" He - llo, Sheepkit! " Pinkpaw mews, seemlessly sliding the the ground beside the kit. There were so many kits, all of a sudden! Pinkpaw was relieved they wouldnā€™t have to deal with mean Sootstarā€¦ They could have full bellies in Leaf - bare and be ready to hunt in Newleaf when all of the prey is about! Pinkpaw still hasnā€™t even caught nothingā€¦ It doesnā€™t help that all of the prey was basically goneā€¦

But nevermind that. Thatā€™s boring stuff. S heā€™s hear to talk to Sheepkit, causeā€¦ she was Pink-kit, likeā€¦ not that long ago she doesnā€™t think, so she can still totally be friends with kits still right? " I saw real sheep before, at horseplace! " she tells him, unprompted. " Thatā€™s kinda confusing, isnā€™t it? Umā€¦ itā€™s not called sheep-placeā€¦ " Though she guesses horse-and-sheep-and-weird-other-stuff-place was kind of a mouthfulā€¦ what was she talking about? Oh yeah! " You donā€™t look like a sheep. Sheep are like bwahh, and youā€™re like weee, yā€™know? Plus, you got a tail. I donā€™t know how sheep can be soo big, but not have a tail! I bet theyā€™d fall right over if they tried to jump too highā€¦ " she giggles, imagining the sight. Maybe while it was down, she could take all their fur and use it to stuff her nest... She'd give the extra to all her sisters, and Brightshine, and Heavy Snow, and maybe some for Wolfsong too...

" I bet that's why they don't jump, or at least I didn't see them jump. They're too embarrassed! But I would never make fun of them. Not to their faces, anyways. I'd come tell you though, so you can be happy knowing you're the superior sheep! "

  • ooc: please wait for @sheepkit teehee :3

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with sunburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!ā€‹
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Reactions: SHEEPPAW
Sheepkit looks up from what he was doing, just digging a small hole for himself. He hears his name being called, he looks up to see Pinkpaw. "Hihi Pinkpaw!" He tilts his head at the longhaired calico, as he continues to use his claws to dig his hole still staring up at the other. He flicks a large ear, listening to what Pinkpaw is talking about. A real SHEEP?! At the horsieplace?! His eyes widen at what he was hearing. He abandons his hole digging, twisting his body to face the apprentice listening to what the other as to say.

"Sheep go 'bwaaah'? I haven't seen a real sheep before! Ya so lucky!" The small black smoke squeaks out. Blue eyes blink up at the apprentice. "Sheep don't jump...? Woahhh." His mouth falls open in awe, though the sparkles in his blue eyes shine as he takes in this new found infomation. He thumps his inky tail on the ground behind him, opening his mouth to speak again. "Aw, poor sheep. Buuuuut at least I'm the superior sheep!" He puffs out his chest in pride, at the news of him being the SUPERIOR SHEEP! Of course he is the superior sheep no one can take that away from him not even a real sheep!

  • -
  • no ref yet </3
    āœ¦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    āœ¦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    å½” action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    āœ¦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
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Reactions: Floppie
Getting to relax in this camp is something she didn't think she'd ever really experience. But with the fall of Sootstar came peace, and with peace, came fun! Finally, the cheery calico doesn't need to hide and cower for fear of being scolded (or worse!). She can bounce along after her daughter, acting far too young for her age as she stops just behind her and leans dramatically over her little head so she can see little Sheepkit, too.

She is nodding vigorously, as if she's never agreed with anymore more in her entire life. "Mhm! Mhm! She's right, they do go bwaahh." A snort of amusement follows a giggle as she straightens herself before promptly falling to her rump. The noise was a funny one to make! "Maybe when you're an apprentice we can go show ya the sheep at the Horseplace!" She'd get to see Pollenfur again, too! She already misses her sister...the one good thing about being forced to stay in that dusty old barn had been spending all that time with her again. But at least she knows she can see her without fear of Sootstar's wrath!
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Reactions: Floppie

With everything that had happened as of late, it was at least a relief to see that Pinkpaw hadn't lost her signature enthusiasm for basically everything around her. Rattleheart had genuinely been a little worried, considering how his sister's apprentice had been forced to endure circumstances far bigger than her - far bigger than any of them - when she was still such a young cat. An ability to bounce back from absolutely everything had to give eventually, and the tunneler wouldn't have blamed her if she had needed a break from the world after it all. He certainly did, even if he wouldn't say that to any of the many Windclanners constantly working all around him. They were all busy and practically working their paws to the bone, and it felt selfish to try and find an ear that he could bend to vent to.

At least enjoying the happiness of others was enough to lift his spirits for a while, chuckling as he heard Pinkpaw and Sheepkit chatter back and forth about the soft creatures that had taken up a decent part of the horseplace's land. Rattleheart did have to wonder why the twolegs kept the sheep around, considering the entire time they were there it hadn't seemed like they did much else besides eat the grass. Maybe they were to keep it from becoming unruly? Or perhaps the twolegs used their fluff in the same manner that the clan cats had, gathering bits of it to use in their own nests. He was still pondering even as he came up beside Brightshine, nodding along with what the colorful warrior had to say. "I heard them quite a few times while we were there. Honestly they made it a little hard to sleep sometimes... though I suppose your mama might say the same thing about you, Sheepkit." A teasing grin was directed in the kit's direction, making it clear his words were warm and joking and not an actual call for the kitten to be silent.

Curiosity nudges Moorblossom to question just how in the world Pinkpaw's tongue doesn't fall from its place. Sure, the moor runner falls short of her sister's medical expertise and insight, but she's well acquainted with the fatigue that sets in after a long bout of talking. The threads holding her tongue steady ought to have frayed themselves to shreds by nowā€”and yet Pinkpaw keeps on jabbering! It borders on being praiseworthy, it really does!

The willowy she-cat is frolicking by, fully intending to observe in passing alone, when the apprentice's victim answers his summons. Sheepkit bristles with amazement, and the sudden sheep impression beckons Moorblossom to a halt. Unfortunately for sensitive ears, their antics are dangerously infectious, and the urge to join in cannot simply be stifled. "Bwaaaaaah! Bwaaaaah! Bwaaaah!" she bleats, all while skipping towards them like a lamb would. "Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Looking awfully a lot like Moorblossom, the sheep wedges past Rattleheart's flank to join her herd. "It's only a matter of time before wool starts sprouting on your pelt, Sheepkit! I give you, uhhh... two moons! Bwaaaaaaaah!"

A great smirk plucks at her lips and pulls her cheeks taut into her eyes. What a breathtaking scene that would make, to see the kit traipse about camp as fluffy as a cloud!

As her breathing gradually slows, her eyes idle past Brightshine and onto the pink-pelted she-apprentice. "Ahhhh, Pinkpaw," she exhales at long last, "you talk a lot! I think if you were leader, the meetings would go on so long... new apprentices would be warriors by the time you assigned their mentors! Ha!"

Sheepkit looks up at the adult who came over to their chattering session, he lets a wide smile grace his mouth as he excitingly squeaks out at Brightshine. "Oooo! I can't wait to be an apprentice! I wanna get to see the horsieplace!" He wags his plummed tail behind him like a small puppy would. The small black smoke wiggles in his spot in excitement, messy fur following in his slight movement. He turns his head and sees a someone else join their small group, large ears perking up at Rattleheart. He likes the tunneler, he thinks the other is VERY NICE an' COOL!

Puffing his cheeks out at the longhaired warrior he mewls out, at the bigger cat. "I go weeee, not bwaaaah!" He lifts himself to sit on his haunches, forelimbs tucked near his chest, trying to be taller then the biiiig adult. Though.. he is failing that part, the small black smoke thumps his inky tail on the ground dirt getting all over his once clean tail. "Mama, named me after a bwah bwa? Why's that?" He immediately forgets what Rattleheart was, focusing on trying to decipher why mama named him after a bwa bwa sheep. Sureee he has long white fur and all, but what about his legs? Do sheep have black legs? Hmm, very strange! He's gonna ask Frostpond later once he's finished digging his hole! AND this conversation.

Sheepkit flicks an ear, as he heard the noises of a 'bwaaaa!' he twists his body around to look at the approaching newcomer. Blue eyes squint at the new someone, he hasn't met yet. Strange. He settles down on his rump, charcoal colored paws planted in between his hindlegs. He flicks a dark ear at what he's hearing from the noises the new adult was making. Eyes wide, as he gapes at the what the molly said. "Wool will grow on my pelt?... in two moons?" A kitten such as him, is surprised at the new discovery he counts in his head on how many moons until wool grows on his pelt. "Wool is fluffy an' soft.. Soooo I'll be fluffy when I grow in two moons?" Voice going high-pitched at the last part he squeaked out, head tilting to the side.

  • //
  • no ref yet </3
    āœ¦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    āœ¦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    å½” action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    āœ¦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!