camp Loyal brave and true ☆ Apprentice fight


Slave to self-righteousness
Nov 1, 2023
*+:。.。 Asphodelpaw couldn't look at the ripple colony members the same way.
Yes, he knows they're formerly Ripple Colony members.
Yes, he knows that Deacon and Sasha weren't their leaders.
Yes, he understands that one cat's betrayal doesn't mean the well is poisoned.
He knows all that...

But his blood runs cold now whenever he sees his clanmates. He thinks about all the patrols he'd joined Deacon and Sasha on, all the times his clanmates had exposed their necks and bellies to those cats - cats no better than the monsters that had chased them from their home (That had pushed Asphodelpaw's head beneath the water). How is he meant to trust these clanmates when Deacon and Sasha had spoken the same 'trust me' words that they now spew?

So while he understands that the betrayals won't happen again...
It still could.
It still might.

" @Wavepaw ! " Asphodelpaw spits his denmates's name like it's a curse. There's probably no need to snarl as loudly as he does, after all the two are rarely a tail's length away from each other since being tasked to clean out the moss in the nursery after some snow melt broke through the roofing. But his tone doesn't decrease when he shoves his nose into Wavepaw's face, baring his teeth at the other tabby as he hisses through the ball of moss in his jaws, "What is this?" What seems at first like an innocuous clump of dry flowerless plant reveals itself to be a dangerous ingredient for bedding when the slivers of sharp bark are seen poking through the intended soft green plush. Dropping the moss on the ground, he kicks it harshly at Wavepaw's feet and rants, "You weren't paying attention when you gathered the moss, were you? Only idiots make mistakes that foolish!" Maybe it was a bit harsh of Asphodelpaw to reprimand Wavepaw so strongly. After all, even experienced apprentices made the simple mistake of clawing a bit too hard on the bark beneath where the moss grew. But Asphodelpaw had been coiled tight since the meeting - since seeing Smokestar's crumpled body revive with a bloody gasp - and he was eager to get his anger out somewhere.

Wavepaw was a good kid. Before the Ripple cat's betrayal, Asphodelpaw would've said he'd make a great warrior one day, someone he could see himself fighting alongside. But now? Now he wasn't so sure. Even though WAvepaw couldn't be old enough to know life outside of Riverclan - what if? What if Deacon and Sasha had still poisoned his mind? What if he had no intrinsic loyalty to Riverclan since his parents didn't actually grow up here like Asphodelpaw's did? What if he was just another traitor just waiting to kill?!

Rage burned within his chest as he stared daggers at his denmate, hissing cruelly, "Or did you do it on purpose? Did you want to hurt the new kits? All set to follow in your Colony friends' path I'd bet"

//please wait for @Wavepaw and @claypaw before posting!

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
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Wavepaw had been on edge ever since the execution announcement had been made. It scared him, how quickly some of his clanmates were ready to turn on the rest of the former Ripple Colony members in the wake of Sasha and Deacons' crimes. Some had defended them, too, and deep down he supposed there wasn't really any danger that he would be cast out; Litchentail had said as much. After all, he'd been as true a Riverclanner as any cat here, and he would continue to be to the end of his days. But his name was associated with theirs, no matter how much he tried to prove otherwise; some cats would always look down on him for his loner heritage.

As far as duties went, Wavepaw had actually been looking forward to changing the moss in the nursery. Hazecloud had always been kind to him, and he was enjoying spending time with her new kits. It felt good to be able to do something nice for them in return, even if it was something as mundane as giving them new bedding. He was finishing packing a clump of green plant matter into one of the nests when the sudden shout of his name startled him, sending him sprawling back into the wall of the den with a soft shriek of surprise. Heart pounding in his chest at the unexpected verbal assault, the apprentice's ocean blue eyes rounded in disbelief as they locked onto the bared fangs that were now hissing into his face. "I-I..." he stuttered nervously as the ruined moss ball was angrily shoved at him, Asphodelpaw's gaze burning with the same accusation that laced his vicious tone.

