pafp MRS. HIGHNESS ⁀➷ complaining

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw isn't the social sort. She keeps to herself, keeps her fangs bared and heart wary. It is a special occassion when the shaggy apprentice deigns to join its peers in such banal activities as eating or talking - and even when it does, it sticks to the sidelines. Rarely opens its mouth, and never with anything good to say.

"Stormywing's been workin' me to the bone lately," is how Fallowpaw begins as it plops a squirrel down among a small gathering of apprentices. Its eyes remain fixed on the prey piece, voice a quiet grumble that could easily go ignored. She settles into a crouch, not relaxing in the slightest. Her narrowed eyes stare down the food as if it is somehow to blame for her misery. "Seems like nothin' I do ever impresses her." But plenty of things disappoint her. She doesn't get it; it seems the thing that makes her mentor cheer the loudest is fighting, but somehow that's wrong too. The way her montor's face fell as blood ran down Dustpaw's face dredges itself up in her mind, and she forces it back rown. She's no good at climbing, running, tracking... Her list of failures has been made very clear by now. Pinprick claws dig into the ground; she's so tired of holding her tongue around Stormywing.

  • @Smokepaw
  • 81827753_leXAOq98Ir3HT2X.png
  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

It wasn't an uncommon sight to see Smokepaw situated in the middle of a gaggle of Apprentices, but since the meeting his attitude had become more sour, causing the others to not want to be around him. One of his denmates started the conversation about training, and the smokey tom only grumbled in response. He was finished with his training, he wasn't supposed to be here still. His nest should be in the Warrior's Den, and he should be out on patrol right now. At least his mouse brained brother hadn't passed his assessment...if Darkpaw had earned his full name before he did, there would be an outrage.

Fallowpaw spoke up now, claiming that Stormywing was working her to the bone. Smokepaw out a huff, and rose his muzzle defiantly. "Making you do all the work she doesn't want to do? She probably doesn't want to get her own paws dirty." Making apprentices do all the dirty work had never made sense to him. Cleaning out the dens, checking the elders for ticks...the warriors just didn't want to make their own paws reek of mouse bile and bedding. The elders should check themselves for ticks, and the queens are the ones who decided to have all those kits, they could clean out their own bedding. Wouldn't kill them to hunt either, instead of laying around taking up space and resources.

"Maybe it's because you aren't a kittypet like her. Howlingstar should've given her Roaringpaw instead, he's got plenty of kittypet blood." His lip curled in disgust, a replica of his mentor's own scowl.

*+:。.。 There was a lot about being an apprentice that left Ratty with more questions than answers. Like, how some lines shouldn't be crossed, but one side of them held what starving bellies needed so desperately to feel full. The more he was told what the patrol had done was wrong, the more confused he got about it all. Why, if cats were hungry? Why, if Skyclan was mean anyway have hit them instead of sharing? Why was it so wrong if being right still left kits asking if it was okay to eat and apprentices with bruised heads?

Wrathpaw sought these answers out among his peers - finding himself too nervous to ask the adults. "Hi Fallowpaw!" he purrs brightly, before falling slightly as it explains its woes. His heart aches for it. To have come away from the patrol hurt, then to get scolded at by the clan, and now worked so hard by its mentor...poor Fallowpaw.

Deep blue eyes lift at Smokepaw's confident speech. He's awestruck by the older boy, wise thanks to his age - surely! His ears droop, however, at the accusations against the familiar buzzword - "Kitty-pet...Is it bad not being a kitty-pet?" he tries to remember the specific talk around that buzzword during Raccoonstripe's patrol, but he mostly remembers..."It was a kitty-pet that hit me" he meows quietly, rubbing his ear at the memory - at Wildheart's furious snarl afterward. Lifting his eyes back on Smokepaw, Wrathpaw's eyes widen with surprise, " that why Stormywing is being mean to Fallowpaw? Because it's not...a kitty-pet?" this was a question he wasn't sure he wanted to answer to. Curling inwards, he peers over the shoulders of his peers, searching camp for Fallowpaw's mentor. He'd never met Stormywing himself before, but he hadn't considered his clanmates to be in league with those who had hurt his patrol mates.

Was...was that why cats weren't happy about their efforts? Because those among them were loyal to the kitty-pets who hadn't been willing to share? "I don't understand..." he mews weakly, staring at his paws a moment, before looking expectantly up at Smokepaw. Surely, the older apprentice had more knowledge on the matter?

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Most of her positive memories surrounding apprentice hood often involved being amidst a large group of her friends, many of which she still held strong bonds with today. Yet, Roeflame isn’t an apprentice anymore, and certainly has no interest in reliving those days, it is only by happenstance that the queen is drawn to a situation nearby the gaggle of apprentices. Fallowpaw’s words are barely registered, but it’s Smokepaw’s blatant disrespect that gets her ears turned to the conversation at paw.
At first, it’s difficult to decipher who exactly they’re talking about, not until Roeflame actually spares a glance in the group’s direction and sees the pointed look Smokepaw is giving an weary-looking Fallowpaw.
No way. Is the first thought that pops into her mind when the tabby queen makes the connection, not only for the shamelessness in what Smokepaw spews, but because he is talking about Stormywing of all cats. Approaching from behind the blue tom, Roeflame would aim to deliver a swift cuff to his ear. “And who are you?” The molly would scoff, whether her discipline was successful or not, “in case you’ve forgotten, Stormywing is a proven warrior. You’re still a kit as far as I’m concerned.” Less than, her children wouldn’t dare. “You can take that to the nursery, if that’s how you feel.” Her eyes drop to the squirrel Fallowpaw has settled down with, “the only reason you get to eat is because of warriors like Stormywing.”

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


There were plenty of times when Softpaw wondered why she bothered sitting in on these social gatherings with her peers while they ate, as more often than not there wasn't much for them to bond over - Softpaw had worked herself into her own little world, and she was happy with that. She also knew that knowing one's Clanmates was just as important as any other skill, so perhaps that was why she tolerated their baseless banter and complaints.

It was surprising to hear Fallowpaw be the one complaining this evening. Typically the sour apprentice kept to herself, but it would seem as though Stormywing's apparent too-much tasks had been weighing on its mind enough for her to join in the conversation. Softpaw grimaced when Smokepaw agreed with Fallowpaw, and she tucked her nose into the squirrel that she'd been enjoying when Roeflame showed up to reprimand the apprentices. She sits quietly by as Roeflame delivers her chosen punishment upon Fallowpaw, and some small part of Softpaw can't help but agree - where would they be if ThunderClan was run by apprentices like Fallowpaw and Smokepaw, who seemed to have no respect for their seniors?


Kittypet the word is spat out like venom, he hadn’t meant to listen to the two older apprentices talk but he cringes at the passion of Smokepaw’s vitriol. His ears flatten and the paw he was grooming returns to the ground, he spoke so candidly uncaring of who else was around it wasn’t whispered. What did he - maybe even both of them have against kittypets? Did they have something against him too? Was there something wrong about being a former kittypet? He’d never felt outcasted in the nursery, he’d been cared for and loved as any other kit he didn’t think his ‘heritage’ had ever been a problem when he found his family here in Thunderclan. Maybe he’d been deaf to the whispers of malcontent about him, blind to the stares as he pranced around and played without worry.

He has no choice but to notice now, and he wish he hadn’t it sours his good mood and makes his pelt prickle. Wrathpaw voices his worries and his ears swivel to listen as he tries to pretend he wasn’t, it was obvious from the way his body stiffened and his tail twitched even if his blue eyes were focused on his paws his attention was fully on his peers. Of course Stormywing wouldn’t be being mean because of being a kittypet once that was a mousebrained idea if she was even being mean at all - maybe it was good for Fallowpaw to listen to her mentor. Tornadopaw was wary of the other much more then he was before ever since he’d learned she’d hurt Mothfur’s other apprentice. He decides he shouldn’t just listen, that it’d be a mousehearted thing to do to just let them talk-dung about the warrior but as he gets to his paws and cautiously pads over (not as brave as he wishes he was even if he puffs out his chest and tries to look the part) Roeflame approaches them. He halts for a moment eyes shining in admiration for the queen, he’d always respected her before but seeing her so easily ‘put Smokepaw in his place’ only inspired more. He finally approaches affectionately butting his head against Roeflame’s side before he sat besides her.

He looks to Wrathpaw and meows towards him "Don’t listen to that jerk, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about." he grumbles, the normally happy apprentice shoots a glare Smokepaw’s way "Being a kittypet is better then being a massive jerk!" he snaps bravely, it was easier standing up to him knowing Roeflame wouldn’t let the older apprentice swipe at him.


