mockingbird [☼] burnstorm

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The new-leaf sun was still shy, but had already gotten to work on melting the cemented snow, and on days like today, it was so sweet Roeflame could bask in it for hours.
Perched against the mouth of the nursery, tucked into Burnstorms flank as she always did, Roeflame cannot keep her eyes off of their newest additions to the nursery.
Three kits, abandoned in the midst of snow and wolves.
”You know what I hate the most?” Roeflame suddenly speaks, ears threatening to flatten. If they were just left at our border, their mothers will never know the damage they’ve caused, or how lucky they are they didn’t get them hurt, or worse. I don’t even care about their reasoning- they should have at least stayed long enough to make sure their kit was going to be okay. Stupid…stupid, stupid.” Her bitter sentiments seemingly are born from out of the blue, and it’d only be when the queen spared a glance towards her mates expression that Roeflame would make the connection between her outburst, and the need for context.
She looks away again, readjusting herself to go back to her more comfortable position, and for a moment it seems as though she’s going to say nothing more.
”My mom did that. To me and my litter mates.” A sigh escaped her, coupled with a shake of her striped head as she looks on. It’s now that she realizes that the only cat she can recall ever telling was Flycatcher, even when she had been found next to the slain Dewfrost, it had been Flycatcher she had sought comfort in- hardly an explanation for Mousenose and Howlingstar, who had been the ones to find her in that state.
Stars, Roeflame wonders now what they must have been thinking, or if Flycatcher had ever spoken of it to Howlingstar.
Yet… surely she had mentioned something about her past to her mate, somewhere during all their countless conversations.
… surely?
Roeflame waits another heartbeat before speaking again.
”Have I… told you that before?” Half-turning her head, she passes an inquisitive glance in Burnstorms direction.
I must have said something before now.


  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor<@709988131931422731> on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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New-leaf was the start of life - all life. It was a rebirth of the forest, green coming back to a winter-locked landscape and it also happened to be his mothers favorite time of year. "It is the return of all good things" she would say, her eyes shining. It is part of the reason she had named him the way she had. Burn, not after the fire that had rampaged through the territory but for the hope that in the wake of its destruction the forest would come back even stronger than before. That, no matter what, he would always come back stronger. And now that he is having kits of his own, he understands that hope, that want, a little more. He could never imagine abandoning his kits the way these cats seemed to be doing now. Could not picture himself dropping them off somewhere and turning tail and leaving without ever knowing their fates. Even in the most extreme of circumstances where he had no other option he would at least stay to ensure they ended up somewhere safe first. "It is a selfish thing" he agrees with his mate, glancing at her with unhidden surprise at the sudden ferocity in which she spoke.

He does not have to wonder why the topic bothers her so much for long, for she explains in a softer voice this time and his own gaze turns to sympathy. He could never imagine what that must have felt like. His own mother loved him with her whole heart and it had been enough to make up for the abandonment at the paws of his father. She would have rather split apart the sky then be parted from him or his siblings forever, he is certain of it. "No, I had no idea. I always thought..." he shakes his head as he speaks, not wanting to utter ThunderClan's first medicine cat's name on his tongue. Cinderfrost was the cat the elders told stories meant to scare kits into behaving about but she had also been Roeflame's mother. "You never brought her up though, and I figured it was a difficult subject for you so I never thought to ask" he admits quietly. He never was one for gossip, to pry.

// sorry I'm so late on this ;-;

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
No, I had no idea. I always thought…”
Though her mate has no need to finish his thought, Roeflame is grateful he opts not to all the same.
”Huh.” Roeflame hums after a heartbeat, seemingly stumped.
The tabby cannot ignore the part of her that wants to tell him, but the bigger part practically screams no. It’s too long of a story, too pathetic…
”Cinderfrost was the one that found me, took me in. I was practically raised in the medicine den.” A pause, a pondering blink after the former medicine cats name slides off of a sandpaper tongue like water, as though it is nothing.
”I was a part of a litter of three, but uh…” Roeflame shrugs, not wanting to divulge further.
”I remember being so scared I pretended not to know my birth name, but I think that was for the better.” It feels strange to tell the story in broken bits, but it’s almost easier to muse on the minor parts, the ones that didn’t involve screaming at an estranged mother from across the Thunderpath, begging an adoptive one to stay and fight for her. Looking away from Burnstorm, Roeflame would tilt her head back, hoping to tuck it under his chin if he’d let her.
”My birth mother found me again, when I had just become a warrior. She was a Shadowclan warrior, her name was Dewfrost.” Expelled in a singular, drawn out breath, Roeflame no longer knows where she was going with this, how much she wanted to tell on such a perfect new-leaf day.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


She talks and he listens. This piece of her, another part of the intricate puzzle that he was beginning to learn was his mate, it did not make him view her as other or as an outsider like some might. She had been raised to be a ThunderClanner, after all. A litter of three she says and he does not ask after their fates. Some things are just too hard to talk about, he understands. "Your birth name..." he breathes in wonder. "If you would be comfortable sharing it with me.. if you do in fact remember, I would like to know it. I want to know every part of you Roeflame, and your birth name, it may not be who you are now but it was once" if she did not wish to share though, that was alright. Stars knew if he had been born as anything other than Burnkit, if the circumstances of his birth had been different, he would keep it secret too. He already had difficulty with the public knowledge that he had kittypet blood running through his veins. It would have been made ten times worse if he had once possessed a kittypet name as well. But he had been born a ThunderClanner, and for that he was grateful.

So too is he grateful when his mate divulges more information. Her birth mother, she had met her. His golden eyes widen in surprise as she speaks her name. Dewfrost she says, her name was Dewfrost. The use of past tense does not escape him. She is either dead or she is gone from his mate's life forever and he can't say he knows what she feels about it because his relationship with his own mother had been very different than the one Roeflame had shared with hers. All the same he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before replying. "You know it's funny" he starts "You have different clans blood running through your veins but you were born to be a ThunderClanner Roeflame. There's not a doubt in my mind that the stars put you exactly where you needed to be. I am not glad that your mother abandoned you. I am not glad that your early life was difficult, but I am glad that despite it all you're here. with me" using his tail he pulls her closer and presses his nose to her cheek lovingly "There isn't a single thing in this world that could make me love you any less than I do"

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
In an effort to distract herself within the quiet of awaiting her mates reaction, the queen lets her eyes dance around the camp, trying to not make her baited breath so noticeable.
Naturally, he wants to know more- and Roeflame cannot blame him, taking sentiment in the care that touches her mates words.
I want to know every part of you Roeflame.
How could she not melt at those words? Want to give Burnstorm the key to every part of her identity.
How could she feel anything but loved when she looked into the warm sunlight of his gaze?
As her maw parts to drum up a reply, the Queen ultimately holds her tongue when Burnstorm continues on.
She was born to be a Thunderclanner, despite the blood that runs in her veins- the stars had placed her exactly where she needed to be, in the oak forest, with him.
She has half a mind to push at his cheek with her forepaw and roll the emotion off of her shoulders with a halfhearted comment about making her blush.
Roeflame doesn’t get the chance to before she is pulled further into his embrace, a purr rumbling in her throat.
The tabby wants to live in this moment for eternity, but she has to make do with the long pause she gets to turn her head towards him and press her nose into his temple.
“The stars knew what they were doing when they made our paths crossed, don’t you think?” Her tone is sweet as she speaks, shameless in the adoration that pours into her tone.
Another moment passes, and she sighs despite the affirmation of the security in her mates love.
Leaning back, Roeflame clears her throat, though her voice does not rise from its unnaturally quiet volume. “My name was Toraline- strange, right? I don’t think it came from anything forest-born” Roeflame shrugs, as though ruffling the weight from her lost life from ticked shoulders, trying to soften the weight behind what she so desperately wanted to admit next.
“Apparently, my father was from Skyclan, I think it comes from there. I was born around the Great Battle, I think. Dewfrost decided we’d be safer away from either of the former colonies.” The slight shake of her head is instinctive, Roeflame still couldn’t understand. “It still hurts a little, all of it. Between Cinderfrost and Dewfrost, it practically ate away at me for most of my life. Jumping from one identity crisis to the next.” Another hum, another sigh, Roeflame feels her tail curl around her own belly, a habit.
“There’s so much more, but it’s messy, and tragic. I want you to know every part of me, but is it okay if it takes a little while longer?” A claw hooks around a nearby rock, ear flicking with only subtle unease. Roeflame had cracked open the way down an unexplored bridge between her and Burnstorm- one that she knew was important, and one that she wanted, but the brassed queen couldn’t deny the inexplicable fear that came with each step further.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.