'You weren't paying attention when you gathered the moss, were you?' Wavepaw flinched back at the harsh words, his smaller form shrinking further into the nursery's walls in a desperate attempt to put more distance between them. "I didn't mean too, I-I swear...!" He knew the older tabby had a reputation for being irritable, but he'd never been the target of this kind of harassment before, and he was starting to feel his lungs constrict with panic. What in Starclan's name was going on here? "I must've been d-distracted when I got the moss... I'm sorry..." Simple mistakes were made often amongst the clan's apprentices, and he'd never been scolded quite this hard before, especially not for something as innocent as leaving a few bits of bark in the bedding moss.

'Or did you do it on purpose? Did you want to hurt the new kits?'

And there it was. The true purpose for the sudden bombardment of hate. His blood ran cold at the thought that he could ever intentionally hurt any of the clan's children, especially Hazecloud's litter. 'All set to follow your Colony friends' path I bet.' The blue-and-white tom's mouth fell open at the implication, his ears folding back against his skull defensively. "No! I would never do that, I care about them!" He pushed back against Asphodelpaw, his own lip curling now, trying to stand tall but still missing the other by a good few inches. He wasn't really in any position to fight back if things became physical, but he wasn't going to just let a bitter heart like Asphodel make him out to be the bad guy. "I'm not a Colony cat anymore and they weren't my friends! I'm just as loyal of a Riverclanner as you are!"
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Claypaw had a feeling plenty of the members of Riverclan may dissolve into this. Lost ties to others, their feelings left to bared fangs in the cold leafbare. She hadn't necessarily been right nearby when it started, but stepped past the den, audible words flung past her ears. Her heart plummeted, then started to roar in her ears, heartrate picking up with steady speed.

Claypaw hadn't known many of the colonists long, but she had known them longer then she had known the Riverclanners. She counted them closer to friends then she may ever count the Riverclanners, given the way they were treated after Deacon and Sasha's plight. Wavepaw, especially, had been a cat she had shown a soft spot towards- and it was about to rear it's head as Claypaw swept into the den, mismatched eyes taking in the fervor and taste of fight that was about to begin.

Her tone started quiet, but firm, slowly rising into a cacophony. "Ashpodelpaw. Accusations like that are hard to swallow, and harder to forget." She bit out, stepping past Wavepaw to place herself between the two. Eyes sized up the slightly younger in front of her, her lips slowly pull back to reveal sharpened and tested teeth. "Are you sure you want to continue, before I make sure they're written upon your skin?" Claypaw's tail flicked swiftly, pupils slowly dilating as adrenaline snaked into her veins.

"Wavepaw is a friend of Hazecloud, unless you failed to notice that fact. Do you really think a queen would allow someone in here she distrusted?" Claypaw's verbal defense continued, barely leaving a breath for Asphodelpaw to get in edgewise. If able, Claypaw would slowly start to circle and advance, attempting to force Asphodelpaw out of the den. Her heart was thundering in her ears- just like every battle the apprentice had taken place in before, every time the claws flashed towards her face, she knew she was making instinctive decisions. Perhaps some she'd bemoan later, but for once, Claypaw wasn't watching from the backseat.

No, she was in the driver's seat, knuckles white, gripping the steering wheel tight, with intent to drive a plague away. "Do you doubt we would not do what those born Riverclan would do? We are living among you, feeding yourself and ourselves. Protecting eachother. We are Riverclanners." This was not a question, but a statement rooted in the very stones of the river they called their lifeline.

Hopefully, they'd be out of the nursery by now. Driving Asphodelpaw out of the den would have done two things- one, free them from the nursery, where kits may have ended up in a hopefully avoidable crossfire, and two- allow this argument to be witnessed by warriors and leadership alike.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — The sound of snarling catches the attention of the river princess and both of her large ears prick forward, she remembers a time that Velvetpaw and Cicadapaw had a disagreement over moss being dropped but this one sounds a lot more aggressive and accusatory. She does not hesitate to make her prescene known with an annoyed growl of her own knowing that her father and Lichentail probably didn't want any of them trying to engage with claws to one another especially now that it is leaf-bare and those that had been exiled still wandered in the territory alive. As much as she feels distate for Ripple Colony for Sasha and Deacon's actions, she feels that it isn't right to lash out to the younger who work dutifully to keep Hazecloud and her brood safe, her own kin included. She doubts that the queen wants to be bothered by the squabbling of apprentices and its Claypaw's comment that ignites the flame within the bicolored molly "Asphodelpaw, shut your trap before I shut it." Her threat held no need for claws but her voice held the soft beginnings of growl "You found the bark before anyone laid on it. There's no need to throw a hissy fit, fish for brains."

Her feathery tail lashes behind her only to turn to Wavepaw offering a softened gaze before shifting her attention to Claypaw "Do not threaten your denmate with claws." They were all slowly starting to get on her nerves except for Wavepaw, Beepaw stands upright to look at the trio of apprentices in front of her "Go elsewhere if you really must settle your differences." Her mismatched gaze leveling them all out carefully.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 6 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed

the nursery was crowded today. for once, shellkit had been ordered out — the apprentices had a job to do, something about the collapse of sedge and snow from earlier that day. the warriors that had instructed her out to play failed to take into consideration that there were apprentices in her den, and the lilac child would never miss an opportunity to observe her future duties up close. some would call it pestering, but she would call it assistance, pawing at the piles of moss and twine they’d gathered to patch the small hole. she is entranced with it, a soft ball pulled from the bulk that she kicks at until something changes. something in the air seems to thicken, cracking with tension that raises her head from the soft ground to watch her elders begin to bicker. the ripple colony cats were a terror to her, as much as she would loathe to admit it. the thought of smokestar’s ragged, blood - matted body still burns in her memory, still flashes before her eye when the former loners act so distinctly non - clan.

wavepaw does not fight hard despite asphodelpaw’s wild accusation, seems to tighten himself small and huddling against his peer’s biting words — claypaw, however, seems eager to take the fight. she watches as the red feline starts towards the chattering apprentice, mutters something long and complicated that draws her wandering eyes down to her paws, voiced threat flattening small ears to her fuzzy skull. she threatens him with violence, open and clear for all the kits to hear, just like cedarblaze and thornmask. the significance in their names are lost on her still, replaced only by high suspicions and a sudden, gripping terror, something flooding her eyes with tears because they’re fighting in her den, her place. where could she go that she did not feel this sudden fear? beepaw urges them into line, reprimands the former colony apprentice, but shellkit is crouched low, prepared to scurry back to the safety of hazecloud’s belly as soon as reed thin limbs stop quaking, ” with claws? a quiet wheeze, breath pulling from tender lungs.

she decides, tentatively, that she did not like the colony cats ( or not colony cats, as wavepaw cried ) — she hated how some of them made her feel. anger for thornmask, pity for dawnstorm and wavepaw. it hurts her head, sends her skull reeling with something she was far too young to process in full. her stubby tail wraps around a lilac striped flank. she wanted them to leave, maybe. maybe she didn’t want to be friends with the apprentices.

  • i.

  • shol.png

    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.


( ) "if you're mad cause wavepaw's parents weren't riverclanners, you should be mad at us too! i wasn't born here! me n shellkit n riverkit got brought here! just like wavepaw." the voice is tiny but bold- a storm hued bundle of anger stands beside his sister, pressing against her in a comforting movement. "at least wavepaw is trying to help! at least he collected moss!" tufted ears flatten, brows furrowing as pebblepaw chews out the older cat. he looks gratefully at his cousin, who approaches with sharp words, but even she doesn't say anything about how unfair asphodelpaw's words were. "did you know smokestar used to be a loner? and so did willowroot, and even lichentail! just cause some cats were mean doesn't mean everyone is! wavepaw didn't do anything wrong." he curls his lip, pearly white showing. he is not exactly the most intimidating sight out there but he's trying.

pressing his nose into shellkit's shorter fur, the boy murmurs words of comfort- she's his main priority in this moment as more cats approach. "it's okay shelly, let's go find hazecloud, m'kay?" he suggests, casting a dark look back at the arguing apprentices who have dared to disrupt his peaceful palace.

  • // " speak "

  • peb_.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.


At first, she had heard Asphodelpaw, passing by to do her own duties of practicing weaving into the dens. She had been ever so grateful for goldenpaw and shellkit to take the time to show her how to weave, and she had been doing much better- only just returning from gathering more materials that now lay astray as the two apprentices were exiting the nursery in a heated argument.

Unfortunately, she was too late to keep shellkit and pebblekit from becoming involved, pebblekit even showing a display of his own protective nature over his clanmates.