☆⋅⋆ ── briarpaw listens idly to fallowpaw's woes. a kittypet mentor not understanding how a thunderclan apprentice should be treated, she could've seen it coming from twenty foxlengths away. if only fallowpaw had listened to her, perhaps it would not have had to result to filling her ear with gripes while she tried to eat. briarpaw only sent her side glances. she wouldn't gloat, at least fallowpaw had finally come to sense.

she nods to smokepaw's sentiments, huffing incredulously at his speculations. she could certainly see it. they were even like minded enough to acknowledge that stormywing had no business mentoring a cat born anywhere besides a twoleg nest. wrathpaw, on the other hand, struggled to wrap a young mind around the conversation the older apprentices had. before she could offer insight, help young wrathpaw see, roeflame swept in.

how gallant the queen was in doing so, aiming a blow to one of smokepaw's ears. a white paw lifted to cover the amused snort from her nose. softpaw stands a quiet onlooker, a young tornadopaw pipes up to defend kittypets. briarpaw looks over them all, and from her spot next to wrathpaw she sweeps a white tail around him. a show of support to his albeit confused train of thought, silent protection from the minds that threatened to lead him down the wrong path. she wouldn't argue in front of roeflame, although currently held behind by kittens the molly was still a lead warrior. instead, she watches with sweeping glances, eager to see smokepaw's retaliation or lack thereof.
  • OOC ⋆ ─

  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, eleven moons.
    a well built solid black longhair with white markings narrowed yellow eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / apprentice to saffronpounce
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Within the group laid listening ears, a tongue dragging across his front paw, biting on it gently to destroy an itch. The complaints of Fallowpaw seemed valid in his mind. Getting overworked was ridiculous and highly unnecessary - and like Smokepaw, he also never quite understood why they did all the dirty jobs. To teach them a lesson? Teach them manners? Mintpaw already had those, he was sure of it, so why..? A sense of duty? He didn't understand, but he passed it off as simply doing their job. Whatever he needed to do, he would. He listens to Smokepaw's potential explanation for why. Because she's a kittypet, huh? The thought rings in his head as it lifts up, a brow raising at the two apprentices. Mintpaw also has many questions, maybe some answers (not that they would be right) but remains quiet. Perhaps speaking up would not be the wise decision right now.

And he's proven right, as he watches Roeflame maker her way over. He flinches and sinks back into himself for a moment, eyes glancing to his denmates. Torandopaw's comment makes him tilt his head, muttering out a soft comment. "Being a warrior is better than a kittypet." No more words will be spoken after that, as he goes back to biting his front paw, the itch still annoying him.
  • ooc ))

  • m2hPL8s.png
    - MINTPAW . tags
    - AMAB Male (he/him) - 8 moons
    - gen 1 . npc x npc . sib to none
    - speech . thoughts
    penned by doc
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw's quiet contemplation shatters with a paw whipping through the air.

The boy practically jumps, a yowl in his throat as Roeflame makes her presence known with a scolding cuff on Smokepaw's ear. "H-hey!" Wrathpaw begins, only to meekly clamp his jaws shut. It didn't feel right to back-talk a warrior; and yet, it still feels wrong to stay quiet. He winces sympathetically at Smokepaw's cuffing, recalling his first reprimandment at the border of Skyclan. That's what a kitty-pet does he thinks, shoulders bunching as he stares warily at the older warrior.

He looks up when Tornadopaw appears, always a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day, but even his friend is on edge. Watching his friend bump affectionately against Roeflame makes something twinge in his gut. Acknowledging that weird feeling makes him crouch lower, more uncomfortable than ever. He didn't like that he didn't like it. He didn't like this awful feeling of wishing Tornadoapw was on his side - because when did there suddenly become sides?
Yet, for all Wrathpaw's longing for peace, he found his chest churning with discontentment when Tornadopaw mentions being a kitty-pet is better than being a jerk. Deep blue eyes flicker to Roeflame, to Smokepaw's ear, then back to Roeflame's paw. I'm not so sure Smokepaw's the jerk here he thinks weakly.

He blinks when a soft tail wraps around him, like a root keeping him anchored from the turbulent storm that threatens to sweep him away. Wide-eyed with gratitude, he looks up at Briarpaw before switching his attention to Mintpaw. Their confidence at least made him feel a little less confused. Still, he had so many questions on the tip of his tongue, but with a nervous look at Roeflame and her quickness to strike, he wasn't so sure now was a good time to ask any of it. That she wasn't the person to ask.

It felt awful, but what part of all of this wasn't? He scoots closer to Briarpaw, downcasting his eyes before he earns his own cuff around the ears.

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently