private LOYALTY // amberhaze


Ternstar 25 Moons Female She/Her Leader of Shadowclan

—— There have been many changes since Ternstar took leadership – eyes trail from clanmates to clanmate; her council nearly halved. And yet... this was the push Shadowclan had needed to grow, wasn't it? Despite leaf-bare sinking its claws into shadowclan, they aren't yet starving - hubgry, sure; but she's lived through far worse. And the newcomers, kits, they seem eager to learn.

And yet something still irks her. Where molly lays upon her throne of bones, tail tapping, she can't help but to think of all those who have betrayed her. Cats who up and left, vanishing into the snow. Cats who mock her - openly and behind her back both. She needs more cats she can trust – that she can rely on to be loyal to shadowclan, if nothing else.

She sits, contemplating, for a long while, before a familiar pelt catches her eyes. A twitchy thing, perhaps the shadowy tom wouldn't be anothers first choice. But when minds turns to what she knows of him - of his willingness to follow orders, to mediate his clanmates squabbles (no matter how successful he actually is), to help. And then he'd fetched windclan at Marbleleafs command, too, hadn't he?

It takes less time for her to make up her mind then she'd have thought, carefully picking her way through the crowd milling about the camp. " Amberhaze — come with me for a moment, "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y

// @Amberhaze
⚛︎₊˚‧ Nobody ever truly saw Amberhaze, and so the sound of not just any clanmate, but Ternstar, their leader of all people nearly caused him to jump out of his skin. She summoned him with that graceful poise that was typical of her, and yet he couldn't help but feel a prickling sensation at the nape of his neck and along his spine as he approached. She was kind, he knew...but also so effortlessly intimidating. Whether it was due to her personality or stature or if it was simply Amberhaze being the skittish and wary individual he was would be up for interpretation, however the feelings it evoked were the same.

He answered her summons swiftly, stumbling over his paws momentarily in his haste. Thoughts immediately began to swirl inside his head, things like; Did I do something wrong? Or, Am I in trouble? And even more harrowingly, Is Windclan angry with her for what I did at their border? Am I going to be exiled? Are we going to war? The anxiety was quick to consume him, though he would never know what was certain and what was merely speculation until he confronted Ternstar head on. Taking a deep breath in a futile attempt to steady his shot nerves, the gangly tom would dip his head politely towards his leader. "Um- Ternstar..."

His voice was quizzical and uncertain, though with great effort it did not falter entirely. He would take his place beside her and fall into the rhythm of her steps only once instructed. A twitching ear indicated his eager anticipation.
° . ⚠︎ . °
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    black oriental shorthair. a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation.
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Ternstar 25 Moons Female She/Her Leader of Shadowclan

—— Amberhaze looks worried - not that he doesn't always look like that, but she supposes this time, at least, he has a reason. Lips twitch again - poorly held amusement, before she speaks - " You are not in any trouble, " she says, voice lilting - " ... unless you have done something I do not know about, " it's meant in jest, and perhaps to soothe his nerves should that be his worry,

" Walk with me, " she says, her pace continuing steadily as they wind there way out and away from camp - Ternstar has always favored privacy, and she has enough gossipmongers to tend with without giving them more fuel. " Shadowclan has been your home for a while now. " she murmurs, shoulders rolling with a comfortable snap. " I'd like you to join my council, "

She needs to rebuild what shadowclan has lost.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y


Amberhaze's pink-rimmed lips would peel back into a grimace- his equivalent of a smile- in response to Ternstar's lighthearted comment, though admittedly it did not give him the respite that she had intended for it to. "Uh- N-No...I mean, not recently." A halfhearted chuckle escaped his stiffened maw, the same joking nature present within the glint in his eyes that seemed a bit less intense in her presence. But only a little.

He would follow her command with swift obedience, the two of them exiting camp and falling into a leisurely step with one another, the marshland growing darker the further in they travelled. He did not mind the silence that stretched between them, her presence beside him something grounding in of itself. She was a strong leader, a capable one, and although he did not fully agree with every decision she had made thus far- namely, opening the borders- he would still follow her without question, and he knew she would never alter any of the previous rules if she believed it would cause her clan to come face to face with any serious danger. He admired her, and secretly willed himself to someday be as steadfast and headstrong as she- even if only a miniscule fraction.

Momentarily, the lengthy tom wondered if perhaps this was all she wanted of him- company- nothing more. She had not said a word since they had left the prying eyes and curious ears of those within camp, suddenly feeling like perhaps he had jumped the gun in thinking her request for his presence was anything more than an extension for...could you call it friendship? He wasn't sure, but he did hope so. "Shadowclan has been your home for a while now..." He swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling on edge again. What was she trying to say? Did she no longer want him there? Was he not pulling his weight to her satisfaction, not meeting her expectations? Had she decided she no longer trusted the presence of those who were not clan born, regardless of how long they had been there? Was she going to exile him, here and now, where nobody could see in an attempt to let him down softly? His stomach roiled at the thought, his breath hitching inside his throat. "I'd like you to join my council."

Amberhaze stopped in his tracks. What? Had he heard that right? No, surely not...there was no way. "...Me?" His tone was much harsher than he had intended it to be, though it was not a force unleashed by anger or being ungracious- it was shock, the utter disbelief at her suggestion- her desire- for him to be significant or deserving enough for a position any higher than simply a warrior. Surely she had the wrong cat, this must be some sort of mistake. He was lackluster in everything he did, a shadow blending seamlessly into the bulk of his companions who shone much brighter than he ever could. He was not the best fighter, the best conversationalist, the most reasonable or level-headed cat by any means...and yet she still saw something in him, the reason as to why he could not even begin to comprehend. But what he could comprehend was that amidst the astonishment, her proposal made him feel warm inside. Like maybe he was worth more than he was able to see on his own. Or what other's could see, for that matter.

His expression would lose some of it's rigidness, the oriental clearing his throat and shuffling his boney knuckles against the peaty earth beneath him. "I-I'm...honored, Ternstar, but- a-are you...sure? I'm not- I mean-...I'm just- me, y-y'know? Haha..." Harvest-moon eyes harbored a certain sadness as he spoke, as if the concept of being him was a horrendous burden, a curse he would not wish upon anyone.

ㅤmale (he / him) / bisexual aroace, single
ㅤ20 moons old / ages semi-realistically, every 21st
ㅤlead warrior of shadowclan for 0 moons
npc x npc / younger brother to wormwatcher
ㅤmentoring talonpaw / mentored by wormwatcher
ㅤpenned by sloane / encarcerated on discord

a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and luminous ocher eyes
⤷ black oriental shorthair x cornish rex

Ternstar 26 Moons Female She/Her Leader of Shadowclan

—— " I am certain, " she says, almost sternly. Amberhaze is, perhaps, not the most traditional of choices - but since when has Ternstar cared for such things. There is greatness in uniqueness, and Amberhaze has already shown promise. She is certain he will only grow from her - and she will nurture that hidden talent.

" You are a... thinker, " it is, perhaps, a polite choice of words - but no less true. " I do not need another eager young warrior, desperate to leap into battle at every little comment from our enemies. I would much prefer to have someone with a brain and who is capable of using it, " she can't help but snort.

Paranoid though he may be, she can't deny Amberhaze often makes good points - thinks of things others might overlook, herself included. She might be cunning, true, but she is also an impulsive thing - her very nature crafted upon her own survival. She needs someone who will bother to think of the rest, when she cannot. Head tilts - " So, will you? " she will not push, should he deny - not everyone wants a life of ambition, and she has no need to force such a point. But she hopes it won't come to that.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y


The sharp cut of Ternstar's confirmation caused Amberhaze's wide eyes to pull back even further, and it was a constant wonder as to how those oversized orbs even managed to stay placed snugly within their cavernous sockets. He would say nothing, his jugular bobbing up and down as he swallowed thickly. She continued in place of the silence he offered her, and even he had to admit that being regarded as a thinker was an interesting descriptor for what was undeniably delusion. But he was not a fool, as much as his clanmates may make him out to be- he knew the ins and outs of survival, the dirty tactics that come about in the midst of war, he knew all of the best and worst places to look for miniscule amounts of prey. His ideas were not traditional by any means, and in some cases seemed completely outlandish- but none have failed him yet, the proof of such being the fact that he was still here to tell the tale.

He would, admittedly, feel some twinge of pride in the way Ternstar spoke of what she perceived to be an asset rather than a flaw- but the illusion was easily shattered upon her snort, his ears drooping as he considered the possibility of her amusement being directed at him rather than for him. Either way, her proposal remained cemented, and upon her renewed request, he would finally meet her gaze. He could have gotten lost in them, really, shards of broken ice glittering within slanted blue pools. Had he not been so nervous, perhaps he could have allowed himself the fleeting indulgence of studying what lie beneath their veils.

"Uh-" Eyes flittered about the terrain, the sound of his throat clearing mingling with the shuffling of paws below. "I mean..." With a will, he would finally allow his eyes to meet hers, his posture straightening as much as he could possibly manage despite his inner voice screaming at him to do otherwise. Screaming that he did not deserve this. "If you're s-sure of your d-decision then- um...I-I'd be honored to b-be on your council, Ternstar. Th-Thank you. Really." Furrowed brows accompanied A visible mixture of trepidation and hope. "...Thank you. F-For believing in me." It was sincere, his voice having softened as he spoke his good graces.

Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
20 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane