sensitive topics my intuition tells me that it's the end // joiner

TW: for mentions of near death experience


ternstar & 26 moons & female & she/her & leader of shadowclan

—— ─ ─ Its unusually warm that morning, as rumbling belly spurs her paws into motion amidst the sunrise. Prey is scarce on the best of days, Shadowclan always suffering through a harsh leafbare, but between the early frost and Starclans omen, even she has begun to lose hope. Had she jinxed it? Had all her thoughts of ' We've lived through worse. ' tempted fate? Had she truly wronged the stars so soon after her ascension, that they had seen fit to punish them for her sins?

She pays little heed to the sleepy stillness of the marshland air, ever stifling in it's dampness no matter the season. Paws tread softly, webbed toes spread so as to keep her balance and silence despite her size, ears keen and jaws parted for any hint of life but their own. And despite her search, she is not alone - not that she believes herself in need of protection, or even help, but two sets of paws are always better then one, when one never knows what dangers may linger. " Find anything? " she calls softly, careful not to raise her voice too loud - starclan knows the last thing they need is for their foolish actions to be the reason the kits and queens go hungry for another day.

No - she won't let that happen, not because of her.

Nose presses to damp earth, still frost bitten, despite the breif thaw - searching the undergrowth ofo near anything. She is not a picky eater - if nothing else, perhaps she will find bugs to fill her own belly, to give her energy to continue on. But it's not bugs she finds within the scattered undergrowth, but instead a faint scent of reptile - familiar and yet not, her brow furrowing in confusion. Paws prod carefully as she pushes through a thicket, and jaws open to speak when blue eyes suddenly meet slitted-amber with a panicked hiss. " Fox-dung! "

Theres barely time to react, startled as she is by the snakes presence upon the sun-lit rock - out to bask, or perhaps to mate, the sluggish creature doesn't seem to appreciate its rude awakening. Stomach growls eagerly, at the thought of snake-flesh to fill their bellies, jaws eager to wrap around its head - but it is no harmless garden snake or garter that flashes fangs at her, but an adder. Resignation burns across her pale face at the inevitable as it rears back - only feeling a moment of silent relief that at least she has lives to spare.

actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'

. ݁₊ ⊹ Ternstar is a massive blue-silver tabby she-cat with an all white head and striking vibrant blue eyes. She is far from the kindest of cats, often cold and aloof - with a notable soft-spot for kits, and a rather dark streak for mischief. She is supposedly mates with Wormwatcher, and is parent to Rainbowpaw, Cornflowerpaw, and Ivorypaw. She is gifted in battle, and still maintains all nine of her star-given lives.
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⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ They have made a habit, and habits are a dangerous thing. They have grown comfortable. For the first time in too many moons to remember, Sunflowermask's life has become almost routine.

They do not wander the lands where clans are no more than a distant memory. They do not gather and discard trinkets as they please; they cling. To the glinting beetle shell, the little rabbit's tooth that they had kept for themself. Both hidden in hollows that their paws can seek out with ease. They trail along the edge of the marshlands, seek out glimpses of an old flame.

She is with another, this time. Sunflowermask keeps their distance.

Their steps have always been light. Although their tawny pelt is more suited to the blooms of the moorland, they are able to stalk with ease. A flicking tail betrays their focus. Can they catch her alone? Maybe just for a moment - just long enough to let them see her.

Her voice raises, and Sunflowermask stills. Fox-dung! Her voice is more frustrated than panicked, but something is wrong. Golden eyes widen, flicker through the grass. A glint of fangs, sharp and ivory. The scent of reptile hits them like a blow, ignored in the rush of chasing a different thrill.

Sunflowermask does not hesitate. They spring from the undergrowth in one fluid movement.

Teeth sink into adderflesh. The hiss cuts short into a choked gurgle. The once-warrior ducks into a roll, the snake clasped in its jaws. When it rises, bouncing feather-light back to its feet, the threat has passed. The beast thrashes limply in their jaws, but they pay it little mind. Their teeth loosen to let it fall, then dive back in to deliver a killing blow before it can wriggle away. At no point do they look away from Maggotfur.

When the adder has stopped moving, they waste little time. Surging forwards, Sunflowermask begins to swiftly inspect the silvery warrior's pelt. "Okay?" they murmur, urgency threading through sparse syllables. Their nose brushes her fur gently, the overfamiliarity of the undersocialized. No blood makes itself apparent but for that which rubs off from their own muzzle - but they fix her with a worried stare nonetheless.

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  • SUNFLOWERMASK ☀︎ they / them, ex-windclan loner, 24 moons.
    lithe lilac tortoiseshell with messy fur and bright golden eyes.
    rarely speaks & has very muted expressions. dislikes physical touch.
    walks with a slight limp & tends to hold left forepaw off the ground when idle.
    rain x npc; half-sibling to vulturemask & littermate to goldenstrike & shadowrunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Amberhaze followed in Ternsteps footsteps, the two of them wary in their travels in an attempt not to disturb the disappointingly silent marshland. The winter's chill did not bite down upon his hollow bones today, though the fact that the earth's cold breath lingered steadily within the gentle breeze could not be discredited. All skin and bone, the malnourished thing was much more prone to falling victim to the shackles of winter's wrath, a slight tremble always present beneath a thin layer of flesh whenever he dared to step foot outside of the warmth provided within the warrior's den. Truthfully, there had been days where he willed the world to be still for the sake of his selfish desire to remain planted upon a feather-lined nest. But he would never turn down an opportunity to assist Ternstar- to assist his clan- an attribute he knew he needed to display all that much more now that he was allegedly an example for the rest of them to look up to. At times, he silently wondered if Ternstar had yet to regret her decision to promote him, though he would never ask her outright. It would seem as though he were ungrateful, if not worse- undermining her- the thought alone was enough to make his stomach roil.

"Find anything?" Came the hushed voice of his leader, who despite her size, always seemed to maintain a level of elegance to her disposition. Amberhaze would turn an angular head towards her, his eyes glazed over with disappointment as he replied; "Not yet. S-Seems like the p-prey got- uh- got pretty s-smart." They had hunted here one too many times, the cats presence mixed with the unforgiving weather being enough to ward off any living thing within the area. With a sigh, he allowed the pull of his frown to deepen until ugly creases distorted his sharp features. "M-Maybe we'd have more l-luck near the-"


Amberhaze would barely have time to react, his stance immediately growing rigid at the sound of Ternstar's cry. He was not frozen- his limbs instinctively began to pump with adrenaline as he pushed himself forward- but he would be beat by...well, he wasn't quite sure what it was. A flash of citrine blotched fur that was unlike any he had ever seen traversing the pine forest streaking unnaturally across abyssal terrain. It was not until the moment passed and the world had gone still did he realize it was another cat- though the identity of such a thing was lost on him. A pink-rimmed maw hung agape as his claws flexed outwards to sink deeply into the muddied earth beneath still-trembling paws. He didn't even care what had caused Ternstar to jump back with such urgency, the visual of this anonymous figure rushing towards her catching the bulk of his attention.

"Hey- Hey!" Amberhaze sprung forward, veering in front of the stranger to create a physical barrier between them and his leader. He stood over her protectively, his jagged body arched as the thick fur along his spine bristled into threatening angles. But despite his bared teeth and lashing tail, there was still a familiar glint of unveiled fear planted deeply within his eyes. "Don't- S-Stay away from her." His voice was commanding despite the stutter, and he would risk a tentative glance towards the molly still grounded beneath the cage of his limbs. "Ternstar, a-are you alright? They d-didn't hurt you, did they? Man...What was that?"

Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
20 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane


ternstar & 26 moons & female & she/her & leader of shadowclan

—— ─ ─ Death does not come.

Eyes flash with surprise as a familiar figure moves, far swifter then Ternstar had ever realized anyone to be capable of — but then again, she supposes, that was what Windclan did. And for all that Sunflowermask has pulled away from their roots, Ternstar knows that is what they are - what they were born and raised.

Limbs quiver beneath her frame, a breif moment where her emotions are in control. She had - she could have died. Muzzle pokes and prods, and jaws part to reassure, to say thank you, that she is fine, when another shout catches her attention with a wince. She'd nearly forgotten she wasnt alone.

Black pelt presses against her, and theres a moment of surprise - and amusement - at being manhandled as such. At being protected. Head nudges amberhaze, a careful thing, voice kept low. " It's alright. I am alright — they saved me, " she says, trying to assure them both, another nudge trying to draw her lead warriors attention to the snakes body that now lies cast aside.

" I- I know them They are a... friend. " she adds, a faint wince as both the days events and his words begin to properly register. Ternstar - in that moment, she has never liked her star-given name less. Instead, she carefully unravels herself from Amberhazes grasp, head shaking. " You svaed my life. " she says, voice raw - and she can't help but wince at how gravely it sounds. " Come back with us. Stay. Shadowclan - we can offer you a place to rest... a home. " And an explaination, she expects.

The 'With me' remains unsaid, no matter how tempting the words are.

actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'

. ݁₊ ⊹ Ternstar is a massive blue-silver tabby she-cat with an all white head and striking vibrant blue eyes. She is far from the kindest of cats, often cold and aloof - with a notable soft-spot for kits, and a rather dark streak for mischief. She is supposedly mates with Wormwatcher, and is parent to Rainbowpaw, Cornflowerpaw, and Ivorypaw. She is gifted in battle, and still maintains all nine of her star-given lives.

⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ A shadow blots their vision, and Sunflowermask's inspection is cut short. Their nose wrinkles, ears pressing back. In a swift movement, the tawny wanderer retreats by only a few steps. Wide, wild eyes still dart across Maggotfur's form, flickering occassionally to the lanky creature beside her.

He seems more suited to their old home than this one, all spindly limbs and paranoia. He curls around their old friend with bared teeth, and their head tilts curiously. He speaks as though he knows her, and yet the name that is laid out in shaky syllables is unfamiliar. "Ternstar?" They repeat, a mockingbird's cry. From the unknown warrior they take both the breathy shakiness and the questioning lilt. That is not the cat they know. Leadership, the name suggests - and Sunflowermask grows hesitant.

Their mind works quickly, tail flicking behind them. They hardly have time to process before an offer is made.

Maggotfur's - Ternstar's? - voice is rough and shaky, ripped open like snakeflesh. It is a tone they have never heard before, and all their attention closes in to a pinpoint. Stay, she says, and it sounds so much like begging that it makes them ache. It has been so long since they were wanted. "A home..." Another echo, this one quiet as the wind's own whisper.

They have always been impulsive. Heart in their throat, Sunflowermask nods.

  • important actions are highlighted for readability !!

  • SUNFLOWERMASK ☀︎ they / them, ex-windclan loner, 24 moons.
    lithe lilac tortoiseshell with messy fur and bright golden eyes.
    rarely speaks & has very muted expressions. dislikes physical touch.
    walks with a slight limp & tends to hold left forepaw off the ground when idle.
    rain x npc; half-sibling to vulturemask & littermate to goldenstrike & shadowrunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Sharpshadow is late to the party. It's a thing he can't really afford to be. Lateness is what had taken Chilledstar's last life... Those few steps behind could be the thing that rips lives away, literally or not... Maybe if he had been better, maybe if he had said more, cats like Scalejaw and Mapletuft would have stayed. Cats like Forestshade would have stayed. On the horizon, he sees Ternstar. Very nearly, he might have been too late again.

Someone had stepped in for him. A stranger, no less. That fact is simple enough to secure them a place in their lives.

Or... no. Sharpshadow's ears strain. The tail end of a phrase works its way past the membrane at last. It knocks on his skull with a fierceness when it does. A friend. "What?" He doesn't mean to condescend, to criticize— he's only confused; doesn't get... why, how, how? His gaze darts to Amberhaze for a moment; fleeting, stupid gesture, as if the guy didn't wear all of his emotions on his face. Confusion is similar in the prey-tautness of his face— face that Sharpshadow probably wore himself...

"Ternstar..." Sharpshadow holds his tongue, licks his teeth. Claws flex within mudded ground below. He waits before he says anything, but it isn't for her sake. If it was for any one cat's... it'd be for Amberhaze. The guy wants to believe so badly, Sharpshadow nearly feels bad when he can't. But that's not... that's not her fault.

It's the stranger that his gaze settles on at last. There's something like... not quite a memory unfurling in the cracks of his mind. He feels it more than he sees it. He reaches, and yet can't find a grip... Her frown deepens. "Who is this?" Her eyes sting in her skull. "Who's your friend, Ternstar?"

Like Sharpshadow, Marbleleaf is late—too late to see the gold-patterned wanderer's heroism, too-late to see the recognition that had flashed between Ternstar and this loner. She hears the commotion through the marsh, smells the fear-scent from Amberhaze like a miasma painting the air. They jerk upright from the earth, strands of horsetail snapping from their roots. If someone needed medical assistance, they'd be too far from her supplies… but she hurries anyway, knowing that, in almost every case she's seen so far, time is of the essence.

Marbleleaf pads closer, flanking Sharpshadow. The deputy's mew is rough, her silver eyes sharp and guarded. "Who is your friend, Ternstar?" Moss-green eyes widen; she tastes the air, puzzled by the scent bathing her tongue. This isn't a Clan cat—not that she can discern, anyway—so how does Ternstar seem to know them so well?

"Is it wise to be inviting cats into the Clan just now, Ternstar? There's the omen…" They lick their lips, struggling to maintain their composure. None of them know what StarClan had meant by that sign—but to act so rashly, on the basis of a strange cat's one-time actions… Marbleleaf studies Ternstar, a frown worming its way onto her muzzle. Just what is happening here?

Marbleleaf is the ShadowClan medicine cat. She is thin, with a short fawn tabby pelt; the base color is a dull, almost-gray slate, and the whorling classic stripes are deeper shades of wet sand. She has white facial markings, chest, and paws, an angular face and build, and moss-colored eyes.

Lilacfur x Siltcloud / sibling to Sycamorebloom / mate to none / parent to none
mentored by Starlingheart / mentoring none
14 moons old as of 02/01/2025
penned by Marquette

  • Like

Through the adrenaline still pumping through his veins, the deafening sound of blood roaring in his ears, the echo of his own frantic heartbeat- he almost didn't quite catch the offer Ternstar had proposed- it was mostly through the reactions of those accumulating around them that he was able to connect the dots. Sharpshadow was much more blunt in his delivery, his confusion and...and disdain worn plainly upon a shadowed face, and although Marbleleaf was much more gentle, much less on the was clear she felt similarly. Amberhaze couldn't even disagree, despite the fact he would have been the first to back up Ternstar's word regardless of what it may be.

"A home. Y-Yeah." Hold on. "A home? T-Ternstar, are you- d-did you hit your head?" It suddenly felt so real now. Ternstar's proposal for this stranger to join them on a whim, the fact that they accepted without an utterance of a name or an explanation- not about who they were, where they came from- not about why they were sneaking around Shadowclan territory. Amberhaze suddenly felt sick, bile creeping thickly into his throat as he attempted to keep any miniscule amount of composure. "A-Are you sure about this? We don't- d-don't even know this guy! They c-could be dangerous...M-Maybe some kind of s-spy for another clan- o-or rogues!" His voice would raise into shrill panic now, the prospect of inviting some kind of ill fated force into an already broken clan enough to send him over the edge.

He would return Sharpshadow's gaze then, his ochre eyes illuminated with a million unspoken questions and that familiar unbridled trepidation which had seemingly tripled in a matter of seconds. He yearned to take refuge in Sharpshadow's larger form, find solace in the way she was able to remain calm in the face of what could very well be their end. He wanted to tell her to talk some sense into their leader, to open up her eyes to the prospect of what this might mean for them as a whole- their wellbeing put at stake- and for what? Because they killed a snake, a feat that could have been carried out by anyone else had they gotten there in time? ...What if they hadn't gotten there in time? Don't let her do this, Sharpshadow. Please don't let her do this!

Marbleleaf was quick to jump in with her own concerns, the potential of this worsening an already terrible omen brought on by Starclan sending Amberhaze on the cusp of spiraling out of control. He felt dizzy, his vision blurring as his paws began to tremble. Did she really believe this stranger might bring something even worse to them, guide it there upon their back like some kind of terrible harbinger? It was too much, all of this was too much. His instincts screamed at him to run away, to hide somewhere where he might never be found, where he might have even a chance to be truly safe...but he couldn't move. He was planted there, mouth slightly agape with eyes unwavering upon a hideous scene. One he was utterly powerless to stop.

Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
21 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane


ternstar & 27 moons & female & she/her & leader of shadowclan

—— ─ ─ Explanations will have to wait, because the three are no longer alone. Sharpshadow and Marbleleaf join them, and tail whps and lashes in irritation as they both question her, challenge her decisions. That alone is enough to bother her - though at least marbleleaf tries to be polite in her judgements. rational even, given Starclans omen... but Ternstar knows that it cannot be about Sunflowermask. It simply can't.

" We always need more capable paws " she says instead, an attempt to justify an action that she knows in truth is purely selfish.

But then Amberhaze speaks, and head all but snaps to look at him, eyes blinking dully. ' T-Ternstar, are you- d-did you hit your head? ' And oh, that hurts - an ache in her chest and a wince the only sign of her distress. She lets him shout, lets him yell - watches as he turns to Sharpshadow for reassurance-

And then she snaps.

" ENOUGH. " she says, voce hard and sharp as ice. " I have already made my choice, and I will not be swayed." A moments pause, and voice lowers, filled with venom. " Where were your complaints when Chilledstar allowed you to join. " she snarls - a bitter reminder that Amberhaze is not like her - or Marbleleaf, or even Sharpshadow. Not marsh born, not even Shadowclan raised.

Instead jaws clamp around the snakes body - if nothing else, all but the head can be used aas a meal, and stars know they need more of those - and she turns to stalk off, flank brushing against Sunflowermask in a gentle attempt to guide. Shadowclans territory has been exposed to all five clans, but she does not recall SUnflowermask being one of Yellowcoughs plagued, does not remember them being shown camp.

actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'

. ݁₊ ⊹ Ternstar is a massive blue-silver tabby she-cat with an all white head and striking vibrant blue eyes. She is far from the kindest of cats, often cold and aloof - with a notable soft-spot for kits, and a rather dark streak for mischief. She is supposedly mates with Wormwatcher, and is parent to Rainbowpaw, Cornflowerpaw, and Ivorypaw. She is gifted in battle, and still maintains all nine of her star-given lives.

// && out unless stopped <3
  • Pensive