Mirestar knows the implication of such a move. They know the moment their paws touch the sun-kissed side of the Clanrock, they are yanking away any hope within their Clanmates' hearts that Smogstar (they do not have it in them to refer to him as anything but) might return. His kits, his friends, those he gained the respect of... they would all turn to see tortoiseshell hide instead of striped, and know this is the new reality.

They hate to be the bearer of such news by sheer presence alone... but if the last few weeks have taught them anything, it is that they cannot let themself stop. Cruel as moving forward might be, they must do it for their sake; even if their side twitches with phantom pain.

And so, pawpads rest upon smooth gray. Mirestar's eyes sweep the clearing with razor focus.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath Clanrock for a meeting!"

Idly, while the Clan gathers, Mirestar wonders how many times this phrase has been repeated over the seasons. It seems to be as old as time itself... but that is only because they, themself, had been born right on the cusp of the Clans' existence. What an honor.

What an honor, what an injustice to be the head of one today.

Experience gained over patrols assignments and Gathering announcements have been worth it; they make speaking a whole lot easier now. Mirestar clears their throat as quietly as they physically can. "First... I want to thank you all for your support. If it hadn't been for all of you, I wouldn't have managed to make the first step." Some might view such an admission a sign of weakness. So be it. "I will do my best not to let you down."

Don't make promises you can't keep, they remind themself. That is precisely why they pick that wording; they will do their best, like always. So far it has proven to give them success... with StarClan's blessing, they would continue to do the same.

Their eyes pick out Maggotfur from the business of the crowd.

"StarClan, you know every cat by name." A shiver passes them — it is the first time they get to address StarClan like this, rightfully so, without it being a prayer with no clear-cut answer. "I ask you now to take away the name of Maggotfur before you, for it is fitting no longer. By my authority and with your approval, I give her a new name... from this moment on, Maggotfur will be known as Ternfrost, for her unyielding resilience." Resilience while she gave birth, painful as it might have been; resilience while she battled the many downs of life; resilience in the face of her own parents' ill-intent.

Confidence seeps into them with each word they say. Scary as it all is... it is entirely rewarding, and is that not entirely what leadership consists of?

"Leechpaw," Mirestar continues, "I know your training has been halted when Ternfrost moved into the nursery. I ask Thrasherthroat to continue and prepare you for warriorhood." There is assurance in this choice. The pair would nicely compliment one another.

Onto the next — and this one proves to be exciting. "Bloodpaw, Bonepaw, Singepaw, Swallowpaw, Shadepaw, Sneezepaw. Please come forward." What a mouthful. "I call upon on my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. By the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names."

A deep intake of breath.

Forged in flame and thriving in its heat. "Bloodpaw, from this moment on, you'll be known as Bloodwing. StarClan honors your strength and courage."

Frigid on the outside and caring in the inside, in his own special and protective way. "Bonepaw, from this moment on, you'll be known as Bonechill. StarClan honors your diligence and patience."

Loud amongst the shrillest of cries, adamant about the frivolity of his own spirits. "Singepaw, from this moment on, you'll be known as Singeglare. StarClan honors your confidence and loyalty."

Complex like the rites of life, eerily sweet in the face of adversity. "Swallowpaw, from this moment on, you'll be known as Swallowflutter. StarClan honors your spirit and skill in battle."

Mellow in only and heart, never in playful shoves and mischievous grins. "Shadepaw, from this moment on, you'll be known as Shadewhisker. StarClan honors your compassion and dedication."

Lined by softness; only ever stronger for it all. "Sneezepaw, from this moment on, you'll be known as Sneezeduck. StarClan honors your warmth and empathy. We welcome you all as full warriors of ShadowClan."

And as the caterwauls of ShadowClan's newest join the leaf-fall air, Mirestar allows their first meeting to come to a gentle and hopeful close.


She ran forwards, booping her nose firmly into Smogmaw's. The squeak that escaped her at the harsh treatment was nothing compared to the toothed grin that stretched her muzzle taut. Mentored by the Deputy of ShadowClan? What more could a kitten ask for? The other was an enigma in her mind, not a playmate like Chilledstar or a foodgiver like Frostbite; Smogmaw had been absent in her formative years, but it made wanting to get to know him all the more exciting. Her neck craned upwards, limbs tense, like a soldier standing to attention. "I'm ready to take ShadowClan by the shorthairs!" Bloodpaw promised him, hunger in her orange eyes

A two-word reply came from Smogmaw that would change the course of her life forever: you better.

