pafp MAN ON THE HILL - faking


when the canyons crack
Mar 14, 2024
Dovekit wanted to see the inside of the medicine den. They'd been told time and time again that they weren't allowed in there, that they needed to stay out, and had been chased out enough times to know this but that just made them want to be inside more. They just wanted to look around and see what was in there, see why it was so bad for them to be in there, so why couldn't Gentlestorm just let them in just to look? Even if they asked nicely and promised not to touch anything Dovekit knew they would probably be ushered out still, and so they had kept a close eye on it - or as close of an eye as an easily distracted kitten could be - to see how the others that were in the medicine den were able to get in there. It wasn't fair that they could go in there and Dovekit couldn't!

After a few days of "careful" observation, Dovekit noticed that those going in were hurt, moaning in pain, and that was when the kitten started their plan. Waiting for when Gentlestorm was inside his den so that he couldn't see, Dovekit quietly moved near the thing before flopping over, paw sticking out at the oddest angle they could muster without actually hurting themself before a wail came from the lynx point kit. "Gentlestorm!" They'd call out, waiting for the large tom to move from his den to investigate before he'd stick out his paw "I hurt my paw! It hurts like... a lot!" Obviously faked to those other than Dovekit, they thought they were doing an amazing job of pretending.

  • -- please wait for @GENTLESTORM before posting!
  • 79173454_zxMNhKdim5FUsuK.png
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The sound of a kitten wailing is enough for Gentlestorm to rise from his nest and both of his ears angle forward wondering who it could be. His nephew had pretended to be ill the other day and he doesn't think Hopekit would do such dramatics to be allowed in his den. He eventually recognizes the voice of Dovekit as he walks towards the mouth of his flat stoned den and pokes his head outside to see the kitten sticking their paw out in an awkward angle. His helm tilts to the side trying to examine their paw as Dovekit continues to cry out that their paw hurts a lot, Gentlestorm does his best to not break into an amused grin as he hums thoughtfully as he "analyzes" the injured paw. "Oh ouch... That does look like a bad injury. How did you get hurt?" He knows that they probably want to get inside of his den but he's not going to allow that since he didn't want anymore of the kits to get into his den and eat or destroy another herb. He'd entertain the silly antics and dramatics of Dovekit, after all, its rather amusing.

He slips back inside of his den grabbing at a random leaf and smears mud onto one of it sides so it can stick nicely onto the opposite side. The pale healer returns as he emerges completely from his den only to motion for Dovekit to give him their paw and once they do, he would attempt to wrap the leaf around their leg carefully until it stuck in place. Gentlestorm lets out a silent hmm as he examines his work and nods with a small smile on his maw as he speaks up "There you go... I'm afraid that I'll have to give you my most bitter herbs so that you may recover swiftly. I do warn you that they're terribly gross," He forces on a frown and pseudo concern is present on his face waiting for Dovekit's reaction but didn't allow them in the den just yet.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

It's enough to attract the lingering warrior's attention, too, having been in camp nearby, head turning to look almost immediately. Thankfully, though, a cursory glance is enough to tell that this particular situation is not an emergency - and is rather another case of a kitten trying to get into things that they shouldn't, as they were prone to doing. Gentlestorm has got it covered, of course, but to send the point home, the tabby tom joins the medicine cat and the little lynx pointed kit, casting his gaze down at Dovekit's 'injured' leg. "Oh dear, it does look quite bad, doesn't it? I suppose they'll need lots of those bitter herbs. You may be tasting those for a while," He says, also giving his best mimic of a concerned expression, though he can't help the sparkle of amusement in his eyes.


[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] The medicine den, or well what Fadingkit calls it as, the no no den; had been considered off limit to kits. Of fourse Fadingkit didn't mind that much, she could always ask Gentlestorm questions about it whenever he was out and about, besides she wanted to be a good kit, even if her mama or papa didn't care or pretend she didn't exist, she still tried her best to be good, to earn their attention. But Dovekit's cries made her trot over to the scene. Both Copperfang and Gentlestorm telling the other she had to eat some very bitter herbs and a confused look prompted on her face.

"Are they bitter because they don't want to be eaten?" she asked Gentlestorm curiously, not understanding that some plants or flowers can naturally just be bitter, but even if she did know she liked her own thought of the herbs just being upset about being eaten, well, wouldn't anyone be bitter if they were offer up to be chewed and swallowed? But then why isn't the birds or the mouse she ate taste bitter when she bit into them? Her face formed a look of confusion and a furrowed frown trying to get a better grasp of the situation, not realizing her fellow denmate had been faking just to peek into Gentlestorm's den.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Dovekit's wails of pain prompted a look of bewilderment from the young tortoiseshell. They were fine a moment ago from what she could tell. But it must have been agonizing if Gentlestorm had to fetch herbs to mend whatever was wrong with Dovekit. She watched with bright eyes as Thunderclan's healer slathered mud across the leaf and wrapped it around his patient's ailing limb. At the end of his diagnosis, he prescribed Dovekit with the world's most bitter herbs. To which Copperfang promptly agrees Dovekit would need plenty. Scorchedkit's brows lift in surprise. "How long will it take for Dovekit's leg to heal?" Days? Weeks? What if it took longer? She stepped closer to examine the makeshift wrap and then turned her attention back to Copperfang and Gentlestorm.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   thunderclan kit / three months / she/her  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
There is a distinct set of rules that Laurelkit has been taught to follow, and while her mother may not be very strict her father is. StarClan may crumble the day she solicits her father's disappointment, and so she has remained dutifully bound to his expectations. Not bothering the medicine cat, or wandering into dens she's not welcome being one of them.

Seeing her denmates so eager to rush into Gentlestorm's den has made her cringe. It was unsightly, how they plundered through with reckless abandon. Had they no honor, no respect, for their medicine cat? She questioned this near daily every time a rush of white fur is hot on their heels and they squeal from the chase. As if it was some game to sneak inside.

Dovekit believed they were clever in faking an injury, perhaps to lure Gentlestorm into a moment of vulnerability. Laurelkit would be sure to admonish her denmates if they truly managed to outsmart the grizzled tom.

"I think we'll have to chop off their paw." Laurelkit advised sternly, looking to matching blues through squinted eyes. You're being stupid. She wanted to say, but she doubted Dovekit would even care.
  • // OOC
  • image here optional
  • (( laurelkit )) a blue-eyed red tabby with a white paw and tail-tip
    ↳ 4 months | thunderclan kit | littermate to goldenkit | she/they
    Silverfur x Dayglow | easy to trust | easy to manipulate | currently despises kittypets
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·

Family had a method for being terribly aggravating... or at least Beetlekit's litter did. Dovekit does not manage to escape Mottledkit's ire, as association is all the justification she needs for labeling the dusty molly an enemy through proximity. She sits, with a harsh thump, beside Laurelkit, who seems to be the only one with any brains here at all. Copperfang and Gentlestorm may be so old that they've been fooled, but not the two she-kits that squint at Dovekit with great suspicion.

"I think we'll have to chop off their paw."

Immediately the chocolate molly turns to her sunshine den-mate with a furrow-browed frown. What kind of insane suggestion was th- oooohhhh. A mischievous smile tugs at the corners of her lips before she struggles to quickly hide it, standing up to saunter closer to her kin with her chin held high in a show of great confidence. "Don't worry Gentleborn... Laurelkit and I will take care'a this! It's gonna take... a lot of work, to bite through it all but... at least you'll look cool for once."

Her pale eyes search for a sign of fear, for a warble of confession... Mottledkit at least knew better than to waste the medicine cat's time! Besides... if Moonwhisper didn't care much for the big, fluffy tom it was probably for good reason, these other dummies just didn't know that yet. Her momma was smart. Way smarter than Burnstorm.
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower watched the scene unfold from her cozy position near the fresh-kill pile. She'd just recently dropped off some prey from an earlier excursion in the forest. A vole and squirrel, to be specific. Forcing herself to take a break, she found a sun spot to bask in. Until Dovekit had his genius plan of course, now she had entertainment.

Gentlestorm humored the dramatic "injury" with what looked to be a sticky leaf. She giggled at the mention of bitter, yucky herbs, and wondered what Dovekit's reaction would be.
When Gentlestorm came over, Dovekit couldn't help but to try to suppress a giggle, ears pinning to their head as they tried their hardest not to let one erupt from their maw. Gentle asked how the injury happened and Dovekit's maw opened up to answer before it snapped shut for a moment as they thought. "I was playing with some moss and then it just broke, I don't know!" They would quickly make up the lie, ears pinning to head once more as they let out a slow "ow" on top of it to make it oh-so-believable.

Walking off he went to grab a leaf and Dovekit debate whether or not to get up and follow the healer into his den before the large feline showed up once more and quickly stuck the leaf to Dovekit's leg. "Whoa." They'd breathe out before paw moved closer to their face, mission almost forgotten before it moved back to where it was before the mention of herbs reached their ears. Looking over to Gentlestorm, a frown was placed on Dovekit's maw before a small echo would erupt from them. "Bitter?" A small cry at the sound of the nasty herbs caused the kit to roll over, paw with the leaf on it outstretched due to the uncomfortableness of having a mud-covered leaf plastered on their small leg before eyes would sweep to Copperfang as he confirmed what Gentlestorm said.

When more began to gather Dovekit looked to them as they began to speak, though eyes widened as Laurelkit spoke of cutting off their leg and quickly Dovekit would shake their head. "N-no! You're not a medicine cat!" They'd cry out, looking to Mottledkit as she agreed to help Laurelkit with the task. "You can't! You can't do that!" The lynx point would cry out, standing up in their spot as the little game had been forgotten before they'd move forward to try and pounce on Mottledkit, if successful they'd try and bowl her over the whole time Dovekit was crying. They were not going to chop of their leg, they couldn't!
  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
At this rate, Roeflame had half a mind to go searching for one of those collars with a bell that kittypets wore. Her children were granted their freedom to play and adventure, but slipping off had seemed to become a habit for at least Dovekit and Littlekit- an exhausting one.
When the searching mother finally discovers their eldest, it is near the medicine den, brought over by a sudden high pitched wail from her child.
“Dovekit!” The queen calls, trotting over. With each step, her confusion grows. A fallen leave is wrapped around her child’s leg, and tears are streaming down their face from their place on the ground.
“Wha-” before the tabby can say much, Dovekit springs up, lunging for their cousin all while sobbing.
Roeflame aims to dart forward and use a single forepaw to hold her child back before whatever squabble was going on proved to cause too much damage.
“What in the stars is going on?” She questions, concerned gaze turning up towards Gentlestorm. “Why is my kit bandaged up and trying to fight their cousin?”

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.