MAKING A GHOST OF ME -- first catch (phase IV encounter)

Nov 2, 2024
If the frost had crept in with such a vicious haste, then this snow had blown in with downright intent; one morning, a dusting of frost, and the next, it was as though the world itself had gone white, piles and drifts strewn about, and the blisteringly-cold flakes hadn't seen fit to let up yet, either. It's with great displeasure that Daffodilpaw pulls himself out of his nest, gives himself a quick grooming, and faces the swirling storm outside along with his fellow patrolmates, teeth practically rattling in his skull from the cold. Though he still hasn't yet managed to prove himself, there are still plenty of waiting mouths to feed in camp, and so he can't quite find it in himself to complain even as the snow clings to his pelt, ensuring that he's thoroughly chilled and certainly no more happy about this than he was when it was just frost to contend with.

Once they've trudged their way through scattered trees, Fawnwhisker signals to him to split off, and he follows easily, assured that they won't be straying too far from the central patrol. Practically blinded by the snow, Daffodilpaw's senses are working overtime just to keep up, and even as he finds himself lagging behind Fawnwhisker's steady steps, something new catches his attention - just barely there, above the snow, but there all the same. A bird of some sort, though he can't quite make out the specifics, other than that it seems fresh. Allowing Fawnwhisker to fade into the blank distance, Daffodilpaw stops entirely, trying to ignore the way the snow buffets his pelt and tries to freeze him in his tracks. His sight's still no good, but as he slinks through the snow, the scent only gets stronger and stronger, and soon he can hear it, too.

For a moment, Daffodilpaw almost feels bad for the thing - a sparrow, flitting about on the ground. It must be looking for food too, he thinks, what with the way it seems to fruitlessly peck at the snow-laden, hardened ground, and the increasingly frantic movements feel as though they've struck a chord within him. Does it have a family it's trying to provide for, he wonders? Has it come home empty-beaked one too many times? Crouching there in the snow, close enough that he can see the bird now, his paws suddenly feel more leaden than just the cold's doing, though he manages to steel himself, claws sliding out. The bird will soon become a new, limp body atop the fresh-kill pile if Daffodilpaw has any say in the matter; by then, it won't matter how many seeds the bird had found, or if it had someone to return to. It would be cold and dead, and he and SkyClan would be sated, if only for a short while.

Another moment passes with the thunderous beat of his heart, and then he strikes, slipping forwards through the snow. It's not elegant or graceful, but luckily for him, neither is the bird, both of them cold-bitten, and the sparrow's reaction time falls short of his own. One moment, he's stumbling through the snow, and the next, his claws have found purchase in flesh, in feathers. He's almost shocked enough to drop the thrashing creature entirely, but instinct kicks in, and Daffodilpaw fells it with a swift, messily-aimed bite. A splatter of blood stains the snow beneath him, a halo of feathers settling against the backdrop, and - and, he did it.

No matter how long it had taken him, how behind he's felt - this was his very first catch, all his! The cold hardly means anything in his moment, the trembling in his limbs more from the adrenaline than anything else, and as he scoops to gently heft the bird into his mouth, a triumphant purr builds in his throat. Finally, he'll be able to march back into camp, head held high for once, and he'll have a wonderful story for Florabreeze! Adderpaw will offer him congratulations, of course, sharp gaze softening, and maybe...maybe Chrysaliswing will look at him with something other than contempt, though even broaching the idea starts to dampen his own excitement.

The cold starts to snag his attention again, and Daffodilpaw pulls away, his kill swinging as he turns his head, trying to discern just where Fawnwhisker had gone. Surely she would have noticed he wasn't trailing behind her by now and started to double back... As he starts to shove his way back the piling snow, a muffled sound in the distance washes over him, and though he can hardly make any of it out, it still leaves the fur along his spine feeling ruffled. Another step, now, and then another, as Daffodilpaw pushes on, until his ears are awash with hisses and -

With little warning, a large shape comes crashing through the blinding whiteness of the snow, and though the blow it deals to him is only glancing, it's still enough to knock him off his paws, leaving the bird to fly from his grasp as his jaw is held agape in shock. Struggling to find his footing, the snowstorm certainly doesn't help his assessment of the situation, pieces coming in flashes. It was a dog that had crashed into him, slavering and growling, though it hadn't tried to tear him to pieces yet, only knocking him to the ground. More sounds swim in through his whirling mind - angry caterwauls that sound like Fawnwhisker, answering barks, all muffled - and he barely manages to catch a glimpse of his pale-furred mentor disappearing deeper into the storm, another hound on her heels, when he's forced to snap to attention at the sight of the beast that he was left with.

While the dog hadn't left him with anything more than bruises at this point, that could surely change in an instant, even with how preoccupied it was with his very own catch. Part of him feels indignant, the part that's still trying to catch up from his tumble - that was his sparrow it was making a meal of! That was - it was meant for SkyClan, not to be snatched away and devoured by some hound! Daffodilpaw lets out an ugly hiss, claws sliding out once more in some sort of attempt to scare it off, though it only seems to grab the creature's attention. Dark eyes rake over his shivering form, and any misplaced bravado quickly melts away before he has any chance to do anything with it. Distantly, he hopes that Fawnwhisker will swoop back in, drive the hound off, and as the sound of distant voices catches his ears, Daffodilpaw knows that any help is good help right about now.

"DOG!" he yells out, trying to pitch his voice as loud as he can so that one of his patrolmates might hear, or that it might scare the dog off. "THERE'S - THERE'S DOGS!" Luckily enough, despite his trembling frame and clear fear, the dog seems similarly rattled, pausing in its wanton desecration of his first catch to stare him down, eyes equally as wide as his own mismatched pair. The two of them must look quite a sight, both looking ready to bolt but neither willing to make the first move, and Daffodilpaw lets out another warning hiss, tempered by the terror gripping his very being - it must do something, though, as the hound is the first to break their deadly stillness, shifting back a step even as Daffodilpaw holds his ground, claws digging into the icy ground for purchase.​


  • OOC: Intentionally rolled an encounter (predator/dogs) & rolled a 14, so his catch was stolen </3 There were two dogs, one of which was lead off by Fawnwhisker - feel free to powerplay the remaining dog, as it won't take too much to drive it off! Feel free to chase after the other dog/Fawnwhisker, too, but neither of them will be found, lost somewhere in the blizzard forever </3
  • DAFFODILKIT / DAFFODILPAW. He/him, apprentice of SkyClan
    .Chyrsaliswing x Honeysplash, littermate to Weaselpaw & Adderpaw
    . 8 moons old, ages on the 6th
    .An average, well-muscled orange-and-white dipped cream tom with mismatched eyes.
    .People-pleaser with a desire to do good - dedicated, but still fun-loving
    .Peaceful & healing powerplay permitted - brushing up against him, shoulder bumps, etc.
    .Penned by Hijinks - feel free to DM me on Discord to plot! ^^
Snow buffets the boy's point features, lashing his chocolate face with streaks of powdery white. Ice beads from the strands of his chin hairs while winds whip and batter his form. At this point, Lionpaw is more so pushing against the powerful gusts and trying not to lose his balance as opposed to trying to track prey. It's almost impossible to concentrate on anything else. Even with a thick pelt like his, his paws still go numb and sensation in his nose and ears is lost. It's so cold... The apprentice wills himself to think even if he feels like curling into a ball and shutting down.

Empty-mawed and empty-bellied, the Ragdoll mix winces as the wind rages against him. It howls... No, it barks. Wait, that wasn't right.

"DOG!" Daffodilpaw's voice splits the air, and suddenly, adrenaline spikes in his veins. Lionpaw's head whips around, multi-colored ears angling like antennae as they try to pinpoint the direction of his peer's shout. A gaze blue like icy pools peers into the distance, making out the form of the cream tabby tom staring down a drooling mongrel standing only mere tail-lengths away. It seems to be somewhat deterred by Daffodilpaw's attempt at defense, but Lionpaw's heart still seizes nonetheless. He could get killed!

"DAFFODILPAW!" Lionpaw cries over the raging gales, gritting his teeth and looking between his fellow trainee and the dog. His heart gallops like a wild stallion; Lionpaw has never seen a dog, at least not this close. If he didn't act now, would something bad happen?!

The chocolate torbie point bounds forward, ears pinned against his head. He halts near Daffodilpaw, a threatening hiss expelling from his lips as he does. Fear courses through his limbs, threatening to stiffen them completely in place like pillars of ice. A dog. He's practiced how to fight off predators, but to actually do it? His jaws are unhinged, drawn agape as shaky breaths populate his lungs and drift outward into the frosty air. "Where's Fawnwhisker?!" Lionpaw calls over the blizzard's roar, not having noticed Daffodilpaw's mentor anywhere. In fact, he doesn't know where his mentor is, either. Hurry up, Crowsight!

  • mentor tag @CROWSIGHT

    prey roll: 3 ( no prey found )
    health roll: 20 ( but going to override and give him chills )
  • 85571681_SLofIqs1ogOtlez.png
    — lionpaw / 11 moons / he/they pronouns
    — skyclan apprentice / mentored by crowsight
    doeblaze x blazestar† / hover for immediate kin
    — lh chocolate torbie point w/ blue eyes, diagonal scar across face
    click for full tags
She'd finally done it.

In stiff, aching jaws dangles a pheasant. She can feel each vertebrae of its neck as it swings, protruding with the intensity of its hunger, the same hunger that had rendered it dull and blind to her teeth in the cover of storm. Skinny as it is, it drags between her powder-caked feet and gouges a deep trail in the snow, haphazard with her awkward waddling around it.

Success is hard to come by these days, after all. She scarcely knows how she'd managed it, only that she deserves it. And she'd treat herself to a nice grooming session afterwards, a full-body one, and afterwards she'd weave what flowers she'd preserved in her nest and Lupinesong's into her fur, and...

A pale shape blows past her, knocking her off-kilter. She's too busy fighting to keep her stability and her pheasant to say anything, only giving Fawnwhisker's messy snow-path an annoyed glance. Cherryblossom takes a deep breath.

The dog plows into her like a freight train. The breath explodes from her lungs as she and her catch are sent sprawling back into the storm. Her head slams into the snowbanks with a whumpf; for a few, precious heartbeats, her world is only high-pitched ringing and the muted sounds of her undignified spluttering. She squints through snow-crusted lashes, staggering to her paws as a dull ache begins to drum through her flank. The pheasant lies a few tail-lengths away. And a few tail-lengths away from it, is the dog.

It snatches it and scrambles off after Fawnwhisker.

An unearthly, beastly howl rrrrips from her throat and splatters into the snow-choked air. "THAT WAS MINE!" she screams after the monster, her gilded glare cutting through the white like twin lighthouse beams. "THAT WAS MINE YOU FUCKING DUNG-EATER!" The calico lunges after it, and the snowy world lunges with her. Her claws meet snow and little else, especially not traction. She thrashes in her powdery chains like a fish, blinded with the ache and the white and the crushing rage. "That was... mine," she chokes, curling her lips around the snow clustered at her whiskerpads.

As quickly as it'd ignited, the flame in her cools. Snuffed by the wind and the cold, perhaps, or just burned for too long. For a moment, she just lies there. Again, surrounded by endless snow, a whole canvas with which to paint her failures on.

Green eyes haunt her. She sees her latest tragedy, and she sees one of her first, overlaid atop one another like layers of Greenleaf leaves, as seen when lazing below and chancing a glance upwards. Had it been Little Wolf who had broken things off with Blazestar, or the other way around? Had they warred over their dead daughter, or had they commiserated together like the saints they were? There had been better things to fight over; she knows this now, and still she holds onto her anger like it's the last she has left of them.

Surely Little Wolf hadn't thought of her as selfish when she saved her. It had to be the opposite, in fact. She listens to the high whine in her ear, still droning like languid bees in the twoleg flower patches, and reshapes it into words. It had to be. It's not her fault she's not a saint. It's not her fault she wasn't born like she was made to reach StarClan. Little Wolf couldn't be disappointed in her for not being who she thought she was when she'd sacrificed her life for her. It wasn't just me, okay? she thinks at the gray haze of sky. It wasn't just me who fucked it up.

ooc: rolled 8 (prey encounter) + 19 (prey size) + 19 (health)
Lionpaw scarcely needs his guidance anymore. No longer is he the young apprentice who needed his paw to be held and for that reason he allows his younger brother to split away from him. Snot runs down his nose, and his paw pads scream for mercy. The howling wind is unforgiving. He can't help but sneeze and groan when snot sticks to his lip. A black paw wipes it away. Why he hunts despite all the failure he's returned with is a mystery. Honestly, he should have joined another patrol. Perhaps, another patrol to gathering materials for their nests.

However, a screech of dogs alarms him. Where's Lionpaw?! Hazel eyes dart every which way, but the sight of the chocolate torbie is nowhere to be found. When he attempts to scent the air, it is difficult with all the snot dripping from his nose. Fuck. The black tom begins rushing back to where the group had been together before they all went their own way. A familiar voice registers, one that is enraged. Cherryblossom.

She had been his friend. A long time ago. It feels wrong to see her trash about before lying still in the snow. The task of finding Lionpaw is forgotten for a moment, his pace slowing down as he approaches her. The black smoke towers over her, watching someone who once was the world to him, defeated. This isn't the Cherry I know. A black paw reaches forward to touch her back. Do you even know her anymore? Said black paw draws away, never touching her.

Maybe he should grin at her failure. To feel a shred of pain that he had felt when she left him all alone. In his time of need, where he wanted her just to speak to him. It didn't have to be anything substantial, it could have been about the weather and that would be enough. She didn't. She went over to Lupinesong and left him to rot. He could do the same now. However, when he takes a few pawsteps away from her, there is a pang in his heart. Even now, he still cares for her. It's not the same as before, but he can remember a time when they were young. A time when she had taught him how to be a little normal. A time when she gave him crow feathers. He can't forget what she had given him.

And against everything, he turns around, walks in front of her. At this point she looks to the sky. Ears flick, hearing a commotion not too far away. Lionpaw... However, he can't leave her like this. A dog could come by and tear her to shreds. "You're not okay, Cherry...Blossom." It is out of place, even for him. If she looked at him, surprise would be written all over his face. Crowsight, for all his faults was perceptive when it mattered. "I..." Heard you. I don't know if I should say it. "Saw you. It's okay. You did better than me. I couldn't find anything. You've always been better than me at hunting," he chuckles.

Chuckles quickly turns into a coughing fit, followed by sniffling. "S-sorry." He turns his back to her. "I won't tell anyone." More yowls could faintly be heard in the distance. He tilts his head towards her, their eyes locking for a moment, before he darts away from her. White puffs leave his maw, the thundering of his paws roars in his ears.

Lionpaw, his younger brother is defending another. A surge of pride wells in him. Claws unsheathe as he leaps onto the dogs back, raking his claws into flesh. The reaction is immediate. The hound, barks and twists. Doing everything in its power to get him off, and Crowsight is only one cat. With all his prowess in battle, he can't defeat this foe on his own. It snaps its jaws to close for his liking that when his grip loosens to avoid being bitten, he winds up underneath the dog. It's moments like these that show his experience. His brother has never seen him in such a manner.

Where most would panic, the black smoke does not. In fact, Crowsight is prepared. The moment his back touches powdery white, he twists and digs his hind legs into the dogs chest, using it as a spring board. The dog barks, batting at him. It is too slow, missing Crowsight. Crowsight swings in response only to miss. He runs, having the dogs full attention. "LIONPAW! TAKE DAFFODILPAW AND RUN BACK TO CAMP!" Cherryblossom, Fawnheart, you'll come soon, right?

Daffodilpaw and Lionpaw had yet to become warriors. That meant, he had to protect them. Especially Lionpaw. Their mother would be distraught if Lionpaw returned home lifeless. He started to understand it now, being a father and all. How he would do anything to protect them. It was a little too late when it came to Lionpaw, and he knew that. Maybe, Lionpaw wouldn't forgive him ever. Am I finally a big brother to you? A grin stretches across his maw, as he runs in zigzags. The pain in his paws and lungs dashed away from adrenaline. He was not afraid of the barking that followed closely behind him. I'll see you at camp, Lionpaw. I won't die here.

Rolled 5 (no luck) + 15 (contracts whitecough after outing)
As if splitting through the snow itself, Lionpaw's voice more than startles him, though Daffodilpaw's stance hardly falters, too numbed by the cold to properly react. He can hardly see his fellow apprentice between the blinding flakes and the fear threatening to blur his vision further — at least, until Lionpaw is right there, slotting in beside his side, a matching hiss directed towards the dog. If the situation weren't so dire, he'd almost be pleased at the show of camaraderie, but the threat before them is still all too real. Even with the pair of them, Daffodilpaw doesn't like their odds — or, at least, he doesn't like his odds if the situation were to escalate. He's seen Lionpaw fight, from training to spars, and he doesn't doubt that they could hold their own much better than he could ever hope to. If it really came down to it, he'd probably be better off as a distraction, all things considered.

The moment seemed to hang in the frigid air, the roaring silence of the blizzard split only by snarls and hisses until Lionpaw once again broaches it, tearing Daffodilpaw back into the moment. "I — she went ahead, I don't know—!" he spits out through freezing lips, risking a glance and a jerk of his head in the direction that he had last seen her. The direction that the dog had come from. The direction that Fawnwhisker hadn't returned from yet, still somewhere out there in the blizzard — was she on her way? Would she burst into sight any moment now, like Lionpaw had? Why wasn't she — were there more —?

Panic was starting to settle in his frame as the seconds dragged by, no Fawnwhisker in sight and locked into a stalemate with the dog that seemed to be slipping out of their favor with every passing breath. Splintered as his thoughts may be, there are some things Daffodilpaw doesn't need to focus on — the ragged gasps of his breath, puffing out and interspersed with warnings in equal measures; the pounding of his heart, practically drowning out everything else; the weight of his claws digging into the snow, too leaden and too light all at once. If the hound were to advance, perhaps his instincts would serve him well, kicking in even over his paltry attempts at sparring with Fawnwhisker, or perhaps he'd remain locked in place forever, dead to the world and unable to move in time. Luckily for Daffodilpaw, he'll never have to find out what would have happened, as before the beast can land upon either of them, another figure comes barreling out of the snow, stark against its white.

He hopes it's Fawnwhisker, for a fleeting moment, but he can't quite find it in himself to be disappointed at the smoky figure that descends upon the dog, lashing out in such a manner that Daffodilpaw could only dream of. It's awe-inspiring, the way Crowsight and the hound are suddenly locked into such a deadly dance; it's a miracle and a half there isn't another dog lying in wait, the shock having transfixed him into place, though when Crowsight is flipped over, it shakes him from his stupor. Half-crouched, jaw half-open, not even half-prepared, Daffodilpaw can't do anything as the warrior takes back control of the fight even as he's on his paws and running. There was nothing he could've done to help, nothing so quickly and nothing that wouldn't have just hindered their savior, but watching Crowsight take off, telling them to run back to camp when he hadn't lifted a paw to do anything —

The words finally sink in, and Daffodilpaw jolts forward with a start, stiffened limbs stumbling before he finds his footing again. Desperately, his attention whips between the hound's fading form, Lionpaw still nearby, and keeping his senses trained for any other beasts that may suddenly appear, and suddenly it's all too much. "Help — we need to get help! Someone, anyone else—" Why couldn't they have been closer to camp? Wait, but then the dogs might've found their way into the heart of SkyClan — but, out here, so deep into the snow and far from help —

Again, Daffodilpaw finds himself getting stuck, latching onto half-formed thoughts, and this time he has to forcibly drag himself out of the cycle, shaking off a dusting of snow alongside a dusting of panic. Crowsight had held his own against the dog before drawing it off, and Fawnwhisker was still out there, she could help, the rest of the patrol could help, somebody would be able to help, they couldn't just waste Crowsight's diversion like this —

And then he's off, forcing his way past snowbanks, trying to follow the trail they had so innocently woven to get here in the first place. Daffodilpaw hazards a glance over his shoulder to check if Lionpaw was behind (surely, surely Lionpaw was behind...!), but he'd already wasted enough time as is, too much to slow if they weren't already in step. He's not sure that he could slow his pace even if he wanted to, though — the gravity of the situation had fully overtaken him, and turning back now felt like a death sentence, though he knows not who it would be doled out to.​


  • OOC: -
  • DAFFODILKIT / DAFFODILPAW. He/him, apprentice of SkyClan
    .Chyrsaliswing x Honeysplash, littermate to Weaselpaw & Adderpaw
    . 8 moons old, ages on the 6th
    .An average, well-muscled orange-and-white dipped cream tom with mismatched eyes.
    .People-pleaser with a desire to do good - dedicated, but still fun-loving
    .Peaceful & healing powerplay permitted - brushing up against him, shoulder bumps, etc.
    .Penned by Hijinks - feel free to DM me on Discord to plot! ^^