Eight moons later and the cinnamon tabby was staring down a new leader, a new ShadowClan, though she did not quite recognise it yet. Standing side by side to her siblings with the weight of the clan's gaze upon her spine, Bloodpaw could not sit still. Joy and melancholy made for dangerous allies in a mind addled by thought, and for every rage-filled moment where she lamented it was not Smogstar giving her her name, soon enough it was replaced with a bright-eyed stare, and relief that she was getting her name at all. It turned out that shredding leaves had not made things miraculously better. But... it hadn't made things worse. Even as she rocked upon her heels, she could grin more easily with every passing moment, especially as she kept on catching glimpses of Bonepaw and Shadepaw to her right.

Bloodpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Bloodwing.

Oh... Oh! "Fuck yeah that's—" Orange eyes widened as she stared up at Mirestarr, realising as the leader moved on that her voice might have been too loud. Her ear twitched somewhat sheepishly as she bowed her head, gently nudging Shadepaw as if to say 'why did you curse for?' All the while, her chest puffed up in pride as she allowed herself to finish her sentence: 'Fuck yeah that's awesome.' She pictured an eagle soaring across the sky, talons sharp and eyes sharper, unabashed in what it chose to rip and tear. There was strength in every flap of its wing, there was courage in the way it screeched as if it were on top of the world.

And if she was the eagle, then Bonechill was the bear ready to defend what it cherished the most, its back turned against the cold of the world. Shadewhisker was the weasel that would keep them all fed, whose tricks would get them out of any bind.

What would have Splashdance been?

She waited until her siblings had reacted to their names and the calls for them had died down before she aimed to tackle both of them, paws outstretched in an attempt to bring both Bonechill and Shadewhisker into a hug. For the first time since Smogstar's disappearance, she laughed with true mirth... laughed as if no one was watching. "We did it!" She cried, bunting each of their heads. "Warriors at last!" Sometime later, she would invite Singe and his siblings in on their celebration, but for now, this moment of intimacy felt like it belonged to her and her siblings.

What a wonderful day to hold a meeting. Mirepurrstar looks excellent where they stand on the Clanrock, addressing them all as though they'd been doing it forever, as though they were born for this very reason, and, if Shalestorm wasn't mistaken, she would think that StarClan designed for this very moment to happen just as it was happening now.

The moons leading up to it had been hard. Smogstar- er, Smogmaw's sudden, silent departure, without word or warning or even goodbye was the hardest Shalestorm has felt grief strike her clan in a long, long time, and even in spite of her jubilant outlook and demeanor, she had trouble coming to terms. She'd wanted to believe it wasn't true for so long, but, eventually, you have to see the truth, and if Smogmaw wouldn't be back, then... then Shalestorm would damn well do her best to lift her clanmate's spirits. There's no better way to lift those spirits now, she thinks, than Mirestar standing before them now, backlit by the glory of StarClan and the awe and admiration of the cats below them.

There is joy in Maggotfur being renamed. Ternfrost suits her better, anyway. And there is joy in the naming of six whole new warriors.

"Bloodwing! Bonechill! Singeglare! Swallowflutter! Shadewhisker! Sneezedusk!" She yells, vibrating with warmth at the new ranks and new names. ShadowClan would endure. They always have, and they always will.

  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 26 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots

As the meeting is called, Salamandersnap finds herself sitting near the front of the crowd (a rather unusual seating arrangement) as the meeting begins to progress. Nodding along as Mirestar issues them a 'thank you' for standing beside them and promises to do their best not to let them down. Offering a quiet nod in response, she adjusts her position as the meeting changes directions before pressing on. First, Leechpaw is assigned a new mentor, Thrasherthroat. It isn't long before the meeting pushes forward, giving no opportunity for a pause. New warriors are introduced to the clan, and Salamandersnap allows her voice to ring out alongside her clanmates, welcoming in the newest warriors of the clan. "Bloodwing! Bonechill! Singeglare! Swallowflutter! Shadewhisker! Sneezedusk!" New warriors was always a blessing to the clan, although she couldn't help but feel worried about the current lack of apprentices in the clan. At least there's not many kits being expected or around right now.

  • ooc. —​
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
*+:。.。 For the second time in his life, Singepaw stands beneath the high rock with eyes set firmly in a boiling glare.

It had been difficult enough swallowing the irritable bug in his stomach when Chilledstar had died and been replaced, but before he could find the path through into comfortability with Smog..Smogstar, he, too, was now gone. Gone and dead judging by Mirepurrs' rise to the throne. Just like Smogstar before them, Mirepurr stands with a stiffness between their shoulders belied any confidence. Yet another leader reluctant to tread the paw steps of the last. He wants to mock them for it. To thrash his barbed tongue like a child throwing a tantrum, anger it's only conceivable tool in communicating a vulnerability it doesn't fully understand. He hates these changes. He loathes how small Shadowclan had become. Time's hooked beak tears through the skies ever onward and he'd too far out of reach to halt's it's tormenting march.

But he steels himself. Eight moons ago he'd been a kit that thought he'd known the world better than his elders, and he'd almost gotten his best friend killed because of it. Today, beneath the nervous, but determined gaze of his new leader, surrounded by the haggard but no less ferocious members of his clan, Singepaw would become a proper member of shadowclan.
And that would start by accepting it's many new faces...though he wasn't dropping his reluctance.

Singepaw wonders if Chilledstar is watching, if Smogstar. He doesn't doubt the blue tabby is finally able to rest now that he'd lost Singepaw biting at his heels. A sneer fills the young man's maw, imagining the two former leaders before him. Bummed I managed to outlive you two? he'd ask them. He wondered if they'd cackle if he promised to keep Shadowclan safe for them. Digging his claws into the soil, Singepaw thrums with a sudden exuberance at the challenge.

Bloodpaw is the first to be called up - Singepaw makes an immediate mental note to whine to her about it later. For now, though, he watches his best friend with something warm curling in his chest. She's always been big, but now she stands taller than a mountain, her amber eyes like cut jaspers, swallowing the sun better than the eclipse. Bloodwing fits her. It's strange to feel triumphant for another cat, and yet here he stands, grinning ear to ear...proud of her.
Although his eyes linger for a moment on her ripped ear, he reminds himself that she's always been stronger than him. For now, anyway.

Bonepaw becomes Bonechill and right behind him...


A smile, gleaming and proud, fills his maw with sharpened fangs. Singeglare, fuck yes! Now THAT'S not a name anyone will want to mess with anytime soon! What'cha think of that, Chilledstar? Smogstar? That runty little brat got himself a name befitting a king, dont'cha think? A thug with a name to match!

Thank you, for teaching what you could. For making Shadowclan a home worth being proud of.

"BLOODWING! Bonechill! Swallowflutter! Shadewhisker! Sneezedusk! Ternfrost!"

Grabbing @Swallowpaw. and @sneezepaw , he pulls his siblings into a tight hug, ruffling Swallowflutter's head in a harsh noogie, "Swallowflutter and Sneezeduck, ey? Not as cool as Singeglare but your's are a close second" he teases, glad beyond anything to have earned his name beside his family.

    Cismale — He/him — Heterosexual
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowflutter, Sneezeduck)
    Shadowclan — warrior

    Physically medium | mentally somewhat easy
    Attack inbold #b8312f
    injuries: none

Last edited:

Mirestar. A name she had always hoped for, for her former apprentice, for a life well lived to their fullest ability. Scalejaw approaches as they are called, and while part of her is deeply relieved that Mirestar seems more concrete and stable then the destruction of Smogmaw's nest, there is slight concern for how the clan may take to it. She sits in the crowd, plumed tail tucking over her paws as she listens on.

Maggotfur is renamed- Ternfrost. A soft breath left her, and Scalejaw's head dipped gently in agreement. Far more fitting then that of what ate carrion. A tiny smile graces her face however, as a collection of apprentices are called to graduate- and rightfully so. Her heart is near bursting in lighter feelings- joy, pride- for that of her clanmates. The warrior's den is going to get more packed. She thinks to herself, but lifts her voice in cheer anyways. "Bloodwing! Bonechill! Singeglare! Swallowflutter! Shadewhisker! Sneezedusk! Ternfrost!"
  • "speech"
  • SCALEJAW 🌧 she/her, warrior of shadowclan, sixty five moons.
    A SH black/LH blue smoke chimera with glowering orange eyes, tufts of fur that make her look dragon-akin, and scars that she wears with pride. motherly and stern attitude, with a warm streak for clanmates and a cruel streak for enemies.
    mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / mother to bonerattle, nightwhisper, and shadefall
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

ternfrost 23 moons female she/her shadowclan queen
This time, the queen drags herself from the nursery - pushing her way past the growing crowd without a word. Eyes set upon the newly named leader, lingering for a breif moment upon the white that speckles their frame. She knows somewhat of what to expect today - tail swishing wilding behind her anxiously. 'I want to thank you all for your support.' - is that what this is? Support?

Perhaps Mirestar is simply too kind - do they not understand that it's simply duty? The deputy to flow the leaders pawsteps - thats how shadowclan has always functioned. Support, respect - wasn't that just a given? Still, head bobs in absent agreement, waiting with carefully hidden impatience for them to finish.

She doesn't have to wait long - long limbs pulling herself to her paws the moment they make eye contact - hardly waiting for the tortoiseshell to even finish speaking. 'I give her a new name...' there is a moment of silence, where Maggotfur waits with bated breath, not daring to let even that interrupt the tension.

" Ternfrost, " it's barely there - a whisper of breath spoken through barely parted teeth - a moment of realization as reality settles upon her shoulders. And then she smiles - a tired, barely there thing, but genuine. Eyes flit towards the treeline - a flash of feathers in the branches, as though they know.

'Look - are you watching? We match now...'

" Bloodwing, Bonechill, Singeglare. Swallowflutter, Shadewhisker, Sneezeduck- " 'Ternfrost' voice joins the crowd, dutifully cheering along. Today brings many changes, it seems.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I - S H O U L D- H A V E- B E E N- B O R N- W I T H-
A -W A R N I N G- L A B E L

✧ . When the idea of his older siblings' warrior ceremonies — or even, his own, his younger siblings' too — came to mind, it was always under Chilledstar's watch, a list of names they'd come up with, spoken with StarClan watching over ShadowClan with as much anticipation as those watching earth-side.

It was an adjustment, to say the least, to not see the leader he was born under at the helm of these meetings. Though Morelpaw was excited at the thought of his namesake bestowing his apprentice name upon him, at the thought of one day becoming something cool like Morelmaw because of Smogstar, even the gray-furred leader's presence atop Clanrock was something he was just getting used to.

And now Smogstar is gone.

And now Mirestar stands where he stood, where Chilledstar stood. Pitchstar and Briarstar before them, he'd learned. (Were those old enough to remember all of ShadowClan's leaders used to this by now? A feeling that the marshes leaders were only temporary? That they'd have to answer to a new one sooner, rather than later?)

Morelpaw gathers under the newest leader's watch and sits beside what family he can find. Pale eyes search the crowd, star-bright when he finds his siblings closer to the front of the crowd. However strange this all felt, however new — this meeting brought something even more exciting: his older siblings' warrior ceremonies.

The gray tom listens as Mirestar speaks, a thank you to the clan, a name change — Ternfrost, Maggotfur becomes — and a mentor swap are first, before the moment Morelpaw so patiently waits for.

And just like that, his older siblings are warriors. Just like that, they carry names far better than ones he could've come up with for them in days of play. Pride washes over the boy, excitement for them all. He can only hope Mirestar gives him and his littermates just as good of names, when the time comes.

" Ternfrost! Singeglare! Swallowflutter! Sneezeduck! " he chants for the others first, and then louder, for his siblings: " Bloodwing! Bonechill! Shadewhisker! " (How he wishes to add an extra name, to chant for the sister who'd departed the marshes without a single goodbye.)​
  • MORELPAW AMAB. He / Him. Apprentice of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A blue tabby and white tom with pale, blue-gray eyes.
    ✧ . Needledrift x Chittertongue ; Adoptive son to Ferndance
    ✧ . Mentored by Briarthorn
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

Lilacfur sat with pride among the crowd of her Clanmates, an amber eye resting on each face of the apprentices that would be no longer after this night. It would also be Mirestar's first meeting as their star-crowned leader, and though their mate did not look physically different, she felt something aglow around their form. As if the moonstone itself had attached to their pelt.

In her long sweeping stare she stopped to linger on Shadepaw, a smile of encouragement aimed for them as they joined to sit beside their denmates, waiting for Mirestar's call forward.

"Yes! Ternfrost! Bloodwing! Bonechill!" The lead warrior shouted with the rest. "Singeglare! Swallowflutter! Shadewhisker! Sneezeduck!" Many new faces to be seen in the warriors den after their vigil, Mirestar must feel confident to name so many for their first meeting!


swallowflutter 13 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan warrior

Whiskers quivering, Swallowpaw has to keep each step purposefully measured - mismatched eyes nearly glowing in her intensity as Mirestar beckons her and her littermates forwards. Truth be told, he's more nervous then he thinks he's ever been in his life - as though fearful they might take it back, say 'just kidding' and leave Swallowpaw an apprentice for all eternity. Swallowpaw doesn't want to be left behind again - eyes dart frantically over their shoulder, if only for a breif second, searching for Lividsmoke amidst the crowd.

' I call upon on my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. By the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names-'

head snaps to attention, unsheathed claws digging furrows into the soft soil - every inch of her body suddenly frozen in place. He almost forgets to breathe, anticipation and excitement growing with ach name called out before his own. Bloodwing. Bonechill. Singeglare. And then, at last, after what feels like an eternity-

' "Swallowpaw, from this moment on, you'll be known as Swallowflutter. StarClan honors your spirit and skill in battle."

Swallowflutter- thats her. Smile widens, sharp-fanged grin full of joy as chest puffs in pride and tail waggles eagerly. 'Swallowflutter.... Swallowflutter' she mouths silently for a moment, before leader touches nose to forehead and she is free. Cheers rise up around her, and for once, she is certain nothing could ruin this moment for her.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( F A R F R O M B O R I N G )

// o.O