no angst LOST IN THE DEEP [ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ] OWL SIGHTING


Moonhigh patrols. Halfsun could curse whoever had thought of the idea a million times over and it still wouldn't be enough. At least the moon was actually out, she reflects. It could be worse. There could be clouds covering the stars, leaving them with little to no light to see by. She pauses in her trek, the cats around her continuing or stopping with her, it doesn't matter to her as she tilts her head upwards to study the sky. Her mother is up there, she thinks. Possibly her father too. Applejaw. Dreamkit. Nettlepaw. Were they looking down on her at the same time she was looking up?

Just then she is broken from her thoughts as a shadow passes over her. Wings barely making any sound at all as they glide effortlessly across the forest. She presses herself low to the ground on instinct, but she catches a glimpse of a mouse clutched in the silent predators talons and she knows her and her patrol are safe. " Did you see that? " she whispers to one of her patrol mates. "Owl… I wonder where it lives." hopefully not here, in ShadowClan. Stars only knew her clan didn't need the trouble. Though, it was heading in ThunderClans direction. Good. She can't help but think bitterly.

"Whoa look" she says, this time in a normal voice as she straightens. The danger has passed, but not without leaving a little something behind. A couple of paw steps away from her lies a feather. "Dibs!" she calls out softly with a small laugh "Thatll look great in my nest, don't ya think?"


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    A tall and well-toned she cat with a long half-and half pelt, one side being a dark blue tabby and the other a bright cream, split by a pool of white at her center and travelling up her face like flames she is fire and ice simultaneously swirling into one. Her eyes are a mismatched shade of blue, with one being bright like the daytime sky and the other dark like the depths of the river.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter
Contrary to Halfsun, he doesn't mind the moonhigh patrols. It isn't as if they cause him to miss any sleep; the warrior often spends his nights staring up at the ceiling of the den, unable to quiet his wandering mind. At least on a patrol, it gives them a chance to do something. Even if that something still involves getting lost in their own thoughts as they trail behind their clanmates.

What snaps them out of it is Halfsun pressing herself against the ground. Burdocktail's head snaps up just in time to see the shadow of an owl retreating towards ThunderClan's border. Frog-dung! He ducks on reflex, though it's a little late. Thankfully for him, the owl's already found a meal; he spots a mouse clutched between its talons, and he silently curses it for stealing prey that one of his clanmates could have eaten.

Burdocktail tips their head in the direction of the Thunderpath. "Hopefully it'll keep headin' towards ThunderClan. StarClan knows we don't need to worry 'bout our heads while we're out." Rather it be a ThunderClan cat than one of our own.

He finally straightens up once Halfsun points out something ahead of them. An owl's feather, long and tawny. Halfsun calls dibs on it before anyone else on the patrol could make a move for it. Not that Burdocktail is disappointed; collecting feathers isn't really his thing. Still, they flash Halfsun a smile and chuckle. "Oooh, lucky you. That's one helluva find."
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    ✶ burdocktail. warrior of shadowclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    𖤓 ㅤafab nonbinary, he/they | bisexual, single
    𖤓ㅤ 36 moons old | ages every 1st
    𖤓ㅤ original marsh group member | mentoring none
    𖤓ㅤ lh tortoiseshell smoke/tortoiseshell chimera
    𖤓ㅤ npc xx npc | close with ???
    𖤓ㅤ written by nico, ic opinions | tags

[ ༻❄༺ ] The lead warrior was not one who'd be fit for a moonhigh patrol, his pale fur making him stand out even underneath the pale moon's glow, so when the owl as spotted, he couldn't help but catch his breath and hold onto it until the creature had fully disappeared making him sigh in relief that it already found something before deciding one of them would be its meal. Eye flicking between Burdocktail and Halfsun who seemed to have found a feather left as a gift from the owl.

"Nice find Halfsun" he commented, agreeing to Burdocktail's word while his stubby tail twitched and he angled his head up once more to the sky and stars above, perhaps starclan had decided to keep them safe tonight from the owl's claw, yet either way Snowlark was grateful for another night of silence, this is what they needed after all, peace and quite. No more chaos.

He focused his attention back on the patrol, feeling the relief flood over him, realizing how tense he had been over the sighting of the owl, yet luckily for them, it was Thunderclan's problem now. A part of him did wish he had found the feather before Halfsun had but it was whatever now, she could use the feather more than he did anyways. "I call dibs on the next feather" he quickly placed in. He could do that, right?
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, Lead warrior of Shadowclan, 15 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


One could easily imagine the juiciest frog in the marsh, fat rolling off of his bunched haunches just waiting for an eager feline to catch it. Fern was sure she had caught such a delicacy once, twice, perhaps even three times - seldom did it match the feeling of seeing something she just had to have. There were so many ways to justify it, it had been an owl that had attacked her adolescent daughter after all, keeping a trophy almost felt... right. More than anything though, it was simply a nice-looking thing to get lost in her maze of a nest, something she was sure Halfsun wouldn't mind seeing on the other end of the den once a half-moon or so.

Her eyes turned hawklike as she tried to pinpoint a lapse in the tortie's attention, smiling wistfully all the while. "I met an owl once," she mewed matter-of-factly. "It was a funny little thing. It's jokes were quite the hoot." A weighted pause. Crickets chirped in the distance. Her head tilted towards Snowlark. "Mmmm... Sure." Chances were, if the cinnamon tabby had a say in it, the claimed feather wouldn't stay in the young warrior's possession for very long.

Owl's aren't the most pleasant thing, as any predator isn't. Though as far as Shriketalon is concerned out of sight out of mind, everything's gotta eat so he won't fault any old predator for lurking around so long as no clan cats were the recieving end of it's hunger. They wonder if they could eat anything else, a frog or a rat? Maybe other birds? He assumes that what it must have been doing out here rather than it being on the hunt for a cat. Burdocktail's comment brings a shrill laugh from the warrior, for a moment forgetting the creature that Halfsun had pointed out all together. "No doubt they'd find a reason to whine about that too" he comments with a chuckle, the idea of Flamestar up there at the gathering pointing paws at other clans for that bout of misfortune is enough to make him start laughing all over again.

They eye off the treasure left behind, a rather extravagant feather. He half considers attempting to fight the spitfire of a warrior for it, though they can't really think of a reason why they should want it more. Ultimately deciding against it with a twitch of a tattered ear. They bring a paw to their maw at Ferndance's joke, a silent shake of shoulders giving away that the easily amused cat found humour in it. No one else seemed to be laughing though so he didn't want to be the odd one out. "Don't suppose you'll let me call dibs for the third feather we find?" Eyes find the cinnamon she-cat with a shrug of their own ebony shoulders. Maybe they should be quicker calling dibs next time before Snowlark and Halfsun take claim, could it be because he's getting older? Nah, clearly he just wanted to be in a good mood and give the opportunity for dibs to others.
*+:。.。 Out of sheer stubborn pride, Singeglare refuses to yawn. The moon - that wily silver bastard - does it's best to drag it out of him, though, but he maintains his winning lead as he clamps his jaws carefully shut. Still, he shoots Silverpelt's singular eye with a mighty glare on occasion, loathing its existence and refusal to make way to Earth's mightiest guardian - a warm sun and its far more helpful eye-blinding energy that keeps heavy lids from sliding shut....damn you, he will not sleep!

Shifting his attention to those earthbound alongside him, his glare remains no less poignant as he wonders why he'd been assigned on this patrol considering there were already plenty of cats protecting Shadowclan's land. Ternstar probably hopes to avoid more cats defecting by keeping them too tired to run away on their own...he snickers at the idea. In his war with wrestling his focus away from the moon's beckoning sleeping glow, he finds himself glancing towards a different, more present -sun.

Halfsun glows beneath that treacherous moonlight, pale cream, and blue fur now shades of a silvery lake instead. Wordlessly, he watches her as she gazes at the stars, wondering who she must be missing up there, he knows who she misses -the many whos, in fact - and he finds himself frustrated for a whole different reason.

Rapt attention is torn away in an instant when a shadow suddenly falls over her. Singeglare bounds forth before he can stop himself - but before he can do anything heroic...or, more likely, painfully awkward - the young woman is already rising to her paws and gesturing ahead. Singeglare skids to a clumsy stop, panting from the adrenaline - the relief - and follows her attention to where the predator had gone. She asks where it lives, and Singeglare is brought right back to his fiery temper as he recalls his last two run-ins with an owl. His side hurts from the memory.

Before he can complain aloud, Halfsun once again interrupts the chilly night with a joyful exclamation. Before long, she's brandishing an owl's feather and, somehow, despite the moon still reigning above all their heads, Singeglare catches a peek of sunshine behind her mismatched blue eyes.
Good for her, he thinks, more warm than fiery for once.

Only to flatten his ears as the rest of the patrol erupts with the calling of DIBS DIBS DIBS

"You all are acting like a bunch of children!" he snaps at those gathered around, lashing his tail irritably.

"There are no dibs in war - whoever finds the next feather, keeps it! FINDERS KEEPERS!" he announces, snarl pulled into a toothy grin before immediately falling into a jog, sniffing around for another feather, determined to beat Snowlark and the rest.

Perhaps, since owl feathers are ultimately stupid...Halfsun might like having two in her nest.

    Cismale — He/him — Heterosexual
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowflutter, Sneezeduck)
    Shadowclan — warrior

    Physically medium | mentally somewhat easy
    Attack inbold #b8312f
    injuries: none