NAME: Thriftfeather
previous names — Thrift, Thriftkit, Thriftpaw​
AGE: 19 Moons
ages up on the 15th of every month​
GENDER: Cisgender male
he/him/his — uses masculine terms​
RANK: DuskClan deputy
previous ranks — Loner, WindClan kit, WindClan apprentice, WindClan warrior, DuskClan warrior​

Peaceful and healing powerplay
Minor injuries powerplay​
Major injuries/maiming
Any ear injuries​
Easy to gain trust
Easy to befriend
Difficult to become close friends​
Willing to run away
Willing to show mercy
Willing to kill​
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Although Thriftfeather often hunches himself in an attempt to hide it, the first thing one often notices about him is his large size There isn't a way for him to truly hide the bulk of himself—at standing height he is roughly a head taller than an average cat. Thriftfeather's long fur appears golden and is adorned with classic tabby markings. He has distinctive white markings, including white tips to his ears, asymmetrical spotting to his face, and a tail that is a quarter white. His more typical white markings are a small white locket on his chest and white paws.

Thriftfeather has a triangular face which may appear broad and round due to the way his fur frames him. His has a split near the the tip of his left ear. Thriftfeather's eyes are almond shaped and yellow-green.​
QUICK TRAITS: Large, long-furred golden classic tabby
QUICK TRAITS: Distinctive white markings
QUICK TRAITS: Almond shaped yellow-green eyes
VOICE: Thriftfeather's voice sits at the slightly lower end of average. He tends to reword his sentences or drop sentences without fully completing them. No voice claim.
SMELL: Windscent and faint flowers.
MANNERISMS: Thriftfeather is normally hunched or hunkered over. He keeps his head level with his shoulders when he walks, unless he is consciously trying to give off confidence. He normally fidgets and will frequently touch his torn ear when nervous. When frightened, Thriftfeather will still completely.
In casual settings, Thriftfeather makes an effort to be pleasant—doubly so to those who show an active dislike towards him. When allowed the time to do so, he has a genuine interest in others and will approach others frequently to ask them about things they had previously said, whether that is to have them elaborate on a throw-away remark or to gather their opinion on something. This isn't to be confused for nosiness or prying; Thriftfeather will gladly back off if he feels he has crossed a social boundary.

His trust is rather easy to earn with perceived honesty. Thriftfeather may find positive or friendly dispositions harder to trust because he oftentimes sees those as fronts to what he sees as the default disposition: someone callous, cold, or greedy. He puts far more trust in others than he does himself, meaning that he will often let his own opinions be subsumed by that of the crowd. Who he should be friends with, who he should dislike, and how he should behave towards those he dislikes are all things that Thriftfeather is flexible on, depending on the thoughts and actions of those around him.

It is perhaps Thriftfeather's greatest flaw that he has both a strong moral compass and the willingness to bend that moral compass for the sake of personal benefit. What started out as inaction for the sake of survival in the harsh environment of WindClan had blossomed into action for the sake of securing a comfortable position. Thriftfeather will still find these actions—done by himself or by his peers—abhorrent, but it will take something large for him to risk his position to do what he knows is the right thing.

His self-described biggest flaw is that of his cowardice. Thriftfeather is often fearful and, as a result, is heavily avoidant of things that cause any amount of fear or discomfort. His fear-based avoidance can manifest in many ways, including refusal to engage with certain individuals or topics, leaving or attempting to leave certain situations, or disassociation from his thoughts and feelings.​
Adopted by Ghostwail
First gen​
MATE: Bluefrost
KITS: Sootkit, Asterkit, Foalkit, Rimekit, Comfreykit
formerly admires — Ghostwail, Sunstar, Sootstar, Snakehiss, Periwinklebreeze​
FRIENDS: Rumblerain, Bluefrost, Milkthorn
formerly friends — Whitedawn, Luckypaw​
HATES: Granitepelt, Ebonylight, Ghostmask
formerly hates — Periwinklebreeze​
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MOONS 0-3:​
Thrift was born in in late Leafbare, when the cold was just starting to ease from the world. He was given his name because of the round shape shared between himself and his namesake which would once again populate the fringes of the moorland a short time after Thrift's birth. He lived at the barn for only a short time after his birth. As was a tradition of his mother, Sadie, she took him traveling for his first few moons. Sadie had a number of names that she went by, and held the belief that a name was tied to a location rather than an individual. Had Thrift stayed with his mother, he too would have garnered a collection of names.

It was when Thrift and his mother were returning to the barn that tragedy struck. Ghostwail, a WindClan warrior with a history of random violence, had attempted to ambush Sadie. Having sensed the danger beforehand, Sadie instructed Thrift to hide beneath a nearby gorse brush, where he remained while his mother was slaughtered. Being too young to understand the extent of what was happening, Thrift had attempting to see what was transpiring and tore his ear against one of the gorse's thorns. Doing this caused Thrift to cry out and he drew the attention of Ghostwail.

Uncertain of what to do with a kit, Ghostwail brought Thrift back to WindClan as an offering to Sootstar. There, Thrift was accepted into WindClan and had his name changed to Thriftkit. Immediately afterwards, his torn ear had been treated. The following day, Thriftkit struggled to adjust to his new home and refused to leave the nursery when offered a camp tour. Sensing his distress, Periwinklepaw had come to visit Thriftkit and gifted him a pigeon feather. After this, the feather becomes a source of comfort and Thriftkit begins to engage more with WindClan.

To their mutual disdain, Ghostwail takes on the mantle of caring for Thriftkit. It was during one of her attempts at feeding him that, while looking at freshkill, Thriftkit realized that his mother was dead and that his place in WindClan was seemingly permanent. He doesn't want to eat, but was forced to by Ghostwail. Here, he finally accepted his name as Thriftkit, rather than attempting to hold to the name Thrift. Periwinklepaw, with the aid of others, attempted to explain life in WindClan to Thriftkit.

Once he reaches three moons of age, Thriftkit is renamed to Thriftpaw and is apprenticed to Gravelsnap. Following the meeting Gravelsnap shows Thriftpaw the surrounding territory. They explained the bordering clans to Thriftpaw, who adopted Gravelsnap's bigotry and distrust for their neighbors. While playing with another kit, Thriftpaw attempted to reenact what he saw happen to his mother.

MOONS 4-6:​
Seeing Thriftpaw's attachment to the gift that Periwinklebreeze gave him, Ghostwail steals it. Immediately upon noticing that it is gone, Thriftpaw panicked and attempted to find it. Ghostwail had approached him during the search and Thriftpaw had realized that she had taken it. Later, Ghostwail had given Thriftpaw a feather of her own, along with a warning to not allow any damage to come to it. Thriftpaw took this to mean that he should no longer associate with Periwinklebreeze, and that he was no longer allowed to play with the feather as a source of comfort.

While he had been hunting a mouse, Thriftpaw disassociated and the mouse bit him. After, he sought reassurance from Gravelsnap. Being unable to completely avoid Periwinklebreeze, Thriftpaw had decided to publicly confront and attempt to humiliate Periwinklebreeze. This backfired when many WindClan warriors came to Periwinklebreeze's defense, much to Thriftpaw's surprise. Ghostwail came to Thriftpaw in order to comfort him and, while mistrustful of Ghostwail and angry at her, Thriftpaw accepted the comfort due to the lack of any protest from those spectating.

Immediately after, Thriftpaw attempted to apologize to Ghostwail as well as make her acknowledge her role in the death of his mother. Thriftpaw had hit a growth spurt this caused him to reflect on his time in WindClan. After having heard that he was a loner, Thriftpaw tried to learn what separated him from the true WindClanners, but was instead horrified to discover the newness of WindClan.

Yellowcough shook through WindClan and had infected Gravelsnap, much to Thriftpaw's fear. Once again Thriftpaw held down and injured live prey, this time out of an attempt to gain a feeling of control over his situation. The flashbacks and moments of disassociation Thriftpaw had previously experienced became more severe, and immediately after one, Thriftpaw realized that someone should have found his mother's body. He sought the knowledge of Bluepaw but lied about a crucial detail when recounting how he came to live in WindClan.
MOONS 7-9:​
Thriftpaw sought further knowledge of WindClan and StarClan from Sunstride. During this time, Gravelsnap had recovered from their illness. Thriftpaw saw frost for the first time and mistook it for snow. The upswing in Thriftpaw's life was interrupted when rogues invaded WindClan's camp, driving the WindClanner's to ThunderClan territory. Once again, the same group of rogues attacked WindClan, forcing them to flee to ShadowClan.

WindClan took back their camp from the rogues and, during the battle, Thriftpaw had aided Bluepaw in killing a rogue. After, Thriftpaw attempted to avoid thinking about what he had done while clearing the bodies of dead rogues out of camp. Two ShadowClan kits were brought to WindClan soon after, and Thriftpaw struggled to cope with their arrival. Thriftpaw asked the journeying cats about their trip after they had returned, and was surprised to learn that they had come to trust those they had journeyed with in the neighboring clans.

Although he had thought it to be lost while rogues occupied WindClan's camp, Thriftpaw discovered the feather Ghostwail had gifted him, caught in the gorse wall surrounding camp. In a moment of defiance, he decided to rid himself of it. Bluepaw confided in Thriftpaw, expressing that she had been experiencing nightmares since killing the rogue. Thriftpaw began to purposefully align himself with those who were most loyal to Sootstar. During his ninth moon, Thriftpaw was promoted to warriorhood and renamed to Thriftfeather.

The stolen ShadowClan kits went missing and, while on a patrol to find their whereabouts, the patrol happens upon the ShadowClan warrior Granitepelt, along with the apprentice Ghostpaw. After they claimed to know information on the missing kits, Thriftfeather retrieved Sootstar in order to allow Granitepelt to share what he had known with her.

Back at camp Sootstar confronted Sunstride for returning the kits to ShadowClan. A battle broke out and, once again, Thriftfeather aligned himself with Sootstar. During the battle, Thriftfeather fought against Fogbound and Mothmoon. Those who sided with Sunstride retreated and, in the wake of the battle, Thriftfeather struggled to process what had just transpired. White recounting parts of the battle to Ghostwail who was now blinded during injuries received during, Thriftfeather remembered something about his mother and attempted to once again confront Ghostwail about the whereabouts of his mother's body, but gets no satisfying answers.

MOONS 10-12:​
Those who had sided with Sunstride had attacked WindClan's camp, killing Sootstar and driving away the remaining loyalists in the process. During the battle, Thriftfeather had fought with Periwinklebreeze, blaming him for Gravelsnap siding with Sunstride rather than Sootstar. After retreating, the survivors regrouped in a territory beyond WindClan's borders. Thriftfeather encountered a strange, elderly barncat named Banjo who had been close with his mother. Banjo revealed that he was the one to find and bury Thriftfeather's mother and that his mother hadn't trespassed onto WindClan territory like Thriftfeather had previously thought.

Mind having been made up, Thriftfeather killed Ghostwail. He had readily admitted to what he had done in the immediate aftermath.
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MOONS 13-15:​
Ebonylight returned to DuskClan's camp with a kitten that they had named Gravelkit. Thriftfeather, despite trying to temper his reaction, had a poor response to seeing this and was reminded of his own youth. A fire had blazed on WindClan's territory which was visible from DuskClan. Feeling homesick, Thriftfeather implied that the fire should be used as an opportunity to take back WindClan's camp. When Ebonylight returned with another kit, Thriftfeather kept himself from having a bad reaction by refusing to engage with the uncomfortable thoughts that seeing the newly-named Hungerkit introduced.

Thriftfeather is given Gravelkit as an apprentice, who is renamed to Gravelpaw.

Feeling increasingly isolated, Thriftfeather once again suggested that DuskClan should attempt to take back the moorland. Thriftfeather found Bluefrost on DuskClan territory. The two of them caught up with each other and made plans to see each other once again. Thriftfeather decided not to tell Bluefrost about his previous desires on invading WindClan while it was weakened from the fire.

MOONS 16-18:​
Granitepelt lead an invasion on WindClan's camp during the full moon with the goal of killing as many WindClanners as possible and stealing their kits. Thriftfeather realized he didn't want to participate and, after getting into another confrontation with Periwinklebreeze, failed to talk Periwinklebreeze down and was suffocated. Thriftfeather managed to escape from Periwinklebreeze. Gravelpaw captured the WindClan kit, Vulturekit, during the raid. Granitepelt fell ill due to his injuries and in Granitepelt's weakened state, Thriftfeather felt comfortable confronting him about the less thought out parts of the raid. Granitepelt later died from his infection, leaving DuskClan to Rumblerain.

Thriftfeather explained StarClan to Gravelpaw despite his own wavered faith and attempted to comfort Vulturekit. During this conversation, Thriftfeather realized that he needed to return Vulturekit to WindClan. Thriftfeather brought Vulturekit to his planned meeting with Bluefrost and she offered Thriftfeather a place back in WindClan. Thriftfeather initially agreed to this, but then realized he needed to stay in DuskClan for long enough to ensure the safety of Hungerkit and Gravelpaw.