camp MAY, SHE WILL STAY [nursery]

The scent of the tunnels clings to her pelt, damp and earthy. Normally it’s nice, the smell of the underground pressing in against her, a comfort in the darkness. Now, it only turns her stomach. And it’s truly unfortunate, the timing of this—just after she’s been promoted, just after the threat of war with ShadowClan. Soon enough, she might not even be able to fit into the tunnels. She wonders what a certain tomcat will think, when he notices her predicament.

The calico tunneler enters the nursery carrying a bundle of moss; it’s not much, certainly not enough to build a nest. But she’s never had reason to build a nest, and she isn’t exactly sure what the best way of making one is. She’s stored away moss in one of the tunnels nearest WindClan’s camp, but collecting that moss and moving it into the den beneath the gorse wall are two vastly different tasks.

She deposits the moss onto the ground as soon as she enters the den, since she hadn’t seen an extra nest the last time she’d been in here. "Hello, Spiderbloom," she greets the dark-furred queen with a wary smile. "How are your kits doing?" She doesn’t explain herself any further, instead leaning down to pick up the bundle of moss once more. Dark paws carry her to the other end of the den, and she settles it onto the ground once more.

Her… situation, for lack of a better term, is relatively new, but is only just beginning to be apparent. She’s sure many of her clanmates have already made their assumptions, taken their guesses, but the calico has confirmed nothing thus far. The timing of it all is rather unfortunate—and it’s just her luck, truly, to find out about it just before her promotion to lead warrior—but Scorchstreak doesn’t plan on staying out of commission for long. Her clan needs her, and she’s confident that she can keep up with her responsibilities.

Bluepool has seen her sister go through pregnancy twice now, has seen multiple she cats in the clan fall under the affliction and though she herself has never been afflicted in such a way, she knows the signs of someone who has. Knows the difference between this and a belly that is full from the bounty of new-leaf. Her eyes narrow as she watches her friend walk into the nursery, a bundle of moss clutched in her jaws. Bluepool had had her suspicions but this had only confirmed it. She pushes herself up from the spot where she rests and follows, her short tail swaying behind her.

On her way over, she stops at the fresh kill pile, and excuse more than a want to be friendly. "Greetings ladies" she calls out as she reaches the entrance to the den, placing the prey down before speaking "I brought you guys something, if you're hungry" She pushes it towards Spiderbloom with one gray paw, though her pale yellow eyes do not leave Scorchstreaks face. "If you need help building a nest just let me know, I'm the best I know at it!" there was nothing Bluepool liked more than a comfortable nest to settle into at the end of the day. "I have some spare wool that you can use to make it extra comfy" she does not pry, does not ask for confirmation of her suspicions. Scorchstreak was a friend, after all. She would tell her, and the rest of the clan, when she was ready. And besides, it was obvious enough by the way the molly was eyeballing different spots in the nursery.


Minkbreezes' only driving force that pulls her toward the nursery is nosey curiosity. She truthfully hadn't looked at Scorchstreak unless she needed to, which was usually only for patrols or other warrior duties. So it would come as a genuine surprise to her to see the newly named lead warrior slipping into the nursery with a clump of moss in her jaws.

The chocolate sepia slips in right behind Bluepool, smirking in greeting and with a glow of mischief in her teal gaze as she purrs, "Well well, never took you for the type, darlin'." There was a teasing ring to her voice as she took a seat near Bluepool, her tail swaying behind her like a metronome. "Do we get to guess who the sire is? Or are we keeping that a juicy secret?"

Her gaze would glitter within the darkness of the nursery, and despite her teasing, there would be a separate glow of ease within them. She wouldn't actually push for an answer, of course, a molly's business was hers' to keep but there certainly wasn't anything stopping Minkbreeze from asking, now was there?

speech ✩ windclan ✩ warrior ✩ tags
( ) Splayed nearby the entrance of the nursery, she tucks into field mouse that lays between patched paws. Burrowing within the tunnels had left her more exhausted and dirtier than ever this time from the frequent showers of New-Leaf, leaving once white fur now stained a dark shade of brown and for once; she is too hungry to care. Grooming would come after. Now the sun beats down upon the open space of their camp, heating up tired muscles and she relishes in it's wake. It was a nice break from the cool dark tunnels she stayed within, and it makes her appreciate it's warmth that much more.
As she finishes her meal and gets to work on grooming the whisps of her fur, a tortoiseshell figure catches her eye and she pauses to look. She sees Scorchstreak moving towards her with a bundle of moss clasped between her jaws, vibrant irises facing the nursery. A brow raises in a quizzical manner with a slight tilt of her head. What was she doing? The moss was dry and not soaked, so there went the excuse of bringing water to Spiderbloom. Besides, why would she be doing that when it was clearly an apprentice's job? The bi-colored molly watched her enter and she took no time to rise up to sneak her head in the entrance.
Bluepool and Minkbreeze are already speaking and curiosity pulls her in further. The words cross over her ears then: Do we get to guess who the sire is? Or are we keeping that a juicy secret? Oh? Oh! Sunburst eyes widen in surprise and shock all in one. Was Scorchstreak—was she expecting? Excitement tingles in her paws and she can't help but smile to her friend. Scorchstreak always had a motherly air about her, but to see her actually be a mother made it all the more exciting. She listens quietly to the older mollies, eyes pulled forward to see if the newly named tunneler would reveal who would be fathering the kits. It had to be someone within the clan! There were multitudes of toms within WindClan that would be worthy, but as the others did—she'd not pry. Would she still be tunneling till she couldn't anymore? She remembers when Sootstar was also pregnant, still doing her duties as normal with a swollen belly that provided life inside it. She's sure Scorchstreak would be the same till it was time to finally settle; after all, she has a new position to uphold and being the only lead tunneler at that. "If you need any help with patrols in tne tunnels, I can help." She interjects, her tone softer as to not disturb Spiderbloom.

( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )


Surprise is found when Sootstar notices a group of she-cats swarming the nursery. Her heart quickens, usually it only got that crowded when a newborn litter of kits awaited visitation. Spiderbloom, as far as she was aware, was their only queen and she's kitted though!

Then she remembers... There were subtle changes to a she-cat when she became pregnant that only former queens could spot. Sootstar had thought she was wrong, seeing too far into things... perhaps...?

Curious strides guide her to the walls of the nursery, peaking her head in she notes the attention is on Scorchstreak. Promoted her to help... just to lose her... the innervoice of Sootstar jests, it was lighthearted though. Kits from a loyal warrior such as Scorchstreak was welcomed news, hopefully her litter would bring the clan many new tunnelers to train up for their next leaf-bare.

Minkbreeze's question startles her, who was the sire? Sootstar remembers cautiously being asked that question when she was expecting her first litter, she had hissed at them all, spat and told them it was none of their business. It was a queen's choice and hers alone to make the call to reveal the sire of her litter, and Sootstar would be the last cat to pry. To this day none but Weaselclaw, the fleeting Sandylight, and the sire, slain Flint knew of her first borns father. Slyly she looks at Cloudedsky, still holding zero intent on ever telling her who her father had been.

"Don't you know? It is wrong to ask." Sootstar tells Minkbreeze politely, no scolding is evident in her tone. Then her direction is placed on her new lead warrior, "Congratulations. I am glad you will get to nurse again. You'll raise fine kits." She does not mention Dappledsun, traitor of WindClan, son of Scorchstreak. These kits will not walk the same dark path, and Sootstar will watch closely to ensure it.
To say that Badgermoon was oblivious about certain things was, perhaps, an understatement. Though he tried to keep himself apprised of all of the most important happenings in his Clanmates' lives, he was not necessarily the brightest cat in the world, and plenty of things flew over his head. Thus when he saw a cluster of she-cats around the nursery, his first thought was that one of Spiderbloom's kittens had done something cute. Or perhaps someone has the sniffles. thought the broad-shouldered tom absently, tilting his head as he watched Sootstar drift towards the gaggle. Maybe I should check to make sure everything's alright. though no one seemed upset, he pushed himself to his speckled paws anyway and padded after his leader, peering over the blue smoke's head. It took a few moments for him to understand what was going on, but once he realized, he felt a jolt of shock through his whole body, rooting him to the spot. Scorchstreak is ... ? She's...

"Expecting?" the black-and-white tom mumbled aloud, golden eyes darting from the little heap of moss to the supportive faces of the mollies surrounding their recently-appointed lead warrior. "Oh, well - yes, congratulations are in order, of course." he felt as if the sun had wrenched itself around to beat down on him specifically: his ears felt hot and his paws itched. It's couldn't be that...of course, it's not... Badgermoon cleared his throat with a little hmmf sound and offered his best grin, swishing his dark tail. "You'll make a wonderful mother, and- and of course the Clan will support you, however you need." that was the right thing to say, wasn't it? He couldn't...there wasn' No. That was just fine. He took a few steps backward: the motion was familiar, by now. Coward. "I should leave you ladies to it, I - don't want to be getting in the way, heh." he always felt out of place in or near the nursery, and right now he was desperate to get away and think for a moment. Think his way out of this fresh predicament. A few heartbeats passed before he turned and trotted away, trying not to seem too eager to leave.
  • Wow
Reactions: Jay
Her welcome party into the nursery is made up of Cloudedsky, Bluepool, Minkbreeze, and Sootstar herself. It’s a bit more daunting than she’d imagined; now, there is no disguising her pregnancy, no pretending that everything is normal. Excitement hums through her very bones, but there is still nervousness. What if these kits walk the same path as Dappledsun—would her mothering be seen as cursed?

Bluepool, thankfully, seems to have no reservations. The blue-striped lead warrior offers a meal to Spiderbloom, but her eyes are on Scorchstreak as she offers her aid in building a nest. "That would be appreciated, Bluepool. There’s some moss, in the tunnel near camp, that I’ve been collecting." Stars know she’s been collecting long enough—nearly two weeks now, since she saw the first signs. "Wool sounds nice. I’d love to have a bit for my nest," she agrees with a nod of her head. When her nest is filled with kits, they will surely need the soft touch of wool as well.

Minkbreeze speaks next, and there it is, the question that Scorchstreak has dreaded since the day she realized. She’s aware of who their father is, knows that his identity may be a talking point. Sootstar is quick to chime in, to say that it is wrong to ask—and the calico recalls the secretive identity of Cloudedsky’s father. "The father isn’t important," she deflects, but her tone is not sharp. She appreciates the tortoiseshell she-cat’s gesture, allowing her to decline to answer. It’s a relief, as well, to realize that Sootstar isn’t likely to pass judgment if she doesn’t name who the sire of her kits is. "He is a WindClanner, and that’s the important part." Her kits are WindClan—she’s no traitor, no codebreaker. She hopes that her kits will be tunnelers, but even if they aren’t chosen to patrol the underground, she will love them.

Cloudedsky, one of Sootstar’s own kits with a sire kept secret, offers to help out with tunnel patrols, and a genuine smile finally crosses Scorchstreak’s face. "That would be appreciated, thank you. I’ll hopefully be keeping up with my duties until… Well, until I can’t fit into the tunnels, I suppose." She dreads the day that she’ll be too broad to shove herself into the tunnels that she loves so much.

"Thank you all, really," she says, looking over each of her clanmates in turn. Their approval truly does mean the world to her, after the disaster that had become of her first kit. "I know the timing is unfortunate. But I won’t be lying around doing nothing the entire time." Much like the clan’s leader, Scorchstreak has no plans to put her life, her responsibilities, on hold for her kits.

The next face to appear near the nursery is quite possibly the last one she hopes to see. Badgermoon seems caught off guard, at first, and the calico pauses—she’d only just said that she doesn’t wish to share pertinent information. But thankfully, he doesn’t ask. The black and white tom congratulates her and then moves quickly away, a fitting end to the awkward encounter. His words stick with her, though. He thinks she’ll be a good mother, they all do. She just hopes that she can live up to their expectations. She hopes her kits will be everything that her clan needs them to be.

Minkbreeze would keep her smirk as others piled into the nursery and informed her that it was wrong to ask a queen of her litter's sire. Was it? That was news to her, but her smirk only grew as Scorchstreak enforced the sentiment by stating that the father didn't matter.

And right she was! With a whole clan behind her, these kits would grow up perfectly strong and well-rounded. She bit back a snicker as she listened to the rest of the conversation and as Badgermoon spoke, her gaze would flicker like a dancing flame between him and Scorchstreak. oh ho? What was this?

Her whip-like tail would lash behind her as she chuckled and then turned to the new queen and nodded with a new determination, "Right then! What colors do you like best, Scorchstreak? It's so gloomy in here, and new kits are a reason to celebrate." Rising to her paws she turned as if to exit the nursery, "Adding my offer for help into all this too, of course, darlin'. You ever need a break from this den you just call for me and I'll help you escape."

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  • Nervous
Reactions: Badgermoon