camp misplaced & misaligned // apprentices only

It worked. It worked. Snowypaw found herself slipped right between a few RiverClan cats whilst they took their leave, and with one look from Lichentail- star -not one had so readily said a word to her. She could not ignore the whispers and confused glances in her direction, but she tried to not let them get to her. The former ShadowClan molly keeps her courage lain brazen on her chest in hopes that the scrutiny will be kept away for the night.

She follows her new Clanmates dutifully to their camp, and her gaze falls over reed woven dens with willow-leafed drapery. She swallows, and looks towards Lichenstar (oh, how embarrassing for her to petition the leader for entry and not know it.) The blue point motions to a den not too far from where they stand, and says something about it being her den. The apprentice's den, she silently denotes it, and Snowypaw follows her gaze. Her maw opens to ask of her father - for surely they can wake the tom, and she can have the reunion she's waited weeks for. But her jaw parts further, and she yawns, and perhaps reluctantly she takes Lichenstar's offer of rest first.

Snowypaw slips into the apprentice's den, looking down towards the many sleeping bodies, and then side stepping to allow the others from the gathering passage inside. She hadn't been too excited to move into ShadowClan's apprentice den, but this one... she's almost eager to get settled in. She just hopes she doesn't step on any toes.

"Hi, um," her tail twitches as she greets the closest feline. "Do you think this'll be a fine spot for me? Or maybe I should make my way back there?" She motions to the back end of the den, a smile on her face.​
Cascade has finally begun to wind down from her nightly worry-session when the gathering cats come back. She shifts in her nest, a yawn splitting her maw as she grows more and more exhausted... She stretches out, and maybe her sudden movement is what causes her to get addressed, caught between the waking world and the realm of sleep.

"A-Ah! Uhm- Hello! Sorry- Hi." Cascade jerks from her sleep-induced stupor, her heart skipping a beat at the sudden greeting. She blinks the tiredness from eyes, letting them focus in the dim light. "U- Uhm, of course! You can sleep next to me! Uh- You smell, uh-" she struggles to piece together the words before she gives up with a small sigh and pats the empty space near her.

Honestly... It's probably best not to mention the Shadowclan scent that clings to the apprentices coat... Nor question it, as shes not even sure she'd fully retain it. "Who are you?" she questions anyways, her voice as warm as she could muster it this time of night. She's really just curious to know the other mollys name and then she'd go back to bed and deal with this in the morning...

  • cascadekit, cascadepaw
    cisgender female ,, she/her ,, 06 moons
    apprentice of riverclan ,, mentored by drizzlewave
    blue smoke / blue lynx point chimera with blue eyes & low white
    "speech, #6FB2C3" ,, thoughts
    unknown sexuality ,, single
    smells like faint vanilla & fresh rainfall
    penned by chuff

there is an imposter here. she watches them like an ivory shadow, billow - breathed and quivering where she stands thornlike at the corner of riverclan's apprentice den. strawberry blushed eyes weep over suspicious slits, each sniff tucked into the fishbone curled ruff of her chest since her return from the gathering. the moon hangs high and sheening overhead, painting the dark - coated apprentice in shades of grey and she can do little but stare -- wraithlike, ribs fluttering visibly with each lash of a plumelike tail. lichenstar had yet to say a word ; quiet, her mentor, her mother. grief hangs in each notch of their atlasian - dipped spine, their hard - hung shoulders and hollowed eyes and shellpaw follows dutiful at her heel wordless. wordless, for now, for the time spent trotting from across a sea of trotting limbs doing much the same as she was now.


cascadepaw riles, offers a spot aside her with a gentle pat and shellpaw lowers her ears, tail at a nervous twitch behind her. the girl gives her a bewildered glance, the flightest widening of heavy - lidded eyes before the return to snowypaw with a butterfly - thrust blurt of, ” umm.. so are you lost, or something? “ because really, what was she to think? with a hard swallow, she thinks to find her brothers ; tips her head towards the exit in hopes they would arrive soon, because.. she doesn't want to sleep next to this stranger. brief flits of the ripple colony's worst blare behind eyes that close tight, squeeze for a brief moment over rheumy amber -- lichenstar had shown her this den, the river had not drowned her on the way to camp.. was she meant to be here? when she mews a soft, ” why are you here. “ it is more trembling command than question ; moonlit curls frizz, flustered dove bearing her crown of ruffled feathers. was this safe?

  • i.

  • 75178334_B2nz6qRU6QTC3MQ.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

ꕀꕀ One yellow eye blinks open as the sound of pawsteps reaches his ears. He hasn’t been sleeping, not entirely, instead waiting for his clanmates to return from the gathering. With all the twoleg-related sightings recently, he can’t help but to worry for their safety as they travel across the territory in the dead of night. But as Sandpaw raises his head from his nest to seek out the noise, he first sees Cascadepaw—and then he sees her. Dark-pelted, unfamiliar, and new.

The tom wants to ask why this stranger is in their camp, in their den. He doesn’t mind her presence, really, but if she isn’t supposed to be staying then he’d like to know. As one of the oldest apprentices, it kind of falls to him to keep the others safe if need be. So he opens his mouth, intending to comment on the obvious—that this cat is a stranger. "You don’t belong here," he says instead, his voice low and clipped. Tan ears swivel backward, sheepish smile overtaking his muzzle. "That sounded bad. Sorry. I meant, you’re new." Stating the obvious is not a bad thing, he reasons. She smells of ShadowClan, of mystery and moonlight. Surely she wouldn’t be here if Lichenstar didn’t allow it, but still curiosity surges through him. Shellpaw has already asked the why, and Cascadepaw has asked the who, leaving him to stand above his own nest and wait for the stranger to respond.

( ) coming home from the gathering he hadn't noticed her, but now, as he's slipping into the apprentices' den, he catches the odd scent. some newcomer who smells of pine and marsh water, a dark furred she-cat with moon-bright freckles. pebblepaw watches her with eyes like embers, snow white paws hesitating in their steps as he approaches his den. shellpaw slips inside, and lichenstar nods the newcomer to enter. the boy spares a glance for his mother, brows furrowing in a question that will go unanswered tonight. this girl's strange scent permeates the den as he follows her in, this odd girl whose voice brims with bright excitement.

he finds shellpaw in the darkened den, makes his way hastily to her and smooths his tail along her shoulders in a comforting motion. cascadepaw blurts out a sleepy interrogation, followed by the wind's breath voice of shellpaw and the gravely support of sandpaw. pebblepaw continues to eye the girl curiously, with half a mind to worry for his grief-ridden mother's sanity. it is foolish to let a stranger into riverclan's camp with no explanation for her being there, least of all because she may just be attacked for trespassing. his busy brain conjures up images of chilledstar leading an invasion to take their lost apprentice back. pebblepaw trusts his mother, thinks of her as the smartest cat in all of the clans, but truly it is an odd choice made tonight.

"welcome to riverclan," he offers, and then wishes he didn't, for the rest of his fellows are approaching this situation with a more suspicious tone. his teeth clack shut as he closes his mouth, choosing to stay quiet in the cross-examination. sleepiness tugs at his muscles, propelling him downward, but he remains standing at his sister's side, a protective shoulder to lean on.

  • // " #848DAE"

  • pebblepaw.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

TAGS — "You don't belong here."

Ospreypaw's head tilts as she finally acknowledges the new presence in the apprentices' den. Sandpaw had slipped up, apparently, but the silver-furred molly is keen on stitching this mistake into her own brazen quilt. She sits near Shellpaw, and of the two of them cuts a far more imposing figure than the petal-woven girl, but their sentiments remain in line with each other: this apprentice is decidedly not a RiverClanner, and she decidedly does need to leave, as soon as possible.

Sunlight trickles through the woven reeds that shelter them, casting a severe shadow across her scalpel-carved face. Snowypaw's bubbly confidence makes Ospreypaw angry; her ditzy smile; her feathery, naive features; the way she trounces in without so much as an explanation to her presence among the returning gathering cats. Just something along the lines of hi, I'm living here now, and you should all accept that. If StarClan themselves told Ospreypaw to make her nest with a ShadowClanner she wouldn't do it — so why in StarClan's name would Lichenstar allow this girl home with them?

She doesn't speak more on it, instead opting to wait for the new girl to react to the questions that have already been demanded of her, some kindly and others not. Her whip-thin tail flicks like a rattlesnake's behind her. Somewhere close to her, Pebblepaw offers a greeting, and Ospreypaw shoots him a sharp look, but says nothing more.
જ➶ Honestly the moment that the intrusion happened and the scent of Shadowclan insulted her nostrils she lifts her head and glares at the entrance. Her maw is shaped into something of disgust. Honestly she doesn't know that Lichenstar's is the reason for this nor does she want to understand it. It doesn't make any sense and she watches when the other comes and asks about the nests and if they should take on in the make. Not belonging here is correct and the way Sandpaw apologizes is disturbing to her. But Ospreypaw makes sure to correct the folly and for that she is grateful. "Very much true. Honestly don't know why you are here. You aren't a Riverclanner." Her words are a sneer and she finds herself looking at the other sharply. A half clan thing didn't belong anywhwere, especially not when the code was broken. Shaking her head she almost laughs, a smug grin pulling at her muzzle.

"I know where you can sleep. Outside in the muck like a real Shadowclanner does, right? You guys love that stuff." And if the river sweeps them away then all the better. Afterall why are they forced to share their den with someone from Shadowclan all of a sudden. Maybe even two loyalties as that. It's not right nor is it fair.
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Snowypaw should've expected the lot of apprentices to be alert, if not for many of them to be light sleepers. The she-cat finds comfort, at first, with Cascadepaw being the only soul who greets her and instructs her on where to ago (albeit with sleepy confusion and an inquiry following,) but other cats are quick to speak up, and the silky furred girl isn't left much room to speak.

Some seem troubled, but not fearful. Others are brazen of their opinions, something the night-coated she-cat cannot dispute. She's sure if the reverse had happened and she was forced to receive a stranger in the safest place she knew... she'd be concerned or upset, too. Snowypaw cannot even lie to herself and suggest that she'd be kind and welcoming - maybe after a few days. Perhaps that's all she needs to give some of these cats? A few days to prove she means well, to prove that she can do better than born-RiverClanners in due time.

"Don't apologize...!" she tries to be quick, her gaze first flicking over Cascadepaw, and then Sandpaw who delivers her one soon after. "Yeah - I'm new. I'm..." The she-cat falters, her name on the tip of her tongue, but she remembers how Lichenstar suggested they change it. She should not share her former moniker, right? "I'm not lost, I promise," she recovers, and her smile doesn't waver. "I'm right where I'd like to be, should Lichenstar continue to allow it." She makes it clear that the opinions of those before her - while they matter - do not contest with that of their leader.

Her own feathered tail flicks and settles at her paws, and she looks between Midnightpaw and Ospreypaw. The latter is short, but definitive in her statements; the former takes jabs where she can, happily, freely. Snowypaw lets the other swing at her, only replying with, "I'm a RiverClanner now." She does not try to battle, for she doesn't think one of wits and words is one she can win. Still she speaks, and with a short laugh in her words, "Our - er, their camp - has been a bit muddy lately. The rain is crazy, and the frogs crazier. I doubt you lot would be able to sleep with so much frogsong, if my pawsteps woke each of you up...!" She means it teasingly, a jest at most. Snowypaw yawns again, and her smile flattens some as she shifts her weight closer to the entrance of the den.

"In any case," she starts, pawing at the dirt beneath her, "I'll be set sleeping here, then. Sorry to have woken any of you," positivity exudes from the former shadow-dweller, ears folding back as her lips part with another yawn. "Thank you - for receiving me with such a kind and warm welcome. I hope I can prove myself to each of you in turn." Snowypaw then dips her head, hoping that the apprentices will leave her be, however remaining still despite the collective effort to make her feel unwelcome.​
frecklepaw & 08 moons & trans. fem & she/they/it & riverclan apprentice
Frecklepaw is one of those who nearly doesnt notice the newcomer. Tired mismatched eyes blink, and stare unabashedly at the shadowclanner... or, she suposes, the ex-shadowclanner. Theres a moment of anxiety at the sudden presence of a stranger, a cat she doesnt know.

Some of the conversation flies over her head - shes tired, and making sense of the muffle conversation that reaches half-deaf ears is hard even on the best of days, but she thinks she puzzles out the situation. This stranger is new, and lichenstar said they could stay. Not everyone likes that - midnightpaw at least doesnt.

" Riverclan is better than shadowclan.... smart choice, " comes too-loud voice, and then thats the end of the matter for her. Frecklepaw hardly cares for her denmates one way or another, and at least this one seems to know that much. Theyd chosen to come here after all - instead of remain marshbound in the muck.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I L O S E M Y C O O L , W H E N I G E T E M O T I O N A L
ꕀꕀ The black and white she-cat seems kind, despite being a ShadowClanner. Maybe sharing a den with her won’t be so bad; she’s probably more pleasant than Ospreypaw and Midnightpaw, at least. She doesn’t share her name, which catches his attention as something noteworthy, but then she informs them that the clan’s leader had allowed her to stay. That information changes everything, and makes some of the other apprentices’ words seem far more brutish. The stranger doesn’t seem to mind much, trying to brush it off, but Sandpaw is tired of hearing his tortoiseshell denmate speak when she has nothing productive to say. "Shut up, Midnightpaw. You’re the only one who likes listenin’ to yourself talk."

With his annoyance made clear, the tom regards the ShadowClanner-turned-RiverClanner with a narrowed eye. "Well, I won’t be here much longer. If everythin’ goes good with the eye, I’ll be a warrior by next gathering." He gestures to the cobwebs that swathe his eye—or rather, lack thereof—and sighs. With some of the others being so prickly, Sandpaw should try his best to make the newcomer feel welcome. If Lichenstar has approved of her being here, then he’s not one to argue. In fact, he’s got no problem with offering some help to her. They’ll be living together for a while, so what’s the point in making enemies? "Need any help settin’ up a nest for the night?"

some simper and coo at the white - speckled freakling, some turn cold, hard eyes upon her and too their chins away ; shellpaw finds herself sniffing at the molly’s wide smile, ” you cant be a riverclanner now, that’s against the warrior code. “ her head tilts, ears angling in awkward juts at the back of her head. the tip of her restless tail flits, ignoring sandpaw’s uncharacteristic display of open arms — a flailing attempt at strength when he snaps measly words midnightpaw’s way. she is of little opinion of the molly, but with a quick flit of bloodlet eyes towards ospreypaw, the dove - warbling girl hums a fitful, ” and why.. should we let a codebreaker in anyway? what if she eats all our prey and leaves us for sk- uh, skyclan, next? “

the ripple colony. the redwater colony. she remembers the anger, the tension, the fury in embittered eyes that never waxed or waned despite smokestar’s welcome. how could they be so okay with this — this abomination, plucking up the trimmings of a shadowclanner in the wake of.. her frog problem. she thinks of the blood, the evil, the red spilled from her mothers throat, from lightningstone’s throat, from oxbowpaw.. how were her denmates so flippant? so.. so… the girl’s lip curls, pressing against her brother when her bruised, rheumy gaze finds snowypaw again. there is nothing there, nothing beyond the hollow half - lid and straight - ironed maw when she drones a simple, barbed, ” lichenstar probably just feels, um.. sorry for you. don’t you feel bad? “ using them like this. why should riverclan face starclan’s wrath when she should still be shadowclan’s problem to deal with?

  • i.

  • 75178334_B2nz6qRU6QTC3MQ.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.


I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — The smell of marsh is enough to draw her to the apprentice den tonight instead of going to the medicine den and both of her large ears prick forward at the sound of a new voice. The fur on her neck prickling in the slightest at the who and why, Beepaw let's her paws touch the wet soil outside of the den soon entering and sees the dark pelt of someone unfamiliar. There's different reactions from every cat though Cascadepaw and Sandpaw seem to be the friendlier cats of the bunch, her cousin asks if the stranger is lost, and Snowypaw promises that she isn't and she's where she belongs so long as Lichenstar allows it. The irritating voice of Midnightpaw is enough to get her mismatched gaze to turn to the inky feline as she says that Snowypaw could sleep outside in the muck, Beepaw lifts her muddy paws and attempts to spray a bit of it in Midnightpaw's direction hoping that the droplets land on her face and chest only to muse "She'll feel at home now, hm?"

The older apprentice straightens her posture and turns to Sandpaw who seems to be the only reasonable one present "Splendid idea, Sandpaw." Her voice blunt, to the point, and held no friendly or warm tones when the black smoke shifts once more and draws closer to Snowypaw to nudge her up with a paw "Get up so we can get you a nest to sleep in, fishbrain." Beepaw knows a lot better than to argue or pick any fights, she can still remember when Asphodelrain had gotten punished for verbally lashing out to the Ripple Colonists and Lichentail at the time had made him campbound. With her own warrior ceremony drawing near, Beepaw would rather eat a gross frog whole than screw up her chances of being a warrior especially when her father watched her from above amongst Starclan's ranks.

Shellpaw speaks up telling the bicolored molly that she couldn't be a Riverclanner, how she would eat their fish only to leave to Skyclan, and that their leader likely felt sorry for her. Perhaps it would be true yet the final decision wasn't hers to make and Beepaw let's out a low breath soon speaking "Look... Let's all be nice unless the lot of you want to be campbound like Asphodelrain when he tried picking fights with the Ripple Colonists. She smells weird, yes, but I'm sure that our leader wouldn't let a Shadowclanner, former or not, simply prance around in our camp without reason." Bee swipes up some moss from her nest only to gaze upon all of those present, she would be the voice of reason... For now. Once she graduated and moved to the warriors den, it wouldn't be her problem anymore. This seemed more like a task for Claythorn since she seemed more keen on being kinder to outsiders or those that were being picked on for being different.

"Get up, Speckles. I want to get some sleep too." Her voice more gruff and her prodding a little more insistent than the first time.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    11 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by houndstride
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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TAGS — Ospreypaw's scowl etches deeper into her stony face as her peers offer hospitality to the ShadowClanner. Some of them admonish her and Midnightpaw for their own outspokenness. She doesn't quite understand it. The rattlesnake tailtip keeps twitching, tapping lightly against Midnightpaw in a discreet show of solidarity. Why would these apprentices welcome a stranger in to their ranks now of all times? While twolegs roam their reedy rivers and poison their fish? While their dogs and kits venture dangerously close to camp? While new kinds of monsters veer down the river just fox-lengths away?

And it's sort of infuriating that the stranger is so kind through all of it. She's cheery as a kookaburra, smiling just as wide, all pleasant downy feathers and freckles like sun-kissed clouds. Ospreypaw's hard glare steels harder, two peridot daggers in deep eye sockets. So Lichenstar is allowing this? She can't believe it. The apprentice stares down the slope of his nose at the black-furred molly, gears turning behind his stare as he tries to puzzle it all together.

Despite the effort of the elder apprentices, Ospreypaw has little stake in playing nice versus not. Even if he were camp-bound for a while, the river still ebbed and flowed at the edge of that confinement. He's not afraid of a little punishment. Nicked ear twitches as Shellpaw speaks up again, voice velvet thorns. Lichenstar probably just feels sorry for you. It's a sentiment that Ospreypaw has been turning over himself, weaving speculations through his mind like spiderwebs.

When he speaks, he is not speaking to the (apparently former) ShadowClanner. Instead, he turns to Shellpaw and Midnightpaw, lowering his voice to make the distinction clear, but not lowering it enough to not be heard by the new girl. "Maybe she was so bad at being an apprentice in ShadowClan that Chilledstar just wanted to get rid of her," the silver-furred viper suggests, nonchalant and venomous. "I'd feel sorry for her, too." Ospreypaw rasps her pink tongue over a stray stilver paw and draws it over her ear, ignoring the stranger, ex-river princess, and Sandpaw to the best of her ability.
જ➶ Irritation and clear annoyance marks gently across her face. Why can't she see that she isn't wanted here? It's so very obvious and now knowing that Lichenstar is the very reason why a Shadowclanner is among them speaks volumes to what kind of leader they now have. No better than Smokestar, letting in the riffraff to spoil their home. Her maw twists and she casually rolls her eyes, listening to how she tries to take her words in stride. Stumbling over herself with our camp and then their camp. Always a Shadowclanner. Her maw parts casually and then Sandpaw has the nerve to berate her as if no one else shares her opinion. "Oh, shove a fish in it, Sandpaw. I'm not the only one that feels this way. Maybe more than your eye was messed up." Coming after her is a dangerous game anyway and she flicks her tail casually. Then Beepaw enters and she scowls heavily. Noting them easily enough before they decide to flick mud only on her. But the apprentice says nothing and if she happens to roll onto someone guess they will have mud on them too. Her gaze narrows and she shakes her head. "You'll never be a Riverclanner."

After that, she ignores them, shifting slightly as she feels the gently taps of Ospreypaw's tail. Her keen gaze turning away from the intruder in their home. The absurdity of it all as she focuses on her friend. The mere fact that anyone should just be happy and accepting of this is crazy to the young molly. Listening she lowers her head just slightly and casually nods, glancing at her paws before flexing her claws. "And to think that we have to deal with their trash..." Her voice is spoken in the same manner as Osprey's, eyes flicking up just slightly.

( ) immediately louder voices drown out his attempt at good will and the boy will shoot an eye roll towards ospreypaw as she glares at him. a yawn stretches pebblepaw's jaws, sleep heavy in his eyes, body altogether too tired for any of the bullshit his more outspoken denmates are attempting to pull. "it's too late for this," he sighs, a soft hiss in his voice as he presses against his sister. "mom's smart, she let her in for a reason," he murmurs low, and he can feel the fear and anger crackling beneath her skin. "we can talk to her tomorrow, m'kay?" he will rasp his tongue across the smaller girl's pale cheek, ember eyes twin to his uncle's sweeping the den to settle back upon the speckled shadowclanner.

"there's some extra moss at the back of the den, i think," he tells her, and tries to offer a softer look without giving his denmates another cat to lash out upon. then he turns away and beckons for shellpaw to do the same, brow furrowed with worry and slight confusion. just what is this shadowclanner doing here? it's not like what he said isn't true - lichenstar is a smart cat who wouldn't let some random cat follow them home without some sort of consequence, which means his mother knows about this and is letting it happen. it's an odd move to send the speckled stranger straight to the apprentices' den without an introduction. the river queen has thrown the girl to the metaphorical wolves in that regard. codebreaker or not, snowypaw will be sleeping without warmth tonight.

pebblepaw turns away from the situation, trusting the older, more levelheaded apprentices to handle the newbie's nest. curling in his own, he huddles next to shellpaw and gently grooms her fur, smoothing ruffled hackles and bitter words.

  • // " #848DAE"

  • pebblepaw.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.