pafp MINE! MINE! MINE! ☣ Toy Guarding


Basically, Run.
Jan 10, 2025

Status: Protective, Furious

In a dark shaded corner of camp, somewhere near or behind the nursery, Silentkit stood, fidgeting with a ball of moss. His claws and teeth had mostly torn it to shreds at this point. The small dark kitten growled at anyone who approached, glaring and curling over the ball. He wouldn't let anyone near it, it was his and his alone. He would save it for the pack and no one else. He had found it so therefore it was his. None of these shadows and ghost would take it from him. He chewed on a strand of moss angrily, lost in thought. He missed the sound of small footsteps approaching and jerked around at the sound of a voice. The dark one squinted at the small shadow, the new shadow that the pale reaper had brought, the mimicking one. He wouldn't share his moss ball. It was his. His body screamed Mine! No Touch! The smaller shadow may have shared a den with the pack but it was not pack and the dark one would not be sharing it with the other. He hissed in an effort to scare the shadow off.

  • OOC: Please wait for @Mintkit !
  • Silentkit - Male Black Smoke with Yellow Eyes ☣ He/Him ☣ Shadowclan Kit ☣ Penned by Snowy ☣ 5 moons
    ☣ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting
    ☣ Sibling to TBDkit, Rotkit, TBDkit, Pupkit

☁︎ ✧・゚ *✧・゚* ☁︎ The young kit went about his day as he normally did, prancing around looking for something to occupy even a moment of his scattered attention. His paws itched for something to do, or perhaps it was the snow that made them itchy. Which means he should find something to do to warm them up!

The low growling had Mintkit's bush-like tail bouncing as he rounded the nursery to see Silentkit being not so silent when a warrior passed by. Guarding a torn-up moss ball. His wide, leaf-green eyes lit up with excitement, but he had to be smart. This sort of thing required his super secret ultimate move !

Mintkit crawled over to the bigger kit, his tail wagging high up in the air. Getting right up onto the other one's space before rolling onto his back to expose his soft belly fur and curling to look directly up to Silentkit with his big ol' eyes. "Can I play with you? Please, please, please, please! I'll give you my extra special feather if you play with me"

  • ooc:
  • 95368066_knxBNTrVpC4AXxw.png
    Mintkit — He/Him ・ 2 moon old ・ Shadowclan kit ・
    ☀︎ A fluffy brown ticked tabby with a white heart on their chest
    ☀︎ Adopted by snowlark, brother to frigidkit
lostpaw was trying not to make a habit of still hanging around the nursery -- starclan knew she already caught enough flack from the other apprentices about other things -- but sometimes her paws carried her over after an especially tiring training or on an off day to see what the kits were up to and lose herself in the innocent naivety for a moment.

today, it looked like silentkit and mintkit were the ones out and about, playing (or at least attempting to play, in mintkit's case) with a moss ball. she hadn't interacted with either much, though they were both certainly characters in their own right.

"playing moss ball?" she questioned with a slight chuckle as she came forward.

  • ooc.
  • LOSTPAW (she/her) is a six moon old shadowclan apprentice with shorthair cream tabby fur with low white and blue-green eyes. she is the gen1 daughter of two rogue npc's and is being mentored by amberhaze.

    TAGS. penned by riyue. dm me on discord (xriyue) for plots.


ternstar & 26 moons & female & she/her & leader of shadowclan

—— ─ ─ There are times, rare though they may be, that Ternstar can't quite shake the nostalgia that the nursery brings. From her own youth to the time spent rearing her own kits within, there are plenty of memories to relive. Still, there will always be something about the foundlings that brings familiarity, a bond of shared circumstances.

Amusement paints pale face where she sits nearby, observing but not yet interfering - for all that Snowlark is perhaps not the kindest father, Mintkit and Frigidkit are still quite spoiled. They do not recall the days before shadowclan, or a time where they had gone without. Silentkit, it seems, clearly does. " That is up to Silentkit - if he does not wish to share, we can find you your own toy, " she warns him gently - thinking back fondly to her own hoards and how reluctant she'd been to share.

Perhaps another, different queen might say something different - choose to preach of sharing and all that, but Ternstar know what it is to want, and what it is to go without. Theres plenty of old moss to spare, even with leafbare sinking its claws into them.

actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'

. ݁₊ ⊹ Ternstar is a massive blue-silver tabby she-cat with an all white head and striking vibrant blue eyes. She is far from the kindest of cats, often cold and aloof - with a notable soft-spot for kits, and a rather dark streak for mischief. She is supposedly mates with Wormwatcher, and is parent to Rainbowpaw, Cornflowerpaw, and Ivorypaw. She is gifted in battle, and still maintains all nine of her star-given lives.
The world may never no what about this mossball, of about a dozen, has made Silentkit take to it so fiercely... But there were plenty of things kits did that the world may never understand... She wonders: is this a simple, childish quirk, or did it say something about where Silentkit had come from? Regardless, dear Mintkit was pulling out all the stops to lower Silentkit's guard... He hardly cared about the mossball itself, they were certain. Company was all that he longed for...

Moltface lounges nearby, a tired eye kept on the gathering of kits as he rests on his paws. He hopes no intervention is needed; another bought of dizziness is the last thing he needs... Their ears swivel to Lostpaw. "Not quite..." comes out drawled. She wonders if the game would entice SIlentkit at all... "Mossball is more fun than moss-guard, I will say," verbally, she gives a nudge...

They are not so certain just how... ideal Ternstar's advice is. Sharing: as thoughtless as it may be to a clan cat, was a skill to those outside of it. Not to mention, it may net Silentkit more positive relationships... She'd prefer if the desire not to share was communicated more... tactfully, as well. "I think sharing would do him good," they state simply. With the onset of her Leadership, Ternstar has more-or-less shirked the responsibilities of queenhood, no? "Mintkit's feather is extra special..." If that wasn't enough to sell it, she hadn't a clue what ever could be...

Status: Angry

The dark one eyed all the attention the mimicki- no. The annoying one was bringing to him. He was perfectly fine before it showed up. Why. Why did it do this. He hissed at it. He didn't want the stupid feather. The moss was his and he wasn't sharing or trading it. He twists and swipes at the young ghost who appeared. He didn't know this one. He didn't know what a moss ball was. He clenched the shredded pile in his teeth and slowly backed away. Hissing the whole way. He warily watched the leader show up. The one in charge. Would this one make him give up the moss? No. He wouldn't. He backed away, though froze when the words that left the big ones mouth weren't about making him share. Instead, they spoke of not sharing. He could keep the moss? He tilted his head to the side. Curious. His ears perked towards the leader. How curious.

He eyes the split shadow that had been watching. He didn't care if the feather is extra special. That just makes him even more suspicious. Why would the strange thing want to give up an extra special possession for his moss. It made no sense. He certainly wouldn't if he had something like that. But he didn't. So. Therefore, he wasn't giving up the moss. It was his and he had nothing else. He frowned. He could share with pack just fine. It was... non-pack who didn't get that luxury. He knew some of the other phantoms here wouldn't share their things so why should he. That wasn't fair.

  • OOC:
  • Silentkit - Male Black Smoke with Yellow Eyes ☣ He/Him ☣ Shadowclan Kit ☣ Penned by Snowy ☣ 5 moons
    ☣ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting
    ☣ Sibling to TBDkit, Rotkit, TBDkit, Pupkit