The day is young and she has been up for a while now watching the coming and going of these strange cats. She has been confused on a number of things but she hasn't said a word on it given that she knows better than to question it. She does miss the willow very much, it felt safe there and she could play all day there. But now they have moved to this place and she finds it daunting. All the faces that are around and how things always seem so busy. Some of the things that the leader said during his meeting has her wondering and what her new parent said also makes her wonder. Shuffling her paws she makes her way towards the edge of the camp, pressing them into the damp soil before mushing it around. It takes a little bit for the mud to he formed but sure enough she mixes it well. A small smile plays on her jaws, bottom jutting teeth pressing against her upper jaw and she suddenly lays in it. It feels cool against her fur and she wallows, wiggling all over and rolling.
It costs her body thickly and she sighs a bit before she presses her face into it. The muck clings to her easily enough, concealing what she thinks are unwanted blemishes. From head to tail she is a walking mud monster and she scoops the mud against her side before plopping down within her small mud castle.