camp magic ~ prompt

𓆝 . ° ✦ Grasskit was booooored. He was so bored, even rocks weren't giving him the joy they usually did. Not the white rocks, clear rocks, black rocks, grey rocks, you know, so on and so forth. He paced around in a small circle, dragging his feet dramatically. "I'm bored," he nearly shouted, flopping on his side with dramatic flair usually reserved for getting Frightkit or Ferretkit to play with him. How could the day possibly seem sooooo long? He felt like the ate breakfast like... a bunch of days ago.

Suddenly, a little red dot fluttered onto his forepaw. He stared at it with wide green eyes, inspecting it carefully. It was round, red, had some funny little black dots all over it. He'd never seen anything like it! It was pretty. "What's that?" he chirped to the closest cat to him, looking up sharply at them.

 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: Prompt: ⊱✿⊰ Ladybugs are symbols of luck, and one just so happens to land on your character! What endeavors are they hoping to be lucky in?
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
Luck has been particularly prevalent in Blizzardkit’s life—though it began with misfortune, they were found by Slateheart and quickly taken into the moorland clan. Though their moving back to WindClan’s gorse-walled camp may not be luck, exactly, they can only believe it some sort of blessing upon them. They are happy where they are—and even more so, they are happy that the frigid chill has finally given way to warmth. The fields are alive with the bright blooming of flowers, and more than ever before Blizzardkit wishes that they could be an apprentice, just so that they could go dashing through endless fields of flowers.

Still, they are camp-bound, stuck in one place, and so the kit must find other ways to entertain themself. One such method is kit-watching, wherein they keep an eye on all their denmates, and today their wide-eyed attention has been captured by Grasskit. He seems enthralled by something on his paw, and so Blizzardkit is quick to traipse over and join him in inspecting the small creature. Grasskit asks what the little red bug is, and the albino shrugs. "Don’t know," they offer with an exagerrated tilt of their head, pale eyes stretching wide as they examine the creature that’s perched upon Grasskit’s paw. "Think it’s here because of the flowers?"
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Reactions: Grasspaw
”It’s a bug, Grasskit.” Whitekit, for once, is out and about. Since he’s been born he’s been in and out of sickness, sometimes more mild and sometimes having a bigger effect on him. For the time being, however, he’s feeling alright, so he’s taking the chance now to do what he wants to do. So far, that seems to be explaining the obvious to his brother. He crouches down to give it a closer look, wide eyes focused on the little bug, before he decides, ”A beetle, actually.” He sits back then, beginning to groom himself, tongue swiping over his chest as the two others keep their focus on the little red and black beetle, making their own observations about the tiny thing.​
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Reactions: Grasspaw
AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — Since the newleaf flowers had made themselves known in a burst of color and pollen, Rattleheart had made a habit of going out on morning walks - even without the intent of catching anything. Usually he just enjoyed the sweet smell of the flowers all around him, occasionally leaning down to snatch up a few for his and Venomstrike's nest. He even sometimes found himself coming across plants he could recognize from his time recovering in Wolfsong's den, pausing to grab them and bring them back to the medicine cat when he could. He was far from a healer - and had no desire to be one - but he could at least recognize certain leaves when they were right under his nose. Not to mention the unique scent that quite a few herbs carried.

Today he found himself padding back into camp with a modest bundle of... something. He didn't exactly know the names of herbs, but he at least knew that it smelled right. Though his attention had initially been laser focused on the medicine den, he soon found himself intrigued when Grasskit's tiny voice chirped from nearby, Rattleheart's prize momentarily forgotten. He deposited it at his paws for later, looking over the beetle that had floated down onto the child before he chuckled. "I've heard some cats call them ladybugs... I didn't realize that they were a type of beetle, though. They're harmless and colorful, from what I know. And they do seem to like flowers." He nodded in Blizzardkit's direction, smiling over at them as his tail curled protectively around their pure white form - he couldn't help it, the patched wound on their face making him more cautious than ever. No matter how small it really was in actuality.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    49 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
𓆝 . ° ✦ He bent his head forward to sniff at the little red beetle. Nothin'. No smell to be found other than dirt from his own foot. Whitekit's blunt retort made Grasskit stick his tongue out at him. He might be Grasskit's brother, but boy, he was a know-it-all. "Well, ob-vious-ly, it's a bug," he snorted, drawing the word out. Rattleheart interrupted his next reply, which probably was for the best. Nearly instantly forgetting his annoyance, he brightened at the mention of the name of it. "A ladybug..." he echoed. "I'm gonna name it Poppy, 'cause it's red like those ones,"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
Ladybugs. Sunlitpaw feels the same wonder as the little gathering of kittens as she pads after Rattleheart, bicolored ears pricked forward to catch the Lead Warrior's words. The apprentice seems to find herself in the company of kits quite a bit, as much as she doesn't care to be around them. She's never sure what to say to them, how to conduct herself around them or entertain them, but Sunlitpaw's mind remains just as inquisitive and bright as the kittens tumbling out of the nursery at times. From her father's storytime to now when a little bug had landed on Grasskit, the apprentice shares an awe with her newest Clanmates.

The sun-dappled apprentice patters up next to Rattleheart, tapping her tail gently in greeting against his flank. It wasn't something Sunlitpaw commonly did, ever did actually, but Rattleheart had done it to them before - Sunlitpaw thought it respectful to return the gesture. Their pelt smells vaguely of herbs Sunlitpaw cannot name, but a smell that tugs at their heart slightly. It smells of Wolfsong's den, of being curled in their ðir's nest and drifting to sleep with their siblings piled together. The smell soothes Sunlitpaw's nerves, enough that the apprentice sinks down into a sit next to Rattleheart, peering down at the little black-and-red critter crawling across Whitekit. "A ladybug," Sunlitpaw repeats, as they do their more serious lessons as well. They look up to Rattleheart, tilting their head gently and asking, "is there a boybug?"

  • *

    they / she, 8 moon old moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by foxglare
    a large yet timid chocolate tabby-tortoiseshell with spring green eyes
    sunstar x wolfsong, sibling to rivepaw, bearpaw, singedpaw, & featherpaw
    full length biography
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)
"Unfortunately, I don't think so," Nightingalecry murmurs as she joins the circle. It had been a brief scare on her end - pushing through the gorse to see cats surrounding one of her children. Her modest catch had fallen unceremoniously at first and she stumbled forward a few steps, all until she heard the chatter. Something about a beetle, by Whitekit's little voice. The moor runner had to retrace her steps, bring her prey to the sufficient pile, and then refind her two children amongst the many. Such is when she replies to Sunlitpaw in place of Rattleheart, though she offers the lead warrior a brief dip of her head.

"Some ladybugs are boys, though. It's just the name they're given," she offers. She leans over to swipe her tongue over Whitekit's head, all before offering, "Poppy is a cute name," to Grasskit. A beat, and she asks, "Will it be Poppybug, since it's a bug?" like they are each -kit, -paw, and so on - does the insect get an honorific of its own?​
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𓆝 . ° ✦ Grasskit beamed up at his mother. "Hi mama," he mewed. He pondered the info given, that they can be called ladybugs and be boys. "That doesn' seem fair to the boys," He added, before Poppy fluttered it's wings a bit and went to crawl up his leg. He watched the little beetle crawl on him. It felt funny the way his fur moved under it. "Will it be Poppybug, since it's a bug?" Nightingalecry added. He hadn't thought of that one. "I dunno,"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
Being camp-bound stinks, but he is happy that the frigid chill of leafbare is gone. The fields on the moors are blooming with bright colored flowers. Today he is out of the nursery, walking around to see if someone can entertain him. He's attention is stolen by the tiny voices of his denmates gathered around something. He's interested now. He trots toward the little group, inky tail lashing behind him in the dirt. He bounces up next to Rattleheart, poking his head around the black and white tunneler's body. The black smoke peers down to see whats all the commotion about, spotting a black and red bug he chirps out. "Ooo, what's that bug?" He watches as the beetle crawl on Grasskit's leg, tilting his head a little bit curious. Spotty bug, looks cool... He settles next to Rattleheart's leg, sweeping his tail behind him as he listens to the conversation go on.

He lifts his up, staring at Rattleheart letting out a meow. "Hey hey, Rattle. What's that?" He pats the warrior's leg with a paw. He doesn't get it but wants more information about the cool spotty spot beetle!

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( NO WAY! REALLY?! ) SHEEPKIT : kitten of windclan
    — cismale ; HE / HIM ; currently 3 moons
    ✦ undecided / single / not actively looking / open to puppy-crushes
    — a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    — smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone


⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Ferretkit was always finding something to do or someone to bother, but today was.. especially boring. Grasskit, instead of asking to play with her, was whining about camp - and she wasn't particularly interested in the other kits today.

The gathering of cats around Grasskit quickly caught her attention, though she was less interested in the object and more annoyed that all this attention was on Grasskit instead of hers. She just had to see what the big fuss was all about! "Move!" Ferretkit demanded, shoving past one of the gathered kittens with a push of her shoulder. Now, she could see what everyone was looking at - and she, too, was quickly enthralled by its color.

A small bug of red, dotted with black, resting on Grasskit's paw. Ferretkit shuffled closer and stuck her head in close, examining it with round eyes. "What'cha got, Grasskit?" she hummed. Rattleheart said it was a ladybug, and Whitekit said it was a beetle. Cool!

Sunlitpaw pondered over the existence of a boybug, and Grasskit responded saying it wasn't fair. This earned a snort from Ferretkit, and she took a step back to lift her chin dramatically. "It's called a ladybug because it's pretty and regal, like a lady. Not like a.. like a boy." Didn't boys know anything? Ferretkit rolls her eyes after she speaks. She had to agree though that Poppy was a good enough name, like a pretty flower.

  • chibi-base1.png
    FERRETKIT she/her, kit of windclan, 3 moons.
    a long-furred chocolate tabby/fawn chimera with low white
    sister to GORSEKIT
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Reactions: Grasspaw
𓆝 . ° ✦ Grasskit scrunched his face upon hearing Ferretkit declare that boy's weren't pretty or regal. He lashed his little tail to try not to scare the bug away. He might be annoyed but he wasn't going to give up the bug because of annoyance. "Boys are too pretty! What d'you know?" He snapped. Grasskit was a little offended that she thought he wasn't pretty. But he wasn't gonna say that.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
  • Wow
Reactions: ixora
✧.* Silverpaw had just so happened to be standing nearby when the sounds of Clanmates talking reached his ears. He blinked himself from his thoughts, turning with curiosity brimming in his gaze. A ladybug? He had not yet seen one of those, peering closer at the little group that had gathered whilst attempting not to bring attention to himself. Although he was rather reserved, the silver apprentice did find that he enjoyed observing his Clanmates and their daily happenings. Already being antisocial, Silverpaw especially didn't know how to interact with kits. They were loud, energetic, and very much unlike himself. Even when he was a kit, he had always stuck to the nursery, refusing to leave his nest and play with others. But now he was an apprentice and now he knew how to talk to kits even less. Great social skills, right?

Regardless, he found himself intrigued by the idea of a little bug that had found itself on Grasskit's fur. The words of others that had circled around had caused his ears to perk, mainly focusing on what Rattleheart had shared. Against his better judgement, Silverpaw quietly stood and shuffled closer, wanting to get a better look at the little bug– named Poppy, apparently– though he didn't do much to announce his own presence. He was content just looking on, listening to the Clanmates chatter about this tiny creature. His brow twitched, though, as Ferretkit spoke. He hadn't... really thought about the difference between boys and girls being "pretty" before. Didn't everyone have their own features that could be labeled as such? He vaguely remembered his mother calling his father pretty before, though he had only barely opened his eyes at the time. Silverpaw blinked and his head tilted to the side with Grasskit's retort. There wasn't anyone he himself would call "pretty", but the kit had a point.

"Boys may be pretty as well," he mumbled thoughtlessly, but he seemed to realize that he had spoken aloud only a moment later and snapped his jaws shut. He cleared his throat, looking off to the side and silently hoping nobody realized he was there. Nice job being invisible, Silverpaw!

  • ooc

  • Silverpaw. / Tags
    → WindClan Tunneler apprentice
    → Transgender male (he/him)
    → Seven moons; ages every month
    → Mentored by ?? (TBD)
    → Text. "Speech." Thoughts.
    ╰┈➤ penned by liobleu
*+:。.。 "Yeah! Boys can be pretty and girls don't gotta be regal " Frightkit would announce, putting some weight to her steps as she stomped forth. A grin filled her maw as she aimed to pounce on Ferretkit, hoping to snap at her ear before pushing herself off or getting pushed off exemplifying her point. Turning her attention to Grasskit, her ghostly gaze would twinkle with amusement as she aims to pat her little brother's head, "You're the prettiest boy Grasskit, " Then her eyes fell on the ladybug, and a hunger filled her maw. "THAT's a beetle? But my beetle was way bigger than that one! Grasskit, try an see if you can pull for a wing " Frightkit would mew, excitedly tugging on Grasskit's shoulder, "Just squish it a lil and it'll come out - c'mon I wanna see! "

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None
  • Haha
Reactions: Grasspaw
Just as quickly as her pride took over, it vanished upon hearing the ferocity of Grasskit's voice. Her eyes grow round with shock - she didn't think the boy had it in him to snap at her like that! Ferretkit looks just as offended, taken aback by the defensive stance that the three cats now take. She didn't mean to actually hurt their feelings.. or did she?

Frightkit stomps forward after her own declaration against Ferretkit, and throws her weight onto her with a snap at her ear. Ferretkit feels the scrape of her kitten teeth against her ear and squeaks, rolling onto her back under the other kitten's pouncing weight, before swiftly (yet softly) battering at her with her hind paws to push her off. "Okay, okay!" Ferretkit exclaims, exasperated. She sits back up and wipes the dust off her pelt from the brief scuffle. "Geez, I'm sorry. You boys can be pretty too." Her gaze meets Grasskit's for only a moment, examining his features - before accepting, fine, he could be pretty, but not as much as her! Truthfully, she's more hurt by the defensive action than she is regretful of her own words. Flustered, the kitten raises her chin and tail with an exaggerated humph! and leaves the scene, making sure to kick up a bit of dirt on her way out.

/ out! :evil:
  • speech is #F8C3AF

  • chibi-base1.png
    ━━ KIT of WINDCLAN | 5 MOONS ,, ages every 31st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to gorsekit
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by none

Nightingalecry cannot help but stand by, stunned, as the kittens bicker in their childish ways. She can't entirely recall how those of her youth interacted with one another - two mind numbing illnesses stole far too many memories from her, unfortunately - but she's almost sure she's never argued with another child. Maybe Ferretkit is too brutish, or maybe she's raising mean kittens herself. Her ears pin back, wondering if rebellion is hereditary.

"Frightkit," she murmurs, her voice slightly too far off, and her gaze lingering on Ferretkit as the child leaves, "Give - give your brother some space, now," she finds reality again, tugging a paw around her excitable daughter.​
𓆝 . ° ✦ What had once been a fun encounter with a new type of bug had turned into something Grasskit did not like. Frightkit jumping to his defense, again, knocking over his friend. Ferretkit, his friend, being snotty at him. Even with her relenting and saying that boys could be pretty, he didn't feel good about it. Their eyes met for a moment, and the flustered expression lasted just long enough for him to notice.

His sister pushing his shoulder is what finally made the bug fly away. "Wait- awh," he whined. He made a wish on the bug flying away, not really knowing that it wasn't exactly something to make a wish on. I hope Ferretkit doesn't hate me. he thought. Little did he know though, ladybugs are pretty lucky. Nightingalecry's attempt to soothe was a little late, but he didn't care anymore. He stood, his limbs a bit stiff from being so still with the ladybug, and he turned the opposite way that Ferretkit had gone. "I'm gonna go nap," he mumbled.

 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed