private LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID TO ME \ hunting patrol

A fox has seemed to follow the scent of the fish your patrol has caught! Participants have to roll a natural 20 on a d20 to be able to dodge the fox + run off with their catch.

They'd done pretty well, Ferngill thought... the sun was beginning to head toward its drowning home, and the tom's single eye of green gazed up toward it, realising that darkness would come earlier. Maybe only a little longer, then ... from where he waded in the depths, the ginger tom looked out over his patrol, vision tracing the catches between them.

Another scent rolled in with that of fresh fish, though. It was a scent that turned his blood to ice. The memoria stung, speared through him shard-sharp- he bristled visibly, turning to see a flash of red among the reeds. "Fox!" he called, unwilling to waste a moment. On cue, the beast emerged from where it had been crouched. Ferngill was unable to hide the fear that flitted in a single emerald eye- his fangs chattered together, his chest grew tight.

But he remembered his patrol, remembered Cragpaw was here. He remembered, the day he'd lost half his sight, Mudpelt had told him over and over again that he was going to be alright ... everyone had fought to help him. And today, he would fight to. Revitalised, he turned to the rest of them, his words chorused with the fox's building growl.

"Try and get away with your catches, but if- if it gets too close, drop your prey and run!" Ferngill instructed, his eye primarily lingering upon Cragpaw. A fish on the floor would be an easier meal than a thrashing cat. Oh, this was no place for a young apprentice like him, but- but Cragpaw would have to learn somehow. Trained in speed rather than strength, Ferngill used lithe, fast limbs to leap to the shore, gathering as much as he could carry in his mouth. He lingered there, waiting for the rest of them- he would not leave them, no matter what.

\ fern, astoundingly, rolled a 20!
penned by pin
Foxpaw padded along after Otterbite. He had managed to catch something after all, even if the fish was a bit small. He couldn't wait to get home. He could take it to Robinheart and his siblings. Trotting onward, his ears pinned back against his head at Ferngill's call, and he whirled around to stare wide-eyed at the red-furred beast. He had never seen a fox before, and he stood froze for a moment before turning to heed the older warrior's command to run.

He pelted along after the rest of the patrol, letting out a panicked squeak around the prey in his mouth as the fox snapped at his heels. The fish fell to the ground, and he turned around and gave the fox a quick whack on the muzzle with unsheathed claws before scurrying up onto the shore. He stood beside Ferngill, head and tail drooping as he watched the creature noisily snuffling at his catch.

(rolled a 12)