named. He cheered for them with a shrill, squeaky voice. He didn't know them well, but they were Windclan warriors, so they were cool by default.

And then! He is called forward with his siblings and granted his new name. He stares up at Sootstar with wide excited eyes. He wants to be like her one day. He wants to be cool and smart, just like Sootstar.

He is given to Peatbelly, and he looks around for the tom. Peatbelly approaches him, and Littlepaw thinks he is the physical manifestation of dirt. Several different shades of brown patched his scruffy pelt. He does not know Peatbelly, or what pear is, but he looks smart. He must be very knowledgeable about dirt.

"You ready to learn about what happens under the moors, kid?" Peatbelly asked as they touched noses.

"Yeah!! I wanna know what worms do when we aren't looking!!" Littlepaw chirped.

"We're gonna learn ALL about worms and everything else in there."

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It was, admittedly, a little difficult to focus on the meeting that Sootstar had called the clan to. Redrumble found herself a tad worried when her tunneler partner and friend had been called to battle against the kittypet infested clan. With the losses adding up with each encounter, Redrumble wondered if it was smart to instigate another. Especially with having to cross through the forest's other dwellers. If only they had a tunnel that led to the soft inhabitants of the pine. Maybe the Thunderclan tunnel would, if explored and reinforced more...

Sitting among the back of the group, a tail tip twitching in contemplation and her ears facing forward to listen to, yet not really hearing, Sootstar's words. The black and blue tabby tunneler was piecing together her mental map of the underground, trying to remember just how far they had went into the passageways underneath Thunderclan. It was the chanting of the warrior names that knocked her out of her thoughts, glazed over eyes returning to focus as Sootstar moved onto the kitten's that were now graduating to apprentices. When she realized that it was Spiderbloom's kits that were being named, the younger molly decided to stand a bit straighter and turn her attention away from her thoughts for this moment.

Yellow gaze watched with curiosity as the four stepped up one by one to be given the paw moniker. To be apprenticed under strong, well trusted warriors that had been here from before she followed after the queen. Bluepool, the trusted warrior that held Sootstar's royal blood. Peatbelly, an odd tunneler, but one who knows the underground better then most. Weaselclaw, the blessed tom always at the queen's side. Always willing to protect her with a ferocity only love knows. And then, Redrumble, the.... wait.

She blinks.

Did she hear that right?

Despite the confusion, the tunneler instinctually stands when called upon, her name pulling her paws under her, ready for whatever she was about to be ordered. But...her mind needed a second to catch up. She stared at the little brown shaded kit that was always so sing-song around the camp. Eyes flit towards Spiderbloom, as if she needed her permission to take on her kit's apprenticeship, before her mind quickly realized that the clan was probably looking at her. Scorpianki--no--paw was looking at her.

Redrumble moved forward on what felt like heavy paws, despite her normal gait, before she stood over the kitten that had questioned her name so confidently a moon ago. It took her only a second of staring down into Scorpionpaw's chaotic and excited gaze for the tunneler to give in to the warm feeling in her chest. She let a toothy grin slip and gently leaned down to touched noses to the newly named apprentice. ❝ You better be ready to learn how to fight, rogue style. ❞ Her teeth gleamed as she raised her head back up before she saw Spiderbloom approach.

The tunneler allowed the family to talk, giving a small laugh at picking up on the tidbit about driving her insane. Yellow eyes looked up at Sootstar on the rock, giving her a determinded nod. A small show that she would do her best to instill loyalty into this little one. And to show her how to fight with the ferocity that she had seen her leader fight with before. When she had seen her father's blood spill. Allowing herself to move back to where she was originally, she went back to thinking about the underground.

But this time, she had a scruffy shape tagging along side her every move.
⊱ ♞ ⊰
Sparkspirit has joined the moor runners’ ranks, and Sootstar calls Spiderbloom’s kits to sit beneath Tallrock. Their mother has groomed their fur, and though the oft-stoic she-cat’s blue eyes have a sentimental glint, Weaselclaw can tell the queen is proud. The tabby flicks an ear in a friendly manner in her direction, as if to say he understands. The pride he’d felt upon watching his kits become apprentices had been indescribable. “I’m sure their father is watching proudly,” he tells Spiderbloom sincerely.

Whatever he thinks of StarClan now, he wants so badly to believe those he cares for—those who still place their faith in them—can find happiness in their ranks. Juniperfrost deserves that, deserves to watch his kits begin their warrior training.

The tabby watches Bluepool, now rid of Periwinklebreeze, appointed Juniperpaw. The tabby nods in approval. The kit is Juniperfrost’s namesake, and a fierce warrior like Bluepool will do him justice. Redrumble, a former rogue, receives feisty Scorpionpaw. Littlepaw, the other tunneler, is given to Peatbelly, and the last kit—fluffy, black-furred and poised—is called forward. Sootstar gives him a meaningful look, replacing Sparkspirit’s empty space with Hollypaw.

His tail curls with pleasure. He pads forward, bending his nose to brush against Hollypaw’s. “I hope you’re ready. I’ll show you the borders as the sunrises tomorrow.” He grins, teeth flashing, before letting her scamper back to her mother and littermates. Before long, as Sparkspirit had, Hollypaw will find her own place in WindClan, separate from her kin. He believes that.

  • weasel . weaselclaw
    — he/him ; lead warrior of windclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Sootstar
    — short-haired chocolate tabby with white and blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver


As the cheering dies down Sootstar turns her gaze to Cottonpaw and Moorpaw, both of her children needed new mentors for differenting reasons. Tigerfrost was no longer with them, and Icebreath was too young of a warrior to keep Cottonpaw in line. "Cottonpaw and Moorpaw, you both are in need of new mentors to continue your training. Moorpaw your new mentor will be Mintshade. I trust that she will build upon the knowledge Tigerfrost had given you and pass down all she knows onto you." Dipping her head to both daughter and sister she gives them an opportunity to touch noses.

"Cottonpaw, your new mentor will be Scorchstreak. I hope that she passes on everything she knows onto you." She dips her head to them both. Scorchstreak knew when to hold down and ironpaw when needed, hopefully she'd be able to keep Cottonpaw in line...

Last but not least, "Fox, you've been with us for the better half of a moon now. It's about time you get your clan name. From this moment until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Foxpaw. Your mentor will be Jaggedclaw, I hope that she passes down all she knows onto you." She dips her head to Houndthistle's kin and the newly named mentor and allows them to touch noses.

"Meeting dismissed."

// @cottonpaw @SCORCHSTREAK @MOORPAW @Mintshade @FOXPAW !

Anticipation is made manifest in the apprentice's restlessness. Her tail is as lively as a blade of moorgrass in a windstorm, thrashing about to-and-fro, shamelessly swatting the haunches of those seated next to her. Eyes remain firmly affixed to Sootstar's form, and she watches with a keen fervour while her mother addresses her clan. Every string of words espoused from the top of Tallrock causes her excitement to swell tenfold; this is, after all, the meeting where she'd be appointed her next mentor, and the girl could hardly contain herself in waiting to see whom her Ma would choose.

Olive-toned orbs flit from face to face as the clanmates in her midst get their new names and mentors. It is at the very tail-end of this moon's meeting that she hears 'Moorpaw' being called out, accompanied by the name of the one who'd finish her warrior's training. Her neck swivels towards Mintshade straightaway, and with raw exhilaration pumping through her system, she gives her super cool aunt a wide, toothy grin. Ma couldnt've picked a better mentor!

It is an odd tumble, earning his name and seeing his mentor reassigned so quickly. He had joined the moor runners, close enough to his mentor's side that it is obvious he sought comfort and familiarity in this new stage of his life, but not so close to seem...overbearingly desperate. It was odd, seeing the new apprentices named and the older ones reassigned. His heart skips a beat and twists uncomfortably at the realization that one day he might be in that very spot himself. A mentor. A teacher. Would he do well to pass on what Weaselclaw had taught him? Would he make his mentor proud, then? It seems, sometimes, that is the only thing Sparkp– Sparkspirit cared for. After all those that had left him behind, could he truly be blamed for it?

Now he was to teach someone else. One of Juniperfrost's kittens. A storied lineage, and a proud warrior to remember. Perhaps Sootstar was cleansing him after so many moons of a traitor's child. Proving that there was a better use for him than Spark. An unkind thought born of panic, and one he desperately tries to smother. He chews through the unease lingering heavy in his chest. As Sootstar dismisses the meeting, he weaves not away from the crowd but deeper into it. Near Spiderbloom and her littermates, he finds Hollypaw and grins. "You'll learn so much with Weaselclaw. I know I did." Electric eyes flicker to the whole litter, lopsided grin still warm and wide. "You'll all do great. Congratulations."

  • ooc:
  • sparkspirit, sparky. dmab male, he - him - his.
    ──── moor runner warrior of windclan; is very loyal to his clan.
    ──── 09 moons old. born on 12.15.22, and ages 85% real time.
    ──── echolight x elmbreeze, adopted by yewberry. brightfam?

    a long-limbed, trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.

    his apprenticeship has treated sparkspirit well. a newly-named warrior, he is lean and well-muscled, with paws accustomed to long treks throughout the moorland. he is deceptively sturdy and heavier than one might expect.
  • "speech"
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Spiderbloom's kits were finally apprenticed and she glanced around for the seal point in amusement, she was probably relieved to be out of that crowded nursery, so many of their queens were finally getting a taste of freedom once more. Mintshade stretches in preparation to leave but is surprised to find more announcements coming and she can't help but be confused until she hears the names of her nieces ring out: they needed new mentors. The reminder of Tigerfrost's death prickles her fur along her spine and she can't help but feel morose at the thought once again. To be killed to violently on their own territory was unheard of and one day she would find who did it, just like she would find any cat who wronged WindClan and hunt them down. From traitors to exiles, her claws would clean them up; wipe them from the earth.

She is not expecting a new apprentice so soon, was almost basking in the peace she'd get to enjoy going forward and it was very quickly usurped in seconds by more responsibility. It was hard to be annoyed though, at least, given it was Moorpaw of all cats who she would be training and she had already been mostly trained already so there was a starting point that wasn't zero.
Her favorite niece. Entirely unbiased and for reasons fully unrelated to just looking the best; honest. Mintshade trotted over after bidding Azaleafrost a nod in goodbye and sized the smaller black cat up with a sweeping, acidic glance.
"Well, here's hoping I can pick up where Tigerfrost left off." Her tail flicks, crooked and impatient, "...we start first thing tomorrow!" She'd learned from her last, no hesitation this time.
The calico flicks their tail against Rattleheart’s, their expression flat as they watch Sootstar name the newly-made warriors. They don’t care much about Larkfeather or Morningsong. But Azaleafrost… she’s been given a name bordering on disrespect. To name her after Tigerfrost—Scorchstreak can only think that their leader has given the new warrior such a name with the hopes that it will shape her into a true WindClan warrior. They decide that they will not cheer for such a name. They will not cheer for any of the new warriors—except for the next one. Sparkspirit was trained well, they trust, and they cheer for him alongside Rattleheart. "Sparkspirit!"

Next up is the assignment of new apprentices to mentors, and the tunneler finally cracks a smile as Spiderbloom’s kits are named and given their first mentors. For a moment the tunneler hopes that they will be assigned an apprentice, one of the kits who they had spent time in the nursery with—but their name is not called among those warriors that Sootstar chooses. Their disappointment doesn’t last long, though, because their name is spoken after Sootstar announces that Cottonpaw is being reassigned to a new mentor.

"Cottonpaw," they look to Sootstar and Weaselclaw’s daughter, the apprentice who had simply wandered away from a patrol and into the waiting claws of an enemy clan. Their eyes narrow, but they are excited. Their very first apprentice, and they have been entrusted with the training of their leader’s child. "We have a lot of work to do," they say, their face impassive despite the warmth of their tone. "We’ll get started as soon as I return from SkyClan." They can only assume that they will be in good enough shape to train an apprentice after the battle that’s sure to ensue. They have a few ideas already about how they will approach Cottonpaw’s training.
Juniperkit, no, Juniperpaw swells with pride at the sound of his name on Sootstar's lips. He glances at his siblings, then up at his mother, and smiles at them with excitement. He's been waiting for this day for a long time. His entire life! Pallid green eyes flicker over to Bluepool and he regards his mentor with a firm nod. He couldn't have asked for a better warrior to train him. "Thank you!" he chirps in response. "I can't wait!"