Jun 12, 2024

  • MOLTFACE. afab unlabeled, he/they/she | permaqueen of shadowclan | former marsh group member | 54 s
    a patchwork albino and black smoke feline with sickly pink eyes. held atop dainty paws is a strange, gaudy figure, all willowy limbs and showing ribs. they are a mongrel of a shadowclanner, cut into pieces and sewn back together into an unsettling mismatch of a cat. but one thing is for certain: they are shadowclan, with webbed paws and two dingy, hydrophobic coats. immediately, he was named for his rather jarring appearance - that of a thick, sickly - white pelt that suddenly sheds into a velveteen black smoke visage. such a face - with a small muzzle and rhumey eyes - is alluring to some, and disturbing to others. for certain, it is him, the keen, rasping voice from within the nursery.
    ⤷ genetically longhaired albino masking black smoke ( & marbled tabby ) fullbody doodle

    You don't really know them, despite how long they've been here. Moltface presents the humble image of a gossip - loving queen. She is swift to speak to, for, and about others, passing along information that may or may not be true seemingly for the fun of it. The keenest of ears - or perhaps, those who have been subject to their murmurings before - may notice the slight discrepancies in the stories they tell. For kits, she spins fiction, for adults, they are instead misspellings.
    penned by floppie
  • Why? one may ask, and Moltface will simply smile and laugh, tittering, I don't know what you mean, behind a raised paw. They hardly have enemies - none of them have much time for that, he truly believes. Whatever he spins is in doled in equal parts to each of his clanmates. Of course, he has opinions... he is not some corpse or mindless thing, but opinions did not have to influence action, did they? No one cat would see a particularly narrowed gaze for him, nor a smile meant for them and them alone. Life is more enjoyable without these things; without fretting over which corpse to cry over or which head to graze. Anyone can be a friend, anyone can be a foe.

    Through their fun and games, Moltface remains somewhat detached from the world outside of ShadowClan. This is by choice, of course. " I was miserable before I stopped worrying about that nonsense... " such words are perhaps, the closest retelling of a past she will ever give you. Vaguely, though, she acknowledges enemies and threats outside of the Clan. They knew them once, after all... And though he hardly would again, the kits he raises would not be spared the same convenience. Moltface draws a hard line between the likes of kindness and coddling. He does not shy away from mature topics, in the presence of kits, nor does her talk down to them about the dangers of the outside world, especially with ShadowClan's track record... Tough love, is what he calls it. Though other cats may frown at him for this, he's stopped caring about such opinions by now.

    " What do you remember better? The cat that caught patrolled the border at dawn, or the cat that raised you? "

    It all became frivolous, at some point. Kits were raised to be warriors, and those warriors were raised to die. Problems never went away, no matter how many they had. One less set of paws would not set them back so drastically... At least like this, he could let himself believe he was making some sort of difference.
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    SHIT - STIRRER so many life - threatening events have left them exhausted. in direct contrast to the threat of bears or foxes... Moltface seems to seek out drama of a more light - hearted nature in its stead. relationships of all sorts are something he enjoys learning about and twisting to his whim. It's one of the few things they have the power to do, as a queen.

    WARMONGER before she was a queen, the way things were solved was with conflict. though this is not entirely untrue today, some things, such as Chilledstar's blasé response to certain matters, have left her quite confused. With all issues that go past the personal, Moltface is likely to promote direct retaliation. kits under her care will be raised knowing that killing is often a necessary part of life.

    DIFFICULT TO READ Their tone of voice hovers somewhere that's amicable, but beneath the surface of their words are often statements that could be interpreted as insults. backhanded compliments are heavy in her vocabulary, and it can be difficult to get an answer from her about anything without it being stuffed between odd allusions and vague implications. He simply seems to find it fun, and does not bother curating most of what he says.
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    someone almost always standing in that conflicting space between friend and enemy. Does not dedicate the energy of dislike toward anyone, really.
    sounds like: freckle from the gay & wonderous life of caleb gallo
    smells like dead moss &. water hyacinth
    speech is #B1848B

    to-be father to trashkit 1, trashkit 2, trashkit 3, trashkit 4, & trashkit 5
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Mockingbirdcry
  • Code:
    [box=55%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT. [color=#B1848B][b]" SPEECH. "[/b][/color]


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