Her own voice surprised her- a stern rumble of a growl slid out of her throat behind teeth that grit together. The smaller lilac tortie would take a step in between the two heated apprentices, swallowing back the sudden anxiety that came with intercepting as such- but she couldn't bare to see claws drawn towards each other. This has gone on too long.

"Asphodelpaw... Maybe..." Her mint gaze settled on the attacker, thinking for a moment. She didn't feel right telling him off, but he didn't need to be here with the others starting more nonsense. If someone else, maybe his mentor even, could step in- that would be wonderful. If they interrupted her, that would be even better. "Maybe.. you would find b-better entertainment cleaning out the elders d-den... Rather th-than displaying this level of harassment towards your denmate. th-thats not alright, and- you should know better."

She felt awkward all of the sudden, her ears folding back a bit in a weird feeling of regret. And this was why she was glad she had yet to receive her own apprentice. What would she even do with one, when she was barely capable of performing her own tasks? Her voice was a bit softer as she spoke now towards Asphodelpaw.

Her gaze would blink before turning to Claypaw. "And I would.. like you to c-continue helping Wavepaw with th-the nursery.. j-just, I know it's hard to control your emotions, b-but beepaw is correct. you c-cannot threaten others with injury, no one should. we are clanmates." She let out a soft sigh, closing her gaze from the molly in thought, before looking between the both of them. They both needed to control their emotions, but they were young... "D-do better. Everyone's a b-bit confused and upset and tense- but- this right now is not okay. I d-dont want to have to see this happen again. Especially over an accident."

Did she handle the situation okay? She never had to handle something like this, and she only worried that.. that it was wrongly handled. But separating them seemed the best option.

Her gaze trailed from the apprentices to the two children, gaze softening even more at them. Shellkit looked absolutely terrified, and Lilacbird only hoped that she would not be scarred and poisoned of the ripple colony cats from claypaws aggressive demeanor- but at the same time, asphodelpaw was not in any way shape or form helpful of the scenario.

*+:。.。 Asphodelpaw didn't appreciate being herded around like a dog, especially not by the true mutt of the clan - Claypaw. Once upon a time, he'd thought the she-cat - like Wavepaw - worthy of respect for their hard work in joining the clan and becoming a part of its customs. Now, he stared down his nose at the former loner, perhaps soon to be rogue. His anger quickly began to cloud his vision of the bigger picture at play here. He wasn't the bad guy - how could he be, when he was defending his clan?!

"Written upon my skin? Very tactful Claypaw - where'd you learn that threat from? Deacon? Sasha?" Asphodelpaw's fur is on end, his hackles rising. He would've rather stood his ground and butted noses with the molly, but some semblance of reason understood that it was best he see the excuse to leave the nursery and take it. Hell, he preferred the distraction from Wavepaw - the anger towards him had been born out of impulsivity and died very quickly when he saw the younger tom rise not at Asphodelpaw's ire, but at the accusation. Wavepaw was a hard rat to hate - but that's the thing, it wasn't hate that gave tinder to the fire, it was fear.
And fear said even little things like Wavepaw could still hurt Asphodelpaw's clan.

Claypaw, on the other hand, was much easier to hate.
Asphodelpaw bared his fangs at the tortie, letting out a sardonic laugh at her weak arguments, "Sasha and Deacon lived among us, fought alongside us, and still look what happened. You may have grown up here, but your blood doesn't run like ours -" he aimed to prod hard at her chest with his paw, not attempting to hurt her, but the disrespect was obvious. "The only reason Hazecloud allowed him into the nursery is that he has a job to do, loyalty to prove, and instead he fills the kitten's bedding with splinters! Because that's what you Ripple rats do - that's what all true rogues will do"
Ears flat and tone nothing but a growl, he meets her steely gaze with an icy one, begging for an excuse to release the pent-up nerves within his claws, "How do I know that protective urge of yours is only for Riverclanners and not your birth-home family"

Before he could say more - or do something even he would regret - Beepaw appeared like a blanket of darkness to cover the cages of squawking birds. Immediately Asphodelpaw's fur fluffs up with offense. First of all - why was he the one getting all the insulting names? And second of all - " I'd have thought you'd be on my side after-" he swallows his tongue just in time,, but the question lingers. After what happened to your dad. Where was Beepaw's loyalty? Why defend this colony cat when the problem was much bigger than who found the splinters? After all, what if Asphodelpaw hadn't found them?

But it isn't Beepaw, or Claypaw, who force Asphodelpaw's eyes open - no, that accomplishment belongs to the littlest in their clan, Pebblekit and Shellkit. All at once, all of Asphodelpaw's tension and rage gets swept away like a leaf in a monsoon, and he realizes bitterly how brittle it had been in the first place. It's an uncomfortable feeling to have anger replaced by shame, especially seeing how Shellkit crouched- frightened not of the Ripple Colony cat's actions, but of Asphodelpaw's.

Tail tucking between his legs, he can't quite meet Pebblekit's eyes as the tom-kit berates him. Small but proud, braver than most his age. It's not the same he wants to tell the boy. Yes, plenty of Riverclan cats were former loners, but not all were associated Ripple colony. The loners before the Ripples had pledged their allegiance and stuck to it - it was only Sasha and Deacon who hadn't. It was only the Ripple Colony that lied and fought to stay independent at the cost of Smokestar's life. At the cost of who knows how many more.

Stubbornness began to bloom in his chest, the need to be understood - that he wasn't just fighting with Wavepaw and Claypaw for the fun of it - parting his lips once more. But before he could lower himself to fight with a kit - was he seriously going to argue with a child? - Lilacbird stepped in.

The woman was nothing but stutters and stumbles, making the fur under Asphodelpaw's cheeks redden with offense. "Me?" he exclaims, incredulous, "We just established Wavepaw can't be trusted with kitten bedding but it's me you want to send away? Replace me with Claypaw?" Any semblance of reason Asphodelpaw may have caught immedietely flies out the window as he whirls on Beepaw and Lilacbird, back arched with disgust, "We were attacked from the inside, our leader died for his trust in cats you two are now defending!"
He'll acknowledge he picked the worst place to have this confrontation, but he refuses to believe it wasn't the right time. "Where is your loyalty?" this question needed to be answered - now by more than just the former ripple cats.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
  • Love
Reactions: pebbletail
✧ ✧ (=˃ᆺ˂=) Patrols took up a majority of the morning. When time came to finally eat, there were no clouds blocking the sun. It would be foolish to not take advantage of any warmth midday, so the tabby finds a spot to sunbathe in the camp.
Alone. Well.. she had a friend. It was a frog.
Her mouth turned down in distaste as she thought about eating it. Frog had squishy skin, and even thinking about the texture made her want to cough up whatever was left in her body.
A painful growl rumbled in her belly, and in that moment she decides its better to eat a frog than starve. So she takes a breath in preparation, and closes her eyes. See no evil.. taste no evil?

We are RiverClanners.
Eyes open to see an apprentice kerfuffle unveiling itself from the nursery. In this moment, she has two options: spare herself and the apprentices from hunger-fueled peace-disrupted rage by eating this frog, or get up.

In walk Lilacbird. Silently, they would thank her for affording a moment of leisure. If eating could be considered so. Unsure of how she would handle it, they listen to her (gently?) scold Asphodelpaw. Eyes close again, and this time she grips the frog between teeth. Head swings back to ceremoniously toss it into her opened mouth. Skin texture in her mouth made her jaw tighten, but it relieved nothing. She tried to focus on the flavor instead: fish-like, comparable to vole.
It was a small piece of prey so the experience was over in an instance. Rumbling tummy had not yet faded before she was approaching the still growing crowd.

"Take this nonsense outside. And you." White paws hardly came to a halt before she lifts one to jab in Asphodelpaw's direction. "You have no business talking so much about being a RiverClanner, so far from earning your own name. You are still a 'paw. Learn something while you're at it." She looks at Claypaw. "Why don't you two go spar this out? Away from the nursery? You've interrupted enough people's quiet today." Status as a former-rogue was not spent a moment discussing. It didn't even cross her mind, really. Bounceheart felt like a RiverClanner, through and through.

But, there was a time before.
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"How interesting..."

But her tone betrays it as an entirely sarcastic observation.

It should be well understood by now that anytime more than a couple stray paws found the nursery, the deputy was never far from investigating. Be it a rampant paranoia that another crowd meant another egregious loss or an obsessive desire to be certain Hazecloud wasn't complaining about her, the blue lynx point struggled not to feed her urges to snoop around.

Bounceheart was at the tail end of her lecture and while Lichentail was appreciative of the stern verbal lashing.. she disagreed that it was enough punishment for a repeated crime. Eyes narrowed to hollow, unfriendly slits, the huddling masses of Shellkit and Pebblekit only prove to stir her anger more. They would have the audacity to bicker and threaten each-other with violence over something as petty as 'birthplace' in front of the youngest members of their clan... In front of what were not her kin by blood, but in memory and dedicated time.

"I thought... I had made myself painfully clear," she continues and with each syllable articulated so precisely it is akin to barbs. A broken tail sways in a passive display of restrained frustration.. but even that would not be enough to spare Asphodelpaw another moment of patience.

"I am quite positive I said I was sick of hearing this nonsense," she presses further still, coming to stand in front of the unruly apprentice with a deceitfully tranquil stare.

These behaviors, she thinks with a solemn annoyance, are not born... they are taught. It is evident in the way half of the clan's warriors practically jump at the sight of what colony cats remain in their ranks, in the way Iciclefang had spoken up to suggest implosion of their ranks might yet be appropriate or helpful. To fester from the inside... to perceive threat in the wrong shadows.

Drawing in a feigned sigh of exhaustion, as if the thought of traitors in their midst in the form of Wavepaw was genuinely sapping the energy out of her, the gray molly drones, "I'm quite tired of repeating myself... and since I can't seem to be heard the first time, maybe action will speak louder still."

"I hope you enjoy the taste of mouse bile- you'll become quite familiar with it while you care for cleaning the elders of ticks for the next month. And don't bother dreaming about getting respite in some training- you won't be leaving camp for the next week. I can't trust someone so keen to turn on his own clan-mates to be patrolling our borders."

Lilacbird practically shivers in the corner to be confronting the situation at all. Her peace for the night is ruined, Lichentail considers sadly. So much for quiet sunsets... She eyes Beepaw and Claypaw in an unspoken warning. Keep your claws to yourselves. They do not get to 'spar it out' as Bounceheart put it... she would not reward temper tantrums with aggressive 'cooling-off' exercises.

Shellkit and Pebblekit's words caused her pause, if only briefly. No, she had only threatened his skin, but not with claws. Perhaps that was a mantle she needed to wear- if Claypaw had to take the ire of the clan to relieve it against Wavepaw, if only for this moment, she would. Where the brief doubt cleared, her shoulders squared, eyes hot with anger as she focused on Asphodelpaw. "You have no clue to my history, Asphodelpaw. Don't pretend two traitors would have taught me anything beyond what not to do." She responded.

His prodding words caused a raise of flame within her chest- something burning that demanded her to consume and fight, but she quieted it with the soft realization that he had no idea. Asphodelpaw did not know where she came- from where rogues hunted and fed upon kits, where she had been prey from the moment her mother had cast her aside. She remained silent, for the pawfalls of their clan were quick approaching now that they were out in the open, away from the kits.

Claypaw's ears tilted backwards only as the cacophony, the chaos began. Beepaw spoke, but bitter anger coated her throat, then brief shame at the kits having to witness a fight that could have been blood-soaked. Her face remained cold, eyes narrowed and shoulders slowly rising and falling. "I'm done if Asphodelpaw is." She uttered in response to Beepaw. Lilacbird came with orders, ones that Bounceheart had half an idea to just yell over. The only words that mattered came slow, and cooler then Claypaw had been.

Her head lifted, mismatched eyes focused on their deputy. But, as much as Claypaw expected to be given the same treatment... she was not. Surprise briefly flickered through her, Lichentail's sharp gaze turning to settle on her. The message was clear. Claypaw's head dipped in response. Respect. That's the only thing that Lichentail was recieving from Claypaw at the moment. She turned, trying to force a smile on her face as she looked at Wavepaw. "Let's go switch that moss out, yeah?" She said softly to the apprentice.

Claypaw would move to take care of that, once last glance given back towards Asphodelpaw. You did this to yourself.

// out unless stopped!
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.