All of them had been given clan names and to be honest, she still didn't get them. Everyone had them in this clan. No one she knew had not clan names. She is aware of some cats outside of the colony having different names and being renamed. She heard of elder going on about how when they had their name changed it was the most wonderful thing that ever happened. As for her? It wasn't the most wonderful thing that ever happened. It was just an event. Matter of a fact she was woefully unprepared for when her name was called and then she was stripped of her old one to be given Cedarblaze. To this day she has no idea why exactly Smokestar looked at her and went this is your name now. I bet he pulled it out of his tush and thought it was good enough. To her, that explains why Kaede was given the name Dawnstorm because no way did Smokestar look at her friend and go yes you look like a Dawn and a storm and put those together.

Dawnstorm her closest friend and one she's known all her life decided (more like he had no idea and went along with it because that's what he does) to entertain her. Entertain in her in what you ask? it's simple she was going to come up with a better, a more suited name for her dearest friend. Damn... I keep staring at him but like, no stupid name is coming up. She huffs in annoyance, Dawnstorm knows it is not for him. She had told him to stay put and let her oogle him for a bit so she can come up with a name. The only thing she's been coming up with is huffs of annoyance. The obvious name here is Scarface, but I don't wanna insult Kaede. His dad does enough of that for everyone. Her frustration grows until she ends up blurting out "Deadfang."
  • tagging @DAWNSTORM , but feel free to respond! cedar has clearly gotten the hang of clan names (she wishes) and is deciding she can do a better job of it!
  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
die with memories , not dreams .
Sitting perfectly still save for the occasional twitch of his tail. He stared at the other, gaze unwavering down the scarred curve of his muzzle—waiting patiently. The bi-colored tom still hadn’t been able to wrap his helm around the thought. Changing names. It felt like more work. Being reminded of ranks, but he supposed it made for easier organizing. Maybe. Dawnstorm wasn’t so sure, but he had several ideas. One of them was bound to be correct, even partially.

Others had told him he took likes too literally, and perhaps they were right. He was overthinking it. Including his name. It was mind-boggling that someone even wanted to name him like the one that named him and have something to cling to when his mother refused.

Naturally, Dawnstorm had grown on him over time, often leaning over to stare at his reflection and repeating the name several times, committing it to memory. He dared not speak of those times. To anyone.

Pulled out of his thoughts, Dawnstorm blinked. “Deadfang?” He repeated dumbly, brows rising. He glanced down at himself, reaching to pat his chest to feel the steady thump of his heart. Do I look dead? His gaze narrowed, turning to stare at his flank, testing the transparency only to find solid colors beneath his ministrations. “Are they alive?” He inquired, referring to his teeth, pink tongue shooting out to lick at the sharp objects.

Giving up his prodding, Dawnstorm thought of his suggestions, nothing more than wood and stick. Unhelpful. He quite liked Sasha, her name before, but Cedarblaze had grown on him with practice. In the end, the bi-colored tom ended up blurting them out. “Wood. Stick?” He uttered, one after the other.

“You are dull.” He added to the mix, staring at her fur, not out of vicious intent, but pointing out the color of her fur, paired with the vibrant hue of her eyes. “Sunrise.” He finally muttered, satisfied, referring to the actual rising sun.
thought speech

Deacon had been a deliberate choice from the ticked tabby, a way to celebrate a new identity when Cardinal had been tied to a gender they didn't feel. Deacon was meaningless and thus it meant everything to them. Being forced to change their name felt like a slap in the face when they'd worked so hard to find it, even now when the RiverClanners said it, the name felt dead, empty, tied to an ideal they didn't feel inside. They knew they weren't the only ones who had struggled, even now, the ticked tabby overheard Cedarblaze and Dawnstorm talking casually about different names. Dawnstorm (no, Deadfang, Rats, Deadfang was so much cooler) inspected their own teeth and Thornmask hopped over to inspect them. "Look pretty dead to me," he affirmed with a shoulder roll. Dead teeth were grey as cygnets and smelled like corpses, but... what if teeth were always dead? What if they just took a while to decay?

Though they felt like they were interrupting, Thornmask lingered like the odour of an aforementioned rotten tooth, smile upon his maw. Ah, they weren't thinking out the box, were they? Sunrise, Dead, Wood, Stick, all things they could spot out in the territory. The tabby cleared their throat as they lay splayed out on the camp floor. "When we were with SkyClan, one of them told me about how some of them kept their old names. Like... I met a Momowhisker, and 'ere I was thinking what the bloody rats is a Momo? Can't find whatever that is out here." They were full warriors of SkyClan no matter what they were called. Thornmask knew they wouldn't have the same privileges if their name ever returned to Deacon, so many RiverClanners had their heads up their rumps that it was a miracle they could even see, but it'd make Thornmask feel better about it all, at least. "Moral of the story, what about Sashablaze? Or Kaedestorm?" 'And Deacon. Just Deacon. Maybe Deaconstar, cause I'm a bloody star'.


they had been here before her, though not by much. the ripple colony cats — she’d heard her fosters talk about them in hushed, agitated whispers, all pursed lips and lowered ears. she wasn’t even supposed to be this close to thornmask after his eternal suffering bit, and shellkit had yet to feel the loss. ” that sounds dumb. “ she says, simply, not yet looking up from where she pats around a shiny pebble nearby. when she does it is with hard, side - cut eyes, because thornmask nor cedarblaze got along with lichentail or smokestar or hazecloud, so the lilac girl does not hold her tongue, not when there are other cats around to see. no amount of wide, sweet eyes would alter this warriors opinion of them all, certainly not of her litter, which she’s witnessed them staring drolly at from the outskirts of camp, ” what are you even talking about. “

it’s not stated as a question for she does not mean it as one, feather - down child of annoyance and one too many words that do not make sense. momo. sasha, kaede. that one wrinkles the pink of her nose, nearly as much as deadfang did. smokestar had named them all, just like he did her and her brothers ; she couldn’t imagine anything like that, anything so crude or unintelligible. with a pitying glance towards dawnstorm, shellkit takes a bold step towards him, ” don’t listen to them. smokestar gave you a starclan name, so it isn’t ugly like deadfang or uhm.. wadestorm. your fangs aren’t even dead. what a liar! she does, however, squint her eyes as if to see the tom’s teeth from where she stood a tail - length away. her body is puffed against the wind, tail bottlebrush and ramrod straight, muscles tense in case the ripple colony cats whipped a paw at her ear — but they wouldn’t. or maybe they would, and smokestar and lichentail could kick them out on their tails. shellkit was simply too important. obviously.

  • i.

  • shol.png

    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.