camp manifest | change


May 3, 2023
I've been trying not to
Long limbs and paws carry the gangly tom forward in a lazy gait around camp, turquoise eyes half lidded until he catches a glimpse of his reflection in a nearby puddle. Plaguepaw halts abruptly, head and neck snapping back in the direction of the still water at breakneck speed. His jaw drops, held agape as he looks himself over, purple color and its trinkets still swinging around his neck from the sheer force of his turn. His fur was changing colors. Gone, for the most part, was the silver fever coat he carried. Its silver hue is replaced with darkened fur, a grizzled black to blend with his original dark face, ears, and paws. A startled noise finally rips from the newly made apprentice's mouth as he turns to face the first cat his mismatched eyes fall upon.

He stumbles forward a couple of steps, expression clearly distraught and bewildered all the same. "I'm mutating! Look, look at my fur!" Plaguepaw shouts, placing his paws on his clanmate's shoulders and shaking them. The sudden change reminded him of that silly game his old twolegs used to play. The twolegs in that game always start off normal, only to change into something completely different. Something grotesque in nature. Brainless, flesh eating monsters. It was enough to bring tears to Plaguepaw's eyes as his paws slipped from the other cat's shoulders, leaving him upright, quaking. "What's happening to me?" He didn't want to become a zombie. (Feel free to be the cat he's freaking out towards!)
Go off the deep end

During the meeting, Sparrowpaw had mused that the apprentices' den would become much more lively with its new additions. Their thoughts had been right on the mark, and they still hadn't quite decided if the new level of noise was pleasant or not.

The chocolate tabby is resting at the moment of Plaguepaw's horrified discovery, laying outside the den with their legs tucked neatly beneath them, eyes closed. His shout startled them terribly, but it's very quickly followed by a jostling of their shoulder, and the poor feline nearly jumps out of their skin, fur rising and eyes round as moons.

"Mu-mutating?" they stammer weakly after a moment, heart hammering in their chest. Gray eyes flicker over him, and they force themself to take in a wavering breath and sit down again. His fur? Was that what he was worried about?

"Calm- calm down, Plaguek- Plaguepaw," they offer in a wobbly tone, perhaps more self-directed than anything else. They had noticed his fur changing a little while ago, but they hadn't realized he hadn't.

A pale paw settles itself gently atop the young apprentice's head. "You'll be okay, I promise." They were still trying to gather themself, but they reassured him as best they could. "Some cats' fur changes over time as they grow up. It doesn't hurt them." They knew of cats who were born with pale fur, only for their extremities to turn nearly black as they grew older. While they weren't sure if this was quite the same, they weren't sure if it wasn't the same, either.

"Maybe it's... similar to how young kits have blue eyes? They change color too." Sparrowpaw supplied. They glanced away. "If you're badly worried, you could go ask Dawnglare and Fireflypaw. They might know why."


wraith emerged from the warriors' den just as the two apprentices began to fret. she'd stayed in rather late today and, after a stretch of her sleep-heavy limbs, decided to go for a walk. she blinked away the sunlight filtering through the pine branches overhead as she stepped into the camp's main clearing. plaguepaw and sparrowpaw were bent over a puddle there, seeming quite distraught. she could vaguely make out sparrowpaw's voice offering reassurance over the chatter of the other skyclanners: 'you'll be okay, i promise. some cats' fur changes over time as they grow up. it doesn't hurt them.' her ears perked up.

fur changing colors? now this was interesting. the maine coon she-cat made her way up to the other two felines on quiet paws, hoping to catch any more tidbits of information they might drop. she'd never heard of this type of transformation. was it a natural occurrence, just a product of aging like sparrowpaw had implied, or had some kind of magic been directed plaguepaw's way? she'd never heard of curses turning cats' fur a different hue, but it didn't seem too far-fetched. stopping just behind the apprentices, wraith chimed in with a soft-spoken question: "when did it start changing?"

