border Lost And Running (Open, Joiner waow)


Lord of the game
May 7, 2024

Another cool, early Newleaf morning. The breeze still carried a remnant of the bite of winter, though the mid morning sun brought warm relief as it shined through the tall pine trees that made SkyClan territory. It was a good morning for all, from the birds flitting about the trees, to the rodents rustling through the undergrowth, even the TwoLegs seemed to be enjoying it based on the vibrant noise carrying over the space between the forest and TwoLeg place. On this fine morning a stranger sat just outside the SkyClan border - a very strange stranger. They didn't pace up and down it agitatedly like an interloping rogue, nor did they tentatively probe at it like a curious Kittypet. Instead they merely sat there, patiently, waiting for somebody to show up. The cat had tan fur dotted semi-regularly with scars, none of which seemed to be from feline claws, and were exceptionally tall and lanky. So lanky in fact that at first glance they seemed malnourished, though a closer look would reveal the taut, lithe muscle beneath their thin fur. The stranger would appear like a snake coiled and ready to strike if it weren't for their face. It was turned up to the sky, their eyes closed as they basked in the sunlight.

Blood and ashes it's cold 'ere, the stranger throught to himself as he basked, trying to eke out as much warmth from the weak (to him) sunlight. Another gust of Newleaf wind sent a slight shiver up his spine, a spine that tingled being so close to the Twolegplace. What an awful place, but this was the only other 'Clan' border he could easily get to without skirting all the way around the moors or forest. What a pain in the tail, he was really starting to get annoyed with this strange place. Rude cats, cold air, wet feet, strange prey... But he was here now, might as well make the most of it.​

At first the borders were terrifying, especially the border that stretched across land unclaimed by anyone. Though there was little of it in SkyClan territory, it still caused Daisypaw to remain on edge, fearing the unknown that could come from it. The clans that bordered SkyClan were not as scary - even if ThunderClan had trespassed and caused issues Daisypaw knew that they were expected to be there, that he needed to watch out for arguments on the border and potential claws - but the border to twolegplace that eventually turned and leaked into unclaimed lands was something that caused fur to stand on end and ears to remain pricked and swiveling. If not for this then the apprentice might not have noticed the stranger so close to territory, and though he was worried at first upon the sight of the tom - sitting in the sun and looking up to the sky - he calmed down slightly.

He moved closer to his mentor, looking up towards Figfeather for a moment before words tumbled from maw and eyes would flick back to the stranger. "Who're you?" It was slightly curious, though he still held his own reservations. There would be more questions that would be asked he was sure, but this one was also important and he needed to show Figfeather after the trouble it took to get him out here that he was learning, that he was becoming brave, that he would be a good warrior when he training was done.
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  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The strangers silent sunbathing reverie was broken by a quiet, young voice. Apparently the strange cat gracing the borders of SkyClan hadn't even noticed the pair walk up on them - if he had, he hid it well. The lithe loner looked down with a wide grin and vibrant green eyes. "Oh strewth! G'day mates, I'm Bazza." he introduced himself with an exaggerated bow. "You two come 'ere often?" Bazza asked with deadpan humor, laughter glinting in his eyes. He certainly was a strange stranger.​
❀ . ° ✦ What an odd cat, so calm sitting around with no clear purpose but definitely no kittypet judging from the scars. If it was up to her, she'd only deal with kittypes willing to join; they were easier to talk to and less pushy. There was no lingering scent, so they didn't belong to another clan—a loner for sure, Peachpaw thought with a sigh. Plus, it looks like Daisypaw has this handled; the patchwork apprentice turned to leave from her spot behind the trees.

Then the strange tan cat spoke the funniest-sounding words to ever come from a cat, and Peachpaw broke into laughter. Perhaps rude, but it seeped out, and she wasn't one to deny herself some fun. Stopping her in her tracks, she whipped back around, perhaps bolder than she should be. She approached the loner as well with curious eyes. "Where are you from?" Peachpaw asked with no hesitation, hardly containing herself from chuckling some more. "And what are you saying?"

  • ooc:
  • 79771381_SsdyTucGEB4AMbh.png
    Peachpaw — she/her ・ 8 moons ・ daylight apprentice, Skyclan ・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    Grey and cream tortie has blue eyes.Tags
The stranger reminds her of Fang, somehow. Both loners with an odd cadence to their voice, uniformly-brown pelts littered with a miscellany of scars, with enough savvy to keep just off their scent lines. Instead of ducking away from the sudden multitude of curious eyes though, this one basks in the attention like the Newleaf sun.

Daisypaw's approach sparks a mote of panic. Dandelionwish's body still lay fresh in the earth—who knows what a battle-worn stranger could do to his son? The hairs rising along her spine are tempered by Figfeather's presence, then re-strung by Peachpaw's sudden laugh. She might laugh too, if she wasn't so focused on dissecting the stranger's speech. Or "Bazza"'s speech, as she realizes.

The calico throws a glance towards the coral-splashed apprentice, unsure of whether to be amused or irritated. "We live here," she says, after a pause. "This is SkyClan territory." He was, at the very least, aware of the their claim. It wouldn't hurt to put a name on it. "What's your business here?" For no one just sat in the middle of a forest without wanting for something.

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
The hulking Maine Coon's pelt bristles as the apprentices do the talking; the lead warrior would have addressed the sunbathing feline far harsher than Daisypaw, but he'd at least gotten some sort of answer out of the tan-furred cat.

"You two come 'ere often?" The tom cracks wise, which prompts a furrow of Slate's brows. Was that supposed to be a joke? This cat was making casual conversation as if they all wanted to stand there and chat with an oddly skinny stranger. Slate gruffly inputs after Cherryblossom, "We will defend it, so don't get too close." He twitches his whiskers and swipes his pink tongue over his ivory canines. This twig of a cat did not pose a threat, at least not to Slate at the current moment, but he could have been one of the murderous rogues for all they knew. He still possessed teeth and claws that could draw blood. They could not be too careless when assessing newcomers that lingered on SkyClan's borders.

While a patrol would typically move on and not dawdle with the likes of an unfamiliar feline, Slate did not feel comfortable departing immediately. He still cannot tear his mind away from the murders of Dandelionwish and Applefrost. He did not like the idea of leaving a loner near the borders, at least not without further confrontation. "Make it quick. We ain't got all day." Slate truthfully did not assume that this stranger had any business with SkyClan, considering he's had time to state his business and has yet to do so.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

Ah, it seemed he’d arrived just in time. Eggshellbloom had experienced Slate’s prickly nature firsthand, and always felt a twinge of sympathy for any strangers at the border who had to feel the stern warrior’s sharp gaze on them. Though he’d been a member of Skyclan for a fair few moons now, it always felt strange to approach from the opposite end of the border. Skittish amber eyes angled downwards for a second, glancing at his own collar before continuing on.

As Eggshell finally reached the border, the ball of nerves briefly worried that his brain was broken. The coward could see the stranger’s mouth moving, and folded ears were registering sounds, but nothing made sense. What was a ‘strewth’? What was a ‘G’day’? And what was a ‘Bazza’? The nervous boy quickly looked around, a strange sort of relief washing over him as he took in his clanmates’ confused stares.

It seemed that Slate didn’t need to understand the stranger to be rude, though. The skittish Scottish Fold stepped out from behind the stern warrior, giving Bazza a nervous nod. Slate may not have wanted to stay and chat, but with everything going on, a simple conversation sounded nice. “Um, I’m E-Eggshell” He offered kindly. “S-Sorry, but you - y’know - you sound…w-weird. Is s-something wrong with your, um, your throat? We have a d-doctor, so…” Eggshell probably shouldn’t be saying that, but after how stubborn Fangs had been to accept help, it seemed best to lead with the offer (even if the boy had no real authority). Besides, something was clearly wrong with this cat.

Wait, what if it was contagious?​
  • Haha
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Reactions: Delphy and pikaihao
Orangestar understood ... maybe half of what this odd tomcat was saying? His accent is similar to her own, though the shape of her meow is sharp and clear compared to the slurred mess emitting from the stranger before her. She blinks at him, more confused than anything as she pieces together what she thinks might be what he means, and glances briefly at Peachpaw. She glances to Slate, at her side, and then to Cherryblossom as the two and then Eggshellbloom pipe up. Whether it is fortunate or considerably less so that he'd encountered such a large patrol remains to be seen.

"... Bazza." StarClan help her. She glances over his short fur, to the patch of light upon his muzzle, his lax behaviour as he stirs from sunbathing. Her meow is firm but not unkind as she continues: "l recommend moving on before nightfall, the wind is quite bitter for those with short pelts like yourself."
Bazza's tan ears flicked as two new cats showed up, fortunately not lunging for his throat. The stranger grinned warmly at the apprentices laughter, letting loose a bark of his own. "Ah mate, I'm from way out Woop Woop. From here she's somewhere between... un'pproachable and in'ccessible." the wiry tom replied in their foreign drawl. Was that a hint of sadness in his gaze as he said that? A slight downward tilt to his smile? Hard to say.
"SkyClan eh? You're a few dozen tail-lengths too close t'the ground if you askin' me." the loner replied to Cherryblossom with a kind grin and a wink. "But then what do I know. As fer what I'm doin' round these parts, I-" as Slate approached Bazza broke off with a mocking flinch back, holding a paw to his chest. "Dust and echoes they're makin' 'em big 'round here! Don't they know there's a prey shortage goin' on? Look at th' size of you!" he exclaimed, looking the lead warrior up and down. "Now you look like a figher." he laughed warmly, and then two MORE cats showed up.

Blood and ashes if it weren't getting crowded around here. The loner listened to Eggbois words with a cocked ear and then nodded once, twice, sagely. And then promptly broke into uncontrollable laughter. His laughter, his genuine laughter, was loud and deep - it probably scared away half the prey nearby. It took almost half a minute for the loner to control himself, and he looked down at Eggshell with a warm smile. "Oh. Oh, goanna tails and dry swales but I needed that. Nah mate, nah. I'm not crook, don't y'worry y'sunny little head. Jus' not from these parts." he replied finally, before turning at last to Orangestar.

This one held a bit more... Authority to her. Regality, even. Bazza dipped his head before replying. "Don't I know it mate, don't I know it. Dunno how you lot manage it, been freezin' my claws out. But uh, that's jus' th'thing now innit?" he said, his smile while not disappearing becoming more serious. "'s why I'm here. I'm lookin' for a place t'settle down. Everywhere 'round here it's jus'... TwoLegs. More an' more TwoLegs. 'til I found this place anyway, I went fer a sniff aroun' down the river and got jumped by some... very rude cats who reckon y'can just... own a water source." the loner said with a dirisive sniff and a flick of a partial-tail towards RiverClan territory, and a gesture towards a line of fresh claw marks behind a leg. "Me leg still bloody stings from it. Cats attackin' cats, it just ain't mossball, y'know?" he said with a sad shake of the head.
"But yeah. T'be frank, mate, I was gonna ask if y'lot are lookin' for extra paws. I can't hack it around here on me own, there's too many TwoLegs. Always lookin' over me shoulder an' can barely see the sky. Ain't no way fer a cat t'live".
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"RiverClan attacked you?" Orangestar's ears twitch backwards. She's surprised by that, but only half so. Had Bazza trespassed, and been chased out? Orangestar knows other Clans take considerably less kindly to the notion (or, rather, are considerably less patient with it) than SkyClan. She wonders, privately, if Lichenstar knows of this incident.

"I take it you aren't a kittypet, then." She glances him up and down. Definitely a loner. Scruffy, unkempt fur, no collar to be seen, and a distinct lack of twoleg-scent. "SkyClan accepts extra paws on some conditions: your loyalty, your willingness to learn our ways, and willingness to provide for your Clan ... as we will do for you, in turn. If you accept, you will shadow one of our warriors for two moons, and then be assessed. If you fail, you will be turned away. Understood?"

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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

"RiverClan, is it? The bloody nerve of 'em, too right they attacked me, reckonin' they can have their territory right up t'the river. Just ain't right." the tom spat, before returning to the matter at hand. Bazza considered Orangestars terms and offer for... a considerable length of time, their calculating gaze seeming at odds with the boisterous tom so recently displayed. "Yeah... yeah mate, yeah. That sounds reason'ble. I'll give her a fair crack of it, this... clan business y'lot have got goin' on here might not be how we did it back Woop Woop, but she's pretty similar enough." the tom said with a firm nod of the head.​