Jul 9, 2022
Emberfang has tried to integrate herself into WindClan. She's restrained herself to the best of her ability, has suffered through grievances caused by the tyrannical blue smoke WindClan calls their empress, all to be here with her family. Because Brightshine had wanted this. And Emberfang wants her sister to be happy, and if Brightshine is happy here, so be it. She'd tread along the eggshells of Sootstar's temper, watch as the moors she's loved and called home for moons withers beneath Sootstar's iron fist. Emberfang doesn't recognize it, anymore. Sootstar has stripped that love from her chest and beat it into the ground.

Brightshine is happy, but Emberfang is not. And, selfless as she is, Emberfang grits her teeth and bares it for her sister. But something in her snaps the day that Honeytwist is exiled.

Honeytwist, the sweet, gentle medicine cat. Honeytwist, who is the stars in Pollenfur's eyes. Honeytwist, who has only ever shown Emberfang and her family kindness. One of the cats who'd made this miserable place worth living in. And, if the cards had been dealt in a different way, Honeytwist could've been family, too. Emberfang is no fool. She sees the way that Pollenfur and Honeytwist look at each other, stolen glances that speak louder than words. And, she sees the pain that Sootstar has inflicted upon Pollenfur, banishing Honeytwist from the moors. She passes by Honeytwist's children, every day, knowing that they are without their mother.

Emberfang may sacrifice her happiness for her family, but she would not allow such cruelty to stand.

With her tail lashing and ears pinned, Emberfang does the unthinkable. She ascends the Tallrock, glowering down at the confused faces below her. "WindClan!" Her yowl carries in the wind that whips at her fur, biting into her skin with the promise of colder days to come. "For too long, we've allowed injustice after injustice to happen! We've sat back and done nothing to help those hurt by Sootstar's ego! And I'm fuckin' sick of it!" Emberfang's unsheathed paw slams against the Tallrock, punctuating her fury-fueled words. "She took my family's home, she took Kestrel's eye for a 'crime' hardly punishable by a moon of tick duty, and now, she's taken a mother from her children. Sootstar is a danger to everyone around her! Her greed will be our downfall! Do you really believe that she should be left in a position of power any longer?!" Her wild gaze rakes over the crowd surely formed by now, searching for any sign of agreement. For any hope that she isn't alone in her rebellion.

And she prays that she doesn't see the disappointment in her family's eyes.

[ anyone is free to try and get her off of tallrock lmao! ]
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There is only one cat who should be addressing WindClan from Tallrock, and the yowling, screeching flame point atop the stone in their camp right now is not her. Weaselclaw's lip curls as Emberfang stands where only Sootstar should, and he stalks forward, brow dark with anger. "Who do you think you are?" His demand is sharp. Teeth gleam from the side of his maw. "Get down. Now. Before I drag you by your ears."

She begins a rant, accusing Sootstar of injustice. Of egoism. Weaselclaw's ears lower in increments until they are flat against his skull, and his hiss would shred the skies, as could his unsheathed claws. "And who do you believe should be in power, you absolute harebrain? You? Sootstar has been the backbone of this Clan. There would be no WindClan without her and her blessings."

He lashes his tail, muscles tensing. If someone does not remove Emberfang from Tallrock, Weaselclaw will attack her, and there will be blood spilled in this camp.

- ,,

Galepaw stood before the tallrock with his head craned up in order to take in the sight of Emberfang, confusion written thick across his features. He listened but did not fully understand what was happening or why she was up there making such announcements and accusations. Then of course there was Weaselclaw speaking against her and looking about ready to spill blood in the heart of what should be their safest space. The tensions in the air caused his fur to bristle and he shrank back with a low whimper. "H-hey, let's talk this out. Please!" As an apprentice he honestly felt as if his opinion had no weight to it, and he wouldn't lie that it frustrated him. A fight was the last thing he wanted, especially in the middle of his home. No, their home! "What do I do?!"
A voice called from tallrock and Kestreltalon opened her good eye to glare reproachfully in that direction. Since her injury at the claws of the hawks she had been doing a lot of resting, and she was content to keep doing so. She felt no desire to help this clan anymore than she was forced to.

To her surprise and delight, she found it wasn't the snakeheart or one of her lackeys up there. She perked up, listening to what Emberfang had to say. A sharp toothed grin crept across her maw. As the other molly she spoke she raised to her paws, drawn toward the words almost unconsiously. Finally, someone in this dung heap of a clan that spoke with a lick of sense. It made her almost giddy, to finally hear someone other than herself speak about their leader like she deserved. The joy in her expression was almost manic.

"Do you really believe that she should be left in a position of power any longer?!"

"HELL NO!" Kestreltalon yowled eagerly in response, as always her tongue was quicker than her mind. She froze the instant she head what she had just said. The lesson she had been taught by her stolen eye had done its job, despite her best efforts. Her excitement drained from her in an instant as she glanced about, fear seeping into its place. From experience, she knew she had scare few allies for rebellion. Despite the confidence with which she declared her assent for the rebellion, the molly was tensed and ready to bolt at a moments notice.

Her and her big mouth.

"And I have homework and shit I need to do"
Aqua hues look up from their placement in the clearing and towards that of a cream cat that had taken spot up on the tallrock. Siennachirp perked up his ears at the sound of Emberfangs' hissing and spitting, Weaseclaws' growls to get down and that Windclan is nothing without Sootstar, and then Kestreltalon agreeing with Emberfangs' notions. Ears flicked back against his head, this couldn't be good. Sootstar was a ruthless cat and would tear the ears off anyone who stated anything against her, and he wasn't sure if Emberfang would be vicitm of such things. Though she had a point. Sootstar had become sort of an ego-monster in the last few moons, and exhiling Honeytwist for breaking up a fight was less than okay.

Though he didn't get up to voice his agreement, instead he sat and watched carefuly, wondering where this would go. Would Sootstar order murder on those opposed to her? There was no rule in the code that stated they couldn't deem a leader unfit. Siennachirp looked around the clearing for a moment before back towards Emberfang with a small nod. No, she was right. She was entirely right.
✦ ★ ✦

Yewberry felt ice in his veins when he heard Emberfang speak. Oh no. This wasn't good. He saw what happened to Kestraltalon. He froze where he was in the clearing, staring up at the Molly with wide eyes.

"G-get down, you know what will happen if Sootstar catches you!" He called to her.

He knew it was futile, yet...he had to try. He didn't want to see what could happen next.

Is the camp already bathed in blood or was he just imagining it, was his mind already reeling back to what happened with Kestreltalon and mentally rolling forward into the worst possible scenario? Dandelionpaw strides forward from his den, gold and green eyes moving from Weaselclaw and up upon the Tallrock that Sootstar so coveted as her throne; was not the ashen leader but Emberfang.

Honeytwist's exile was still a claw dug in deep in his chest, he feared pulling it out would leave him to bleed to death in seconds so having her exile once more brought forth twisted it in a way he could not stand.
He loved her, he loved her so much it hurt, he loved her so much that every day without her at his side was agonizing; he had no one to fall back on and no one for support when it came to those whose paths were weaved with starlight. He was going to carry forward alone because of his mentor's folly. Honeytwist was his teacher, his mother in all things but blood, but she had made her decisions wracked in her own grief for selfish reasons and her path was lost. She had brought harm to another cat unprovoked, meant to hurt. It was too much for her and she crumbled to pieces in a display of violence and fear and he understood. He hated that he did, but he understood the decision that had to be made-he was only relieved it wasn't an execution.
But he was not going to agree that Sootstar was not on some level of a power trip, he tried to imagine another cat losing an eye without his mentor's help and felt like he would simply lose his cool rather than be able to help as he could. That was a talk for the leader later. In private.
But right now something had to be done before this dissolved into madness. He wasn't about to let Emberfang get maimed.

The medicine cat hesitates for only a moment before turning to move to the side of the Tallrock and clamber up it until he is standing alongside Emberfang and he waits for a moment before deciding to sit, raising his voice though it remains eerily calm.

"Honeytwist attacked the ShadowClan medicine unprovoked at a peaceful meeting between all of the medicine cats. She intended harm, she unsheathed her claws and drew blood." He did not want to condemn his mentor, he wanted to understand what happened, he wanted to support her, but it was clear she had snapped under the pressure and there was nothing he could do about it now; she was gone. "...ShadowClan were probably going to declare war on us. I didn't want her sent away...I want my mentor back, but Honeytwist made a decision that would have cost us more than her own weight in blood..."
His gold and green eyes watched the ginger she-cat carefully, gaze nonjudgmental but brows furrowed in concern, "...what happened to Kestreltalon will not happen again...get down. Let's talk without you towering over everyone so we don't have to yell."
Whether Emberfang would follow or not he did not wait to see, turning pad down the smooth stone back to the ground proper.


Her aunts call is coming from a strange place, up high. Echolight had been content grooming her unruly pelt but her attention is quickly dragged away, confusion displayed across her scarred features.
She agreed, of course she agreed- she loathed Sootstar for what she did to Kresteltalon, for making children into soldiers before their time.
Weaselclaw speaks and she is moving forward without a second thought, her instinct to protect her aunt overriding any reasonable thought she may have had at that moment.
He makes his threat to drag her down, and Echolight puts herself in between him and where Emberfang stood on Tall Rock, her own ears stood rigid and her muscles tensed- the nonverbal way giving away her intent, her actions will match his.
She turns an icy gaze downwards to look at him properly, "You won’t touch her."
Her voice is not loud, nor commanding, but it is unwavering and icy. Her aunt will come down, but not at the claws of Sootstar’s number one fan.
She is glaring at Weaselclaw now, but her claws remained unsheathed, she didn’t want to give the tom a reason to attack, or maybe she did and just wanted him to throw the first punch.
She does not pay mind to those who showed their support for her aunts words, while noble and true- it was mousebrained.


Sunsetpaw had been grooming herself when the loud roar of Emberfang could be heared all across the camp on top of tallrock...Instantly her head got lifted up to stare at the one who dared disrespect Sootstars name. What nerve this shecat had. Sunsetpaw was quick to get up on her paws to join forces with Weaselclaw as she glared up still with disgust. Anger was making her own fur bristle slightly not believing anything this vile warrior had to say about thier leader. Just like Weaselclaw she was ready to fight and defend her leaders honor. " All of this cats had themselves to blame for what happend to them. How dare you even accuse Sootstar for other cats foolishness. I should take your tongue for even daring to insult her name. " She called her words back up to them, ready to get up there herself to drag that warrior down to punish her for this treason action. If Weaselclaw run into action she would be shortly behind him that was for sure.

Echolight stept in, daring to protect her own blood. It made sense in a way although Sunsetpaw had never hold much trust when it come to blood bonds. Sunsetpaw would turn her gaze to the half-faced molly, her eyes glaring at her coldly. " Then talk some sense into your sister and make her come down from there to stop this foolish rampage." It was a warning, warrior or not if Echolight decided to take her sister side then she was a traitor as well and...Sunsetpaw had no respect for traitors.




"There are those who would take your power for themselves, if they could."

Sootstars words from that night rung heavy in his mind as he atched Emberfang ascend Tallrock and began to accuse their Leader of being a threat to them all, and he couldn't help but wonder if that was what he was seeing. Duskfire couldn't pretend to be an expert in understanding the desires and motives of other cats, but he felt the prickle of unease beneath his pelt as he watched the clan quickly began to turn on each other. Dandelionpaw was quick to try and de-escalate things, but disaster was already on the horizon.

"Enough!" Duskfire would command as he stalked forward, tail lashing to silence those who would threaten one another. "More violence is the last thing we need right now. he said as he made his way over to stand alongside the medicine cat before green eyes shifted to the shecat atop the rock. "Emberfang, if you have concerns with the clan, this is not the way to express them. Weather you agree with her or not, Sootstar is our leader and Tallrocks is hers to speak from alone. It's not for inciting mutiny within the clan. Come down and speak with us properly."

He didn't want this to end in another act of violence, and it would if tensions and hostilities remained like this. The last thing he needed was Sootstar rolling up on this before it was calmed down.

windclan warrior - male - 20 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
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What can she do but sigh when she sees her. Her sister, climbing atop Highrock, ready to yowl stars-know-what to the bulk of the clan. As if climbing on the rock alone wasn't enough to have ears get clawed off, an eye taken, a leg broken... Confused stares were already being fixed on her, the gaze of Sootstar's #1 suck-up and right-hand idiot included. Moonrabbit puffs a sigh, can do nothing but watch at this point. A pre-emptive "Yeesh..." comes out in a mutter beneath her breath. Her face is wry as she settles steeled hues onto the molly.

He can't say she disagrees with much of her sister's rhetoric. Sootstar could be cruel, wholly unnecessary with the brunt of her punishments. It could be a depressing environment if you allowed it to be. Keep your head down, stay out of the way, but of course, Ember was never very skilled in that department. She keeps her expression carefully controlled, though the sudden tiredness in her eyes and crease in her brow conveys a sense of 'oh...shit'

She knows it too, what Pollenfur has gone through— is going through. And as much as she'd love to cry unfairness, well... Honeytwist had brought that upon herself.

She'd be surprised if Ember or Kestreltalon made it out with their lives.

It's when Echolight, steps in, that she feels the need to move. It's more of a scurry, a frantic move to do something, but hell, she doesn't even know what she wants to do when she gets there. Emberfang was already a goner— guaranteed exile, dismemberment, worse, but... "Echolight," her tone is stern, laced with the faintest hint of panic. For stars' sake, get out of his way. No matter what she was intending, they wouldn't take kindly to her interruption.

To exit her den and see someone perched atop her stone-y throne caused metaphorical steam to blow from the orifices of her face. She feels like a bull, enraged by the taunting of the twoleg and its bright crimson fabric it waved about. She wants to scrape her paw against the ground, jeer her head out and charge. It's obvious in her pretty little face that her fury was unchained, she stared at Emberfang like a rabbit to be caught.

Oh, how badly she wanted to take her claws and take them against that molly's skin. How badly she wanted to go up there and put her jaws around her throat and squeeze the life out of her eyes. Blood pounded in her ears as she already started to hear the screams, the looks of terror, some would call her a hero and others would call her a monster. Soot adored being crowned with both titles in their own ways.

She sets out on the prawl, paws that were usually light thumped against the ground. Her paws almost graced her throne of stone, but in the twilight she spots a flash. A twinkle of a star. "Wait!" It's flash of light screamed to her. It was simple, but it was effective. Sootstar heeds the wisdom of her starry-furred masters.

Yet she does not move from the bottom of her throne. She could not just... do nothing in defiance?! Then what would she be? She'd make these cats think they can just walk right over her! The fact she's not up there right now, ripping Ember's ears clean off was likely telling them she could be walked over! A true leader wouldn't allow this... a competent leader wouldn't. Yet she remains in place, as still as a stone. While she narrows her eyes and straightens her posture, deep inside she's swarming with insecurities.

She better get down. Oh, she better.
This would not go unpunished.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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Living just to find emotion

Seated beside Siennachirp is a very worried looking Sandwhisper. Her tail tip twitches in her mounting concern, large ears flat against her head as she listens to Emberfangs' rant. Of course, she also agrees. Sootstar is far too cruel, too brutal, the ease with which her claws draw the blood of those she is supposed to protect always left a horrible taste in the pale sepia's mouth. And yet, much like her friend, the warrior would remain quiet.

Because the stars had anointed her. The spirits of the fallen who watched them from above had gifted Sootstar with her lives and her name, so surely this would all be ok in the long run, right? A sharp inhale of breath would be her only sound, as Duskfire climbed the rock to order the flame point down, and Sandwhisper would see the rush of silver and grey as their leader then made her appearance.

Sandwhisper felt sick, what horrible punishment would her clanmate face now for speaking up? Would her friend be punished too for not dragging her off the rock himself? Surprise would etch into her face as Sootstar suddenly stopped and simply stared up at the rebellious molly, and Sand felt her breath stop. Oh, stars was she invested now. The molly would scoot closer to Siennachirp as she waited to see what those in charge would do.

As Kestreltalon had thought, there were scarce few cats willing to openly agree the words of rebellion. It made bile rise in her throat to see her clanmates slink away from tallrock or voice their support for their leader or - worse of all - tell Emberfang to be civil.

The snakeheart had taken her eye, taken far more than that from some, and they wanted to talk it out. It was pathetic.

It hurt worst of all that Dandelionpaw spouted that bullshit sentiment. He of all people should understand that it made no sense. He was one of the few sensible cats in the clan, and had helped patch her up when she had lost her eye. Her ear flicked to see him taking the side of their leader. He had been supposed to be one of the few she could trust.

Then her eye caught Sootstar and she froze. The blue smoke molly looked furious, and yet said nothing, did nothing. She just stayed right where she was, not moving a muscle.

Kestreltalon backed away from highrock, hating herself for doing so. She tried to blend into the crowd and hope desperately that somehow no one had heard her voice her support. Fear was clear in her eye as she glanced around at all of them. As much as she agreed with Emberfang, she had no desire to lose anymore than she had for her. Especially when it had become so apparent that nothing would come of this.
To enter the Windclan camp and see Emberfang on the Tallrock was certainly a surprise. She walked closer and perked her ears, trying to make sense of what was happening. She had came back just in time to hear the second half of Emberfang's speech.
Emberfang had a valid argument, but Sparrowpelt's brain quickly convinced her that it wasn't true. Sootstar was a strong and good leader, and had led their clan through many hardships. In the middle of her thoughts, she saw Sootstar emerge from her den, and from the look on her face she was not happy.

"Do you know what a fall from that height could do to you, Emberfang?" Hyacinth speaks up softly, clearing her throat from the sickness she felt in her gut. She should have ended that bitch when she had the chance, proved herself to Sootstar then. Soft pawpads leads the lead warrior to stand beside Weaselclaw, violet hues turning upwards to meet the flame-furred molly's eyes. "I'll drag you down myself. Maybe this time I'll actually teach you a proper lesson." She spits out, slowly beginning to circle the base of the tallrock until she spots Sootstar beginning to walk over.

She says nothing.

Hyacinthbreath stares at their leader, expecting the strength she knew- the authority she knew. She squints her eyes as Sootstar, before her gaze searches for Pollenfur. It doesn't matter what others thought about her, but Pollenfur wouldn't sit by and let Hyacinth tear Emberfang to shreds.

Will you choose Sootstar, or WindClan?

Her ears perk up at the memory, the voice who told her to mind her loyalties. When Sootstar was gone, who was left? Her gaze turns back to Weaselclaw, and then to Emberfang, before Sootstar seems to stop. Was she waiting? Did she see something?

"Do you want me to pull her down, Sootstar?" Hyacinth whispers softly to her leader, expecting an answer- not silence. "All I need is the word."
cats from all corners of the camp began to swarm around the tallrock where a flame-point warrior stood with an icy fury reflecting from a wild gaze, shock and bewilderment rippled through the crowd at such a bold act especially now that she had howled out her grievances over sootstars reign. voices would mummer over eachother in hesitation, some yelling for emberfang to remove herself from the leader's perch while others met the warrior with bared fangs and hisses over the molly's disrespect.

shrewpaw watched with somewhat widened eyes, muscles tensing with a twinge of anxiousness for how this could possibly end. there was a part of the apprentice agreed that some decisions made by sootstar were a bit much or even cruel but to voice those issues aloud infront of an audience like this would bring nothing but trouble. she'd soon flick her attention to the blue smoke that emerged from her den to the commotion but does nothing to the surprise of a few felines including shrewpaw.

sootstar was. . . waiting?
[penned by cobi]
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Pollenfur tastes fear, metallic and sharp, at the rear of her mouth. It's burning her mouth like hot blood, and she realizes belatedly that she's bitten into her tongue. Red dribbles with saliva as she parts her maw to yell at Emberfang to stop, stop being a harebrain and get down!, but nothing but a thin red slime falls out to the earth between her paws.

She cats her gaze at the cats who have gathered, sees Siennachirp and Kestreltalon supporting her sister -- but no one else. No one else would dare, not with Weaselclaw and Hyacinthbreath threatening Emberfang with violence. Not with Duskfire demanding she remove herself from the stone. Not with Dandelionwish defending Sootstar's actions, condemning Honeytwist.

Not with Sootstar herself, glowering at her littermate with a look that could explode her heart, StarClan permitting.

Pollenfur waits for the what's next, but it does not come -- it won't come, not yet. She trembles, pushing through the crowd of WindClan cats who have gathered, her throat dry as she rasps, "Please, Hyacinthbreath. Don't let her get hurt. Don't..."

Does Emberfang realize that she may have condemned herself to death? Her family to exile or worse? Pollenfur looks at her sister on the Tallrock, shuddering. "Don't hurt her, don't..."

- ,,

His mother is gone - sent away by Sootstar, under Pitchstar's orders.

Lemonpaw is left marred with the title of an exile's son. Left without his mother, who didn't bother to take him or his siblings. Left here to take care of Melonpaw, to cower under Sootstar's reign. To hope that, he too won't be sent away, just for being Honeytwist's son.

And Emberfang. Emberfang gets the freedom to stand upon the Tallrock, to shout her grievances towards Sootstar to the sky, to complain about his mother being taken away from him. Emberfang gets that freedom, but Lemonpaw does not, fear of any mention of his mother being the route to his demise.

He's growing - slowly, but surely - but he's still too small to be wandering out on his own. A hawk would surely get to him - if he were to speak up, if he were to be exiled. No matter what, he would never see his mother again.

The apprentice looks up at the scorn warrior as she speaks, listens to the protests around him - whether begging Emberfang to get down, or threatening her. It's loud. Loud, loud, loud. Amidst the loudness, he hears Pollenfur's pleas - remembers that Emberfang is her family, that Pollenfur would lose another, if Emberfang doesn't get down soon.

Lemonpaw wants to run, wants to hide, wants to pretend none of this has happened and to just curl up in the medicine den with his mother.

"Traitor," the cinnamon tom finally snarls alongside the crowd. A half-hearted insult filled with sadness - one to cover himself from the WindClan leader's vengeance.

He had joined Windclan because of Sootstars zero tolerance for disloyalty. As someone who'd watched his own family and every friend he'd ever made abandon him after the formation of the clans, Coldsnap knew all too well how easy it was for a cat to switch sides. People were selfish, and at the end of the day everyone had their own interests at heart. It didn't matter that they'd hurt people by leaving. It didn't matter that they were destroying homes and traumatizing dozens of kids. As long as they got what they wanted, right? That was how the Marsh Group had ended up splintering in the first place, and the aftermath had created a dozen cats just like Coldsnap who were left to try and process all the loss.

And for so long the tabby had been steadfast in his belief that this was the way. But was it? He had been looking at all of this as loyalty to Sootstar- but what about Sootstars loyalty to them? Did that exist? He wasn't sure. He'd spent so much time criticizing and putting down those around him that he'd never fully stopped to properly judge them- not for what he thought them to be, but for who they actually were. When he'd stopped judging Rosepaw he'd learned what it was like to actually have a friend. And when he'd stopped judging Dandelionpaw he'd learned that there was more to the smiling tom than just being an ex-barn cat. When he'd stopped judging Hyacinthbreath he'd actually managed to learn a thing or two during their training sessions, and standing there among the chaos now, he wondered just what else he'd been missing from the cats around him.

He had told Dandelion once that he didn't think he'd recognize the 'right thing' even if he had the chance to see it firsthand- maybe it was time to start paying attention to what those around him could see.

The clan seemed fairly torn as Emberfang called out to them, half the group jumping to defend Sootstar while the other half seemed to murmer and nod in agreement with the shecat standing atop tallrock. Dandelion and Duskfire seemed to be trying to defuse things before they went too far, but he knew that the Deputy would break if given a direct command from their Leader. The bengal, regardless of his intentions, was still undoubtedly loyal to the shecat.

windclan warrior - male - 9 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes