Lies, twists of tongue, bold rumors and manipulations from snakes. That was all Nathanos had thought of such ideas, of resurrections and gods among stars, and yet she rises like fire from the throngs of a cold death to silence Gin once and for all. Nathanos can only stare, his maw slightly agape as yellowed fangs glint with his expression of shock. All at once, he's being crushed, suffocated, and his mind has been forced into a tight knot of which there seemed to be no escape. The walls of the tom's world were crumbling, reality was akin to shattering glass. It takes him awhile to regain his composure, but when he does, his expression has returned to cold stone and his shining eye reflected a mystified understanding.

Sootstar was his leader now.

See, Jasper hadn't expected Sootstar to actually come back. And then she did. He sprung up and landed a foot back as he let out a startled "EEEEEEEEEEEE!!"

He watched in shock as Gin was gutted before him. Should he...Attack? Should he? That's what you do when your leader gets gutted, right?????

Well..... Gin was going to make them stay here.......


Spiderlily watched with wide eyes. Oh. Well, she was a Windclan cat now, she supposed. "Impressive...."

Jasper came hopping over to her, gripping her with his paws and shaking her.


"Yes, now let go of me."

She was about to repeat the move Sootstar pulled on Gin, she swore to whatever God was listening.

( ) Throughout the trek, Aspenpaw is silent, following along in Weaselclaw's pawsteps as she tries to prepare herself to come face to face with these rogues. She's not completely unaware of Sootstar's plans of recruiting them; she knows enough that she's able to come along, after all, but the idea of what she doesn't know puts her on edge. Hopefully, they'll all just agree to join without much fuss, even if she's still wary about the whole plan in the first place, though having so many capable Windclanners here certainly helps to reassure her that even if they don't meet with peaceful negotiations things will be okay. As they get closer, she tastes an unfamiliar scent in the air, one that makes her nose wrinkle. Underlying beneath the scent of many cats in one area is something sharp, almost sour in nature, and it makes Aspenpaw uncomfortable. Scooting a little closer to Weaselclaw, she almost jumps when he speaks, instructing her in how to act. Only nodding in response to his words, she straightens her posture in order to appear more like a brave Windclan warrior than the uncertain apprentice she currently feels like.

It doesn't take long for the rogues to begin to gather, and she watches with wide eyes as cats of all shapes and sizes appear, united only by their sharp gazes and their interest in the Windclanners. They're not what she had imagined them to be like, looking much more hardened and unwelcoming than she had thought possible, though so far Aspenpaw's only real frame of reference for outsiders has been the other clans. She can feel some of their gazes on her and it makes her pelt crawl, though the apprentice keeps her head up high, trying not to appear intimidated in front of them. Sootstar addresses their leader and someone else and she listens along silently. Already, it's clear that they hold disdain for the Windclanners, and it seems more and more likely there's not going to be a mutual, peaceful understanding between the two groups. As Aspenpaw wonders just how this interaction is going to proceed - will Gin back down before Sootstar will? - suddenly her leader is lunging forward, attacking Gin. Stiffening, she glances to Weaselclaw and the rest of Windclan first, and to the rogues second, but as no one else moves to join the two battling cats, it's quickly clear that this fight is only between the two leaders for now.

Once Aspenpaw knows she's not expected to leap into battle immediately her gaze is locked back onto Sootstar and Gin, just in time to watch Gin's retaliation. As the tom clamps down on Sootstar's throat, she winces, waiting for the next blow to be dealt, but as the seconds crawl by she begins to realize that something is very wrong. With dawning horror, she watches as her leader sinks to the ground, unmoving, and her maw drops open slightly as it hits her that Sootstar has just died - has been killed by the very rogue she sought to recruit. Rather than step back, Aspenpaw reflexively takes a step forward, as if she can do anything about the situation, though she's stopped as Weaselclaw is held back from joining the fight. Numbly, she glances back to Gin and the rest of the rogues, praying to Starclan that they won't continue the assault, though for now Gin seems satisfied with having dispatched Sootstar, claiming once again that the rogues will not be returning to Windclan.

Of course, Sootstar isn't down for long; in her shock at having witnessed such a violent scene, Aspenpaw had almost forgotten that her leader had been crowned Sootstar for a reason. Almost missing it, her gaze snaps back to Sootstar as the molly suddenly rises, slashing into Gin just like he had torn into her, and then for the second time that day it's over, with one leader triumphing over another. This time, however, there's no chance of the fallen cat rising back up. She hardly acknowledges Sootstar's declaration or the acquiescence of the gathered rogues, instead only staring at the blood that was pooling on the ground, that had soaked into fur. It's not a sight she'll soon forget, and though Aspenpaw's feelings of shock haven't quite faded, she finds that she also feels something else welling up inside, some small pinprick of emotion - something akin to pride in her clan, and in Sootstar, even if it's tempered by queasiness at the sight of so much blood and the thought that she had just witnessed not one but two cats take one another's lives.
♚ She had promised herself that she wouldn't fight back against Sootstar's decision to bring the vicious filth that was the rogues into their home, but alas she couldn't help but stare in obvious disgust as the very same rogues arrived into their beautiful camp. Words are exchanged, and Hyacinthbreath hears a certain she-cat's voice. That damn molly that was looking at her like she was a meal or something.

Her attention is snatched to Aspenpaw's form, as if she was preparing for something to go down. Tension was easy to feel in the air, and it was quick that the fighting started. Blood masked the air, and Hyacinth watches as Weaselclaw tries to step in. "Down!" Hyacinth snaps at Weaselclaw, sheathed-clawed paws aiming to shove into his chest to push him back from joining the fight. "You have to calm your temper down, my friend! Sootstar chose to make this decision. Do you not trust your mate?" She questions the tom, unsure. Gin and Sootstar brawl, blood splatters to the floor. But the victorious one is Sootstar, who stands shakily and yowls her declaration. She was the Queen of the Moors. And the Rogues followed her now, too.

Though the reality of this makes Hyacinth frown. Would this be safe, for them? Surely Sootstar had everyone's best interests in mind. These Rogues were bloodthirsty and hungry, they'd do anything to survive. Hyacinthbreath finally steps away from Weaselclaw, head dipping in respect for the lead warrior. Even if they were once partners in the rank, Hyacinth wouldn't openly disrespect him. She just wanted him to stay out of trouble, after all.

"I thought a war was going to start.." She mumbles softly, unsure of the decision.​

She settles down as the drums of war begin their crescendo, easing the throbbing in her skull as she makes ready for the long haul. Yet it happens in mere moments, a battle that at first seemed evenly matched based on Sootstar's bravado ends within the second blow...or so it appeared.

As sure as the rise of the morning sun, Sootstar, the bringer of dawn, is sure to walk again.

Odette knows this not, at first content with the idea of watching everyone tear eachother to pieces in the aftermath of the Windclan leader's demise, the way little Sangria forsakes her blood, the thrum of broiling rage coming from Weaselclaw and yet again tempered by Hyacinth's words. There's almost disappointment in her eyes as Gin stands on top of the molly's body. No bloodshed, no nothing. Everything is so boring, so predictable and yawn spurring. Then the body stutters, and Sootstar roars to life, bathed in the blood of her enemy as his stomach, his everything, is torn.

Where the Windclanners look horrified at seeing their leader die and revive (for the first or second time, depending on the warrior), and the rogues perhaps look confused, intrigued or scared, Odette's face slowly morphs into one of glee. ' can't be.' A master of all games, she had won and won and won....and here is a wildcard, someone who seemingly cannot lose. The ultimate game piece, the hidden ace up someone's sleeve.

A deity, divine in her own right.

The chimera has to choke down manic laughter as she pulls herself to her feet. 'At long last, someone worthy.' She hasn't felt this light and refreshed since she had killed her parents. It fills her with a strength of adrenaline so potent that she swears she could crush stone. Smart people never played fair but, here was someone who could make her own rules unlike Odette, who could only bend them to her needs. There's a cloudy, frantic jumble of thoughts as she wonders what to do. Wonders whether to be predictable and seek the root of it all, or see if orbiting would elevate her into the same sky. 'Haha..c-compose yourself darli-ing, keep up fahahace.' The laughter echoes around her head as she tries to jam it in a jar to speak, but to those who spoke to her often, you could still hear the slight madness in her elegant, devoted words when she jumps down from her perch. And for the first time, the rogues see proud, regal Odette bow to someone, instead of someone bowing to her.

"All hail the dawn and evening star, she who defies the reaper!"



This feline before them, who claims she is WindClan's leader, is small. Scrawny. All talk and threats.

Maggot snorts at her words, her demands that Gin's group will come with her and become WindClanners. Gin could squash her like a bug. Maggot could squash her like a bug. Destroy them from the inside out, let Gin rise to leadership. Yes, this would go smoothly.

But, the tom learns too quickly that this won't be going the way he'd imagined. His smug look falters as Gin refuses their allegiance to WindClan. As more threats are thrown and a brawl is had. Bloodspill. The blue leader is soon dead on the ground. Maybe Gin's reign on the forest could start now, rather than later? The tom stands straight, gazes down upon the fallen Wind-dweller.

And then, the unthinkable. Rumors prove to be true, kit-tales prove to be fact. The little blue bug rises from her ashes. Movements happen too fast for Maggot to keep track of, and soon Gin is in her place. Fallen. Leader of the rogues no more, proven weak by the WindClan leader that demands their strength. Star-gifted with infinite lives. Unsquashable.

Sootstar is his leader now, all-powerful she is.