LOOK WELL, O WOLVES (battle with dogs) LOOK WELL

His steps are light and agile despite being a bit on the larger side, but longer limbs were pinpointed and calculated as he swiped over and over. Eyes burned with righteous hellfire as he seethed, aiming to slap all of his upper body strength into the hound's jaw. Razor claws easily tear through soft flesh, a split laceration following after his force. Crimson splatters along his alabaster features, blotting his chest a vibrant red. Silverlightning calls for them to keep moving, keep pushing. They were cornered. ThunderClan would win. They'd suffered enough, had they not? The warrior swipes again and then pivots, but gnashing teeth graze his whispy fur and tears it from his skin. He hisses wildly, spitting and returning another swipe.
Silverlightning begins to move, but suddenly is kicked away and lost from the stones. Stormchaser hears a splash against the roaring river and manages a scream that rips from his throat. "Silverlightning—!" Instinctively he moves forward to dive in after him but another snap has the warrior ducking his head. No, no, no! This wasn't supposed to happen! He wanted to cry and scream, to snatch his clan mate from frigid waters but how could he? He'd be useless against it. A flash of gold passes by, leaping into the current with courageous intent but Sunnyday just couldn't make the swim. The current was too strong even for the mightiest of RiverClan warrior's and the temperature was too cold. Hatred pours into his heart then, over flowing and adrenaline has him pushing harder. He's flanked beside Raccoonstripe amongst the madness now, swiping simultaneously along the dark tom. He joins him, raising his hind legs to crash against the canines flank as Raccoonstripe hits it in the chest. Their force against the mongrel sends it flailing backwards and tumbling into the river. His breaths are laborious and hot tears well in his eyes. Silverlightning and Emberstar would be avenged. But the heart ache still stays. They'd lost another clan mate to these beasts. He prays that everyone else was spared back at camp.
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