private MANHATTAN // junco


The days that go by only mark new hours in which her stomach roils and makes demands. Cottonsprig has managed herself well enough thus far - she can still claim that she has not had any unsightly spills of her morning meals. But in due time, she knows. And time is ticking away, bit by bit. Her sister's verdant green gaze light in the back of her mind, narrowed. A week. What in the world can she manage in a week?! Getting pregnant, it seems, but even the mournful joke is not one she's so eager to laugh at.

Suffice it to say, she's yet again late to her breakfast with her friend however this time, the sickness that plagues her is what stilled her for too long. Her pace is too-quick as she nudges aside the guard, saying nothing more than a pointed, "Thank you," as she sends them away. Her teeth feel like daggers when she smiles, insisting that she can worry over Junco and that they need not some hot-shot warrior lingering about. In truth, she wants to tell her silver tabby friend. She... she needs help, her help, maybe. She can't do this alone.

"I'm sorry," she starts again, hoping Junco will not gift her with a cold shoulder. "I'm... I've been sick, a little. I'm not contagious, I promise -" her chest hurts as she tests the waters, lowering herself to lay down. "Please, come eat with me?"
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Junco's relationship with Cottonsprig has been strained lately - and for once, she doesn't think it's her own fault by a tail-length. Their breakfasts together have been few and far between, late if anything, and she can't help but think - what is up with you lately? Cottonsprig has been snappish and short-tempered most times, and appearing to be on the verge of crying others. She'd never remembered the medicine cat to be so damn moody, but maybe.. she's just finally showing her true colors.

Spoiled and privileged, that's what she is. She was too good for Sootstar, and now she thinks she's too good for one of her ex-followers. Junco does not say it, but a hint of resentment and blatant suspicion narrows her green gaze as Cottonsprig shows up late once again with a rather sharp dismissal to the guard. Eyebrows raise expectantly as the fluffy molly urgently rests half-way into the burrow. If she were this worried about being late, then why let herself be late in the first place?

I've been sick, Cottonsprig begins, earning a sarcastic snort from Junco. "Really? I couldn't tell." Sick was one word for it, she supposes - there was something off with her lately. At least she recognizes it. "Contagion doesn't matter. Not like I see anyone else here anyway." Just like always, she struggles to keep the envy out of her voice - this time, she may not even be trying. She's tired of being brushed aside; the selfish in her longs to be the molly's first priority. The delusional in her knows she deserves it.

But the empathetic, that little sliver of kindness, notices the urgency in Cottonsprig's voice is not like before. She looks into her blue eyes and sees pain and fear, and against all her wishes to keep up this petty little charade of hers, Junco gives in. A heavy sigh leaves her mouth and she scoots closer to share their meal. It's not a fat Horseplace mouse, but she can see the moorland's gradual recovery in the way this rodent seems to be less than skin and bones. "So worked up about this little thing?" she hums curiously, some half-assed attempt at a joke, once again eyeing her with skepticism.

Junco takes a small bite and swallows, then pushes it back towards Cottonsprig to take her turn. "What's wrong with you lately?" she asks then, nonchalantly, as if the question were idle chatter and not the very reason she suspects Cottonsprig is so distraught over right now. She's gotten to know her enough.. she knows there's something up.

  • juncokit juncopaw JUNCOCLAW "JUNCO" ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ BARNCAT
    ━━ 14 MOONS,, ages every 21st
    ━━ CASSO xx BUDGE
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | FORMERLY MENTORED by mockinggrin
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | junco is healthy.​
  • 75081289_xM0heZ2Ey6nooMy.png

  • speech is #6a7d8a

She's cold. She's sarcastic. She's hurt, Cottonsprig wants to remind herself as her instinct is to snip back at her imprisoned friend. Jealousy sparks in the other in ways that Cottonsprig does not know - all the medicine cat knows is that she's been routinely ruining their routine (say that five times fast) and she must be graceful with the silver tabby in hopes that she is afforded the same grace. She swallows thickly, her tail curling around her side. When Junco finally sidles closer, the blue smoke presses her nose to the other's cheek, whispering a quiet, "Thank you."

The other quiets her charade, taking a bite of the meal and passing it back to her. Cottonsprig feels her stomach roil at the thought suddenly and though she tries to play it off, she's finding it more difficult to do so. Her throat burns and though she does not get sick before the other, she does make a point to push back the prey. "It's yours," she says sternly, a paw over her mouth. Junco says, "What's wrong with you lately?" And Cottonsprig feels her stomach do another flip.

It's sudden. "I'm pregnant," she says. Her ears fold to her head and her lips a thin line, blue eyes searching green for anything. Surprise, grief, pain, anger - happiness? - before she continues, "I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do."
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It's hard not to smile with her friend's nose pressed gingerly against her cheek. The bitterness could melt away just then, and naturally, she feels a brief purr rumble in her throat.

Cottonsprig's demeaner seems sickly, aligning with what she said earlier - but if it's as bad as it looks, she can't help but feel concerned. Junco searches her gaze, but finds it unreadable. A small sigh escapes her jaws, followed by a shrug. "Okay. Don't mind if I do." She wouldn't pass down a piece of prey, but.. she finds her appetite slowly waning, the more this conversation drawls on. There is a sort of tension in the air, something Cottonsprig is not speaking on just yet - letting it linger, letting it grow. She's making Junco . . . nervous.

But then, abruptly, she blurts out her answer. There is no dancing around, no sugarcoating - it is out now, resting between the two like a fresh, festering wound. Junco's mouth hangs agape, stunned for a moment - but then, callously, she laughs. Almost hard enough to bring tears into her eyes, she barrels over with a rapid giggle. "Pregnant- hah! You - you almost got me there, whew . . you -" But as her laugher slowly stalls, she sees the grave expression on the medicine cat's face. Folded ears and a hardset frown with searching eyes.

"You're not joking," Junco says again, quietly. She understands, now. The temper, the loss of appetite, the so-called 'business' and 'sickness'. She feels her throat swell with sorrow, but her brows crease into confusion and disbelief. Claws dig into the dirt below, threatening to unleash - it the only way she knows how to manage such emotion, after all. But, she does not give in - as much as she'd like to slap the molly in her face and tell her to never visit again.

"You -" she stammers, scouring her mind for the right words. Inside, she is a plethora of emotions, thoughts and memories. Cottonpaw's inclusion of her, despite Junco being such a troubled child; her few meetings to her at Horseplace, never harboring ill will; Cottonsprig's daily visits to the burrow Junco is held, where they would share a meal and sometimes share tongues, gossip, talk about her day . . always with the promise of the next. And, now, her friend's nose gently pressed to her cheek, mere moments ago.

"You're . ." another hesitation. She thinks of the way Cottonsprig defends her so avidly to Sunstar and the others. The way she looked at her when she announced she wanted to stay. A dedication so pure, so true - to a fool. Did she imagine the longing and hope in Cottonsprig's blue eyes, or the genuinity to her pleasant smile, her heart-full laugh?

And what of her own feelings? Junco had looked forward to every little meeting of there. She was comforted by her presence, she always wanted more. She wanted to know her - what she enjoys, what she thinks, who she is. The more she knew, the happier she felt. She longed to pull her into the burrow, to wrap herself around the medicine cat's soft-furred body and dream together. Stars, she risked her life and pride for her!

In a moment, Junco feels her jealousy - which had just been proven true - come back tenfold. A small shuffle sends her only half a tail-length away from Cottonsprig, for the burrow is not that big, but it's clear she makes an effort to keep the molly at an arm's length. "No. Tell me you're joking." Denial and bargaining - the melancholic siblings of grief. But Cottonsprig continues, affirming her statement in such a hopeless-sounding way that makes Junco's blood boil.

"You don't know what to do?" she echoes. Her voice is still and cool, like a frozen stream sheltering itself from the harsh elements of winter. "So that's why you're here, huh? You want me to like.. fix this for you?" Just like when Junco pleaded for Cottonsprig to talk to Sunstar - except that time, she actually meant what she said about wanting to stay with her. That's what this is, isn't it? Their relationship, at its root, is transactional. Is that what it's always been?

Well, in that case, Junco supposes she does owe her one. Her instinct is to spit, to kick, to break free and run away. From from her love, her faith, and her heartbreak as she always did. The recognition that she is being used is both a blessing and a curse - it keeps Cottonsprig in her favor, as does it keeps Junco in hers. "I don't know. Give them away, I guess. What do you want me to tell you?" The venom that laces her voice is undeniable now. It is envy, it is rage, it is sorrow - and unlike before, it comes from the heart, not from the spiteful, diseased mind.

Junco shakes her head. She doesn't believe her own ears. Selfishly, she wants closure - and for once since she's arrived, she will bend to her basic wants. "So - whose are they?" she inquires - a question that is innocent and curious by word, but malignant by the bite of her grating voice. "I'm sure they must be real important to you - for you to. . . to . ." To go behind my back. To lie to my face. To break your own code - to break my heart. But they are not mates, are they? Perhaps they are far from it, even - perhaps the way her heart flutters and the looks of warmth Cottonsprig gives her were all delusions. She doesn't even know if what she believes is true.

That just leads to the next question. "What am I to you? Dirt? Insignificant? You think you're better than me, huh? You think you're - you're above my feelings? That you can just.. just walk all over me and pretend there's nothing between us and.. j-just do things and I will just help you?" The hurt rises in her voice now, and stars, if it weren't for the fact that the source of this argument could cost Cottonsprig her job, maybe even her Clan - if it weren't for the fact that she cared - she'd have been shouting by now. But for her sake, despite every vindictive fur on Junco's pelt begging for self-justice, she keeps her voice just quiet enough. It is heavy, though, with feeling.. but stars be damned if she lets herself cry now.
  • juncokit juncopaw JUNCOCLAW "JUNCO" ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ BARNCAT
    ━━ 14 MOONS,, ages every 21st
    ━━ CASSO xx BUDGE
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | FORMERLY MENTORED by mockinggrin
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | junco is healthy.​
  • 75081289_xM0heZ2Ey6nooMy.png

  • speech is #6a7d8a

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She laughs. She laughs? Cottonsprig feels her blood run cold as her friend exhales a hearty chuckle. Junco withholds the tears of surprise in her gaze but blue eyes only a mouse length away sting with them instead. If she hadn't felt sick before, she absolutely feels it now. She tries to hold to her solemn expression as Junco searches her countenance for some sort of quirk or gesture to imply the joke as real.

It's not. She pleads. Junco speaks and Cottonsprig gives a dip of her head. "This isn't something I can joke about," she says. Her voice wobbles as she tries to maintain a sense of normalcy on the surface. The guard may have left them be, but who knows who may stumble upon them in time? Cottonsprig cannot be seen sobbing with the silver tabby, especially if they have any hope of reinstating her as a WindClanner.

There's long breaks between words. You, she says, and her tone is just short of accusatory. There's disbelief in her softened breaths, the tremors reverberating in Cottonsprig's chest. You're... she tries again, and Cottonsprig looks away. She can't manage to see Junco staring at her as if she's a balloon about to pop, much less as if StarClan will descend from the skies before them to smite her for her crimes. She can't.

She managed the looks of disgrace from her sister, but from Junco... it hurts so much more.

Cottonsprig had never considered exclusivity with any of her... friends. When she dreamt as a kitten to one day be a mother, fussing over children of her own, she always thought others had the same wants in their lives. Who would want to settle with her, bound by laws to never bear kits without ruthless consequence? She supposes if she had any two braincells to rub together, that meant she should've stopped fooling around long ago. The should haves mean nothing anymore, however. She's stuck in this situation regardless of hindsight.

"I can't, Junco -" she whimpers as the other pulls away. The distance between them hurts. She came here for help and comfort, but even then she supposes in some ways she can understand. She's not entitled to the love of another. She knows that. Junco's words are cold, like Bluefrost's were - they strike her and make her shiver. Tears leak from her eyes again. She wishes they hadn't.

"Stop it," she demands, her voice croaking from her throat. "Why are you being so rude? I just -" Cottonsprig is sudden with her upset, her tail curling tightly around her body. "I know - I know I messed up, but -" but what? she pauses abruptly, unsure of what she wants to say. Junco can't fix things for her, she knows that, but can't they pretend? Can't her friend hold her and tell her things will be okay? Why does this hurt so badly?

Give them away, Junco says, and it's the one thing that Cottonsprig doesn't take to heart, but rather notches in her memory. It hurts, the way the molly says it, but it's useful, at least potentially. She bites her tongue from snipping at her friend again, as even a pitiful 'thank you,' wouldn't come out without a warble or attitude. And then - the question that seems to plague everyone who asks.

"Don't make me answer that," she pleads quietly. Never will she be shamed for being free. Perhaps she will take criticism for allowing her foolishness get her this far, but she will not allow anyone admonish her for being any bit promiscuous. She grits her teeth, her tone still soft, "I cannot give you a name even if I tried. I... There's too many." There is no true guilt in her words, just honest truth. Her gaze finds her cloud-white paws, however, unwilling to see disgust or fury in Junco's eyes.

But her gaze snaps up as Junco's tirade errs on something different, something... personal. Cottonsprig blinks, lips parted as anger and hurt spill from the former barncat. "Junco, no -" she starts, pitifully trying to raise her voice above the other's whilst still trying to keep attention to them low. She shakes again, her claws arcing into the dirt beneath her. "I didn't -" Maybe she should feel guilt for all she's done.

Her throat hurts as she swipes tears from her eyes, trying desperately to not be seen as some pitiful she-cat being berated by her friend. Her friend who just... confessed to her? Junco wanted more - Stars, Junco wanted more and she's been too blind to see. That's why she got so upset whenever she was late, not because of stupid routines but because... it was their time together. Cottonsprig cannot stop her heart from aching in the same manner that she cannot slow its quickening beat.

Junco saved her, spoke with her, indulged her - Junco is helping her - because there's feelings between them. And Cottonsprig continuously dismissed them for her own personal gain.

Cottonsprig withholds a whimper, crawling closer once again to Junco. Should the other not move away, she leans to hold her nose to Junco's, then to hold her tear-soaked face against the side of the silver tabby's neck. "I'm sorry," she whispers, holding herself still. "I'll... I'll do this on my own, I'll figure it out," that is what she told Bluefrost, and it seems the trend doesn't end with her sister. She swallows thickly. "I'm sorry I hurt you, Junco. I..." never meant to, doesn't leave her tongue. Her intentions mean nothing in the face of reality.

"You mean a lot to me but I never... I didn't think that we could be something. I... I didn't think you liked me that way. I'm - I'm sorry," she apologizes again, this time her voice shakes as she does. She sucks in a breath to try to stabilize herself, pulling away to look Junco in the eyes. There's a minuscule spark of determination in her blue gaze, wading through miles of sorrows.

"I'll figure it out," she repeats. "You... don't wait for me. But when... when all is said and done, I want us to talk again. Like this. You - you can yell at me all you want then, I won't get upset. But... I just need time right now. I'm sorry."
There's too many. A disbelieving scoff leaves her mouth, and her lips curl back in an expression of what could be described as disgust, jealousy, and utter shame. "Too many?" Junco echoes, fighting the urge to laugh again. How foolish of her to long for a molly that isn't hers, but is in fact, many cats'. How many? she thinks, but doesn't dare to question, not after a reaction like that. Junco is, instead, settling with the painful reminder that she is not enough.

After her own confession, she finds herself shaking with the effort not to burst out in tears. She holds still, and keeps whatever composure she has left. Anger is a far stronger emotion to show than sadness, a lesson she's learned long ago. But as Cottonsprig leans forward to touch a cool, wet nose against hers, Junco feels her chest heave with the desperate toil of withholding sobs. When the molly's tear-stained face finds its place at Junco's neck, she feels an unwelcome warmth run down her face.

I'm sorry, Cottonsprig says, and Junco squeezes her watering eyes shut tight. Sorry would not fix this mess- not hers, not Cottonsprig's. It does not undo the world of hurt that she is inflicting on her now, and it does not unsay the secrets told. She says she'll figure it out, and Junco has no doubt that she will. But stubbornly, she will leave the medicine cat to fend it on her own. "You'd better," she chokes out, in a voice that does not belong to her. It is dripping with sorrow, heavy with loss, and utterly drained to exhaustion.

The rejection comes too easily from Cottonsprig, and Junco grits her teeth. Junco has been played a fool, and stars does she feel like one. All the moments shared, all the determination just to be close - it was never more than a little friendship. Bitterly, she wonders, what do all these other cats have that Junco does not? Are they true-born WindClanners, lurking right under her nose while she is unable to see past the burrow's guard? Are they kind and obedient with a soft heart? Did Cottonsprig have the same talk with them, a confession that there had been too many to name, that their feelings were never considered?

It leaves a venomous taste in her mouth, one that she could spit at Cottonsprig's face had the molly not been groveling to her so. She longs to tell her no - she absolutely will not wait for a cat that wouldn't wait on her, and the bitter part of her never wants to see her face again. But all she can manage is a tired, "We'll see."

She needs time. Of course. "Leave me be, then," she orders decidedly, already beginning to turn around to face the wall as she speaks. In a moments' time, Junco's mind is already made. She will not ask for Cottonsprig next morning. No longer will she expend her energy for her unrequited love. No longer will she exist for Cottonsprig; she will not be here for Cottonsprig.

Junco thinks of her purpose here, and detests it. They've seen her arrive to save Cottonsprig, and have heard her pleas to stay with the medicine cat. It's been barely enough to keep her around, let alone let her back into the Clan. To be thrown out into the moors after Cottonsprig's rejection .. what kind of satisfaction would it give her? To know that her sins are out of sight and mind? To no longer have to look at Junco's face and be reminded of the mistakes she had made? Vindictive determination fuels Junco now, like a refreshing wave of hope. She doesn't need Cottonsprig - she will stand on her own four paws, and prove to WindClan that her purpose lies beyond the medicine cat. She will stay for herself.

  • juncokit juncopaw JUNCOCLAW "JUNCO" ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ BARNCAT
    ━━ 14 MOONS,, ages every 21st
    ━━ CASSO xx BUDGE
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | FORMERLY MENTORED by mockinggrin
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | junco is healthy.​
  • 75081289_xM0heZ2Ey6nooMy.png

  • speech is #6a7d8a