border More than anything ☾ Abandoned Kit


See no evil
May 31, 2024

[ ༻ ☾ ༺ ] She swung in her mother's maw, head handing low while paws scrunched up, cloudy gaze staring spacely at the ground before them. Her momma had taken her away from her siblings, saying it would be a special bonding moment between the two but... for some reason, the little kit felt as if they were far away from home, there were strange sounds, and the smell of a river close by before being set in a clump of soft long grass, head peaking up and angling towards where her mother supposedly is. "Stay here, mkay? Your father cannot know we had such an ugly little duckling. I'll be back later-I promise" the tone of her mother cut through the silence of the air before feeling the nose of the other ruffle her long fur before... nothing.

"Ugly..." soft words repeated a few moments later, a frown appeared on her lips before tucking her tiny paws underneath her fur, ears perked awaiting to hear paw steps from her mother to approach once more but... nothing. Just silence aside from the sound of songbirds through the day, and the trickle of the river that roared in her ears making the she-cat frown a bit. Hunger slowly began to claw at the kit's belly. She knew her mother had told her to stay but, boy was she getting hungry. Slowly she got onto her tiny paws and began to wonder aimlessly near RIverclan's border, head tilted upwards struggling to catch anything but the scent of the river.

"Mama!" she cried out as she continued to wonder the border. "Ma...maa, Mama...Mama" the kit continued to repeat her words a few more times before hearing paw steps approached making the kit pause and turn to face where it had been coming from, blinking blue clouded gaze towards them, hope sparkling in her chest that her mother had return a smile perching on her lips. "Momma! You're back! I waited like you said to" she called before approaching where the paw steps had come from.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Tbn She/Her, Kit of Riverclan, 3 moons.
    Long haired smoke black chimera with low white and blue cloudy eyes (Blind)
    Anemone x Glitch
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Tldr; Mother left kit at the border, she's basically just approaching a patrol so feel free to have it be your character !! ))
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( ) slender paws carry the lithe smoke feline along familiar trails as willow trees dance in a soft breeze. it is a cool morning on the river, one of those that makes a cat want to stay in their nest and keep their loved ones close. willowroot can almost ignore the vague signs of twolegs as they make their way towards the border. behind her, her apprentice trots, along with the rest of the patrol, conversation not very active this early in the morning. as they near the river, an odd scent catches willow's attention, and they halt, tail flicking as they scent the air. "does anyone else…" they murmur, glancing at the others. they're interrupted, however, by the shrill call of a little voice.


worry prickles at the black smoke's paws as she leads her patrol towards the sound, the scent of stranger growing stronger, mingling with the smell of milk and kit. as the grasses part, a small smokey baby stumbles into the open, calling for her mother. wide blue eyes gaze sightlessly at the patrol, little nose twitching wildly as if trying to see with it. stars, the girl is young, three moons or so, with stumbling long legs and a confused voice.

"hello little one," willowroot begins, crouching to allow the girl to approach her. "i'm not your mother, but it isn't safe for you to be out here alone." gently sniffing the unnamed kit's head, the feline turns back to her patrol. "someone fetch moon-" a swallow, a memory. their medicine cat is not here.
"fetch one of the council or lichenstar if she can be spared." she's not fond of the idea of taking the kit from where her mother has obviously left her, but she's also seen too many cats snatched by predators, let alone twolegs, to allow the girl to stay. "do you have a name, little one? my name is willowroot."

  • // apprentice tag @MIDNIGHTPAW "#91A26C"
  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

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Claythorn is locked in thought as she moves with the patrol. Ears flick gently at the other's pawsteps, quietly listening for twolegs or dogs or that strange thunder-crack. As much as she wanted to curl up in a ball and never appear again, that wasn't going to solve their issues. She inhaled softly as they neared the border, mismatched goldens lifted towards Willowroot at the prompt of conversation.

But it seems to die in the other's throat, hearing the very same thing that Willowroot does. Paws picked up the page from sluggish, following the older warrior towards the patch of grass. A kit stumbles out, and Claythorn has to stop in a rush. Blank eyes stared at milky ones, feeling pinpricks rush over her and coating her skin. Abandoned. Was she abandoned? She has to be. There's no way she wasn't. Those ugly-feeling thoughts took over her mind, ones similar to that of when she herself had been. Eyes flashed towards Willowroot, and her head dipped.

Claythorn willingly took the chance to leave the situation to find their leader, or one of the leads. Paws moved swiftly back to camp, and when she found one of the council- or Lichenstar, if she could be spared- brought them back to the situation. Claythorn did however hover in the background, where she knew she wasn't as needed and could breathe a little easier.

// she would've grabbed any of the leads first, then lichenstar! not going to ping anyone specifically
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


[ ༻ ☾ ༺ ] The voice that came in response to the kit had not been her mother which made the kit pause in her spot, blinking her sightless gaze towards where she heard the voice. "" she repeated Willowroot's words, more pawsteps made the kit's ears twitch as she moved her head to try and pin-point
where it exactly it had come from. Then the stranger continued, explaining she was not her mother, and how it wasn't safe for her to be here alone. "Alone... " the kit would once more repeat some of the words Willowroot had spoke to her.

Willowroot then asked if she had a name which she shook her head, "Momma never bothered to name us... she wanted to have time alone with me, and she said she'd be back" the kit said softly shuffing her paws as some of the pawsteps had faded from earshot and the kit blinked a bit before frowning, she was hungry though and her momma hadn't returned still. "but I'm hungry and she isn't back" the next words were spoken more softly. The cat who spoke to her-Willowroot seemed friendly enough, even if her mom had warned her and her siblings against speaking to unknown cats.

"But momma did call me ugly duckling, she called us her ducklings" the kit prompted a bit more with confident then her earlier statements, attempting to angle her head to face Willowroot, a soft smile on the kits lips while her plumed tail swayed behind her. "Are you a friend? You seem nice... Willoe...root" she meowed towards the other.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Tbn She/Her, Kit of Riverclan, 3 moons.
    Long haired smoke black chimera with low white and blue cloudy eyes (Blind)
    Anemone x Glitch
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

It was pretty uncommon for a mother to drop off her kittens at Riverclan but when it did happen, it was typically due to selfish reasons. Why have children if you didn't love them all unconditionally? It didn't make any sense to the elder sister as she finds her way over towards the abandoned child, Willowroot and previously Claythorn. “I guess it's best to get her to camp after Lichenstar or one of the council check it out.” Troutsnout would state as she glances at the night-colored cat and her eyes blink momentarily at the memory of Slateheart.

A weak smile follows the lonely echo in her heart as she inquires if Willowroot was a friend. “Yeah, we're friends. We won't hurt you. Your mom might be back sometime.” The spotted warrior would state as her vibrant gaze observes the kitten and makes note of the haze tone of her eyes- she was blind. It could be the reason why her 'mother' called her an ugly duckling because she wasn't born with sight which makes her mouth taste sour in spite. The audacity of some were ridiculous, you carry something that you make with someone you love and you don't even hesitate to abandon them because they have an imperfection.

How pitiful.

( ) "i am a friend, little one," sympathy springs up in the chest of the former lead warrior as the child explains her situation. willowroot glances back as claythorn trots off to fetch a council member and troutsnout approaches. she can't help but think of smokestar's sister in this moment- the blue she-monster kindling who had tried to trade her kits for food. there is a slight fear that this child's mother will come searching for it again, but she can't leave the baby out in the wild like this.

verdant eyes flick back towards the child as she repeats her words, and a soft smile will grace the smoke feline's maw. "we would like to take you back to our home, little one, is that alright? your mother may come back for you, but it's not safe out here." she extends her neck to touch the girl's head with her nose, gently nudging her to her paws. her mother hadn't even named her- it seems unlikely she'd come looking for a kit she called an ugly duckling. "can i call you echokit? seems a nice name for a nice kit like you." echo, for the tendency the child had to repeat the words spoken around her.

  • // "#91A26C"
  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.