It hadn't been serious, the last time. He had been a stand-in. Someone who should have been Mirestar, who should have been Smogstar.

It wasn't serious now either, though. Someone else would probably be standing here next moon. No future deputy would ever think back to the way he had crafted patrols, the way he did for Smogstar. He'd be… forgettable, he's sure, and he reminds himself that he expects that; that he's okay with that… Only one of those things are really true.

Sharpshadow shuffles forward, his fur hopefully looking more fluffed against the chill than it did just… messy. Rather than the mighty roar, or whatever, a proper deputy might let out, Sharpshadow's call is more of an afterthought to his yawn. " Patrols. " Straight to the point. No reason to bother with all the pretentious extra, really… Cats would gather regardless, he knew, even if he felt gross for thinking it.

He finds Amberhaze's gaze with a quickness that really didn't make much sense. Absolutely, it was shock, not like the guy was such an exceptional candidate for patrol lead that he's drawn to him first, or something stupid like that. Sharpshadow looks at him as if he's wandered into camp by accident… despite him being about as much of a ShadowClanner as he could possibly be. He wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing… He was pretty sure it meant he would be gone someday, though. Her face creases with her frown. " …Amberhaze, "

" You know your way to WindClan's border, " a few dozen beats-too-long later, she says. If nothing else, he could take orders… " Take Basilshower and Bloodwing with you. " He looks for another face in the crowd, is relieved to see him breathing. He sure would be more relieved if they didn't owe it to another Clan, though. The prickling of his spine doesn't waver. " Batchaser too. " Say whatever you want to them, I guess.

ThunderClan's border… Good StarClan, they needed someone that wouldn't just be a warrior-aged ankle-biter. " Scalejaw, " she says— and… instantly wavers. There were some cats she didn't really mind bossing around, but Scalejaw's name was decidedly not… Amberhaze or Snowlark. Sharpshadow glances sideward for a moment. " Um… M-maybe you could check up on ThunderClan's border. " It doesn't really sound like a request, but at the same time, it kind of sounds like she's politely asking a fox to bite a cushier part of her. " Take… Mapletuft, Wormwatcher, and Milkbriar. " She tries— and fails— to not make a face. She and Mapletuft should be swapped, really…

" Both— all of you " because headed a patrol wouldn't necessarily stop your Clanmates from kind of being idiots. " Be uh, like, normal, y'know… " You'd have no idea which not-Scalejaw Lead Warrior she's looking at, right about now…

" Marbleleaf, " it seems obvious to him, that ShadowClan was in need of a better herb supply... Or maybe even just an okay one, if that's asking for too much. He's... wary, though, to let them out of sight. Sharpshadow glances around the clearing with a pinched expression, finds a familiar face. " Sneezeduck. " They were like, friends, or something. " Go with her. Burdocktail and Shriketalon too. Help them restock their supplies, or... whatever. " Good enough warriors. As good as they can get, anyways... Hopefully it wasn't an overbearing patrol to Marbleleaf. Not like she should care.

" Ternstar, " he always found this part kind of weird, telling your own leader what to spend their time doing... " Um... I'll go hunting with you. " He bites his tongue on his kittish sounding maybe, or if you want. " Plus Screechstorm and Duckshimmer. Maybe we'd find something worthwhile at night... " Or maybe they'd just freeze their whiskers off for no good reason. The latter was more likely, really.

Her stomach aches, and it probably would until well into the evening. He feels kind of bad for what he's about to say. " Snowlark, " he sighs. " I... don't think we can avoid Carrionplace anymore this moon. Sorry. " He had a fresh new apprentice too... Frozenkit would have to learn why he chose the worst border to show up at sooner or later, he guesses. " Take Halfsun, Singeglare, and Ferndance. " She knew for certain at least one of them would probably have a good time... Maybe they'd have better luck with an expert on their side, or something. " ...Please be careful. "

Sharpshadow heaves a breath. He should probably, like, flick his tail to wave them off, or whatever... too bad he only had half of one to do it with. At least it went better than the last time, probably.

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Sharpshadow, the deputy. The strangeness of it all is overshadowed by some semblance of pride. It seemed like an obvious choice and a weird one, at the same time. Nervous as she is, at least she does her duty; straight to the point, smart about her choices - and that's all Sneezeduck thinks he can ask for.

Sneezeduck waits for his name amongst the border patrols. He isn't sure what he'd prefer; defensive ThunderClan, who knew him as some deranged apprentice-killer, or high-and-mighty WindClan, who'd look at him and laugh at how kit-like he still looked. His mouth twitches as the border patrols conclude without so much as a glance his way. Maybe it's for the best.

Then, Marbleleaf's name is called, and his own soon after. A smile reaches his muzzle as he scans the crowd for green eyes, wondering if she would be looking for him, too. Wonder what we'll find this time? he thinks.

When Burdocktail and Shriketalon's names are called, Sneezeduck feels.. a pit in his stomach. Small, sure, and not as potent as he's felt when he was really sad or angry - but it's still there, and it's noticeable. He was looking forward to anoher nice walk filled with chatter and laughter between them. He wanted to learn more from Marbleleaf and, if time allows, teach her a bit about fighting, too. That's.. all he wants. A bitter thought enters his mind - we don't need extra help, and I can help her by myself, - but he shakes it away as quickly as it enters. Right. Patrol. No time for antics. Maybe.. another time..

The rest of the patrols blur away and, as cats are dismissed to disperse into groups, Sneezeduck rises and weaves through the crowd where Marbleleaf's patrol will be gathering. A small smile in greeting is given to the medicine cat, diminishing into a curt dip of his head as the other two approach. No antics. This is.. a job this time.

  • ooc: text
  • sneezepaw-transparent.png
    ✶ sneezeduck. warrior of shadowclan. ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤamab cis male, he/him | undiscovered sexuality, single.
    ㅤ14 moons old | ages every 2nd. created 2/5/2024
    ㅤa young warrior, inexperienced in most things. | mentored by sharpshadow
    ㅤLH chocolate tabby (carrying cinnamon, dilute)
    ㅤunknown xx duckshimmer | brother to singeglare and swallowflutter
    ㅤclose with marblepaw
    ㅤwritten by ixora, ic opinions | tags
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Reactions: Floppie
Scalejaw... Um… M-maybe you could check up on ThunderClan's border. Take… Mapletuft, Wormwatcher, and Milkbriar. Be uh, like, normal, y'know…

The newly appointed warrior listened intently, waiting for his name to be mentioned somewhere in the slew of orders. ThunderClan wouldn't have been his first choice, but the loyal warrior was just proud to be able to attend his first patrol party. But, to be normal might not be what Sharpshadow really wanted, not with his haughty attitude and tendency to be less than likable. On the bright side, though, at least he wasn't going to the Carrionplace.
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Born restless, Screechstorm already feels the need to step foot out of camp and stretch his legs far before Sharpshadow's call for patrols reaches his ears. He'd already been straying towards the camp's exit, paws faltering at the newly-made deputy's voice. With a flick of his tail, the warrior turns back around to stand among his clanmates and await his assignment.

He hopes for something better than what he receives. Something that leads him to the marsh's edge, something to give him a chance to search for someone he knows won't be there. But Sharpshadow joins Screechstorm's name with hers and.... and Ternstar's and suddenly the need to stretch his legs feels more like a test under his assigned night hunt. Mismatched eyes blink toward gray ones, a reluctant nod following.

" Ready when you are, I guess, " he meows. At least he was chosen. At least he can do something.​
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Her tail tip quivered with excitement, a smile appearing on her maw as she struggled to contain herself. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been assigned a Carrionplace patrol and when the rest of the borders felt respectfully average (small talk or violence was not on the cinnamon tabby's mind that day), getting the chance to dig into new foods and strange trinkets felt like a blessing from the Stars themselves. Already she pictured her nest, pine-scented and overflowing, with something shiny at its front... or particularly pointy at its back. Possibilities felt endless.

The rats were there too, she supposed, if things were not as plentiful as she pictured.

"Let's go," she mewed to Snowlark, blinking wistfully.

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[ ༻❄༺ ] The carrion place... the carrion place an unamused look dance on the young lead warrior's face. He hated thar place, it was messy, disgusting, reeked of trash and worse of all, dangerous. A frown sitting across his lips before glancing towards Ferndance who all seems eager to go stifling through trash, he doubt Halfsun or Singeglare would enjoy it as much as the older warrior would. But letting a soft sigh out he flicked his ears signalling he was going to start heading out. He can grumble about being chosen to go diving through crow-food later or while they're there...
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, Lead warrior of Shadowclan, 16 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Herb gathering. His lips press tight together. It's quite a bore, collecting plants that he couldn't even remember the names of—but he won't argue with Sharpshadow. It's a necessary evil, subjecting himself to such a monotonous task.

At least they aren't being sent on the Carrionplace patrol.

A pitying glance is sent in Snowlark's direction. The lead warrior doesn't look thrilled. Poor Snowlark. But, despite the twinge of sympathy they feel for him, they couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease their superior. "Have fun," they call out to him as he takes his leave, their whiskers twitching. "And don't let the rats bite."

Turning back to the cats gathering around Sharpshadow—still an odd sight to see, her taking on the duties of deputy—he searches for Marbleleaf in the crowd.
  • ooc: text
  • 92653712_1s2aEke79d8edEh.png
    ✶ burdocktail. warrior of shadowclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    𖤓 ㅤafab nonbinary, he/they | bisexual, single
    𖤓ㅤ 37 moons old | ages every 1st
    𖤓ㅤ original marsh group member | mentoring none
    𖤓ㅤ lh tortoiseshell smoke/tortoiseshell chimera
    𖤓ㅤ npc xx npc | close with ???
    𖤓ㅤ written by nico, ic opinions | tags
She hadn't expected to hear Sharpshadow call her name today, so when she does, the pale molly's ears flick with surprise. Their new deputy has seen fit to give her several extra sets of paws today to help restock her leafbare-thin stores. The medicine cat dips her head gratefully, her tail curling up behind her. Green eyes rake the crowd and find her dark tabby friend approaching her. "Let's see if our luck holds out today, huh?" She smiles, holding Sneezeduck's amber gaze for a moment before tearing herself away.

Shriketalon is nearby, too, as well as Buzzardpaw and Burdocktail. Marbleleaf pads over to the charcoal-smeared tortoiseshell warrior and dips her head. "We'll be looking for oak leaves and horsetail today," she explains. "I'll tell you all what to look for on our way there." Stars knew it'd be easier if these poor cats actually knew what they were meant to be harvesting.

… ❞


How long would it take her to get used to this? She wonders as her mismatched eyes watch her once mentor, now deputy, with an even stare, her lips drawn into the perfect image of neutrality as she waits to see where she would be assigned. Patrol after patrol is called and for a second, she thinks she has been given a break, a day to do as she wished.

Being Sharpshadows former apprentice it seemed though granted her no favors, as when her name finally does leave his lips it is along with the words carrion-place

Her eyes narrow and she in unable to conceal her feelings on the matter as her tail flicks behind her in obvious annoyance. At least Singeglare would be there, she thinks. If she could trust anyone at all to have her back it's him. She can tell by the pitying glances thrown her patrols way though, not a single cat in ShadowClan would trade places with her. At least, none that weren't already on said patrol with her, she thinks as she spots the excitement scrawled all over Ferndances face.

"Its not the rats you should be worried about, Burdocktail" she teases, playfully snapping her teeth in his direction and laughing before following Snowlark out of the camp.


  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 92528053_f44AT9rnOVan08p.gif
    A tall and well-toned she cat with a long half-and half pelt, one side being a dark blue tabby and the other a bright cream, split by a pool of white at her center and travelling up her face like flames she is fire and ice simultaneously swirling into one. Her eyes are a mismatched shade of blue, with one being bright like the daytime sky and the other dark like the depths of the river.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter