- Jun 14, 2022
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✵ ღ ☾ I'LL LET YOU DOWN - She was simply going through the motions now. Though her grief had begun to numb, her nights were still restless, and her brief dreams were a replay of the worst moment of her young life.
Still though, she put on a brief face, the raw emotion she had shown that fateful day were now concealed with a unreadable expression, border-lining coerced content, she was ready to get back into her routine, her life- keeping her trauma safely tucked under the nights dim light.
She pushed her way through the camps entrance, two lizards dangling from tense jaws, she made her way to the prey pile, dropping them and moving to turn back towards her nest when a voice piped up from behind her.
"Cloudy! Hey!"
She only vaguely recognized the voice, not even an acquaintance, merely a clanmate.
She pondered not waiting up, but that would be rude.
Mind your cues.
She turns her head to look at them, curiosity sparking in her dual optics.
"Good morning! I was just wondering if you'd like to share this rat with me? It's huge-"
❝ No thank you. ❞ Cloudy cut them off, keeping her tone light and polite. "Oh c'mon! I bet you're hungry-"
❝ I said n- ❞ Cloudy began again, feeling her usual tolerance ebbing, and her patience wearing thin. The thought of sharing a meal with another made her unexplainably queasy. Yet, they cut her off. "I've been worried about you! Just share a meal with me, you won't regret it!"
Now, she could feel herself become overwhelmed, she wanted to walk away now. Beginning to shake her head, they opened their mouth to press further, and Cloudy felt something snap. ❝ I already told you no! Please leave me alone already!❞ She snapped, a bit more audibly than she had intended, and unexpected reaction from the usually quiet molly no doubt. Regret would soon follow after as the others facial expression dropped, offended, they stalked away with their tail low. Cloudy pondered the idea of calling out after them, but her voice had lost itself. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she stood there.
❝ Speech. ❞