she studied the young tom's appearance as she waited for a response. his fur was certainly multicolored, with rare spots of silver sprouting from black roots. she wasn't quite sure if it was the silver or the black that'd been labelled the novel intruder, but, either way, she sort of liked the way it looked. it was something different, and different was always refreshing. "i think it looks rather nice," she said.
Pearlkit is drawn from the nursery as a shout carries across the camp, blinking sleep from her eyes as she is roused. Ivory paws carry her out and her gaze lands on Plaguekit- Plaguepaw. She doesn't like these new names, learning them ALL over again SUCKS immensely!! He's shaking poor Sparrowpaw, Pearlkit recognizes them as the skittish sounding apprentice from Miss Orangeblossoms excursion. Plaguepaw looks like hes on the verge of tears and Pearl only tilts her head in morbid curiosity, is he really dying? Will he die?

New girl, uh, what was her name...? Ghost...? WRAITH! Wraith, it was Wraith! Wraith asks a question and says Plaguepaw looks nice. Sparrowpaw reassures him. "You're dying!" she blurts it out without thinking. "You- You're turning in to a Starclan cat. Thats what happens." she stares innocently, cause she actually has no idea what happens in Starclan. All she knows is that its a place you go to after you die, or something. Maybe they're just turning Plaguepaw in to one early! "Now uh, you're a void cat." she frowns cause it doesn't sound fun. She's witnessing a murder right in front of her eyes! "Yeah-huh, maybe uh, medicine cats can bring you back."

CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Changing pelt colors was something that Falcon himself had know about. As the apprentices freaked out, and two other cats approached, Falconpaw finally cracked his eyes open. Sleeping in a new den was taking adjustment to, but it was a whole world different from what he had been born into. A sigh left him as he pushed to his paws, stretching, and wiping sleep from his eyes before he finally squinted over at Plaguepaw and Sparrowpaw. He approached, tail twitching behind him.

Falconpaw listened for a moment, looking at Pearlkit, then over towards Plaguepaw. Finally, he spoke up, extremely logically. "You aren't the only one, Plaguepaw. My fur has gotten darker since I was a kit." Falconpaw offered, in partial encouragement. And it was true- the lynx point's.. well, points had developed since he was younger, stripes coming in and the tips of his ears darkening. Of course, it wasn't as dramatic as Plaguepaw's transformation, but it was similar, right?

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
I've been trying not to
Sparrowpaw's calm demeanor combats the patchy tom's initial panic, coaxing him to relax a little. As the tabby's paw touches the top of his head Plaguepaw's quivering bottom lip stills momentarily at the newfound information. So he wasn't the first cat to have his colors change? That was...reassuring, slightly. His attention wavers, falling back upon the large patches of grizzled black now infiltrating the bright silver previously there. "But I liked having that color, I don't want the silver to leave. Can it change back?" He asks helplessly. Watery turquoise eyes watch Wraith draw closer, sluggish and sleep riddled. She presents a question, one that has him scrunching his brows in thought. "I-I um...I don't know, I just noticed it today." He never had a reason to look at himself before now. His daily agenda consisted of roughhousing, pranks, and trying not to give Bobbie grey hair before her time. Not whether or not his pelt would change entirely.

But then she compliments the change, stating that it looks nice. Did it really? It was so different from what he was used to. Plaguepaw's jaws part, preparing to speak when Pearkit chimes in with a loud exclamation. "You're dying! His maw falls slack, gaze snapping toward the shouting kitten. "What?!" He croaks. Barely restrained tears begin their descent, sliding down dark cheeks to splash against the ground below. "You-you're turning into a starclan cat. That's what happens." Was Wraith and Sparrowpaw simply telling him all these nice things to help him feel better before starclan came to get him? "I don't want to turn into a star...void clan cat" Plaguepaw voices, breath hitching until finally it evolves into a blubbering wail.

Slinking to the ground, the dual tailed tom buries his face in his paws, sides heaving from tears until Falconpaw approaches with soft encouraging words. "But it's not your whole body, amigo." Plaguepaw whines, rolling onto his side with a pitiful look marring his features. It was nice to know that someone else was experiencing a change but why did his have to be so drastic? Surely it meant something? With another sniffle he continues. "Tell Bobbie she was the best mamá I ever had." Wiping his eyes with a paw he stares up at the sky. "Doomkit gets everything in my collection." With a defeated expression he closes his eyes. "And that Cherrystar will go down as the worst leader sunclan has ever seen."
Go off the deep end

Plaguepaw, although dejected, seems to begin to relax, and so too do they. Sparrowpaw lets out a small sigh, a phantom of a smile reaching their lips. "I don't think I can do much about that, I'm sorry," they replied softly. "I don't think I've ever heard of fur changing back."

The tabby reclaims their paw when Wraith approaches, head turning to listen. "I do too! I think you look just fine. Don't worry, Plaguepaw." Falconpaw chimes in, and they nod vigorously. "See? You're not alone."

Nearby, Pearlkit blurts out a string of lies that nearly gives them whiplash as they turn their head to stare, eyes wide. "Pearlkit!" they exclaim, voice unusually loud and nearly a snap. "That's not nice or true." Beside them, Plaguepaw breaks down into tears, and they wince with a flash of pity.

Sparrowpaw's stare is hard as they look back to Pearlkit. "That was very mean, Pearlkit. Please apologize to Plaguepaw." The patchy apprentice in question had now sunk to the floor with a wail, and they quickly lean in to try and soothe him.

"Plaguepaw, no- Plaguepaw, please listen to me. You won't die, I promise. You'll be okay." Reassuringly, they begin licking his forehead. "What Pearlkit said isn't true. You won't turn into a StarClan cat or a void cat because your fur is changing color." Then, after a pause, "I'm sure Bobbie would be very happy to hear that from you."


Peals of laughter echo from the nursery where Cherrykit is stumbling out, cheeks burning with mirth. She'd been paying only the faintest attention to Plaguepaw's dramatics and the ensuing reassurance of Sparrowpaw and Wraith. As amusing as Plaguepaw freaking out was, they seemed to be doing a good job of calming him down, and the girl had been too lazy to wander out and mock him for being ugly no matter how much he changed. But Pearlkit―the younger girl is annoying, sure, but Cherrykit is awestruck at the newfound use she's gained in a few sentences. Plaguepaw dying? Disappearing forever like Snowpath? This was the best day of her life!

Her cheers abruptly stop as the patchy boy enunciates his dying words, with his final breath cursing Cherrystar and glorious SunClan. "What?!" Cherrykit turns into a flurry of white and tumbling limbs, gusting past Falconkit and Sparrowpaw like a cloud seeking vengeance upon the earth. She tries to loom menacingly above Plaguepaw's prone, tearful form. "What'd you say?" Her growl is high-pitched, like a starling trying to imitate a cat. "DIE FASTER!" she suddenly yells, picking up a nearby stick and slapping his dead body with it (and possibly getting Sparrowpaw too). She hates touching him, and she'd hate touching his corpse even more―but she has to let him know before he dies.​
I've been trying not to
While Sparrowpaw reprimands Pearlkit he falls still, waiting for something to happen. Although nothing does. No tingling of the flesh, no sudden ethereal shift of wind, or booming voices like he imagined. A shadow is cast over him, soothing licks placed against his forehead, gifted generously by Sparrowpaw. They reassured him that death would not meet him. Promising he would not become some celestial creature because his pelt decided to shift colors. A single blue green eye opens, gazing up at the looming tabby. "You're sure?" He asks, skepticism leaking into his vocals, although the older apprentice seeed pretty sure of themselves.

They also tack on the fact that Bobbie would have liked to hear such a sweet compliment. His lips twist thoughtfully. "Yeah maybe-Ahhh! Ouch!" Plaguepaw shouts aloud as Cherrykit assaults him with the stick in her jaws, screaming threats. A scowl paints itself over darkened features, grimacing as he throws his paws up to block the stick from smacking him in the face. "You're only proving my point! Cherrystar, eeeviillll leader of sunclan!" Flipping over he springs to his paws, haunches wiggling back and forth, muscles pulling taunt. "Bad leaders should be punished by starclan void cats!" Plaguepaw snaps.

Jumping at the furious kitten he aims to bowl them both over with the intention of pinning her under him. Childish laughter bubbles in his throat as he comes up with the perfect idea. Lolling his tongue around in his mouth he gathers a collection of drool before opening his mouth and letting it drip agonizingly slow towards her face.
Go off the deep end
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Plaguepaw's statements made Falconpaw's heart wrench for him, it really did. The soft whine and fear for the future was something Falcon could understand. His ears twitched gently- yet, he could almost laugh at the whole situation going on right here and now. Plaguepaw whining and believing he was writing his will, while Sparrowpaw tried to cover the emotional wounds sewn by the kits. Which, speaking of, here came another.

Falconpaw almost flinched himself as Cherrykit whapped him with a stick, and his ears pinned against his head. Dread pooled for but a moment, and the tom went to open his mouth to shout at Cherrykit- but Plaguepaw was knocking her over in a flurry. He inhaled quietly, stepping back- out of the way- and raised his voice. "You two should stop fighting! Plaguepaw, you aren't dying, because if you were dying, I would be dying! I'm not dying!" Falconpaw stated in a desperate attempt. His gaze shifted towards the smaller of the two in the scuffle going on- Cherrykit. "And you! You aren't much better, piling onto him like that!" He huffed out.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK

"Very sure," Sparrowpaw replied with little hesitation. While Pearlkit had the beginnings of frustration prickling beneath their pelt, it eased as the young apprentice did.

Cherrykit, however, yowling for him to die, hitting him with a stick that narrowly missed themself, sent a flash of heat rushing through them. "Cherrykit!" they shouted, just as Plaguepaw leaped at her and began to tussle.

The chocolate feline surged forward, ears tipped back as they less than gently pushed at the writhing mass of fur, dislodging Plaguepaw until they could grab the calico by the scruff and haul her up. Sparrowpaw then planted themself between the two, looming over Cherrykit for all the meager height they still had over her.

"What has gotten into you?" they exclaimed angrily. "Do you think that's okay? Did you think that was funny? What would Orangeblossom think, knowing you told one of your Clanmates to die faster? Cherrykit, you should be ashamed of behavior like that!" The fur along their spine had risen, tail lashing once.

Sparrowpaw paused, if only for a moment to let their words sink in, but continued before the kit could get a word in edgewise. "You are both cats of SkyClan. You should not be hitting each other with sticks. You should not be telling each other to die. Someday you will have to take care of each other and know you can trust each other." Taking in the deep breath, they sighed, fur lying flat. Even so, their eyes remained hard.

"Cherrykit, tell Plaguepaw you're sorry. Plaguepaw, you don't get to be mean either." They swiftly looked back at him with warning. "If you two want to be good SkyClan warriors someday, then act like it."


Cherrykit feels a smack of satisfaction when Plaguepaw's eyes flash open again. Not because he's alive, but because she hurt him. He gets the advantage over her every time they wrestle anyway, as his rapidly-growing limbs far outmatch her still stubby ones. "You started it!" she retorts, springing backwards as he flips himself up, back arching and wiring as he prepares to lunge for her. And lunge he does. Somehow, Cherrykit has never learned to run away from the plague beast whenever she provokes him. Once again, the smaller calico bears the brunt of him as they roll tail over head, until her back slaps the ground and she lets out a small "oof!" Sullen eyes glare up at Plaguepaw, while she stretches out her chicken legs to just almost batter his tall belly, but he does something other than keep his paw pressed to her shoulder this time.

A thick, globby tendril of drool begins to slide out of his maw. It sways above wide yellow eyes, growing wider and wider until they could just swallow the thread of saliva coming towards them. Cherrykit frantically scrabbles at the ground, then Plaguepaw's legs, devolving into a terrified thrashing against the knifepoint coming for her precious fur. For some StarClan-forsaken reason, Falconpaw decides now is a good time to reprimand her like the little tail-licker he is, so Cherrykit screams at him, "SHUT UP!" Her whines dissolve into wails as it drips every closer, the unadulterated essence of Plaguepaw creeping along its spidersilk towards her, when Sparrowpaw yanks them apart.

For a moment her tears subside as she blinks at her savior, but the bird-like feline shows her they'd only pulled her into the fire out of the pan. Mismatched ears flattens against the verbal lashing, and she stubbornly fights the urge to sink to the ground as renewed tears spiral towards it. Sparrowpaw asks her a lot of questions that she doesn't think need to be answered because they're throwing them at her so fast, and they finally end their tirade at her by telling her she should be ashamed of herself. I don't care! she inwardly screams as the apprentice turns to address both Plaguepaw and her. SkyClan would be better off if Plaguepaw was gone anyway! All he does is be mean to her! I don't care! I don't care! I don't care! Cherrykit tucks her tail and curls into a small, multicolored ball of sobbing anger instead.​
  • Nervous
Reactions: Floppie
Screams of children at play, but also mixed with anguish and startle, as well as anger pulled the small chocolate tabby to haul his behind towards the sound as quick as he possibly could. His small legs made it harder, and his breaths were quick as he skidded to a stop nearby, witnessing cherrykit beating plaguepaw with a stick, and sparrowpaw quickly trying to split them up. falconpaw was doing his best to also try to calm the situation down.

his stomach flipped and turned into knots at the sudden anxiety that ripped through him that his clan was being attacked, his breaths harsh and his ribs burning. "I- I thought something really bad was ha-happening," pocket barely managed to stutter out, his tail puffed out and his fur poofy.

"Why are you g-guys fighting?" he asked, his ears pulled back, intimidated yet. Anxiety thrashed a sickening blow in his stomach. It didn't sound all fun, and especially not now as cherrykit was crying from the verbal reprimands from sparrowpaw. couldn't everyone be nice to each other?

While it's rare for her to be angry in front of her Clanmates, it's even rarer that she raise her voice in earnest. Orangeblossom's fury is an uncommon, ferocious sight, carefully locked away for release against WindClan or another predator stupid enough to try and tackle SkyClan's might. It aches behind her cheekbones and in the nooks of her shoulders, tense and restrictive, a trapped bird waiting to flare its wings. Never did she think a flash of it would show in regards to her Clanmates, let alone one of her kits - yet she storms over to the group as kitten-yowls turn to earnest shrieks of anger, scarred jaws parted in the slightest snarl, a brief flash of pearly teeth on display.

Sparrowpaw stands between the two younger cats, mud-coloured pelt bristling as they speak, but Orangeblossom's attention swings like a laden branch between Plaguepaw and Cherrykit. StarClan above, she'd feel sorry for her spitfire daughter's mentor if she didn't learn to back off. She releases a forceful breath, head swinging to face the others present: Wraith, Pearlkit, Falconpaw, Pocket. The latter looks like he's said something and is waiting for a response, but Orangeblossom hadn't heard it in her approach.

"Disperse." She warns them. She doesn't care if they stay, actually, but she just wants them quiet. Quiet enough for her to think, to sort this mess out and to register her mental plan to tell Blazestar that these two are not to be trained anywhere near each other until they've matured enough that they won't be at each other's throats. To the shrill apprentice who'd started this mess inadvertently, she directs a frigid look:

"Plaguepaw, go see Dawnglare and Fireflypaw. Rule out being sick, assume it's your fur pattern coming in if you aren't. Go."

Her tail flicks derisively, attention falling next on her cowering daughter. How does the deputy reconcile with herself the fact that her own daughter has just told another SkyClanner to die? When Orangeblossom speaks again her voice is cold but quieter, crouching a little to be closer to the small calico's level, necessary prosecution a heavy log against the straining gale of her love for her kit: "Cherrykit. Even if you don't get along, don't you ever tell a Clanmate to die. Nor do you hit them with sticks. Do you understand?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

For a moment silence hangs, thick and heavy in the wake of their outburst. Their heartbeat still fluttered with their agitation, their dismay, and their breath held the faint echo of a waver.

They got no response. Before them Cherrykit practically cowered, expression twisted in an ugly way that didn't suit her and hot, angry tears falling from her cheeks as she sobbed. Sparrowpaw's heart skipped a beat. The chocolate tabby recoiled as if horrified, mouth parted to speak words that wouldn't come.

Enough! roared Orangeblossom, and they flinched, head whipping around to stare with wide eyes. The queen was clearly furious, and as she approached they flinched back, only belatedly realizing that her anger was not for them. Gray eyes flickered over to the calico kitten curled up on the ground.

"I-I―I'm sorry, I- Cherrykit―" Their voice was swiftly lost beneath the deputy who swept on without care. She scolded the kittens, beginning with Plaguepaw.

When the queen stood before her kit they were quick to step back and let her. All of their upset had been washed away, replaced with remorse as the sight of the crying Cherrykit stood strongly in their mind's eye. They hadn't meant to make her cry, they just...

With their jaw closed tight they didn't speak a word, silently watching.


CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw's face twisted as Cherrykit screamed at him. Feelings of anger began to bubble, much to the opposite of Sparrowpaw's remorse. He hated being here. Just as much as his sisters. He never asked to come here. He never asked to be dawdled, feared, bullied, disliked. Falconpaw's face scrunched up sharply, frown plastered to his muzzle and eyes narrowed. His ears twitched at Orangeblossom's yowl, and while he didn't jump, his stomach still twisted with his nervous tendancy.

Finally he tore his angry gaze from Cherrykit to the mother, who was solely focused on Cherrykit. Falconpaw stared on for a long moment. Some kind of bitter jealousy roared up, tangling with the feeling of anger. It wasn't healthy, he reckoned, but he hadn't allowed himself to feel the way he really wanted ever since he left the sewers. He never got to through a tantrum. This isn't about you.

Selfish as his thoughts were, Falconpaw took the time to shift, gently brushing his pelt against Sparrowpaw's. While he wasn't quite looking forward to the comfort Cherrykit was begging for and may recieve, Sparrowpaw was doing what they thought was right. He glanced sidelong at the other apprentice, then Plaguepaw who was presumably heading for the medicine cats, before turning and slipping towards the apprentice den to mope in the shadows. What to feel, how selfish was he? All questions he'd be thinking about.

// out unless stopped!!

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
I've been trying not to
The next few moments were a blur. He can feel Cherrykit writhing pathetically underneath him as he desperately wishes the thick glob of saliva would hurry up and plop on her face. At the same time he feels a heavier force poking and prodding at him, a force that eventually tears his victim away from him. His slimey missile hits the ground instead, much to his disappointment and it shows across his features. Although it wavers a bit as Sparrowpaw begins to chastise the kitten. "Good." He thinks to himself, forked tail thrashing as a blooming sense of glee blossoms within his chest at the sight of hot, angry tears. He didn't feel bad for her at all. If anything Plaguepaw thought she was getting everything she deserved for always telling him to shut up and being mean to him so often.

Shaking out his dusty pelt from the roll he takes a step back. "She won't apologize, amigo. I don't think she even knows how to be nice." The patchy tom scoffs, canting his head to look over at Cherrykit's cowering form. Although his maw falls slack partially, brow raising as Sparrowpaw insists that they would need each other one day. That he should act the part. "Wha? She hit me, I didn't doing anything before that!" Why was he being fussed at when she was the one doing all the damage? He felt the need to keep defending himself until Orangeblossom shouted in their direction.

His stomach tightens and coils as he rips his attention from the tabby apprentice to focus on the prowling deputy. Frazzled nerves jitter beneath his color changing pelt, although the only visual indication of his nervousness is the swallow that slightly moves beneath his collared throat. A command is given for him to see Dawnglare and his blue green eyes flicker between the other apprentices before turning to take his leave. (/out)
Go off the deep end